Redemption - Four Team Cage Match - Tag Team Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Count them, four teams are set to go inside a solid steel cage to contest for Tag Team Gold. Heavy Artillery escaped losing the belts by tooth and nail with their match against The Ghetto Stars on Meltdown 38. Now with the addition of newcomers Chris Jones & Mark Hancock as well as Tag Veteran Steven Kurtesy teaming with Doug Crashin, the stakes have never been higher. Who will survive the onslaught and walk away with the gold?

Match Rules
  • Four teams start in each corner of the cage in tag rules
  • The first two teams to suffer a pinfall or submission will be eliminated from the match
  • The remaining two teams will resume in standard rules where the first team to earn a pin, submission or both members escape the cage will be declared the winners and Tag Team Champions

Deadline for this match is Tuesday 20th April 23:59 EST
We’re outside Hancock’s house as we go into the house and see Hancock sitting in the living room. Hancock is breathing heavily.

Hancock: I have failed, and when I fail I must be punished!!

Hancock punches himself in the face and continues to do so until Jones runs in and stops him.

Jones: What the hell are you doing!?

Hancock: I failed Jones, I didn’t win the title. And when I fail I must punish myself to motivate me.

Jones: Are you screwing with me? We won that match it was a W in the column. And guess what? We have another title match. We have established ourselves and will become the greatest WZCW wrestlers ever. We are above everyone else in that company and now we are by ourselves. We are going to walk out with the titles.

Hancock looks up and we see blood dripping down his face.

Hancock: You’re right. We are the ones that rise above the rest. And you can control me. Keep me away from the darkness so I am able to focus my hatred. It will get hectic in that cage but there is an animal in there. With you as my conscience you can pull me back from mistakes. They have no idea of the team we have created. They are simple wrestlers while we are the elite.

Jones: That’s why I was excited to tag with you. I can help you as much as you can help me. I am here to take you into the light and bring you to the next level. Neither of us could get the mayhem title last show because that was the first time we were together. We were rookies and unable to control the power between us.

Hancock: Exactly. There is no need to punish myself when there is gold around my waist. When I’m finished with the teams in that cage they won’t try to win the titles back. They will remember the blood in their eyes and wouldn’t even want to be affiliated with us anymore. They think I won’t bring it all but I will. I’m not going to punish myself again. I am going to put my old demons behind me, with your help of course. Jones, this is going to be fun.

We fade out as Hancock and Jones shake hands as the blood flows down Hancock’s face to his hand.
The camera fades into a movie theater, it is inside Mr. Baller’s house in Miami, Florida as he is watching his last tag team match for the WZCW Tag Team Championships. The match is on split screen, one on him and the other on Max Karzai.

Baller: "Freeze it!"

As the movie freezes, it clearly shows Max Karzai tapping before the ref makes the three count.

Baller: "That is bullshit! I let that stupid Lights guy pin me, because I knew Karzai was about to tap."

Baker secretly walks in through the door and just stands there as Baller continues to watch the movie in anger.

Baker: "My ass!"

Baller jumps in fear.

Baller: "What the? How the hell you get in here?"

Baker: "It's called the front door."

Baller: "Shit, I knew I forgot to lock it."

Baker: "But dude, don’t sweat the last match, we all know what really happened."

Baller: "But now, all WZCW cares about is the god damn buyrates for redemption, so instead of giving us our rightful rematch we are going into an 8 man cage match with Crashin and Kurtesy, and two guys I never heard of before."

Baker: "Jones and Hancock, I believe."

Baller: "Whatever, we all know those two teams are there for the show, and when it comes down to it, it will be us vs Heavy Artillery."

Baker: "No doubt about it."

Baller: "Crashin will try to do something miraculous and will crash and burn, even he can meditate into the future and see that. Kurtesy couldn’t beat us with Teach who is much better then Crashin will ever be, what are the odds they can beat us."

Baker: "None."

Baller: "The rookies? No chance."

Baker: "Nope."

Baller: "Heavy Artillery, you may be the champs right now, but the whole world knows that we should be holding those belts. You got saved. Well inside that steel cage, there is nobody to help you. All you have is you bare hands and that barbaric steel cage. Baker and I live for these matches, we were the Kings of Mayhem before we decided to team up, everybody in the Mayhem division wanted to take us off our throne, so we left it for them. Now Karzai, you call yourself a shock rocker, and that you always say you love to be in extreme matches. Anybody extreme does not tap out, they find a way to get out of it. You are soft, and you are no extreme shock rocker, or whatever you want to call it. Max when The Ghetto Stars are done with you, and the cage is risen with your body still left inside the cage, and you feeling defeat, you will want to get out of wrestling and go back to singing them songs, because you will realize you can not compete with The Ghetto Stars."

Baker: "Jordan Lights, I’m sure you feel proud of yourself for your performance on Meltdown. Congratulations, I really commend you on your efforts, but when you get inside that cage, it is a whole different environment, and everybody knows that it's not gonna be an easy task for you. You or Karzai for that matter have never been inside a cage like this before, and it will ultimately be your downfall. This cage is the type of brutality that Baller and I grew up on."

Baller: "REDEMPTION WILL HAPPEN! I want, NO, I WILL get, MY redemption. I will not lose this match because I, no WE, are the best Mayhem wrestlers in this very company, and when you get in that 15 foot high steel cage, there is no escape. I have put my body on the line in every type of Mayhem match there has ever been in this company, and that goes the same for my dog right over here. You can not run away, there will be no General Managers to save you two, or the other four wrestlers that will be inside that cage, we are The Ghetto Stars, and when you are a star, you get gold. And at Redemption, the golds will go to its RIGHTFUL owners, James Baker and Mr. Greatness himself, Mr. Baller!"

Baker chuckles.

Baller: "What is so funny?

Baker: "Greatness? No offense dog, but you have got to be kiddin' me."

Baller: "Just like you, and the rest of my doubters, I will prove why I am indeed greatness, and I GUARANTEE that we will walk out as champs because of me!"

Baller walks out of the theatre slamming the door behind him.

Baker: "No, we will walk out as the champs because of ME like it's been ever since I started teamin' with you! Believe that."

Camera fades to black.
The scene opens to a shot of a large, crowded convention. Various tables are set up at strategic points, each with a banner hanging above them, advertising the bands that are sitting at them, signing autographs. After panning around a little bit, the camera cuts to the banner above the table of one Max Karzai, before moving downwards. Karzai is chatting amiably with a fan while signing anything that the bustling crowd is giving him. The fan is wearing a WZCW t-shirt and is talking a mile a minute.

Fan: Yeah, you guys are totally going to clear this thing up! No one can stop you, you‘re riding the lightning to the top!

Karzai chuckles as he signs a foam baseball bat that has just been handed to him.

Karzai: I’d like to think so. Got a big challenge coming up soon, though.

The fan snorts derisively.

Fan: Yeah, sure. Doug Crashnburn is going to need a lot more than a psychologist in order to fix his problems.

Karzai takes a drink from a can of energy drink before replying.

Karzai: There are more teams than just Kurtesy and Crashin, you know.

Fan: Whatever, you can take them. You‘ll never get unseated.

He turns to the assembled crowd.

Fan: Hear that, everyone? Heavy Artillery are going to become the longest reigning tag team champions of all time!

The crowd, all fans of Karzai, cheer. Karzai sighs and scratches the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face.

Karzai: Now, can’t get overconfident…There are some other great competitors in that match.

A voice rings over the crowd.

Fan #2: The way I see it, you don’t have anything to be confident about at all.

Karzai looks up as the vocal fan makes his way to Karzai’s desk and shoves the first fan out of the way.

Fan: Ow! Hey-

Fan #2: Shut up, you idiot, and let me talk.

The first fan is struggling to disentangle himself from the tangle of wires he was knocked into. Karzai crushes the empty can of energy drink in his hand and rises to his feet, offering his hand to help. The second fan continues.

Fan #2: You think you can take the Ghetto Stars? You’re not even a real wrestler. You’re a rock star.

Karzai: And Mr. Baller is a basketball player. What’s your point?

Fan #2: My point is that you probably don’t even care about the business. You don’t belong there.

Karzai: How do you figure I don’t care? I’ve been a wrestling fan my whole life.

Fan #2: Then why did you not become a wrestler from the beginning?

Karzai: My father worked the mines
‘Til the day it took his life.
Stole him from his only son-

Fan #2: Yeah, yeah, we‘ve all seen that piece of shit. Give us a real answer.

A gasp arises from the crowd at the criticism of the music video. Karzai grips the bridge of his nose for a minute second before answering.

Karzai: Fine, I‘ll tell you. I became a rock star first as a way to honor my late father, who left me his old guitar. I wanted to get into wrestling, and I chose WZCW. I‘ve always loved wrestling. How does this mean I don‘t care about the business?

Fan #2: Whatever, not important. The fact is, the Ghetto Stars are going to stomp your ass on Sunday and there‘s nothing you can do about it.

Karzai: Sure, right, the team that is made up of two people who were mortal enemies not five weeks ago is going to defeat a team that has been strong together almost since their debut.

Fan #2: In a cage. Baller and Baker ruled the Mayhem division before becoming a team.

Karzai: If by “ruled“ you mean “Baker squashed Baller over and over again“…

Fan #2: Doesn‘t matter. This is their match. You guys have no chance. All you do is go up on stage and pretend to blow yourself up-

Karzai has had quite enough of the fan’s disrespectful attitude. He stares at the fan, eye to eye, unblinking. The fan‘s cocky attitude drops somewhat.

Karzai: Let me ask you something. Did you see my performance earlier?

The fan nods dumbly.

Karzai: Did you see the stunt with the barbed wire?

The fan nods again, slowly.

Karzai yanks up his left sleeve, revealing a criss-cross of scratches, cuts, and purplish bruises lining his entire arm. The fan takes a step back, clearly repulsed.

Karzai: This isn‘t all smoke and mirrors. This stuff really happens. Remember the part with the fire? That was real. And after that, do you really think a little cage is going to hurt me?

He rolls his sleeve back down before addressing the crowd.

Karzai: You guys know me. You‘ve seen me perform, both on stage and in the ring. You know I can take a ton of punishment and still get back up. It doesn‘t matter if I‘m facing four teams or forty teams, I will still push on through. I‘ve been pushing on through my whole life.
But I can‘t do it without you guys. I know you have been supporting me and supporting Jordan from day 1, and I thank you for it. The upcoming cage match is going to be the biggest match of my career, and I‘ll need your help.

He turns back to Fan #2.

Karzai: Help to silence the people like you. The people who I‘ve had to deal with my whole life. The people who always say I can‘t. They told me I couldn‘t become a guitarist because my fingers are too large. They told me I couldn‘t do the things I do and still continue. They warned me against wrestling and its perception in society. They said my image would be ruined forever.
Well guess what? I don‘t care about my image. All I know is that if you like me, you like me, and I know all of you like me, so I must be doing something right. And I‘m going to show all those people who say I can‘t and prove to them that I can. They say “Max, don‘t be crazy, that‘s impossible!” Well I‘ve been around the block, and let me tell you: There‘s a lot of crazy in this world, but there is very little impossible!
So come Sunday, I‘m going to walk into Redemption a champion, and I am going to leave Redemption a champion! Because that‘s just the kind of person I am.

Fan #2 is silenced. He stomps off, sulking. Karzai turns to the first fan, who has by now untangled himself and dusted himself off.

Karzai: Come on, Evan. I was going to meet Jordan in a bar after this, and I thought I'd buy you a drink after the crap that happened back there. Sound good?

Evan nods, and follows Karzai out of the building.

Scene fades.
*camera cuts to a fenced-off area in some unnamed street. The building within the area looks to be a school, with the gravel area serving as its playground. Chris Jones soon comes into the shot, appearing behind the chain-link fence, dragging his fingers across it absentmindedly*

Jones: Within a short amount of time, I will be locked inside a structure much like this. The fence will be higher, the area smaller, and six other men will be trying to beat me. Four to win gold, and two to keep it.

*Jones opens his mouth to add onto that, but pauses, grinning slightly as he looks down*

Jones: Six other many people. So many unclean, impure people needing my help. So much to do.

*Jones starts walking beside the fence, dragging his fingers along while the camera follows him*

Jones: Ever since the match was announced, I racked my brain to think of a reason why I should fight them. Why they need my help. You see, I'm not like some people. I don't fight for the sake of fighting. I need a reason to fight. Survival, hatred, justice. I have no motivation unless I know why I need to win.

*Jones then stopped, looking in the same direction he was walking*

Jones: And then I remembered what was at stake. The WZCW Tag Team Championship. I remember saying to myself "Christopher, you've done so much for so many. Isn't it time you fight for yourself for a change?"

*Jones smiled and turned to face the camera*

Jones: Surprisingly, greed became a very liberating emotion for me.

*Jones then leaned his face against the fence, staring directly into the camera, voice lowered to a whisper*

Jones: It helped me in two ways. The first was that it eliminated two thirds of my opponents. Baller. Baker. Kurtsey. Crashin. Inconsequential. Unimportant. Not. A. Problem. My six enemies were down to two. Karzai and Lights, the champions. The second was that it eliminated any personal reasons behind me fighting.

*Jones grins, almost biting the chain*

Jones: Maxwell, I could talk about how you're a flashy, crowd-pleasing, time-wasting idiot whose concern about your art will be your biggest weakness. Jordan.....*chuckles* I could talk about how you're a mockery of everything I stand for. But I won't. Because none of that matters. The only thing you need to worry about is: You have the belts. I want them. I'm going to take them. And anyone who gets in my way is on a one-way trip to unimaginable pain.

*Jones backs away from the fence, then leaps at it, grabbing onto it and climbing up. The camera backs away as Jones climbs over the fence and lands on the sidewalk, turning to face the camera*

Jones: The mountain will be higher and much more difficult to climb at Redemption. But it doesn't matter. I will become a champion, and fulfill my own personal justice.

*Jones grins again as camera fades to black*
The scene opens up backstage where James Baker and Malik Jones are sitting down on the bench conversating with each other.

James: "Yo Malik, who the fuck does he think he is? Sayin' that we will win the titles because of him."

Malik Jones: "Well, remember now. He's always had a bit of an ego."

James: "I know, but like he's done in the past, he's lettin' it cloud his judgement and to be honest, i'm worried that he'll screw up our chances to get the titles that we were screwed out of last week."

Malik Jones: "This could be a problem, but I think he still has his mind focused on winning the match."

James: "I hope you're right homie. I really do."

Mr. Baller then comes into the room, acting even more cocky as usual.

Mr. Baller: "Everybody is going to be bowing to my feet once I... We win the tag team titles."

James: "Glad you corrected yourself and said we would win the titles."

Mr. Baller: "Well it would be because of me."

James: "And give me a reason why I and everybody else should believe that?"

Mr. Baller: "Because i'm the best damn athlete to ever grace this company and besides, I helped dominate the Mayhem Division."

James (hysterically laughing at this point): "I think you meant that you were the bitch of the division as I was whoopin' the livin' crap out of you to keep that belt."

Baller and James then get nose to nose until Malik steps in to prevent it from going further.

Malik Jones: "Guys, what the hell is this? You have a tag team title match for christ sake."

James: "Well homie, tell this cunt to stop bein' so god damn cocky all the time."

Mr. Baller: "It's better than being all positive about the match and wishing the opponents good luck."

Malik Jones: "Becky Serra's coming to interview you guys real soon. Get it together for christ sake."

James: "Fine, i'll be calm because I am the better person here."

Becky Serra then comes walking into the room and stands beside The Ghetto Stars with a microphone in hand.

Becky Serra: Hey James, Baller, Malik."

James: "What's poppin'?

Mr. Baller: 'Sup."

Becky Serra: "So, when should we start this interview?"

James: "Whenever you're ready."

Becky then gives the cameraman the signal. The camera man counts down from 3 to 1.

Becky Serra: "Hey all you WZCW fans out there, this is Becky Serra here and i'm standing by with one of the four teams that's participating in the cage match, James Baker and Mr. Baller, The Ghetto Stars.

James: "Yeah, that's right."

Becky Serra: "What did you think of Max Karzai saying that Doug Crashin and Steven Kurtesy are better than you?"

James: "Kurtesy and Crashin better than ME? HA! That's like sayin' that the Los Angeles Clippers are a better basketball team than the Los Angeles Lakers, it's just not even close to bein' truthful and to be honest, it pisses me off that i'm even mentioned in the same breath as them two because as everybody already knows that Crashin is complete and total dog shit and Kurtesy? Well look at him for christ sake, he's not even remotely on the same level that I am, he hasn't done anything to make the casual fan care about him and if you really want me to be all technical, he can't even put on a decent match because he's too busy bein' a fake doctor and gettin' hammered off of his ass. There's not much more that I need to say about those two because i'll let my in-ring skills do the talkin' for me."

Becky Serra: "What are your thoughts on the two rookies, Chris Jones and Mark Hancock?"

James: "Well i'll admit, I don't know much about these two guys, but from what i've seen so far, these guys could very well be the real deal, but do they have a chance to win this match? Eh, not really because not only are they really ready to be a champion, but they have three other teams to contend with and honestly, they won't walk out of Redemption with the titles."

Becky Serra: "And finally, what are your comments on Heavy Artillery?"

James: "Now as everybody saw last week, we were wrongfully screwed last week as we all know that Karzai tapped out way before the ref made the three count, but as fate saw it, the general manager saved their asses because he fears that they would quit. Boo hoo! I don't care if you two quit, but what's beyond dumb is the fact that this company is afraid to put the belts on us because any division that I am in, always brings more prestige to said division and if you don't believe me, then take a look at the Mayhem Title. Had I not have held that belt, it would be extinct, vanished, practically nothin' to be honest."

"But as much as I can't stand the fact that they have the higher ups in their back pockets, I still respect the hell out of them because they go out there and bust their asses and they seem very proud to be the champions, but what they don't know is that their luck will officially run out as I doubt that they have enough ability to retain. Now i'm not sayin' that you guys suck or anything like that, but the odds aren't in your favor at all. Take it away Baller."

Mr. Baller: "I couldn't have said it better myself James, well actually I could've but that is besides the point. At Redemption, The Ghetto Stars will pull out all of its "Heavy Artillery", and there is no stopping us. As they say in basketball, the ball doesn't lie, and at Redemption we will get what is rightfully ours, and that is the WZCW Tag Team Titles. It is our redemption from Meltdown, the belts should be ours and I guarantee that we will walk out as champs."

James: "Boys, your 15 minutes of fame will come to an abrubt end and for everybody else in the match, well you might as well not show up because The Ghetto Stars will walk out of Redemption with OUR WZCW World Tag Team Championship and there's not a damn thing that anybody can do to prevent that from happenin' and that's that and nothin' more."

James/Baller/Malik (in unision): "Believe that!"

Fade to black.
The scene opens to reveal a small convention center where Max Karzai is holding an autograph session. The cameras cut to inside the center, where Max Karzai is about to leave.

Karzai: Help to silence the people like you. The people who I‘ve had to deal with my whole life. The people who always say I can‘t. They told me I couldn‘t become a guitarist because my fingers are too large. They told me I couldn‘t do the things I do and still continue. They warned me against wrestling and its perception in society. They said my image would be ruined forever.
Well guess what? I don‘t care about my image. All I know is that if you like me, you like me, and I know all of you like me, so I must be doing something right. And I‘m going to show all those people who say I can‘t and prove to them that I can. They say “Max, don‘t be crazy, that‘s impossible!” Well I‘ve been around the block, and let me tell you: There‘s a lot of crazy in this world, but there is very little impossible!
So come Sunday, I‘m going to walk into Redemption a champion, and I am going to leave Redemption a champion! Because that‘s just the kind of person I am.

Fan #2 is silenced. He stomps off, sulking. Karzai turns to the first fan, who has by now untangled himself and dusted himself off.

Karzai: Come on, Evan. I was going to meet Jordan in a bar after this, and I thought I'd buy you a drink after the crap that happened back there. Sound good?

Evan nods, and follows Karzai out of the building. Suddenly Max's phone rings. The ID comes up as Jordan Lights.

Jordan : Hey man, you on your way out?

Max : Yeah, I'll be out in a few minutes. I'm just wrapping things up here.

Max hangs up the phone as he and Evan continue on his way out. Max stops as he walks to sign more autographs and take pictures with fans. Jordan is outside the building waiting for Max to come out.

Jordan : Come on Max, I'm missing out on the $5 pitchers I heard about.

Max comes up behind Jordan. Before Max can say anything though Jordan starts talking.

Jordan : Who's this guy Max?

Max : This is Evan, he was inside the autograph session, he's one of our biggest fans so I thought I'd bring him along.

Jordan : Oh, alright, that's cool. Is he coming to the bar with us?

Evan interrupts both men.

Evan : If it's alright with you guys, I'm just going to head home, meeting both of you was almost too much for me to handle. If I can just get your autograph too Jordan, that'd be awesome.

Jordan : Sure thing, anything for a fan.

Max pats Evan on the back before speaking again.

Max : Alright Evan, thanks for coming out today, maybe someday we'll see you backstage at a WZCW event someday.

Jordan hails a cab for himself and Max, and they hop in and head to the local bar.


They arrive at the bar, and Jordan gets a two beer and heads for a table. Max stays behind and quietly asks the bartender if they have energy drinks and buys a few and takes them over to where Jordan is.

Jordan : Go figure!! Even in a bar, you drink those?

Max pops one open and takes a big gulp of the first can and sets it on the table.

Max : I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I live off of these, and don't forget the Taco Bell.

Max adds something quietly under his breath.

Max : Which if you get drunk enough we will be going to.

Jordan : I heard that Max. You know , I don't always come to bars to get drunk. Something about the atmosphere in these places, it relaxes me, it helps me think. And lately I've been doing a lot of that.

Jordan cracks the cap of the beer bottle off using the edge of the table and takes a sip of his beer.

Jordan : All my life Max, I've adapted to my surroundings. Growing up, I adapted to where I lived, I fought to survive. Each day brought something new to me, whether it be getting food or a shower, each day I had to adapt to get what I want.

Max has begun to drink his second can now.

Jordan : I can't believe you are already on your second one.

Jordan takes another sip of his beer.

Jordan : When I became a wrestler , I had to adapt. I had to change my fighting style to not be so aggressive. I had to stop purposely inflicting pain upon people. My best friend back home, Greg Thompson, he taught me that. He helped me to adapt. He helped get me to WZCW.

Max : I'll be right back, I drank too fast.

Max runs to the bathroom very quickly as Jordan drinks some more of his beer.

Max : Okay, sorry about that. Jordan you realize, our upcoming match is our biggest challenge yet here in WZCW.

Jordan : I know, I'm getting to that. You know, I've never been in a cage match before. Back home, we had hardcore matches similar to the mayhem division, but we never had cage matches. But, you know what, I've had to adapt my entire time here in WZCW. I had to adapt to you, and we not only became the tag team champions, but good friends, almost brothers if you will. We bonded in the ring, and we've become one hell of a team. Each week brought something new to us, and it got us to where we are now as the WZCW tag team champions. Last week we had to defend our titles against the Ghetto Stars, and we both had adapt as we've never faced opponents like them before. Now, the biggest night of our lifes is upon us, and I will adapt to the cage. Max I plan on making that cage my friend, I will use it to our advantage and with our team work, we will walk out with the belts still around our waists. You know, you never want to lock an animal in a cage, that's when all the frustrations start to come out.

Jordan chugs back the rest of his first beer and opens the other as Max opens his last can of his energy drinks.

Max : Jordan, I've got one thing to say to that, and that is...Cheers to the Championships!!!

They tap their bottle and can together in unison and both chug back their beverages as the scene fades out.
We find ourselves at the front gate of Doug’s house in the Hamptons where construction work is taking place. The wind slowly passes through the branches of Crashin's rare Blue Lilac Jacaranda trees, adding to the already chilly day. Crashin is standing tall in a bright orange tuxedo, with Jason (in a black suit) and Sandy (wearing tattered jeans and a knotted Black Sabbath" t-shirt) on either side of him. All three are watching both the men building and Dr. Steven Kurtesy sitting under one of the trees in his own thoughts, notebook in hand.

Sandy: I've seen some great buildings in my time, like the San Fransisco Insane Asylum, but your place is amazing. Why are you adding to perfection?

Doug: I'm not even going to ask... but to answer your question, I took the liberty of building my partner here his own office for however long we are a team. It’s not really finished yet but when it’s done I’m gonna have the best stuff money can buy. Nothing but the best for my new friend.

Kurtesy is seen nodding his head while writing in a notebook.

Doug: Is it normal for Kurtesy to be doing that?

Sandy: It's not like Kurtesy to be silent. I think there is a part inside him that wishes Teach was still around, but he's accepted the fact that he's gone and we are on to better things. I'm sure once he's done analyzing you and the surroundings he'll warm up to you.

Doug: That’s what I’m afraid of, I don’t want any of his psychobabble bullcrap. However, we are here to move on. We are here to build a new chapter into our lives...

Kurtesy closes his notepad and gets up with the intentions of heading over to the group. As he does, he takes a couple of deep breaths to take in the environment.

Doug: ...A chapter of becoming the greatest tag team in the history of WZCW. We are already half way there, because I'm in it. How can you lose with someone like me on the team?

Kurtesy: A cocky attitude like that can be very negative.

Doug: It's called confidence, and we are going to need plenty of it for our upcoming match... Jason, who are we versing anyway?

Jason: You mean you don't know which match your in?

Doug sighs and facepalms. Kurtesy observes the entire conversation thoroughly, with Sandy watching with concern.

Doug: I don't care what type of match we are in, I just want to know who we are facing. Don't you ever listen to me?

Jason: It's against Heavy Artillery...

Doug: Oh really? I thought we were having a tag team title match without the champions!

Jason: ... and then you have The Ghetto Stars and a couple of random rookies. Doesn't matter who they are though.

Doug: Of course it matters you dunce! The more you know about your opponent the better! I know about Heavy Artillery, so who’s in Ghetto Stars?

Jason: James Baker and Mr. Baller.

Doug: Baller? Are you kidding me? BALLER? The guy who couldn't get a singles victory is getting a title opportunity?

Jason: Err... this is a tag team match, boss.

Doug: Thank you Captain Obvious. Anyway, I find it very amusing that two men with their "homeboys," though I feel dirty when saying that, are teaming up together. I hope this cage match ain't no DQ... I don't want them having reception in the building ring up their "homies" and take us out. Ugh I still feel dirty saying the word Homie.

Jason: That's very ignorant of you Doug.

Kurtesy: They are very ignorant of us, my dear Jason. It's all fair play. They seem to recall that they defeated both me AND Teach to become number one contenders... when in fact William Teach wasn't even present and they only just managed to defeat me on my own.

Doug: People from the Ghetto have nothing against guys with deep pockets. Hey, maybe that could be our team... nah, too generic.

Kurtesy: I see how you really do call it confidence. I think I may have chosen the right partner for the job. We have saved each other, and now the time is coming to save the tag team division.

Doug: Especially from Heavy Artillery having the titles. I mean, what's the best they can come up with... Crash And Burn. *shakes head* Karzai come on man, that pun is as old as I am! Come up with something original! Do you remember the last time we fought? I took you guys to the limit and back... and I was by myself. I see a pattern emerging. If you can take the Ghetto Stars to the limit by yourself and I can take Heavy Artillery to the limit by myself... what is going to stop us when we are teaming together against them?

Doug stops for a minute and walks a few paces and turns. We see Kurtesy taking notes and he shakes his head.

Doug: And those other guys whatever you call yourselves... really Chris? You think you can beat us? Three teams who are so much better than you? I’ll bet you a thousand dollars that you can’t last more than a minute in this match. You’ll be eliminated so fast I don’t think you’ll be able to count the seconds. And THAT is a FACT!

Sandy: Wow... you really have improved your charisma skills. I think this might be a great pairing between you and Kurtesy. I hope me and Jason can get along much better than you and Doug.

Jason: Anything is better than the way he treats me.

Doug stares a hole through Jason, but he is too concerned with Sandy.

Kurtesy: Yes, we are going to need a few sessions between you two to find out what's really wrong with this relationship. But first, I think we need to take a little trip to a place Sandy mentioned earlier.

Doug: Oh boy... I don't like the sounds of this. As long as I can ride in one of my sports cars.

Jason: But sir, you know how I don't like...

Kurtesy: I'll drive one of your bad boys. Sandy, take Jason in the Hummer.

The scene fades to black.
Nightfall on the cold, harsh streets. A light drizzle mists the air, making it difficult to see for two vehicles, one sports car and a Hummer, roaring down the road... fog-lights a blazing. Both abruptly stop in front of a daunting looking structure. The drivers behind the wheels hesitantly switch off the engines and everyone emerges from within the cars with caution. The wind hits their face like bat smacks a ball, a chilling grip tearing the artificial warmth on their bodies thanks to vehicle's heating systems. A lightning crack suddenly awakens the dark skies, jolting the four to rush inside of the building. One of them, revealed to be Doug Crashin, catches a glimpse of the name of the structure.

"San Fransisco Insane Asylum"​

Crashin gulps slightly and looks over to Sandy Deserts, aware of her previous presence within the structure. They reach the door... locked. Jason holds up a flashlight as Dr. Steven Kurtesy searches through his illustrious keyring. Eventually, they jimmy the door open and enter. Kurtesy flicks on the light switch and all four allow their coats and hats to drip dry on a nearby rack. Crashin wipes off some moisture from his suit, whilst Jason helps the tangled Sandy trapped in a double layer of jackets. Kurtesy faces the three and smirks.

Why is he smiling like that? Doug questions to himself. I hope it's not directed at me.

Kurtesy: Jason... Sandy... you cannot come any further than reception. The ward we seek involves patients that may feel intimidated by Jason's size... and Sandy for obvious reasons. We don't want to have another accident on our hands, do we?

Sandy: Not again, Doctor. Not again.

Kurtesy: Doug, if you will.

Steven points in the direction they will follow. Great, Doug thought. He wanted to say something else, but upsetting Kurtesy in his element wasn't an option.

Doug: Let's get this over and done with Steven. I'm not particularly interested in this area of expertise. Slugging our guts in the gym would have gotten us much further than this.

Kurtesy: Seeing as you study your opponents by looking at their online profile pages, I thought you might benefit with having the chance to be up close and personal with your investigations. Come, talking about it won't get us any closer to our goals.

Steven promptly takes the lead and heads into the not-so-distance darkness. Crashin sighs and follows ahead, leaving Jason and Sandy behind to guard the door.

Jason: Hope Doug's going to be okay.

Sandy: He'll be fine, just as long as Kurtesy doesn't release the hounds so to speak.

Jason: That'd be a sight to see...


... So, you like... stuff?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *​

Steven and Doug have finally reached their destination deep within the building. They managed to pass through many loonies on their journey, some completely harmless and weak... others aggressive and vulgar. There was one that particularly interested Crashin. An attractive blonde female who only stared at anyone passing by. No actions, no words, nothing... just a seductive look in her eyes that made any man or woman melt on the inside. Kurtesy took notice of this, something that this woman never did before. It was as if she knew about Doug... something special.

Kurtesy walks into a high beam of light protruding from the ceiling and begins typing on a nearby computer. A short buzzing alarm sound echoes through the halls and a door creeps open. Kurtesy ushers Doug into the room and soon follows, pocketing a small sensor module on top of the computer. As they enter, Doug realises that the floor was not of cold concrete, but of soft cushion. He stumbles and uses the wall for balance, noticing it is of the same material. Kurtesy quickly adapts and presses a couple of buttons on the module. A familiar buzzing alarm signals and the door closes behind them, leaving them in solid black.

I wish I had my night-vision goggles right about now. Doug joked to himself inside his head. Hope he isn't going to perform any psychological analysis on me or something.

This isn't the army. The voice of Kurtesy's thoughts scare Doug. He tries to defend himself, but the darkness is too much for him to do anything. He tries to speak... nothing. He attempts a variety of noises and yelling techniques, but nothing can be heard. Don't be afraid Doug, this is what the room was designed for, by the latest technology.

Where are we and what in God's name are we doing? Doug catches on the idea fast, using his own thoughts to communicate.

This is solitary confinement. All the lost causes, or those who do not wish to accept, end up for however their conditions indicate to us.

So why are we here?

Tell me, how does this make you feel? Honestly, what are this environments effects on you? Take into account my presence, the darkness and the claustrophobic atmosphere.

It feels a little intimidating at first, but once you get adjusted things become a lot more clearer, despite how dark it is. Talking to each other via our thoughts and emotions... that still is freaking me out, in a good way though. It's like I have another sense added to my repertoire. That's like, 11 or 12 by now.

I detect that you are still yourself in here... we have progressed so far so early. That avoids the need for this sachet of truth serum. Haha, I'm just kidding Doug. A noise of a packet falling is heard. Now, where were we? Ah yes... what you are feeling right now is what you will be feeling when we walk into our match at the PPV. This is what I need you to embrace... the fear. It will be a critical step in getting the psychological advantage over the opponents.

Again with the psychology. What's so special about it that I have to utilise it?

If one harnesses the power and the sense of psychology, one can take his opponents out mentally. If one can channel their abilities in specific environments, there is no stopping them. We are caged, trapped with no where else to go except for surrendering. So far, we have remained in here together. We are able to communicate to each other via our own thoughts, not allowing anyone else to hear our conversation. We have adapted to this uncomfortable position and survive.

And from this experience, we are able to enter the cage match at Redemption fully prepared at what's going to happen.

Exactly. The key to becoming an excellent wrestler is to become mentally-aware. If you can fore-read your opponent, you can counter their intentions. If you see an opening, you can capitalise on the moment. It's all basic psychology.

But what of our opponents? How do we know they haven't done the same preparations? How do we know they know of ours? Surely studying the environment alone is your only successful way of winning.

No, it isn't... but it is a main factor. We have no idea what our opponents have done behind the scenes to prepare, so we have to prepare for the worst. We need to stick together. I am a tag team veteran and you are a wrestling veteran. Combining this experience we have, we outrank every other team. Heavy Artillery and the other two rookies and still very new to the game. James Baker maybe a tag team veteran, but with his injuries alongside the over-cocky Mr. Baller, how does anyone have the logical thinking of betting on them? We've got what it takes to get the win, and I intend to be wearing those tag team championships at the end of it.

Me too. There is nothing more that I desire than to wear gold. Then I can shut up all the disbelievers and all the hecklers. I will gain my Redemption when I finally prove that I am one of the greatest wrestlers in the world, proving why I am the Incredible One.

I will gain my Redemption when I finally save the tag team championships from being disgraced any further than they already have ever since they left my waist. I have performed miracles before when I saved you Doug, so this match should seem like a mere magic trick. I will save the fans from investing their time and believing in a bunch of one-trick ponies.

I'm liking the sound of this Kurtesy... how do you think we should treat these patients in the ring? Maybe a trip to the Crash-Klinic?

That might be a good option, partner. I think you'll have to wait until later when we hit practice. Trust me, I'm a doctor.

Kurtesy activates the buzzing alarm once more to open the sealed door, both exiting the caged prison...

... as the sole survivors.
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