Relationship's A.K.A. The Boyfriend & Girlfriend Thread

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Every forum seem's to have one of these. So talk about your bitches or boo's in here. Dont just put shit like ''Hey yo I fuck mo lady evey night. She a tight bitch'' Put decent post's.
yeah i understand

Well i met my then girlfriend in January 2001when i was at club 209 (for those who know where that is), she was dancing on one of the little podiums with her best friend at the time and after she got down because one of my firends bet me to just go up to her and introduce myself and get her number but i only had 5 mins to pull it off, So i walked up to her (half stumbled) and introduced myself (her name is Chantelle) and within about 2 mins i got her number and she told me to ring her the next day so we can do something so i called her and we went to watch i think it was The fast and the furious (she loves her cars like i do) and after awhile we started seeing more and more of each other, then in October 2005 i asked her to marry me ( i was shitting myself before it ) and she said yes. (So the wedding is going to be in March next year)
I met my current girlfriend in a bar as well. Although I remember fuck all about it. She called me a few day's later and asked me out. I didnt know what she looked like so I was expecting the worst but she's pretty hot. Although I was informed yesterday that she's an emo.

I met my first wife at school. But I dont want to talk about her because she left me for a postman.

And I worked with my second wife when I was a photographer. She was a make up artist.
i dont have a girlfriend and ive never had one but there are fine looking ladies at my school but they are too short com pared to me.
If anyone wants to even BOTHER, reading it... I will put up a sappy ass story about how me and my ex met... you wanna talk about a messed up way to "get the girl"
LMMFAO, If you wanna kill time... here it is

Me, PK, and out one friend Burkhardt went up to Altoona one night to look for chicks, this is about four - five years ago, and we see these chicks screwing around on shopping carts outside of Target, so we pulled up and we were smoking cigarettes and i saw this chick, and i was like, 'fuck it, im gonna go talk to her' so off i go, and introduce myself and everything, and the girl i originally went over to talk to wanted nothing to do with me, but, it was some chick, this other Korean girl, and some blonde inside the car, and it was pretty cool, but nothing came of it, they left to go to a party and for the rest of the night i was kicking myself in the ass for not getting a number, (even though i had no chance in hell of getting one, lol)

Flash two weeks: we see the same girls outside of Wal-Mart but just exchange quick waves and go our seperate ways

Flash another week: same thing as Wal-Mart except this time at the mall, and the girl who was in the car the first time, shoots a smile at me.

Flash about a month: The apartments across the streets open up for renting and this girl named Erin from Hollidaysburg moves, then within that week she really cant make any friends out here so she brings one of her friends from Hollidaysburg down to stay the night with her and go to a dance to meet people

Me and my friend Dell wanna get all dressed up for a dance so we go all out, (Gothic that is) braided dreads, electical tape wrapped around me arms, i had super long hair too, (we were headbangers, lol) so we go to my ex's house Sable, she braids our hair and she tells me she still kinda likes me, but doesnt think it will happen again, so im kinda bumed, but then out of nowhere we meet these two hot ass chicks for Martinsburg, who liked the same exact things we liked (they really have nothing to do with the story except that we met them the same day), needless to say, after that, it was turning out to be a good day

Flash to the dance on that same day: Erin and this girl are walking around the dance and Erin is basically showing this girl off like a fresh peice of meat to all the guys, i mean, she looked amazing, pink highlights in her hair, not too goth, not too prep, just a perfect balance, well they come up to me and Dell and by this time the only thing i was interested in was going outside for a smoke, Dell and Erin had kind of a thing going so Erin and her friend comes out with us, and we are sitting there and this girl keeps staring at me... and me, being an idiot im trying to play it tough like i really dont give a shit, cause i just lost Sable not too long ago, and still kinda hurt from that, but anyway, this girl is staring at me, out of nowhere, guess who shows up... NOW, to make this clear, i did not see this happen, but i was told this...

Out of nowhere... comes Spike... (this kid from town that is one of the people that get drunk and tries to fuck every chick he can find)

Me and Dell sit there and go back inside after a while and do our thing, headbang, act like jackasses and then we go back outside, it was the typical night for us, lol, so we are sitting there again, exactly where we were the first time, it was our usual spot, so then, Erin and her friend walk up to us, this time around from the front of the Community Center, and this girl walks right up to me, and Erin tells me that this girl has something to say to me, and i was like, alright, she looks at me and says, simply "you look really familiar but i cant think of how i know you". I drew a blank so they went inside and my cousin Tammy was there, and i asked her where that girl was from, when she said Hollidaysburg for some reason, i thought of that night in front of Target... and i was like, its a shit chance, but maybe shes one of those chicks

(I forgot to mention that Spike had taken Erin and her friend around the back of the Community Center to "talk")

So i go up to this chick and i was like, "hey do you remember a couple months ago in front of Target..." and i didnt even finish the rest, she got a big smile on her face and was just like "omg, that was you" and all happy and everything, (something ran through her head that night but i will save it for when the moment is right cause it adds to the story) but her and Erin were about ready to leave, so i got to talk to this girl for five minutes and then she was basically, what i thought, out of my life forever. But Erin says they are going to be around town tomorrow and we should hang out with them tomorrow.

Next Day: Me and Dell wake up (he stayed the night) and we dont really know if we wanna go look for them cause we had already had plans. We say fuck it and go for broke, so we start walking around town, for like 15 min. its noon, and we are like, we havent found em yet, if we havent found em yet, we aint finding em at all, but then we see them walking up the street.

Now, Tia Delozier, is a pretty cool chick, but she is basically has BAD NEWS written all over her, anytime i see a girl walking with her, i dont want anything to do with them because usually they are bad news too... well, there this girl is walking with Erin and Tia. So right then and there, I was like, aint no way in hell this is happening. So me and Dell do our best to hide, and then we head back to my house. When we are walking up the street there is this white truck sitting outside of Erin's apartment, and this old dude is banging on the door, and he sees us, and asks us, "have you seen my daughter" and i never met Erin's dad so i was like, "whats her name" and he says, "Lindsey" this is the first time i heard her name, and i was like, "nah i dont know her" then out of nowhere here comes Linz and Erin walking up the street, and Linz has this big smile on her face and shes waving at me.

LMAO, now your probably gonna hate me, but this is only the half way point...

Joint DC36: so now i know her name, now, i remember her name, but everyone else knows her as, 'The Girl With Pink Hair', and i mean, EVERYONE was telling me that i should try to find her again, cause i never got to ask for a number or anything, so, months pass, seems like forever. One day im just hanging out with my friend Shaun and hes telling me about this girl he met in Hollidaysburg named Heather, and how shes really cool, and hot, and her friends are hot, (Shaun is the type of guy that tries and SOMEHOW, succeeds in doing the dirty with every girl he meets, he dates em for two weeks, then gets rid of em, and he is butt ass ugly with a lazy eye... i dont know how either, anyway) He tells me that all her friends are hot, and at this particular hour when im talking to him, he decides to call Heather, just so happens that she has a friend over as well. So im listening to Shaun practically telling these girls hes gonna pay them to sleep with each other next time hes up there, and im listening in, like ear to ear type of shit, me and him are both listening to what they say, just kiddy shit, real childish, lol, but then, out of left field, Heather tells her friend, "Shut up Lindsey"

Right then and there, i was like, no fucking way, so before i can ask, Shaun asks them if they are still gonna come by to see Erin and maybe he can hook up with both of them, hang out or "something", im not interested in fucking or anything... i just wanna know if that other chick really is the Lindsey i thought it was, then he says, "see ya later" cause they were leaving to go somewhere, so i didnt get a chance to ask.

Flash a couple of days: Shaun tells me that that Lindsey chick his GF talks to, keeps asking if the dude he was with that one day was me, cause i go by Weaver, but Shaun always calls me Mike, Lindsey didnt know my first name, so finally he tells Heather that it was the right person Lindsey was thinking it was and she gets all excited, so Shaun tells me all about it. So, right then and there, im like flipping out, i write my number down and everything, i write, 832-4615... and tell Shaun to give her my number and tell her to call me.

Flash a couple more days: Shaun gives her the number... but... there is a problem, Shaun finds me and tells me that Lindsey has tried to call but its always busy... and i ask him what number he gave her, and he tells me, "832-4015", and i flip out, im like, "NOO DUDE WRONG NUMBER!" so i give him the right number, i write it BIG this time, and CLEAR, and i patiently wait for a phone call...

Next NIGHT!!!: 1:30a.m. to be exact, the phone rings, my mom is in bed, if she hears it she is gonna be pissed, so i run to the phone, and im like, "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS" and then my mom picks up, same thing, "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS" there is this little voice on the phone, just simply says, "is Mike there" and my mom is pissed, she yells at me like i know who it is and slams the phone down, so im like, "who is this" and then i hear, "It's Lindsey whats up" so i about shit myself with a big grin, and i go and talk to her for like, 3 hours straight, (and piss Dell off at the same time, but once he found out who it was he was glad to hear it)

During the conversation at we had, i find out that Spike never got to do anything with her, from what she says, when Spike asked them to go around the back to "talk" he right out and asked her, "do you wanna go fuck" and SLAPPED him, (bigger text so you can enjoy this)SLAPPED SPIKE!!! right across the face and told him to go fuck himself... LMAO She was utterly impressed with me, cause the whole entire night i never ever asked her if she wanted to fuck me, cause i was real poliet and she loves a man that can just be real without worrying about getting laid, so, im beaming at this point in time and i ask her if she wants to hang out and when... so we plan it, next weekend, at the mall, im finally gonna get to hang out with a girl that has been causing mind fucks for almost 2 months now. But until then, its constant, phone calls everyday, back and forth, like it was the only phone number we knew...

The Mall, Friday Night: Stood Up...

I call her Sat morning cause by the time we got home it was way too late to call, turns out that her parents didnt want her to go out that night and she got grounded, she spent the better part of that phone call apologizing, i told her it wasnt her fault and that maybe we can hang out some other time, so we pick, the next Sat. cause it was Dollar Day at Lakemont Park, so for the rest of the week, ( i should probably mention this all took place over the summer, and the Target thing happened in the end of Winter ) me and Dell are all excited like little school girls. Me and Linz are asking each other little questions about what should do and all this shit, and i told her i would draw her name for her and everything, so Sat rolls around, i wear the same thing i wore when i met her, so she would recognize me, the only problem is though, i call Dell before i head out, and he is still asleep, and i dont want to stand her up, so i leave, im all by myself
catscheergirl 06: ohh my

So i get there, and im standing there, about shitting myself cause i have no idea what to expect, im all alone, my sister didnt even stay with me, im there alone, and scared, lol, and i see her, and she walks up to me, and asks me if im Mike, and i take her name out of my pocket that i drew and hand it to her, and she gives me a hug, and its all smiles, she introduces me to Heather, and her other friend Tabitha, and we start walking into the park just kinda hanging out, and then after a while we get something to eat, you know when you kinda like someone, you kinda start like, play hitting them, like lightly slapping their legs or something, well thats what were doing, we eventually started holding hands, this to me, was a big deal, cause for so long i have been waiting for this, so we start walking around again, and her brother worked there, so we go and meet him, and this dude looks big, he was kinda lounging on the paddle boats, so he looks huge, and i got scared, turns out i was older then him, and me and him hit it off pretty good, but he warns me that im dirt in two weeks, cause Lindsey never keeps a steady boyfriend. I told him maybe this time it will be different, and he says, "it never lasts"

So, we are standing there by the paddle boats, and she gets closer to me, so we go and stand by a tree and i lean against it. And then it happens... and i NEVER like it when it happens... she reached for my belt. And i automatically grab her hand and push it aside, and just tell her, i dont do that shit on the first date... i didnt know what to think then, so i just say, go with something else, so i hop the fence at the paddle boats and talk to her brother, still running it through my head that i am stuck here until the park closes, and it was 4pm. Lindsey starts walking away looking embarassed as hell, thinking she just blew it, and in my head, she did... i never like that in a girl

But, i figure... maybe she just thought that that is what i wanted, so i hop the fence and walk up to her, and grab her arm and told her, "i'm just not that kind of guy, i really like you, but i want to know you, and not what you wanna do with me" and she apologizes, and we make up, and she gives me a little kiss on the cheek (i never ever kissed a girl on the first date, to me that was basically the same thing as "doing shit" with a girl on the first date). Her brother sees that, and looks at me, dead in the eyes... and just kinda... nods... like... maybe this will work with ya... so, we start walking again, and we are back to holding hands after a while, and then we go to the Waterpark... by the time we realize what time it was, its about closing time and the sun is sitting, and we are just kinda sitting on a picnic table, right beside each other, and it was so gay.. LOL, i just looked at her, and i was like, "I really like you" and she laughed her ass off, then looked at me, and was like, "I really like you too" with this stupid smile on her face, like, 'thats all you have to say??' but then i leaned in and kissed her... first date... first kiss... and it meant the world to me... i FINALLY got her...

And before i left... if you remember reading the part during the dance when i said something ran through her head. Well she wanted to kiss me, right then and there, the same way we kissed on that picnic bench when we kissed for the first time... but... she didnt know what it would be like... well, it was a dream come true for two and a half years, and this is why, i will always love her, i may say bad shit about her, but, i was never happier then i was on that day, cause she was a dream come true. The dream ended, but telling this story still puts a smile on my face... and always will...
just a note for that... that was saved from an IM convo I had with another person, I was telling the story to... so... places may not be known by some... and there may be a couple things in there from the convo... just so you know.
Wow man, great story, youve inspired me to write mine about my current gf.

Over winter 2005 to summer 2005 I had a relationship with a girl that was based just around our bodies and not our minds, she said she was in love with me but i doubted it. She graduated school (because she was a year older then me) and I stayed. The first day of school, I saw a girl with her sister that i was very attracted too. The next few weeks I strung together a bunch of excuses to end my current relationship (the girl I had dated since summer who had been unfaithful to me ) to be free and to try to get to know this girl. So, a few days go by and i forgot about her, and im in my Extra help class and she comes in, and one of my friends in the class, (his name was Brett) immediatly had interest in her too. So a few weeks go by and it turns out shes in my algebra class as well, so one day my teacher partners us up to do some random bullshit ass math game, and I had trouble looking at her (im terrible w. girls) and she said something along the lines of "Lets just write down a bunch of random numbers" as brief and as corny as this may sound, me and her look back on this as a great moment. So we did this, she walked away and smiled at me. So I figuered i would gather up the courage and ask her out by the end of the week.
So of course, my dick friend Brett asks her out to the movies cause he finds out I have interest. She agrees and im left in a WTF moment. A few months later, she starts talking to me and breaks everything off with Bret. She confirms her interest in a message to me, leaving me in a FTW situation.
So anyways, we hung out that Friday, and a bunch of other times over vacation. Thats all we did for at least 5 months so we could build a legit relationship, and eventualley it turned into this. As of yesterday, March 19th 2007 weve been dating for 15 months, weve had our fights and short breakups and everything but hey, how can you be together and not fight, what dosent kill you only makes you stronger.
Im really happy with her and she completes me and after I graduate I wanna marry her, corny as that may sound but hey, its all I need.

If you read this, thank you for enduring it.
That's a good one Catlmutln187, lol, I agree that you do have to fight in order to keep a relationship, that which does not kill you makes you stronger... and it applies to couples as well. My story went another two and a half years without one single breakup/get back together moment. Although there were some pretty close calls... Good story all in all though.

BUT! My story STILL is not done, lol, as sad as it is to say, one day you will all get to dwell even more into my personal life and see such things as...

The break up!
The baby!
The two time second chance out the window!
A brief stint with dating my ex's best friend!

Find out more... soon...
From what i read it shows there a;always ups and down but when you can find that special someone it just seems to work...i mean what most people want their soul mate that special love
Nice, I look forward to reading the tragic tale. Me and her have broken up twice (Mostly my fault) but in the end it could be all worth it. Well Ill type it up some other time.
my boyfriend and I have been together for about 5 months now and we are EXTREAMLY happy together. we havent fought yet and we do everything together. he is my baby boy! I♥him
my boyfriend and I have been together for about 5 months now and we are EXTREAMLY happy together. we havent fought yet and we do everything together. he is my baby boy! I♥him

Ahhh, that so nice! I just broke off an engagement, so I am a little sour on the whole relationship thing. I seem to only find the guys that are completely possessive and I don't deal well with that. You and your boy give me hope!!
awwww thanks rvdgurl.

I hope you find someone that will love and addore you as much as my boyfriend does. good luck! the guys are out there you just got to find the right one.

I used to be just like you all my boyfrinds were jerks. until I found tom (my bf) he makes me feel so good about myself. he always complements me on my clothes and everything. we have a very open relationship and we can always talk to one another if we have a problem.

oh and we share our food. (like I'll give him half of my sandwich or vise versa) I know that you guys might think that's not a big deal but to me it is because I don't share my food with anyone not even my family.
Ahhh, that so nice! I just broke off an engagement, so I am a little sour on the whole relationship thing. I seem to only find the guys that are completely possessive and I don't deal well with that. You and your boy give me hope!!

More proof that were perfect for each other RVDgurl. I am so not posessive. You can do whatever you want, because I sure as hell will. Nobody tell's me what to do. Although if you ask me nicely I'll do whatever you want.
More proof that were perfect for each other RVDgurl. I am so not posessive. You can do whatever you want, because I sure as hell will. Nobody tell's me what to do. Although if you ask me nicely I'll do whatever you want.

Maybe it is fate! The only thing keeping us apart is the damn Atlantic Ocean! lol.
Not an issue. I'll just pawn my daughter off on her mother for a week or so. I'm free at any time. You dont live with your parents still do you?
Not an issue. I'll just pawn my daughter off on her mother for a week or so. I'm free at any time. You dont live with your parents still do you?

Yeah, I still live at home, but it's ok- my mom and dad are really cool! Just kidding... my mom and dad are both pretty cool, but its been a while since I lived with either one of them!
More proof that were perfect for each other RVDgurl. I am so not posessive. You can do whatever you want, because I sure as hell will. Nobody tell's me what to do. Although if you ask me nicely I'll do whatever you want.


Here's the whole thing-

I was a young guy, (Still good looking back then) and I was in 6th Grade. A bit shy because I was a new kid in Middle School and didn't know anybody. I'm in 2nd period and this group of preps walk up and say ''Hi''. I said Hi back. Little did I know, This was the beginning of a very long ''friendship''

7th Grade was FUN. I went out with the head cheerleader (named Rebecca) and was the captain of the Football team. We made it all the way to the City Championship game but we lost. Rebecca didn't talk to me, but her best friend named Courtney did. We talked and hit it off but since me and Rebecca were still going out, We didn't and couldn't do anything.

8th Grade. I once again led the team to the City Championship and we won. The year was 2004. Me and Courtney would get closer and closer as I dated another one of her close friends named Alyssa. Courtney really was nice that year and supported me in everything I did. She almost went off to another High School but she transferred just for me :)

9th Grade. I went out with a girl named Melissa all of my freshman year. Star of the football team ONCE AGAIN. This is where I made the decision to start Wrestling and I tried some moves on Courtney. Little did I know, Melissa was watching and she thought I was cheating on her, so she broke up with me :(

Last year- I didn't date at all. I injured my right knee and missed out on all the sports. I was really a poor fellow when Melissa broke up with me. Courtney and I would start flirting and we were very close but never Boyfriend-Girlfriend. I met a girl named Jenny during Spring Break of 06. We hit it off, I got her number, and We went out all summer.

11th Grade- I kept dating Jenny (who I thought I was going to get married to) until she cheated on me. We went out from March 06-Nov 06. I broke it off and Courtney was there ONCE AGAIN to support me. I dated a girl named Hannah from Nov 06- Feb 06. Finally, I had the guts to ask Courtney out on Valentine's Day and she said Yes. We've been going out ever since :)
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