Report On Possible U.S. Title Feud


On the main page, and various others, there's a story going about saying that Sheamus' next challenger for the WWE United States Championship will be Bray Wyatt. It's the match that's being advertised for post Night of Champions house shows while Night of Champions is reported to be the last confirmed date for Chris Jericho in his current run.

For me personally, and I don't know why exactly, the notion of Wyatt as United States Champion feels kinda weird. Maybe it has to do with, at least in my eyes, how much more appropriate Rusev fits into the title picture considering the whole USA vs. Russia thing we've seen over the past few months. Just seems logical to me that the "hero of the Russian Federation" would go after the ultimate symbolic victory: becoming WWE United States Champion.
I'm not feeling this either. I completely agree with you about Rusev being the obvious and best choice for #1 Contender. Bray Wyatt is too far above the US Title. I say give Rusev the strap and let him hold it until Wrestlemania. It helps build the champion and the championship especially at a time when the World Champion isn't going to be on tv on a weekly basis.

Now is the time to start building up the lower tier titles and intertwining the Russian theme with the US title will do more than putting the belt on Wyatt.
I agree, why would Wyatt give one shit about the US title? He barely seems to care about the World title... This feud just doesn't fit to me, and there's really no way I see Wyatt taking the strap from Sheamus. I thought Sheamus would drop the title to somebody like Jack Swagger or Mark Henry who would eventually become embroiled in a feud with Rusev, but now that Wyatt is being inserted, I don't see any way Rusev can really become involved for a while. If Wyatt wins, than there's no way WWE would have Rusev vs Wyatt... It makes absolutely no sense. Also the fact that Sheamus isn't even American kind of screams missed oppurtunity to me. It should be Rusev going after the US title against an American IMO.
I know right and honestly I feel Bray Wyatt is so above the WWE United States Championship that the title is beneath him while a Sheamus/Rusev feud over the title actually would have made much more sense considering Rusev the Russian is so anti-American that with him and Lana targeting the title it would have made sense because then Swagger could try to keep it out of their clutches
I think we're all just pushing too hard on this Rusev US champ thing. I really don't get why we all want it so bad. We all know the US title is the lower mid card belt, so why slap it on the third most hated guy in the company? If anything it will hurt him, there's no reason he couldn't be IC champ or. if this was brand extension, world heavyweight champ. Slapping the US belt on him because his gimmick is that would hurt him in my eyes. You're basically saying give him the one thing he shouldn't want. I get the idea behind it, but Rusev doesn't want the world belt(and couldn't if Lesnar was champ) so you give him the US belt just to continue his gimmick.

Bray getting it kinda makes sense in my head at least. I think Bray has way more staying appeal than Rusev and the US title will be a slow push to keep him relevant. Add to that the fact Sheamus is a 3 time world champion and that rub for Bray would be great. Maybe give him a nice long reign as champ where he defends it often.

Here's a thought, Bray can use it just as well gimmick wise as Rusev can! Bray has the whole world in his hands, he represents everybody. So he is America xP

Also this is my 200th post, congrats to me :D
While it would be more logical to put it on Rusev, I would rather see Sheamus and Wyatt battle for it. The two can work and will certainly put together a strong match. Rusev on the other hand has left me with much to be desired after his matches to this point.

Ultimately, what I believe builds up a title are the battles for it. A strong match makes the title look like much more of a prize in the end. And between Rusev and Wyatt, I'll place my faith in Wyatt to work with Sheamus.
Or hell they could have Sheamus feud with other superstars over that WWE United States Championship like Kofi, Big E, Titus O'Neil, Miz even, or hell Swagger or even Bo Dallas could set his sights on it or hell keep the title on Sheamus at least long enough until Bad News Barrett comes back and have Sheamus feud with Bad News over the U.S. Title
We are all pushing to put the US title on Rusev because it makes the most sense to continue to push his character. I dont thin he needs the title while he wa sfueding with the all american Jack Swagger but to keep his character from being dull putting the US strap on him makes sense in so many ways.
1- The US title is only prominent when held by an anti american. It did little to nothing for Ambrose.
2- Rusev can throw the title in the trash or hit it with a Russian hammer and debut his own Russian belt.
3- once an "American" regains the title the WWE can debut a reformatted WWE logo and American flag style belt.

Now that being said they are doing a good job with Rusev right now and keeping him fresh and relevant without needing a title. Mark Henry is a formidable opponent for him right now and will help by putting him over. Then I imagine Big Show comes next. I would hope that Show puts him over as well. At some point tho the US title will be a good benchmark for him and possibly capturing the IC title as well if they want to continue to push him as a dominant heel.

I do like the idea of Giving Bo the belt as well in transition to eventually putting it on Rusev.
If Wyatt wins, than there's no way WWE would have Rusev vs Wyatt... It makes absolutely no sense.

Actually if you think about it, Rusev puts Wyatt into the Accolade, Wyatt rolls over and goes into the spider walk, with Rusev still on him. That would be fucking hilarious.

But in reality, what a piece of shit feud I'm not looking forward too at all. Wyatt was going for the World Title at MITB and now he's feuding with Casper for the US title. Jesus can't wait to hear his promo's about how the mighty have fallen.
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I did hear about Bray going for the title after his feud with Chris is over after Night of Champions. I thought I heard something about Sheamus turning heel, so could that set up a match with Mark Henry after his feud with Rusev is over.
Lost on this one.

Rusev as US Champion works with Lana bragging about Rusev bringing prestige to the title, and Lana bragging about Russia's superiority. Rusev continues his dominance until someone rises to the occasion to stop him, and reclaim a symbol of American pride.

Bray Wyatt is not the type of person, who needs the US Championship. He's more character driven during his never ending mission to brainwash others with his creepy, eccentric, and cryptic propaganda. I honestly can't picture a scenario, where the US title fits into Bray's persona and his mission.
Not really digging it at first but I think it might be their way of finally giving Bray a "Big Win", which he hasn't really had in a long time. Before someone mentions his win over Cena I mean him winning a big feud. (as for his win over DB, I was surprised that didn't go anywhere, it's seemingly got quietly swept under the rug)

If NOC is Jericho's last date then Bray will come out on top sure, but as much as I love Y2J going over him hasn't been a big deal in ages, which is the expected result of him putting over everyone. Winning a title off a multi-time world champ like Sheamus would be Bray's biggest accomplishment by far, so I can see how this could be a "reward" of sorts.

Actually the more I think about this the more I like it, I'm sure Bray can think of some great promos involving the US title which helps make it seem more important. It gives Bray his first title which lets us see how he would do as a champ before we can consider him for the top prize, and it gives him something good to do since he's obviously not going to compete for the WWEWHC title while Lesnar's around.

The whole Rusev idea does make sense, granted it would've had more of a impact/got him more heat if he won it off Swagger somehow, but Bray getting it has a lot more upsides than I thought it would, so I'll buy into that idea.
Not a fan of this idea. A championship doesn't fit with Bray Wyatt's character, and for me it's not realistic to have him defeat Sheamus. Sheamus needs better in-ring talent to feud with.
Why on earth would they waste an opportunity to keep pushing Rusev & get him some nuclear heat in the process? Sheamus would have a nice smash-mouth battle with Rusev & it would continue to get him over as a monster.

Bray Wyatt could use another notch on his belt, but a US title feud just seems a bit beneath his character. Rowan & Harper going after tag gold is fine, but I dont see the need for Bray to go after a belt unless its the main title. Keep him going on the path he is on & have him take down a few more big names, then eventually go after the World Heavyweight Championship. His character is one that does not need a championship belt, especially not a mid card one, but I know eventually his path will cross with the #1 guy. So why give him a lesser belt when he will end up losing it likely in a throwaway feud with a mid card talent?

Give it to Rusev & let him run with it. Its a much better fit for his character.
Why on earth would they waste an opportunity to keep pushing Rusev & get him some nuclear heat in the process? Sheamus would have a nice smash-mouth battle with Rusev & it would continue to get him over as a monster.

Give it to Rusev & let him run with it. Its a much better fit for his character.

Because in the long run, RUSEV DOESN'T MATTER. Why are so many people having a hard time with this? He's just another big guy with a stereotypical foreign heel gimmick. He's not the best guy to ever do it...hell, he's not even the best guy to do it in the last ten years. A year from now Rusev will be jobbing on Superstars, long forgotten.
Maybe if Rusev somehow gets the title from Sheamus and then Bray Wyatt feuds with Rusev..... But even this sound stupid. I dont understand how or why the US Title would help or even interest Wyatt. It would be a step back for him.

P.S.: Sheamus really needs a heel turn badly....
Finally, the WWE realizes where Bray Wyatt needs to be for a little while and puts him there.

I'm all for a Bray v. Sheamus feud, but I don't know why the US Title is in there. Neither of them seem too terribly interested in the belt, and Sheamus is actually the champ.
For me personally, and I don't know why exactly, the notion of Wyatt as United States Champion feels kinda weird.

Totally agree. The idea of Bray as a champion of anything seems strange because wins & losses don't seem to have much meaning to him. He's got his ways, his "philosophy" and his punishing way of delivering both. It's never seemed to make any difference to him whether he wins or loses a wrestling match; in fact, he appears more concerned that his two swamp rat buddies prevail in theirs. Illogical.....but that's Bray.

On the other hand, I like the idea of Bray across the ring from Sheamus. That's two rough-and-tumble bodies going at it, creating some exciting ring action. I'll bet they can put on some great matches.

Let 'em beat the hell out of each other while Sheamus comes out of the whole thing still wearing the title......that's what I'd like.
Here's a novel idea: get rid of that shitkicker belt once and for all. Just retire it. It may make sense for Rusev to get it, but it's not going to do anything for him that coming out on top in a hoss-on-hoss showdown with Mark Henry wouldn't do much, much, much better. Henry, rather than being a made-up symbol of Americana, is an actual U.S. Olympian. Plus, after decisively beating Henry, Rusev won't be saddled with a piece of tin that hasn't meant squat since MVP was fighting Benoit for it.

As for Wyatt vs. Sheamus, if WWE wants to expose Sheamus' deficiencies as a talker that bad, they can have at it. That feud certainly doesn't need a belt involved. Just have Bray run his mind games and remind Sheamus how far he's fallen since he got his fellas snipped, have Sheamus make some unclever, groan-worthy rejoinders, and then let them slug it out. Both guys are above that particular belt, and, as others have pointed out, why would Bray want it to begin with? The creative team either needs to drag Bray down to the ring, take turns defecating on him, and be done with it or let him book himself.
Not sure what to think with this.

Does Wyatt need the US Title, I don't think he does, his character makes him sellable without it & Wyatt should be a hunter instead of hunted.

Rusev winning it with Henry, Swagger & Ambrose chasing it would be better.
I think that's a fine feud, but I doubt it will happen at Night of Rematches. We have to go through another round of Jericho/Wyatt first. It looks like Sheamus is going to defend it AGAIN against Cesaro, even though that feud already happened just a month ago.
Even tho Rusev seems like the more logical choice, he's busy with Big Mark atm. Wyatt and Sheamus can definitely have a great match that is both very physical/hard-hitting and pretty fast paced ( due to Sheamus' incredible cardio, this dude is a machine ).

I am scared for the promos though. I think Sheamus as a heel is better on the mic and as a character. He was, in my eyes at least, pretty much the definition of a badass monster heel. He was ruthless, intense as hell, had good hard hitting matches, and all of that while(whilst?) being a dick.

As a face against Wyatt's arsenal what is he supposed to do?

Sheamus: "Me oncle Larny once said, if you can't find the peas get rid of the sheep". Wyatt: "What?"

I'm just kidding, Sheamus even as a face, he can do better than that. That was just a testing phase for him I guess, or someone backstabe thought him doing that was a good idea.
But still it will be weird to see what promos Wyatt cuts on him and how Sheamus decides to respond. Maybe we will see the better side of Sheamus' promo skills.
So... Bray Wyatt as the US champion. Isn't that a step down from having the whole world in his hands?

Unless... Dolph Ziggler successfully retains the Intercontinental title.

Then we could have what everyone has invariably been talking about, something that absolutely needs to happen... the merging of the US and IC titles. And a Wyatt vs. Ziggler feud might make sense.

Picture it. Wyatt comes out on Raw after winning the US title at NoC. He talks about America following him, and what he has to say, but that he's focused on the whole world. He wants the Intercontinental title, he wants to move forward with his mission, with his message. And he wants the Intercontinental title because it's around the waist of Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler represents everything that Bray Wyatt hates. He's a flashy, cocky, arrogant show-off who's as fake as a three dollar bill, who's empty inside, so he puts on a show to fool everyone.

Ziggler comes out and retorts by bringing up how Bray Wyatt is the empty one. How he's talked a lot, but he keeps talking about revealing his message... but what is that message? What does he actually have to say? If he could come right out and say he wants to win titles, that's alright, that's what everyone in the WWE is after. But the Show-Off is going to show Bray Wyatt, who's been stealing the show with his long speeches and mysterious mind games, what it takes to be a real showstopper.

Title merger: Wyatt vs. Ziggler. Book it.

And for a fun little bookend, when Harper and Rowan try to help Bray, have Langston come out and help Ziggler, doing him 'one last favor'. This could set up Buzzards vs. Nation of Midcard Stagnation feud as well.
It seems to me that everyone is overlooking the fact that this is proposed post Night of Champions feud. Meaning that Bray can open the show against Jericho, beat him and then cost Sheamus the US Title later on in the evening. That seems like a simple yet effective way for another Wyatt feud to begin, while also enabling WWE to give another midcarder a chance to run with a belt whether it be Rusev,one of Rybaxel, or even ,in an ironic twist, Bo Dallas.
Because in the long run, RUSEV DOESN'T MATTER. Why are so many people having a hard time with this? He's just another big guy with a stereotypical foreign heel gimmick. He's not the best guy to ever do it...hell, he's not even the best guy to do it in the last ten years. A year from now Rusev will be jobbing on Superstars, long forgotten.

It isnt a revolutionary gimmick by any stretch, but given the timing, it works well. So well that it is perfect for a US title feud. I really think you are missing the mark with saying he is just another big guy, because he is far more agile than most people his size. The guy has the build that WWE loves & he is pretty quick. That combo is far from the typical monster wrestling usually offers up. Many of them are slow, lumbering giants who rely on the size advantage. Rusev is not that.

Time will tell how far he goes, but to dismiss him as 'just another' is ignorant. How many guys could you have said that about before & been wrong? Look at Batista for example. Like him or hate him, the guy was in that group of 'just another' & his career has been anything but. So you cant dismiss everyone based on failures of others before them.

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