
Here's my list of "big names" that have red repped me.
KlunderBunker-19 times?
Blue Cardinal-3 times
Dirty Jose-4 times
The Crock-6 times.
Anonymous Mozzarella-3 times.
Coco The Monkey-once
That's all I can remember for now.

What the fuck did you do to get KB to red rep you 19 times? Holy fuck.

Better yet, there's no way to even know this unless you've been counting.
I don't think it really matters. Sure, it's a warm, fuzzy feeling when you get green rep, especially from bigger names, but this is a discussion forum. Discussions are filled with people who agree with you and disagree with you, and just the discussion itself should be what matters. Hell, you can poke fun at somebody like a kid on a playground and get rep from the "cool kids" (more prominent posters) but I'm sure a lot of that has to do with networking after being on here a while and getting to know people and building each other's rep up. Discussion is discussion, it's good to be recognized for making a good point, but the discussion of different opinions is what matters, not getting red rep from somebody that doesn't like your less than favorable opinion about their "favorite wrestler", green rep for sucking up to a bigger name, or whatever the case may be.
My favorite rep was a red from Jenks for saying that there are some black girls I'd fuck. I'm sure you can figure out the comment he left.
Here's my list of "big names" that have red repped me.
KlunderBunker-19 times?
Blue Cardinal-3 times
Dirty Jose-4 times
The Crock-6 times.
Anonymous Mozzarella-3 times.
Coco The Monkey-once
That's all I can remember for now.

I made up for it by green repping you. If you want red from this point on, though, I'll do just that.

Anyone that I haven't recieved it from. Big names are always nice, but if you're getting repped by a big name alot it losses it's zing.

Yeah, I'll just red you now whenever I see you asking for something to be removed from your rep.

The [OFFICIAL] ScreaminNormanSmiley;2670796 said:
My favorite rep was from bill lesnar, names don't get any bigger than that.

Grey rep FTW.
I think I have had rep from all of the people who matter.

I think I have the full house of mods and admins.
If the person who repped me for a post is a prominent person in that field of expertise, I'll care. Otherwise, it doesn't matter. For example, if Doc green repped with a comment saying "your sig-making skills are excellent" I'd take that. Otherwise, if Doc green repped me for a positive post on Natalya Neidhart, I'd probably disregard it.

Who needs rep anyway?
Big names for sure, but it's nice to get rep after you post your disagreement with someone, and still they show their respect for your argument with the green.

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