Report: Batista's Future?


According to a report at, there MIGHT be some doubt as to Batista's future with the WWE. Originally, according to the report, the plan was for Batista to face Daniel Bryan at Payback for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. There have been reports that Batista is taking time off after Extreme Rules with his last night being at the ppv itself or this coming Monday on Raw before starting promotional work for Guardians of the Galaxy.

The report indicates that Batista was originally going to stay around longer to have the singles feud with Bryan through Payback before taking time off, but that he turned it down. Since he turned it down, he's finishing up early because it's being said that WWE doesn't have anything else for him Allegedly, according to the report on the site, Batista felt that losing to someone smaller than him, after having tapped out to him at WrestleMania XXX, right before he's set to appear in a major Hollywood film wouldn't be a good fit for him and wouldn't be a good way for fans to remember him until he returns again. Batista is expected back for SummerSlam with Guardians of the Galaxy opening on August 1st.

IF, IF, IF this report's true, then, for me at least, it reinforces the notion that Batista believed he was going to come back to WWE where fans would welcome him with open arms, he'd dominate everyone in front of him, win the title and possibly even carry it through the summer. Maybe he thought he'd do as The Rock had done last year by showing up to movie premieres and conducting interviews hyping his film as the champ. That MIGHT very well have been what the WWE brass had in mind until fans a hefty majority of fans overwhelmingly and unquestionably let them know that it wasn't an idea they were remotely interested in.

If Guardians of the Galaxy turns out to be a big hit, I wonder if Batista might even come back. At the end of the day, while movies like Dallas Buyers Club and Blue Jasmine might get the film critics salivating, it's big budget hits that ultimately keeps Hollywood afloat. If Guardians is a hit, then it's possible that some movie offers might start coming Batista's way. Personally, It wouldn't bug me if he decided not to come back. His best years in the business are behind him, he's in his mid 40s and, it's just not 2005 anymore. Since Batista's been out of the picture, fans have seen wrestlers like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, The Shield, Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro, The Wyatt Family, guys down in NXT like Sami Zayn & Adrian Neville and I think a lot of people's expectations are different. Inside the ring, for the most part, Batista can't touch most of those guys. Plus, Batista is looked at as one of "those guys" that's a long time favorite of management alongside John Cena and Randy Orton. You know, the guys who've been pushed to the moon consistently for years upon years and a lot of fans are just plain tired and/or bored with them.
Batista tried and it didn't work, there's no point in keeping him he's draws nothing it was just a bad way of bringing him back and now it's nearly impossible to get batista face again, wwe can always use anyone to play a heel that is highly hated i mean come just get heyman and put him with any guy and heyman can get him booed. and it will draw as much money as batista does.

WWE needs to let the deal with it king go for good this time.
If this is true, Batista needs to get over himself. Sure, you can make a reasonable argument for consecutive loses to Bryan hurting Batista's credibility...... but as JH pointed out, it's not 2005 anymore.

This is NOT the same Batista, who main evented Wrestlemania against Triple H, the same Batista, who had a phenomenal match with Cena at Wrestlemania 26, or the same WHC Batista, who had a great match with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 23. We're not looking at the same dominant WHC Batista, who had a series of good matches and feuds with Triple H, The Undertaker, or a WWE Champion Batista, who feuded with John Cena. We're looking at a man, who's in his mid 40's with poor cardio and poor ring shape.

As far as his movie career goes, yeah, there's a good chance of Batista receiving more roles, if Guardians Of The Galaxy is a hit the box office. But Batista is not the type of guy, who's going to set the world on fire in Hollywood. His movie career is limited to a handful of shitty straight-to-video action films, and minor roles as a muscular intimidator/brute, who barely speaks. Batista is too one dimensional as an actor, and he doesn't have the charisma or the aura of a superstar to hide his flaws. Just watch The Man With The Iron Fists if you need any proof.
Batista is not The Rock.

I'm sure that's what he thinks he is. I'm sure that's what he's telling everyone around him in so many words. Entertainment is about self-promotion. But amidst all that self-promotion, facts can get in the way of the little fantasy worlds people imagine themselves in. And for Big Dave, it's this: Just because you are in a couple of movies, it doesn't mean you're a big movie star.

He's been in 3 movies. His one starring role was a direct to video flick. The other two were not about Him. Nobody's looking at Batista and seeing future star. They're seeing big dude with muscles who fits a role.

So when he came back to the WWE, he didn't bring any fans back with him. No one from Hollywood gave a shit. If the WWE brass thought that would happen, it further solidifies my belief that they are still living in a bubble world thinking that they are in anything other than the Rasslin' business. I think if Batista came back and was built over some months back to the main event, he'd be fine. Instead he came back acting like he was born into the main event.

Here's the funny thing about self-promotion: That 1,000,000+ PPV/Network buys that WM30 got? I have no doubt that he believes he had a major impact on that number.
This report smacks of more internet marks getting worked by HHH and his "reality era". There is zero reason to believe any of this report at all.
If true, and that's a pretty huge if, then that might put some major heat on the big man. He hasn't gotten the huge reaction or drew in the big money they were hoping for so it's not like he's in the position to be making creative demands. I'm sure they could've found ways to have him lose/DB retain without him looking weak, so again if true he really would be making a huge deal out of nothing.

I am hoping that with this extra time off he finds ways to get in better in-ring shape or at the very least maintain the shape he's in now. If he comes back at SS and gets totally winded after 5 minutes again I would just write him off as a lost cause.
This report smacks of more internet marks getting worked by HHH and his "reality era". There is zero reason to believe any of this report at all.

I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if this was used to throw off internet fans in order to make the main event less predictable.

I wouldn't be surprised if The Shield/Evolution have another match at Payback. This match could potentially be the match of the night. It wouldn't surprise me if Kane faces Bryan again at Payback. An "injured" Bryan and a revamped Kane, their feud just can't be over after one pay per view. That fued was never given time to develop unfortunately.
IF these reports are true,then im afraid this is it for batista. I think the WWE and batista honestly thought,that batista would be welcomed back with open arms,and beloved like the rock was his first time around WM28! Batista again if true,having a another bitch fit about losting to Daniel Bryan because he feels that it would make him look weak,well thats Batista for yah.

Guardians of the Galaxy have you seen the trailers of it,uhhh its not going to be a hit at all.. Batista instantly on his return,was Jeered and just downright Boo'd out of the building.. The business has moved on along without him,much to the surprise of the WWE and Batista..

Lets face facts,Batista is what 45 out of his prime,Poor Cardio and Poor in-ring shape.. No one cares about Batista anymore this is not 2005 this is 2014! We still remember Batista leaving in 2010 because of a hissy fit.. That sticks in IMO WWE audiences craw,the way he left.. IMO mark my words,Guaridans of the Galaxy no one is really going to clamor to go see that movie
This report smacks of more internet marks getting worked by HHH and his "reality era". There is zero reason to believe any of this report at all.

Absolutely. He was scheduled to be leaving to promote the movie anyway, this was part of the deal when he came back. I'm supposed to believe that Batista had no problem tapping out to Bryan at WM30, but refuses to lose to the same guy 2 months later because "he is too small"? Laughable.
Batista needs to realize that as much as he likes to think he is in the same catagorie as a Rock, Austin, Bret Hart, HBK or even HHH, he isn't and his attitude proves it. How does his losing to Bryan again possibly make him look bad promoting his movie? Did people stop watching Rock when he lost to Cena? The difference between Batista and the guys I mentioned is the guys I mentioned wouldn't think twice about losing again as it is the best thing to do right now. Batista seems to think he is some important guy right now - only reason I know of this movie is because Karen Gillan is in it, not because of him. Outside wwe, no one cares about him and he needs to realize that. And the wwe audience, as well trained as they are, don't care about the press for the film, they will watch it anyways. He is another idiot who thinks he has this great wrestling mind who really just doesn't have a clue.
If report is true, then they should've booked Batista very differently upon his Return. He shouldn't have won the Royal Rumble or feud with Daniel Bryan.

Batista should've went through the following scenario:

- Batista finally Returns after 4 years. Explains to the WWE Universe why he's back. (Wanting to become the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion)

- Alberto Del Rio music hits in the middle of Batista's speech. Rudely interrupts Batista only to express his hatred & Jealousy towards his Return.

- A week later it's PPV time. During the Royal Rumble Batista gets eliminated by Alberto Del Rio. (Unfair Elimination)

- Feud begins between Batista & Alberto Del Rio.

- Feud escalates till the next PPV Elimination Chamber.

- Alberto Del Rio pulls a DIRTY VICTORY against Batista by getting him disqualified. (Elimination Chamber PPV)

- A very pissed off Batista the next night (Monday Night Raw) cuts an intense promo calling out Alberto demanding a Rematch this time in No DQ.

- Alberto Del Rio comes out smiling. Tells Batista to leave the WWE and never come back because he's not the same Animal he used to be in his prime.

- Feud escalates further till WrestleMania 30.

- Batista wins by decimating Alberto Del Rio. (WrestleMania PPV)

- The following night after WrestleMania a new feud begins between The Shield & Evolution.

- The feud escalates till Extreme Rules.

- After Extreme Rules ... Batista takes a break.
I'm a fan of Batista, but it seems as though he's similar to Brock Lesnar in that he's in WWE for the money and fame not the love of doing it. These "smaller guys" may not have the roided up bodies but they have bigger hearts and could work circles around big Dave. If he is really that conceited, then he deserves to quit.... AGAIN.

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