Report: HHH Possibly NOT Competing at Mania?

George Steele's Barber

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Courtesy Wrestlezone Forums

We have it based on no authority that after Punk's sudden absence and with consideration of putting DB in the title match, HHH may be left no match at WM.

Shocking stuff huh?

This makes sense though. There really is not much if any need for HHH to wrestle at WM. If you look at the roster for the event it is safe to say that there are enough solid workers, part time talent, and names that a HHH match doesn't push the needle of network or PPV buys.

Also now that he has established himself in an authority role he is probably going to be more useful driving other storylines through promos and backstage scenes.

I like HHH a lot and I still think he has value as an in ring performer but right now I feel like he should focus on continuing to make his presence felt as an authority figure. Having him beat or lose to an up and comer doesn't feel worth it. HHH is going to have a long run as an authority figure and there isn't much point in convoluting that with a WM match.

I hope this doesn't turn in to a HHH bashing thread about "egos" and "burying". The question I'm looking to get answered is that if Punk doesn't come back and DB gets to do bigger and better things is there more value in HHH being on or off the WM card?

P.S. - please don't tell me what you think the whole WM card should be or what you think it is going to look like. There are a million other threads for that and frankly I don't care.
I have an awful suspicion that Trips reportedly not having a match suggests that Punk is indeed making a return. If Punk had really left, surely Trips wouldn't leave himself off of the biggest WM of this generation of wrestlers?

Triple H is still a big name in the industry. It's true that his last matches have been street fights, but why not give a midcard face a rub? A guy like Big E (even if he loses) will be taken more seriously if he has a match against the boss.
I hope that HHH does have a match, seeing as he's possibly the greatest wrestler that's still "active" at this time, as in, on TV every week.

Maybe Orton drops the belt to Bryan at EC, and then Orton v.s HHH at WM30?
I liked the Roman Reigns idea. Despite it's imperfections it sounded like a great way to help push a future big star.

As for HHH I'm sure they'll find something for him, love or hate him he is a big name legend and that's obviously the theme for this year's WM. Especially since they couldn't get a bunch of the other big names they were hoping for.
I liked the Roman Reigns idea. Despite it's imperfections it sounded like a great way to help push a future big star.

As for HHH I'm sure they'll find something for him, love or hate him he is a big name legend and that's obviously the theme for this year's WM. Especially since they couldn't get a bunch of the other big names they were hoping for.

The only problem with the Roman reigns match is that he is currently involved in the Shield split. I think it would be better business wise to have a triple threat between all members of the Shield for the US title. This also seems like this is what they are planning. On raw Reigns pretty much called out Ambrose on the fact that he doesn't defend his belt so that pretty much made this match set in stone imo.

HHH needs to be on the card. I'd love to see HHH vs Ziggler, or I'd even take HHH vs Y2J again, or HHH vs Mysterio. If one of these were to happen, they should have 10-15 minutes and HHH should go over. The midcard is terrible right now so HHH being in a quick feud with a midcarder would do wonders for the undercard. This Mania card is wide open right now and besides a few main event possibilities there really isnt much else going on.
If Triple H genuinely won't be on the WM card this year, then I'd say Bryan will be in the title match. Given the consistently huge response Bryan gets week in & week out, whether it's on television or at house shows, WWE's setting themselves up for a very lackluster title match if they don't Bryan in it. Fans will not only hijack the match, but they'll flat out shit all over it.

If Bryan doesn't go up against Triple H this year, then I don't see any point in having Trips compete at WrestleMania. The notion of Bryan going up against Trips, going over him and gaining some measure of revenge for all the times he's been screwed over makes perfect sense. Aside from Bryan, however, there's no one else that's close to Bryan's level that's had any significant interaction with Trips, with the exception of CM Punk. If Punk doesn't come back and Bryan is put into the title match, then I don't see any real point in Trips being on the card.

I'm sure that some will be all for, say, Roman Reigns going after him, but it sounds like it's much too soon. The Shield's still together, they're still winning matches and rushing Reigns into such a huge program without any real degree of build up or purpose other than to simply have the match on the card could backfire. I'm all for Reigns getting a big push but, personally, I think he needs to be given time to establish himself without The Shield rather than rush him right into a main event level feud. It's very well possible that Reigns will shine and rise to the occasion once he's on his own but, then again, maybe he'll crash and burn.
Mania can survive quite easily without Triple H. But there's no chance of him missing this show. The Bryan match makes sense and I'd fully expect it to take place. If not, then they'll make him a match. It's that simple really.
If Triple H genuinely won't be on the WM card this year, then I'd say Bryan will be in the title match. Given the consistently huge response Bryan gets week in & week out, whether it's on television or at house shows, WWE's setting themselves up for a very lackluster title match if they don't Bryan in it. Fans will not only hijack the match, but they'll flat out shit all over it.

If Bryan doesn't go up against Triple H this year, then I don't see any point in having Trips compete at WrestleMania. The notion of Bryan going up against Trips, going over him and gaining some measure of revenge for all the times he's been screwed over makes perfect sense. Aside from Bryan, however, there's no one else that's close to Bryan's level that's had any significant interaction with Trips, with the exception of CM Punk. If Punk doesn't come back and Bryan is put into the title match, then I don't see any real point in Trips being on the card.

I'm sure that some will be all for, say, Roman Reigns going after him, but it sounds like it's much too soon. The Shield's still together, they're still winning matches and rushing Reigns into such a huge program without any real degree of build up or purpose other than to simply have the match on the card could backfire. I'm all for Reigns getting a big push but, personally, I think he needs to be given time to establish himself without The Shield rather than rush him right into a main event level feud. It's very well possible that Reigns will shine and rise to the occasion once he's on his own but, then again, maybe he'll crash and burn.

You're forgetting about the person that he makes fun of every week, and the person that has been trying to challenge his authority every week. The person that just made an "on his knees apology" to HHH this week. We've seen Orton v. HHH plenty of times...I get this. But those two could put on a very heated mid-card brawl to get the fans pumped for a Bryan title match and a Taker Streak match.

However, I do agree mostly. HHH v. Mid Card Generic Wrestler #14 serves no purpose at WM30.
Whether or not Punk is there I think unless Triple H is losing to Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania 30 it would be a good idea not to have him on the card. If Bryan is moving onto bigger things for Mania then there's no reason wasting a Triple H match on someone else, it will just be a match for the sake of a match and at this point there's no need for Triple H to have a match on the card "just because".

Bryan makes sense because of their interaction since Summerslam, Punk would have made sense too but that feud felt forced and from the bit I saw it was nothing to write home about, plus I don't think Punk beating Triple H would do anything for anyone.

My feelings on the Authority and the whole storyline aside they are still the top heels in the WWE and because of that Triple H should go big with his Mania match or go home.
If Triple H genuinely won't be on the WM card this year, then I'd say Bryan will be in the title match. Given the consistently huge response Bryan gets week in & week out, whether it's on television or at house shows, WWE's setting themselves up for a very lackluster title match if they don't Bryan in it. Fans will not only hijack the match, but they'll flat out shit all over it.

If Bryan doesn't go up against Triple H this year, then I don't see any point in having Trips compete at WrestleMania. The notion of Bryan going up against Trips, going over him and gaining some measure of revenge for all the times he's been screwed over makes perfect sense. Aside from Bryan, however, there's no one else that's close to Bryan's level that's had any significant interaction with Trips, with the exception of CM Punk. If Punk doesn't come back and Bryan is put into the title match, then I don't see any real point in Trips being on the card.

I'm sure that some will be all for, say, Roman Reigns going after him, but it sounds like it's much too soon. The Shield's still together, they're still winning matches and rushing Reigns into such a huge program without any real degree of build up or purpose other than to simply have the match on the card could backfire. I'm all for Reigns getting a big push but, personally, I think he needs to be given time to establish himself without The Shield rather than rush him right into a main event level feud. It's very well possible that Reigns will shine and rise to the occasion once he's on his own but, then again, maybe he'll crash and burn.

Im not trying to be and a-hole here but dude...why do you create dozens of Daniel Bryan threads than turn every other thread into a DB needs to be in the title match at WM conversation?

The thread was about HHH not wrestling at Mania. You could have either replied to someone elses post or given other possibilities or something but two paragraphs of DB will main event WM is completely off topic and starts a downward spiral of DB nonsense. Like I said im not trying to be mean, but im just sick of every thread turning into DB needs to win the title at Mania.

We need an all DB thread, because this forum is making me start to hate DB. I want to talk wrestling, not just talk about DB in every single thread that gets created. Even a freakin Sting thread got turned into DB needs the belt at Mania...How the hell does that happen???
Just like Sting's signing, I'll believe it when I actually I see it (Or don't in this case).

HHH against Bryan is fine. If Orton loses the title because HHH tried to help him at EC but actually caused him to lose the title, that would be fine with me to. We haven't see an Orton/HHH match in awhile.

Orton losing wouldn't even bother me because he tried to screw with the boss and the boss put him in his place.
So the solution to losing one top star is to take another from the card? That doesn't make a whole load of sense.

There is a lot of talent available for Mania. We know the card will be stacked and many will be cut of the show. I suppose there is an argument for leaving of Triple H which theoretically allows someone else on the card.

HHH, however, is a superstar that can still perform. He will be somewhat of a draw and add to the card. If Punk isn't around (I still think it is a possibility) and they use Bryan elsewhere then there are still options. Ziggler and Reigns are the names that stick out in my mind. I'm looking forward to Reigns facing against Ambrose and Rollins so Ziggler could work. I honestly think a Ziggler vs Triple H match could be great for Dolph. It would help give Dolph some momentum in what has been a pretty shit few months.

They should have Triple H on the card because he is more talented and a bigger name then the majority of the roster. It's Wrestlemania and I want to see the big names come out. Triple H is one and he will be on the card. If it's not Punk or Bryan then I reckon it will be either Kane or The Big Show.
Thank FUCKING God he won't. The Mania card won't suffer in the slightest if Hunter is not on it.

HOWEVER, if DB isn't in A WWE WHC match, give him H. I have no love for the authority angle and shit but logically, Bryan needs to knee the shit out of Hunter and end it for realsies.
The only problem with the Roman reigns match is that he is currently involved in the Shield split. I think it would be better business wise to have a triple threat between all members of the Shield for the US title. This also seems like this is what they are planning. On raw Reigns pretty much called out Ambrose on the fact that he doesn't defend his belt so that pretty much made this match set in stone imo.

HHH needs to be on the card. I'd love to see HHH vs Ziggler, or I'd even take HHH vs Y2J again, or HHH vs Mysterio. If one of these were to happen, they should have 10-15 minutes and HHH should go over. The midcard is terrible right now so HHH being in a quick feud with a midcarder would do wonders for the undercard. This Mania card is wide open right now and besides a few main event possibilities there really isnt much else going on.

Business wise that's debatable. The "business" part of that match would be obviously pushing Reigns, and getting the US title in that kind of match surely would. But I would say that being in a match against pretty much the top heel of company for close to 8 months along with being one of the biggest legends still around would do the same, if not much more. Also, the things has a funny habit of not getting "set in stone" in the WWE. Not too long ago Sheamus vs DB was "set in stone" for example, just saying.

As for the split there's so many ways to handle that it would be better to take that to another topic, but lets just say there's other ways to do it besides the triple threat match. Also if HHH was going to face a mid-carder like Ziggler I would put him over just to help make the mid-card look better, or perhaps to you not as terrible.
I hope that HHH does have a match, seeing as he's possibly the greatest wrestler that's still "active" at this time, as in, on TV every week.

Maybe Orton drops the belt to Bryan at EC, and then Orton v.s HHH at WM30?


Wouldn't mind it at all, and would be an upgrade for Orton character-wise from being a pure kiss-ass of the Authority. And with that allowing Bryan to get into the title match, it means the whole show should go smoothly for the company after all.
The only problem with the Roman reigns match is that he is currently involved in the Shield split. I think it would be better business wise to have a triple threat between all members of the Shield for the US title. This also seems like this is what they are planning. On raw Reigns pretty much called out Ambrose on the fact that he doesn't defend his belt so that pretty much made this match set in stone imo.

HHH needs to be on the card. I'd love to see HHH vs Ziggler, or I'd even take HHH vs Y2J again, or HHH vs Mysterio. If one of these were to happen, they should have 10-15 minutes and HHH should go over. The midcard is terrible right now so HHH being in a quick feud with a midcarder would do wonders for the undercard. This Mania card is wide open right now and besides a few main event possibilities there really isnt much else going on.

I am not a big fan of Ziggler.

However, I wouldn't mind if,with Punk gone he gets a huge push again.

However, after being a pure jobber on RAW to Del Rio, a move upto a spot vs the Current Boss character would require a huge,huge push for the next few weeks. Not sure how that could be done, although with the crowd still cheering for Ziggler regularly, it might not be as hard as it seems to build him back up due to that crowd factor.
If this happens to be true as far as competing goes then he'll be the special guest referee for the triple threat main event match between Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Hvt. Championship. It only seems logical that Bryan takes out HHH during the match, only to have Vince McMahon or whomever come down and count someone's shoulders to give Bryan the big rub.

I for once would really enjoy to see HHH back in action, specially against Daniel Bryan in a one-on-one match or against Roman Reigns, even though it doesn't sees logical and likely. Also, I could see HHH headlining this WrestleMania against Daniel Bryan.
I like the Reigns idea have The Shield turn face and stay together call out Trips.Have Reigns face him and Ambrose and Rollins turn on him after he beat HHH,and jump him,have Hunter turn face make the save but turn on him leading to a rematch at SUMMERSLAM with his in-ring career on the line.You could have him move to feud with Orton until TLC.He could then feud with Lesnar until RR taking a 'L' only to win the RR, face Cena at Mania you could have Cena turn heel stating what he said on Raw you want to be the guy you have to go through me first.Have Reigns win he then feud with him for 2 more months.Have him feud with Batista at Summerslam.Get MITB cashed in on him by Wyatt they feud for 3 months.He then feuds with Langston.Have him win the title back at RR.Ambrose win the RR face him at WM 32 and lose starting the next big generation feud.He could win it back at MITB drop it to Cena at WM33 in a rematch the next night Cena lays the title down retiring.Have Bryan beat Ambrose,Reigns for the new vacant title and begin a feud with Reigns at Survivor Series.Fanasty booking but I think it is the best way to move into the future.
If this happens to be true as far as competing goes then he'll be the special guest referee for the triple threat main event match between Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Hvt. Championship. It only seems logical that Bryan takes out HHH during the match, only to have Vince McMahon or whomever come down and count someone's shoulders to give Bryan the big rub.

This seems like an unnecessary and unimpressive cluster. Batista, Orton, Bryan, Triple H and Vince; couldn’t find room for Hogan, Cowboy Bob, Gobbledy Gooker and the MSU Football Team? I’m not trying to single you out as I see this type of over booking suggested far too often by the fans. What is wrong with a classic match and a classic ending? How about a true champion being crowned in true champion fashion, especially at WM.

As for Triple H, zero chance in hell he is missing WM. In his mind Triple H is a legend among legends and he could not deprive the Universe of his greatness. In reality the guy is one of the most blown out of proportion names the business has ever seen. If not for becoming a member of the McMahon family he would become a forgotten footnote.
I'm still pretty confident we will see Triple H versus CM Punk at WM30. Maybe I am naive but I still think that the CM Punk "departure" is a work and that he will return to face the Authority, specifically Triple H, at Wrestlemania. I think it is a ruse to give Punk a physical and mental break and to avoid him wasting his time in meaningless filler feuds such as against Kane in the process. I think this match will have far more buzz associated with it than it would have had if Punk hadn't left. When I first heard talk of CM Punk versus Triple H at WM, I was pretty meh about it. Now the prospect of the match interests me a little more, especially if they do the next several weeks effectively.

I wouldn't mind seeing Triple H versus Daniel Bryan, but I'm not expecting it to happen. I also wouldn't mind Triple H versus Randy Orton, even though its been done before.

And of course, I would have no objection to seeing Triple H facing a debuting Sting on the grandest stage of them all, but I'm not holding my breath for that one either.

Otherwise, I'd rather not see Triple H wrestle at WM30. I have no interest in seeing him face Roman Reigns, Langston, Ziggler, or anyone else like that. Go big or go home in my opinion.
I'm still pretty confident we will see Triple H versus CM Punk at WM30. Maybe I am naive but I still think that the CM Punk "departure" is a work and that he will return to face the Authority, specifically Triple H, at Wrestlemania. I think it is a ruse to give Punk a physical and mental break and to avoid him wasting his time in meaningless filler feuds such as against Kane in the process. I think this match will have far more buzz associated with it than it would have had if Punk hadn't left. When I first heard talk of CM Punk versus Triple H at WM, I was pretty meh about it. Now the prospect of the match interests me a little more, especially if they do the next several weeks effectively.

That's certainly a possibility. I could definitely envisage a scenario at EC where we're down to Bryan/Orton, & a returning Punk prevents Trips from interfering in the match. Allowing Bryan to not only win the belt, but getting himself a measure of revenge for the way he was screwed at the Royal Rumble.

This scenario would kick off the RTWM in epic style & add tons of intrigue to a feud between HHH & Punk.
Triple H has looked noticeably trimmer in the last couple of weeks - he's definitely wrestling at WM XXX.

My guess would be against Bryan, and if Bryan beats him he gets a spot in the Title Match.
WrestleMania doesn't need Triple H and D Bryan definitely doesn't need a match with him. It will probably benefit the WM buyrate and Bryan himself to be in and win the World Title match.

However, someone like Roman Reigns would definitely benefit from a Triple H match, or even a Vince/HHH power struggle "My Guy Vs. Your Guy" type of match where Vince is in Roman's corner and HHH choosing someone like Wade Barrett would elevate both guys.

The show can go on, but with the Authority figure he's become, he could definitely use his standing to help elevate a midcarder.
WrestleMania doesn't need Triple H and D Bryan definitely doesn't need a match with him. It will probably benefit the WM buyrate and Bryan himself to be in and win the World Title match.

However, someone like Roman Reigns would definitely benefit from a Triple H match, or even a Vince/HHH power struggle "My Guy Vs. Your Guy" type of match where Vince is in Roman's corner and HHH choosing someone like Wade Barrett would elevate both guys.

The show can go on, but with the Authority figure he's become, he could definitely use his standing to help elevate a midcarder.

WTH is up with this logic of one superstar not needing to face another one so the match shouldnt happen? DB has a better chance of stealing the show and proving to Vince and HHH that he can be a top guy by facing HHH than to have a, most likely lackluster, triple threat match for the title. Db didnt need to face Wyatt either but that didnt stop them from tearing the house down at RR.

Look at HBK...did he need to wrestle Angle? did he need to wrestle Y2J? did he need to wrestle Taker twice?

DB IMO is better off facing HHH...if he is in a triple threat and wins than all this will be is a one off title win to please the fans and he will lose it in two months. But if he pushes HHH to the limit at Mania and gives him a classic than maybe HHH will be willing to give DB a true title run.
I can't see him not wrestling at WM XXX. It's the biggest PPV of the year and one of the biggest of all-time, can't see him taking a step back unless he really wants to oversee creative to make sure everything goes well.

If the crowd wasn't so into Bryan not being in the main event, I think him facing Bryan would be great - Bryan hasn't had that signature win in his career where he can actually cherish it.

Triple threat of Orton, Batista, Bryan would make the most sense. However, HHH vs. Reigns would be a good idea, they got similar statures and fans would actually buy into the match up.

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