Regal or Cole: Who is the better commentator?

Who is better?

  • William Regal

  • Michael Cole

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I wont bother quoting your whole post since you really didnt make any good points.

First off the Diva, Tag and mid card matches are boring, sloppy or uninteresting because WWE creative puts no effort into building these divisions. During the Attitude Era people cared about these divisions. So it doesnt help when Cole does nothing to promote these divisions with his commentary. Do you really think viewers care about Twitter during the Divas match or if Kofi and R-Truth are facing Ziggler/Swagger?

JR rarely botched, and when he did they were very minor mistakes. So the "he's only human" is a terrible defense to Cole's botches. JR would actually keep his focus on the actual match going on instead of trying to promote something else. In fact when do you really see other commentators botch as much as Cole does?

Why do think the Undertaker requested that JR call his match at Wrestlemania? Because Cole is fucking awful compared to a legend like JR. Why do you think that HBK-Taker II at WM 26 wasnt as good as the first match. Because Cole called the match where JR called the first one at WM 25. The majority of WWE fans hate Cole which is why Vince decided to make him into a heel.

Again, I do not care why the matches regarding divas, mid-carders, and thrown together tag matches are bad. They just are, no question. But the thing is like I said, what the hell can you commentate to try and make them sound exciting? Regal hasn't done that, Matt Strike can't do it. You can't. JR made them sound great because of his presentation and style. It's technically unprofessional, but for a place like WWE, it's perfect. Cole isn't made for a show like WWE, he's made for an actual and professional broadcast. He's very skillful in that scene, and those skills are what my entire post regards.

You say JR rarely botches, but when he does they are minor. Think about what you just said. You admitted he has botched before. Cole also botches, but they're not significant and game-changers. That is the human element I was saying in which you claimed as a terrible point. People will mess up at points, oh well. We move on.

"Cole should focus on the match instead of promoting something else". I remember a time, way back when, when Cole did do this. Yes, I remember he would always keep focus. This was also a time when WWE and Vince were not concerned with relating and staying modern with technology and social media. This was also a time where ratings were great, and the talent was exciting. Cole can do it if he wants to as he's proven, but don't you think he is being told to promote these other things at times? We all hate to see what's trending on Twitter, but think about it. Cole most likely does not have his computer logged onto Twitter mid-match to see what's trending. He's being told this.

So the second match wasn't as good because Cole commentated it? It wasn't because it was a replica of the year before when they first delivered one of the most exciting matches in recent history? Like I said before. Cole is good. People would like him, but he's always and only compared to JR. Compare Cole and Booker T. Oh yeah, nobody does that. JR is a legend, but that's because of his delivery and style. He's not really that talented or great at the actual commentating, but he's entertaining and is what is perfect for WWE. Cole is more of an actual commentator. He's really not made for WWE. But that's not my point. My point is saying that he is actually good at commentating, just isn't made for a show like WWE.
If you're into wrestling and would like to have every move, every spot detailed for your satisfaction, then Regal is your man. If you're like me, however, whose interest in wrestling rarely runs that deep, who is often more interested about developing storylines as well as being given information about upcoming ones, then by all means choose Michael Cole.
Cole can be a heel commentator, but he needs to relax a little. It's funny, he seems to be normal for a few weeks then he becomes incredibly annoying and goes overboard for a few weeks. King was a heel commentator, not once did he become this obnoxious guy that you had to mute your tv. Yes, I have to mute my tv many times. For a year or so he ripped Daniel Bryan a new ass saying how he's a joke, awful wrestler yada yada yada... Bryan turned heel and he still hated him. Then week by week he talked less crap and then one week acted like that whole time he's never trashed him. Ever since, he talks great about him. He can't keep his shit together. It's piss poor acting. He's a mess as a heel commentator. He needs to fix it and slow down a little or just be a straight forward guy. See, Vickie is awful. Say what you want, she's about as useless at tits on a bull. Punk called her out on it on Smackdown and it was great. Same routine over and over. The only reason I can deal with her is because she's only on small parts of the shows. Cole on the other hand is on 2 hours (soon to be 3) on Raw and 2 hours on Smackdown. He's shoved down our throats and he's just a bit much. If he just calmed down a little on the heel work, he would be perfectly fine. If not, replace him and put him as a heel manager so we only have to get doses of him. Not multiple hours a week of him screaming and going overboard in our ears every single week.
Regal hands down is the better commentator out of the 2 of them and Cole should be fired as commentator, and replace him with William Regal at the commentator's table
I actually like Cole as a commentator. I would love to see Regal at one of the booths as I love wrestler doing the commentary at times. Its hard to substitute their knowledge from being in the ring for all those years, and Regal is no different. I do not think he should replace Cole as he is a seasoned vet, and he actually does know wrestling. Adding Regal to the booth would be the best option. I have to add that the King has been non existent in his role for the last year or so, and just seems like he is going through the motions. I would like to see both the booths on Raw and Smackdown shaken up a little bit and add some new blood, and I think Regal would be perfect for this.
William Regal is better since his commentary is a breath of fresh air compared to what the WWE is shoving nowadays. I like that on the new format of NXT, Regal is working with JR. But then, anything is better than heel Michael Cole. Even a glass of water is better than Cole
You're seriously asking who the better announcer is? Regal easily. Unless the other option is Mike Adamle, then Michael Cole is never going to be regarded as the superior option in any "who is the better announcer" topic. Ever. He's far too annoying. I don't care what is trending on Twitter, nor will I ever sign up for an account there. I don't care what he thinks is "vintage". His "feud" with JR and King was too painfully awful to watch. He also does not need to remind us each week that Raw is the longest running weekly episodic television show in history. They want him to be a heel announcer? Great, all he needs to do is call the matches and side with the heels. It is that simple.

Regal is far superior to Michael Cole. He's not annoying whatsoever, for one thing. It also helps that he has knowledge on the moves that are being used in the ring. I enjoy hearing Regal make comments on matches as I watch them. Michael Cole on the other hand, I keep waiting patiently for the day he will leave. A friend of mine from college always joked around about how if he ever took over WWE then he would fire Cole immediately at his first press conference. So the answer clearly is Regal, as he makes the matches more interesting rather than acting annoying like Cole and actually knows what he is talking about.

Your first paragraph is completely void/null. Why? because you mention things that are part of his job, he's supposed to bring up twitter trends, the raw weekly episode records. His heel run was creatives idea, and you got annoyed with it...well he did his job then! Cole saying "Vintage" what he can't have is own thing, like JR had "Slobberknocker" ?

I don't like a few things you mention but i have the decency and reasoning to see it's not all down to him.

Commentators should do just that, not be some uber heel character. I don't blame that on Cole though.

Since they dropped the whole heel run Cole has been fine, it's only probably due to the terrible creative to use him in the main event. I doubt it's Coles idea.
This isn't a comparison that you can make as they do totally different jobs.

Cole is there to push whatever is going on on the show. That could be hyping a match, getting heat on someone, taking us through the show, arguing with Lawler, ranting about something, plugging Twitter or whatever.

On the other hand, Regal is there to tell zany (and hilarious) stories while also explaining psychology. He calls on his history of the business and talks about his experience in all kinds of areas and matches.

Now let's look at why these things are very different. First and foremost, Regal is a wrestler with probably over 25 years of experience in the ring and in the business. He's wrestled all over the world and has probably forgotten more about wrestling than about 90% of the roster knows. There are things he can talk about that Cole or even more of the people in the company can't do. Regal can talk about the psychology behind a wristlock as an authority on the subject because he is an authority on the subject.

Cole does not have a history as a wrestler. He has a history as a journalist and in news. He's good at explaining a story to a wide audience and doing it in a way that gets the point across and gets your attention. Cole doesn't need a background in the ring to do what he does. He needs communication skills and storytelling skills, but not in ring skills.

Another thing to keep in mind, and this is something that I've explained many times, is that at the end of the day, A LOT of what is said is by Vince's call. Do you think Vince cares what Regal says on NXT? Do you think Vince watches NXT or has any idea of the details of what goes on there? I'd be very surprised if he did, because it's nothing important at all. Regal and Matthews can say almost whatever they want there because they probably don't have Vince yelling in their ears every 10 seconds. Vince is right there yelling at Cole every Monday night for Raw because that is the flagship show of the company.

You can't compare these two because they're polar opposites doing different jobs under very different circumstances.

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