Regal is the greatest commentator...


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Regal is the greatest color commentator right now. He makes NXT so epic. I love how he explains the holds, he puts over the Gabriel/Kruger feud SO hard.

That's all.
Regal is fantastic. I'm hoping the move of JBL to Raw is part of a plan to phase out Jerry Lawler and bring William Regal up to do color on SmackDown.
Regal is fantastic. I'm hoping the move of JBL to Raw is part of a plan to phase out Jerry Lawler and bring William Regal up to do color on SmackDown.

God, that would be glorious. Not so much phasing out Lawler, but Regal and Josh would be a great two man team on SD. I would just as soon leave a three man booth for Raw.
Also, im sure im alone in this entirely, but I used to fucking LOVE Dusty Rhodes on commentary back in WCW. Him, Regal, and Josh would have me fucking rolling. They would never do it for one of their main shows, but doing it on NXT would rock.

Also, surprising to most of you, Brad Maddox does commentary on NXT sometimes, and it pretty fucking hilarious.
Mighty NorCal said:
Also, surprising to most of you, Brad Maddox does commentary on NXT sometimes, and it pretty fucking hilarious.

This is true. NXT can be better than the other two shows, sometimes.

Y'all remember when Miz was champ and Cole was (in his mind) this ultra-heel? Annoying as shit!

What some people don't like about Regal is his calm manner in calling a match, but I enjoy it, it's a change of pace. Also, he actually knows the holds.

I also love JBL, because I find him genuinely funny, but I don't know if his aggro will mix well with Regal's calm. If they should phase out anybody, it should be Cole, but Lawler won't live forever, so...
Cole and JBL are hilarious together and then Jerrys stupid comments are alright but JBL and Josh is gold too. Still when season 3 of NXT was in Josh and Cole were gold
Also, im sure im alone in this entirely, but I used to fucking LOVE Dusty Rhodes on commentary back in WCW. Him, Regal, and Josh would have me fucking rolling. They would never do it for one of their main shows, but doing it on NXT would rock.

Also, surprising to most of you, Brad Maddox does commentary on NXT sometimes, and it pretty fucking hilarious.

Dude why would you be alone in marking for Dusty? It's fuckin' Big Dust?!


I fucking *love* Dusty. I mark out so hard any time he shows up anywhere.

And Brad Maddox is an absolute prince in anything he does. He just oozes cuntiness in all his promos/commentary. Team Brickie for life.
This is true. NXT can be better than the other two shows, sometimes.

Y'all remember when Miz was champ and Cole was (in his mind) this ultra-heel? Annoying as shit!

What some people don't like about Regal is his calm manner in calling a match, but I enjoy it, it's a change of pace. Also, he actually knows the holds.

I also love JBL, because I find him genuinely funny, but I don't know if his aggro will mix well with Regal's calm. If they should phase out anybody, it should be Cole, but Lawler won't live forever, so...

It's Lawler that needs to go. As terrible as this sounds, I was excited a bit because I thought his heart attack would mean a retirement. I was bummed when he showed back up with his tired perv routine. I feel bad about that now, as I realize he's a very good guy IRL. All the same I would like him to be gone in favor of JBL/Cole/Regal.

And Cole was annoying? Well dude that's called doing his job. He does it well.
It's Lawler that needs to go. As terrible as this sounds, I was excited a bit because I thought his heart attack would mean a retirement.

You're not alone in that, and it's not terrible. IMO, he long ago overstayed his welcome. A new viewer would never guess that once upon a time he was hands down the best color commentator in the industry. I'm glad he survived, but that doesn't mean I wanted him back in the booth. J.R. and JBL coming in in relief of him just made his poor work stand out that much more.

And Cole was annoying? Well dude that's called doing his job. He does it well.

Too well in that case, perhaps. What a lot of people forget, ignore, or are just too young to know, is that Cole does have good play-by-play chops. It's just been over the last 4-5 years that Cole has come under fire from a lot of fans for his commentary. Prior to that I don't recall many complaints, and personally I found him to be fine up until the heel turn.
You're not alone in that, and it's not terrible. IMO, he long ago overstayed his welcome. A new viewer would never guess that once upon a time he was hands down the best color commentator in the industry. I'm glad he survived, but that doesn't mean I wanted him back in the booth. J.R. and JBL coming in in relief of him just made his poor work stand out that much more.

Too well in that case, perhaps. What a lot of people forget, ignore, or are just too young to know, is that Cole does have good play-by-play chops. It's just been over the last 4-5 years that Cole has come under fire from a lot of fans for his commentary. Prior to that I don't recall many complaints, and personally I found him to be fine up until the heel turn.

His heel turn was brilliant, because I saw casual fans and the smart fans all just spewing venom at him. I never understood why they hated it. I guess he played them like a fiddle. His role was to be obnoxious. If people can't separate the man from the character then he has some great heat. Lawler in his interview recently with Rosenberg was putting Cole's heel persona over in a huge way. There's no need for him to do it now that JBL is there, but it was awesome still.
His heel turn was brilliant, because I saw casual fans and the smart fans all just spewing venom at him. I never understood why they hated it. I guess he played them like a fiddle. His role was to be obnoxious. If people can't separate the man from the character then he has some great heat. Lawler in his interview recently with Rosenberg was putting Cole's heel persona over in a huge way. There's no need for him to do it now that JBL is there, but it was awesome still.

His role was the problem. Never had an issue with how he performed it, but it was the fact that it was happening that bothered me. It was a terrible angle. It was a distraction, it ruined matches, it didn't put any talent over, it aided in making WrestleMania 27 piss poor, and then it didn't end after Cole's initial mea culpa, instead dragging along far past its expiration date.

Some geniuses did indeed blame Cole personally, but I've watched enough WWE to know that everything that happens is the result of creative and is given the blessing of Vince McMahon. Lawler putting over Cole's heel character doesn't mean much. He's going to shill for the company unless there's a woman involved. The character and the angle were far from awesome, but to each his own.
Regal is a great commentator. His knowledge of wrestling is astounding; he should be doing commentary on the main shows one day, hopefully. I would love to have JBL and Regal as a team. Reason be is, JBL can be the explosive, hard talking, son of a gun while Regal is the calm, cool collective one. Their knowledge would be outstanding together. They would vibe from each other very well in my opinion.

Another person who I wish would or could do commentary again is Striker. I miss his rants and rambles through out the match. He seemed very dedicated to doing so.
JR is the GOAT of commentating. Or at least in this day and age.

Oh yeah that's not a debate at all. And he still is GOAT every time he shows up on NXT. And Regal + JR + NXT = $$$$

I wanna do my Emma dance just thinking about it. But since JR isn't really a full-time guy anymore I think Regal is my #1 of the full-time guys.

Plus he can still get in the ring and fuck a dude up.
Regal is a great commentator. His knowledge of wrestling is astounding; he should be doing commentary on the main shows one day, hopefully. I would love to have JBL and Regal as a team. Reason be is, JBL can be the explosive, hard talking, son of a gun while Regal is the calm, cool collective one. Their knowledge would be outstanding together. They would vibe from each other very well in my opinion.

Another person who I wish would or could do commentary again is Striker. I miss his rants and rambles through out the match. He seemed very dedicated to doing so.

Agreed on everything. And on Striker, I think he got bumped down because of heat with Lawler. They are like oil and water.
Interesting. I didn't know Striker and Lawler had heat against each other. Any known reason?

Well if you go back and listen to their work on PPV, they're constantly taking shots at each other. I don't know about the reason, as I heard they simply don't get along at all. I just thought that was them hamming it up to make the commentary more exciting, but I kept reading around then that they had legit heat. Then Striker was relegated to being a backstage guy, and I felt that might add credence to the rumor.
Well if you go back and listen to their work on PPV, they're constantly taking shots at each other. I don't know about the reason, as I heard they simply don't get along at all. I just thought that was them hamming it up to make the commentary more exciting, but I kept reading around then that they had legit heat. Then Striker was relegated to being a backstage guy, and I felt that might add credence to the rumor.

Thanks for the info CBF. At that though, I never watched PPV's. I couldn't afford them. As of what you're saying, it does make sense. I'd rather the booth be Striker as of me personally, I've never been a King fan.
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Interesting. I didn't know Striker and Lawler had heat against each other. Any known reason?

Striker supposedly had heat with Lawler & Cole because of his commentating style (mention indie stuff, throw in references to niche things like comics or games, and nonstop talking), which basically cut into Lawler & Cole's established style. Go back and you'll see all three basically talking over one another and shots getting traded between Lawler & Striker.

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