Removals From Games

Hardcore Heathen

Future Legend
So what Was Removed from a Game in a Sequel that You Enjoyed?

For me Its Infection from Halo 3 compared to Halo Reach. The maps look Specifically made for Infection with the Small maps, Small Spaces and Great Camping Spots. Then you have Halo Reach Living Dead, The Maps are too big, poorly Designed maps and Fucking Evade AA!

Whats your Feature of a Game that was Removed from a Sequel that you Miss?
In Breath of Fire 1 you had access to every single character in battle. If someone died, you could immediately bring out someone else to replace them for the remainder of the fight if you had more than 5 in the current party. This made it to where you actually had up to 8 people in your battles rather than just the 4 in the active half of the party. Everyone also earned experience points from each fight. In the second game of the series, they got rid of this. You could only fight and get experience points using the active 4. On one hand it made it much more difficult than its prequel, but on the other hand it also was frustrating for those of us who enjoyed that feature about the first. They brought it back in game 4. While this is not THE worst removal I can think of, it's the one I chose to mention because it was one of the particularly more frustrating ones.
In Gears Of War multiplayer you could down an enemy with an active reloaded long shot (sniper rifle). People done it all of the time, it was fun, and it was the icon for the game's multiplayer. Peopel rushed to the long shot at the start of each game, just because of its power. In the sequel, Gears of War 2, they completely omitted the long shot's ability to down an opponent with one shot. It was, in part, what made part one original. Oftentimes, people go back to play Gears of War 1 just because of minute changes like this.

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