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Report: Beth Phoenix Leaving WWE


According to a report that I just read at wrestlinginc.com, Beth Phoenix is allegedly finishing up with WWE and will be leaving the company in the near future. There aren't any details given in the report as to why she's leaving. If it's legit, then I'm sure there'll be any number of rumors or reports flying in the coming days and weeks as to why.

Beth Phoenix made her debut in WWE back in 2006 and involved herself in a feud between Trish Stratus and Mickie James, ultimately taking Trish's side. Over the course of her time in WWE, Beth Phoenix has held the WWE Women's Championship three times and is the second longest reigning Divas Champion.

If she is indeed leaving, then it's a sad waste of potential in my eyes. I understand that women's wrestling isn't a huge draw and some fans just don't care about it all that much anyhow. At the same time, since the WWE has gone to the trouble of having women's wrestling in the first place, Beth Phoenix is one of the talents that's made me wish the WWE would get serious about women's wrestling. She's got great in-ring ability, she has a unique look and can deliver well. Back when she & Natalya started their partnership, I got excited but, again, the WWE let a perfectly good opportunity to do something worthwhile slip through their fingers.

So, let the "Should Beth Phoenix go to TNA?" talk start here.
If she is leaving, I don't blame her at all. The Divas division means absolutely nothing and the whole thing is about having the right kind of look instead of in ring skill. Beth is gorgeous but her biggest asset is her physical ability. She lost clean to Kaitlyn, one of the most inept in ring competitors in recorded history, a few weeks ago in a match that probably didn't even break two minutes. Beth will leave and there will be some new blonde/brunette in barely there shorts in a few weeks and most people won't notice Beth is gone. If there's a place where she's going that she could more ring time, then so be it. This is how life is in the Divas division.
Wish I can say this will the affect the division but it won't. I like Beth and all but she wasn't on TV for what a couple of months now. It certainly explains why she's been jobbed out to people who have no skill like Kaitlyn. I really think we need to just accept the fact that women's wrestling is dead, at least in the WWE. I don't blame Beth for leaving, there was absolutely nothing left for her to do of any interest. I don't care if she goes to TNA, they're women's wrestling is barely a step above the E's. You'll be missed for a little bit Beth, but unfortunately you'll soon be forgotten.
Personally i would love to see her in TNA.I think they would be stupid not to throw some money at her to get her to sign.Again WWE lets another great female wrestler go in favor of some untalented models.Maybe we'll still get to see that Awesome Kong vs. Beth match in the future.
Beth is good in the ring, but she's so dull. No personality and that goes for Natalya as well. Past divas like Lita, Trish, and Victoria may not have had the in-ring ability Beth does. However, at least they were more interesting. I liken her situation to Mickie James. Mickie had a great gimmick to start off with, but after that she was just there. Well, off to TNA she probably will go.
Beth Phoenix has been the only woman I cared about in WWE ever since Victoria left. I would also love to see her at TNA.

I don't mean this to be bashing WWE, but her being gone just makes it easier for me to watch her matches/promos without sitting through a show I don't enjoy anymore. Not that I wish for anybody to lose their job but from what I understand just from reading this thread, WWE wasn't utilizing her talent so I hope she ends up somewhere that does. Whether that be TNA or not
Beth Phoenix is a great talent. Period. Forget the whole gender thing, women's wrestling can't draw, blah, blah, blah. Wendy Richter back in the 80's proved women's wrestling could draw, Trish, Lita, and co. proved that women's wrestling could draw, etc. etc.

I really wish WWE would get their heads out of their collective asses and realize that they can put forth effort into other things such as the women's division, cruiserweights, etc. and still make their precious money. Diversity can be a good thing.

TNA does give their knockouts more credit than WWE gives the divas. Much more, IMO. Because of this, Beth could only be a valuable asset and give the roster more depth. I say go to TNA, it would be better for her because she actually wants to do more than just job in seconds to crap talents.
Beth is a great wrestler but she lacks personality. Unfortunately, looks and personality are more important than being able to wrestle if you're a WWE Diva. That's why Trish was the cornerstone of the division instead of one of the others. That's why WWE kept pushing Kelly Kelly over Beth last year and why Eve and AJ are the ones on TV right now.

The WWE women's division never recovered from the departures of Trish AND Lita in 2006. They did everything they could to make Mickie James their new "Top Diva", but she was just never as over as they were. The closest they ever got was when Lay-Cool were at their peak in 2010.
Beth Phoenix was ultimately held back by injuries. Just when she'd get some steam going she would get hurt in a match, drop off of TV for a few months and return to the lowest spot on the divas roster. I can't help but point out that Phoenix's biggest push came at a time when she was reportedly involved with CM Punk, and I wouldn't even fault her for getting with him in order to advance her career because we all know how Vince McMahon works. I'm left disappointed in Beth's WWE run. I've always loved her, I enjoy most of her matches and am always sad to see her job to a less talented female. A few things I wish I'd have seen her do:

- Win a WrestleMania match
- Win the Diva's Championship one more time
- Actually dominate the Divas division
- feud with Kharma
- get back with Santino
One of the best female wrestlers WWE has ever had. Even though her mic skill's were not up to much. I still found her very Entertaining. If She dose end up going to TNA I can see her becoming the Knockouts Champion in no time at all and in my opinion a feud with ODB would be fantastic.
Beth Phoenix is a great talent. Period. Forget the whole gender thing, women's wrestling can't draw, blah, blah, blah. Wendy Richter back in the 80's proved women's wrestling could draw, Trish, Lita, and co. proved that women's wrestling could draw, etc. etc.

I really wish WWE would get their heads out of their collective asses and realize that they can put forth effort into other things such as the women's division, cruiserweights, etc. and still make their precious money. Diversity can be a good thing.

TNA does give their knockouts more credit than WWE gives the divas. Much more, IMO. Because of this, Beth could only be a valuable asset and give the roster more depth. I say go to TNA, it would be better for her because she actually wants to do more than just job in seconds to crap talents.

Yeah, I'm going to have disagree with this. When have they ever been a draw? To be honest, women's wrestling has never been a big draw. The WWE knows where their bread is butter and it's not in women's wrestling. That may suck to you but it's the truth. Same goes for the cruiserweights.
Well, if this is true, than this just blows. Her mic skills weren't that hot, but she's one of the actual female wrestlers that WWE still has. All the same, WWE's diva division isn't really that great, what with Kaitlyn as the main contender for the Diva's title, so I can't really blame Beth for leaving. Terrible waste of talent. I'll miss her if she leaves. I heard that with Triple H running a lot of things now, the tag team and divas division was suppossed to heat up. The business may want to get on with this sooner rather than later.
I see WWE going out of their way to keep her. First by turning Natalia face and having her win the belt. Then she and Beth will have a lengthy feud. The feud we've all been waiting for.
She wasn't great on the mike but she was solid in the ring. WWE will let her go because let's face it, she isn't a model like Kelly Kelly or some one like that. Which is really too bad, because the division could be something if it gave more time to Phoenix and Natalya.

I wouldn't mind seeing her in TNA, the promotion seems more willing to showcase their women wrestlers.

I think women in wrestling can help a promotion (merchandise, calendar, poster sales etc.), but like in many cases women's athletics have a difficult time bringing in fans and getting the attention of the wider audience.
Thank God, she was terrible. I know those who post on Internet message boards have some quirky sense of quality based on the number of offensive moves someone uses, but the fact is she never made me (or most other people, for that matter) care about her in anyway. AJ Lee has already surpassed anything Beth Phoenix has done in the WWE, by the simple fact that people are/were actually interested in her character.
Thank God, she was terrible. I know those who post on Internet message boards have some quirky sense of quality based on the number of offensive moves someone uses, but the fact is she never made me (or most other people, for that matter) care about her in anyway. AJ Lee has already surpassed anything Beth Phoenix has done in the WWE, by the simple fact that people are/were actually interested in her character.
I love AJ in many ways, but she is not a better wrestler than Phoenix.
I love AJ in many ways, but she is not a better wrestler than Phoenix.

The fuck she isn't. Professional wrestling is ALL about making people care about you. You can do all the fake moves you want, but if no one gives a damn, what good is it? You're just some piss bucket actor doing play fighting that no one cares about.

The best workers are the ones who know how to make people care. Beth Phoenix has yet to make people care about her after over half a decade.
Yeah, I'm going to have disagree with this. When have they ever been a draw? To be honest, women's wrestling has never been a big draw. The WWE knows where their bread is butter and it's not in women's wrestling. That may suck to you but it's the truth. Same goes for the cruiserweights.

They draw in relation to the package as a whole.

When there was/is diversity in the overall card, the overall product, it was/is simply more appealing.

So when women, cruiserweights, and anything else that was given the proper attention was a part of the whole, things were a lot more enjoyable, a lot more interesting, and a lot more fun, hence a part of the overall "draw".
Wrestler = being able to work in the ring.

Overall performer/entertainer = promos, gimmick, crowd appeal, in-ring work (sometimes optional in some cases).

Hence, Beth is a better wrestler than A.J. Better overall performer, no, but better wrestler, yes.
Wrestler = being able to work in the ring.

Overall performer/entertainer = promos, gimmick, crowd appeal, in-ring work (sometimes optional in some cases).

Hence, Beth is a better wrestler than A.J. Better overall performer, no, but better wrestler, yes.

Crowd appeal does tie into being able to work in the ring, genius. Why did the crowd pop for everything guys like Hogan and Austin did in the ring? Because they were also good outside the ring. Being a great wrestler encompasses everything which includes entertaining. AJ has done more in less than a year than Beth Phoenix has ever done. Other than eliminating someone from the Royal Rumble which was already done by Chyna, name one memorable thing Beth has ever done.
I've been saying for months now that Beth is an average performer and easily replaceable. Kaitlyn may be shit in the ring, but she's hot, and she's not a toothpick. I'm sure she could do a powerslam or a military press without much trouble. I'm surprised WWE haven't begun booking her as the "new" Beth Phoenix. WWE brass is probably saving that for Beth's last match, where Kaitlyn shows off some power moves and becomes the new token diva powerhouse.
I kinda hope Beth stays as I still enjoy watching the Divas. Yeah there Matches aren't Classics by any means but they aren't that terrible either IMO.
Beth Phoenix is one of only two Divas in WWE who can wrestle with real technical skill. In TNA, every female can wrestle, so she won't truly shine in TNA. I'd stay in WWE if I were her. Look at Gail Kim. She could wrestle and stood out in WWE, but not so much in TNA.
People are actually criticizing the WWE about a rumor to begin with? Next people are upset that Beth Phoenix might leave? Do people really care that much about women's wrestling or just looking for another reason to run down the WWE?

Most of the time people argue that they want more mid card and tag matches and the women's division is a waste, now they may lose a diva and people get their panties in a bunch? Honestly?

Women's wrestling over the last 20 years has been about hot looking women accompanying the boys on the road. Sex sells and more people will watch hot looking Diva's then intense physical matches with women like Beth Phoenix. Again why are people making a fuss over this?
Wrestler = being able to work in the ring.

Overall performer/entertainer = promos, gimmick, crowd appeal, in-ring work (sometimes optional in some cases).

Hence, Beth is a better wrestler than A.J. Better overall performer, no, but better wrestler, yes.
You're pretty much wrong.

Wrestler = Rulon Gardner

Pro Wrestler = John Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Beth Phoenix, AJ Lee

We're not talking about "wrestling", we're talking about pro wrestling. The goal of pro wrestlers is to make people care, to get people to part with their hard earned money.

There are different attributes which help determine the quality of a wrestler, but at the end of the day, the sum is far more important than the parts. Beth Phoenix may be able to put on a better play fight in an empty arena, but who gives a fuck if no one cares to watch? AJ Lee is a better wrestler, because people actually care about her, which means she does her job as a wrestler better than Beth Phoenix does.

This is a pretty simple concept, one that so many in the IWC unfortunately do not seem to understand. Too many in the IWC think that the offensive moves a person does is the only thing that matters, and that's nothing more than a terribly ignorant way to look at pro wrestling.

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