Report: Big Name Expected To Sign With WWE

Regarding Joe's weight, I quote Pulp Fiction:

"I wouldn't call him fat...he's Samoan. What's a ***** gonna do?"

Given that we are going to "honor" Rikishi in a few weeks, I find it funny that we're all concerned about Joe's weight.
Samoa Joe is not going to wwe if he does during developmental and ring skills and cut off the flab chances they will let him go llike they have done with the other ex TNA stars
Recall Kaval anyone? He was known as Senshi aka Low Ki now back in TNA!
Remember Karma aka Awesome Kong they let her go also
Samoa Joe will probably be called back by TNA like they have been doing with their other TNA talent and he left in good terms so keep dreaming folks no wwe unless they make him a full time jobber! LOL
Samoa Joe is not going to wwe if he does during developmental and ring skills and cut off the flab chances they will let him go llike they have done with the other ex TNA stars
Recall Kaval anyone? He was known as Senshi aka Low Ki now back in TNA!
Remember Karma aka Awesome Kong they let her go also
Samoa Joe will probably be called back by TNA like they have been doing with their other TNA talent and he left in good terms so keep dreaming folks no wwe unless they make him a full time jobber! LOL

Karma/Awesome Kong left the WWE because she found out she was pregnant at the time. After she lost the child I thought she had given up on wrestling, but considering how the Diva division is, she's better off in TNA.

I think Samoa Joe is great and will be a huge boost the to NXT roster. Don't know how well he'll do on the main roster though, and I would keep him away from Reigns.
Samoa Joe is not going to wwe if he does during developmental and ring skills and cut off the flab chances they will let him go llike they have done with the other ex TNA stars
Recall Kaval anyone? He was known as Senshi aka Low Ki now back in TNA!
Remember Karma aka Awesome Kong they let her go also
Samoa Joe will probably be called back by TNA like they have been doing with their other TNA talent and he left in good terms so keep dreaming folks no wwe unless they make him a full time jobber! LOL
WWE seems to be hiring veterans to improve on the NXT product. Despite Trips being a fan of Samoa Joe, I doubt Joe goes on the main roster. Instead, I see him trying to get others, like Sami Zayn and Tyler Breeze, over within NXT.

As for Low Ki: He quit as creative told him that they really had nothing for him to do. In an interview, he actually said about the E "They want entertainers. I am a professional wrestler, not a trained monkey." Low Ki is really better off in TNA/ROH/Japan, as most non-behemoths are.

Kong's child was stillborn, and she had a minor breakdown as a result. When the E tried to bring her back, she was so screwed up mentally that she let herself go physically. WWE had no choice but to release her.
Still don't understand this fascination over Vince McMahon and Superstars needing a certain 'look'. WWE have put the belt on all shapes and sizes over the years so for my money it is absolute nonsense from the smarks who think they are in the know.

Andre, Slaughter, Yokozuna, Mankind, Big Show and Mark Henry never had the makings of a varsity athlete. Even then we have seen Superstars such as Jeff Hardy, Punk, Jericho, Mysterio and Bryan who are not body builders.
Still don't understand this fascination over Vince McMahon and Superstars needing a certain 'look'. WWE have put the belt on all shapes and sizes over the years so for my money it is absolute nonsense from the smarks who think they are in the know.

Andre, Slaughter, Yokozuna, Mankind, Big Show and Mark Henry never had the makings of a varsity athlete. Even then we have seen Superstars such as Jeff Hardy, Punk, Jericho, Mysterio and Bryan who are not body builders.

How many of them were ever "The guy" or "The face of the WWWF/WWF/WWE?" Here is your answer: Zero. They go for a "look" to market as "The Man" in WWE.
Samoa Joe is not going to wwe if he does during developmental and ring skills and cut off the flab chances they will let him go llike they have done with the other ex TNA stars
Recall Kaval anyone? He was known as Senshi aka Low Ki now back in TNA!
Remember Karma aka Awesome Kong they let her go also
Samoa Joe will probably be called back by TNA like they have been doing with their other TNA talent and he left in good terms so keep dreaming folks no wwe unless they make him a full time jobber! LOL

So when is Sting returning to TNA like you predicted after you were convinced he'd never join the E?

Joe will be fine if he's pushed like Steen, etc.
this would be a great decision for the wee/nxt. at this point nxt should focus is development on being the "indy" wwe. Collect the best indy talent in the world ( generico..check, steen…check….kenta….check….finn…check…) and have all of the models and ex football players learn around them as they headline a wwe product. Joe was in that infamous OVW class with cena, storyline could write itself and even explain through a "shoot" how joe was never given a chance bc of his weight… maybe even quoting pulp fiction.

" got a weight problem, whats a nig#a gonna do, he's samoan?"
It's a balance between, looks, skills, promos, gimmick etc.

The look matters more when lacking in those elements,

As for joe he might not have the wwe look but he has a decent gimmick and great skills, there are plenty of workers both in NXT and the main roster he can do somthing good with
A few years ago, no one would be debating whether Joe was heading for the main roster or NXT. But given the success of NXT and the lack of faith shown in some of the guys down there, that seems to have diminished entirely. Samoa Joe has been wrestling at a good level for the last decade, right? I wouldn't have thought that NXT would be the best place for him right now, it actually feels like a demotion.

Still, I'm happy for him and happy to have him in the WWE. He is a solid worker who can possibly have a decent career in WWE. I just hope that they don't slap a stupid gimmick on him or try to change him into something he isn't, or ever will be. Samoa Joe is a good wrestler who can shine when you let him be himself. It stands to reason that the WWE will try to make him fit the mould and that seems like a shame.
If Joe has indeed signed onto WWE then I will be one happy camper.

With WWE's recent change in outlook to what its superstars can look like, meaning that they can come in all shapes in sizes, Joe could be a big star.

Look at WWE talents like Bray Wyatt, Bull Dempsy, Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, Adrienne, and so on, they are not built out of marvel or the tallest and most dangerous looking guys in the world. If WWE can get behind Bray Wyatt then they can for sure book Joe to be strong.

The feuds which he can have are limitless, I for one would love to see Joe Vs. Bryan, Rollins, Cena, Reigns, Ambrose, Ziggler, Cesaro and so many more.

I know he probably will not be the monster heel he was back in his prime but he should be a significant character who can occasionally challenge top guys but more so be a IC title type of guy.
How many of them were ever "The guy" or "The face of the WWWF/WWF/WWE?" Here is your answer: Zero. They go for a "look" to market as "The Man" in WWE.

Of course they base THAT on looks but we are not talking about 'the man'. We are talking about Samoa Joe succeeding in WWE. Samoa Joe can succeed in his current guise.

Oh and as for 'the man' it looks like WWE were 101% correct with Hogan, Austin and Rock. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels wern't too shabby either - oh and they didn't have the body builder look.
If it happens, it is a good signing for sure. I'm curious to see where he goes. Once he's done with ROH then who knows what place NXT will be in. Let's wait a few months and NXT might look very different. A lot of the top stars may have moved up and, at that point, Joe would be a great person to help bridge a gap.

If they want to drop him straight onto the main-roster then that could work too. He would have a good amount of buzz which would make a great instant impression. Sure he would need to be introduced to the majority of the fans but Joe is a great talent and would be able to entertain regardless. He would provide a very talented addition to the roster even if it is just to lose every week.

It might not be a long-term project with Joe but, in the short-term, this makes sense for all.
Joe is around 35-36. He's no spring chicken. I don't forsee him doing much of anything in WWE. If he hits the ground running in NXT, a feud with Kevin Owens would be something I'd love to see. For bigger guys, they would put on some fantastic matches. After that... I don't see him doing anything big on the main roster. Maybe a decent US/IC Title run. I could see him mixing it up with Rusev a bit. But nothing major. I'd love to see him on the roster and do some things with some of the younger guys... but it would be 2-3 years tops.
I'm guessing that now that Rusev is on track to be beaten by Cena and become a jobber, they need a new umaga monster heel to eventually die of the same death at wrestlemania 32.
Well, the opinions on our forum about Joe are pretty spread out, as is logical.

Some folks think he's too old, others not. Some think his appearance is bad and he'll be stopped by this, others believe it won't make a difference. Some believe he'll be moved to the main roster, others feel he can remain on NXT for the rest of his career. Some feel he'll have some big moments of achievement on his own, either on the main shows or on NXT, others think his WWE destiny is to help enhance the young talent on NXT.

Personally, I wonder if he's been told he'll get to the big show if he makes his impact felt; I would imagine they've told him not to be in a hurry; he's going to have a better paying job than he'd have anywhere else (if that's true) and he should just be patient and let things take their natural course.

What Joe thinks of all this is anyone's guess, but if he's coming, hopefully everything is fully spelled out in his contract so he's satisfied with the move.
A part of me wants Joe to sign but i feel like he's just gonna get all the spotlight, its not like NXT lacks Stars, you have (Zayn,Neville,Owens,Balor,Breeze,Itami,Corbin,Blake and Murphy, Lucha Dragons, Enzo And Cass) not to mention the Three Newest Debuees in Rhyno, Kendrick and Solomon Crowe its Mayhem in NXT its just a one hour show and it has no place for anymore indie established stars......the only way i could see him getting with the WWE is if he was rushed imediatly to the Main Roster. Any Other way would just be completely InZayn.
There are two sides to this but in my own opinion it is too late in the game to sign Joe to NXT. Joe was in his prime around 2005 and he can still go but he won't be the Samoan submission machine and he will end up jobbing a lot. WWE screwed up by not taking advantage of him when they had the chance. The same goes for Abyss, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Petey Williams.

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