Recycled Idea that could work in the future

S prince

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In recent months John Morrison has been getting a major push on Smackdown. He seems to be way over with the fans as well and hopefully he'll win the world title soon. Now this is purely hypothetical and maybe down the road (a long road) if his face run grows tired and he turns heel again, then WWE should recycle this storyline:

JoMo has been compared to HBK so much over this forum, so why not make him like the old heel HBK, when he first became a heel turning on Marty Jannety. Melina could be his manager (aka Sensational Sherri) and he could be the guy whos all into himself ( reminiscent of how he was with Joey Mercury in MNM) but more HBK-like. And Melina has managed him in the past & I believe they do go out in real life.

Could work? Not saying I want it to. Penny for your thoughts?
I thought when they moved him and Melina to Smackdown they might have went this route however they needed a face more and they couldn't deny the fan reaction he was getting anymore. I think it would have been a great way to take his character eventually challenging HBK at a PPV. There were even rumors of Mercury returning to the WWE a few months ago but nothing surfaced. He could have had Mercury at his side as his bodyguard (Diesel) with Melina as his arm candy

The only problem with doing it now is Smackdown already has their cocky heel thats into his own image (Ziggler) As long as their on the same brand I don't see creative giving him that character
well now with Batista heading to SD, OP's idea breeds new life. And as far as Ziggler already having the role.....I think the WWE would rather tell Ziggler to go to hell than to hold back a Morrison heel turn. JoMo very well could have another 10-15 years left in him. Ziggler will probably be out of the company by the end of 2010 with the track record everyone before him thats been like him has.
I know this thread is on Morrison, but I read something that really irks me and I cant refrain from voices my disagreement...

The guy The Walls said and I quote

"I think the WWE would rather tell Ziggler to go to hell than to hold back a Morrison heel turn"

and then

"Ziggler will probably be out of the company by the end of 2010 with the track record everyone before him thats been like him has.

All I want to say to Walls is this... Study your WWE history... We all compare Morrison to HBK... Well do you remember Mr. Perfect Curt Henning???

Dolph Ziggler is Mr. Perfect reincarnated... He has his attitude, his style, his walk, his cocky stride... Not to mention Dolph literally looks like he could have been Curts younger brother... There is literally more comparison of Ziggler to Mr. P then even Morrison could have to HBK...

Ziggler can go in the ring and he plays the charater so well he will be around for many years to come... I think Ziggler & Morrison along with Swagger, Borne, and Kofi are the real next generation...
Ziggler needs work on becominga true character and not a generic heel, but that's not the topic at hand. As for whether Morrison could use a valet....not as a face. Faces generally like to show they can overcome the odds and don't always have people by their side. It could be interesting though to do a mixed tag with John and Melina against Dolph and either his girl Maria or Michelle McCool. It would give them a loose affiliation and could help distract the girl on Dolph's side so she can't help Dolph win.

An aside, and I hope it's ok to say this here, I have started a blog site where I blog about the WWE. I was inspired by posting here to do my own writing and I hope you guys will visit it. The site is I have my Raw review up already and will hopefully updating often. I won't make a habit of self promotion on here, and I hope the mods dont' think I'm trying to compete with wrestlezone, I'm not! Please let me know if I've done something wrong, but please visit my site and give me comments, feedback, anything your heart desires!
While I can see Morrison performing well in an HBK circa 1993 role, I just don't see Melina filling that Sherri role. And honestly, I don't think any diva now could.

Sherri built her heat through years of managing heels and was actually put with Shawn to get him over as a heel. She had already worked with some of the all time greats like Savage and DiBiase Sr. in WWE, as well as (for old farts like me) Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers in the AWA.

And as long as Melina does that ring entrance, I'm not going to boo her. ;)

As far as a bodyguard Diesel type character, I think it's a great idea. But seriously, Mercury as his bodyguard? Yes, most bodyguards are physically smaller than the guy whose body they are guarding. That makes sense.

If they did that, it would have to be a big guy we haven't seen yet in WWE... someone from FCW, someone who's not even signed to WWE yet, or perhaps Lance Hoyt/Rock from TNA could fit that bill. He would be repackaged to the point that only the biggest fans might recognize him.

So, yeah, I think the gimmick could work for Morrison, and he could definitely pull it off, but trying to match HBK's success with it would depend on who they chose to put around him.
Morrison doesn't need a valet and as for Dolph Ziggler, just give him time to build into his character. Patience is a virtue ok and he's done a great job this year and his feud with Morrison will no doubt be a classic just you wait and see. I can't see John Morrison with a bodyguard either though. As a face, I just don't see the point in a valet or bodyguard.
this could be workable, Maria could get feed up with Melina talking trash about Ziggler, setting up for Maria vs Melina, and Ziggler could get involve, then Morrison could get involved and this could be the start of the Ziggler vs Morrison feud.

someone mentioned Batista going to Smackdown, all I can say is Smackdown will suffer, because Batista sucks. Smackdown was doing fine with out jacked up steroid, boring in ring and terrible promo work Batista, and the light was starting to shine on the new guys like Morrison, Punk, and Ziggler. Hopefully the Animal doesn't ruin it to much
The HBK connection is made every ten seconds by JR, and I think we may end up seeing a respect feud between the two, assuming HBK doesn't retire at the next WrestleMania. It would actually be an excellent test to see if Morrison can perform at a higher level. No matter what, Morrison shouldn't turn heel. He was stale as a heel, and as a face, people have been giving a shit about him, killing that would be a bad idea, in my opinion.

If HBK does retire at WrestleMania, an excellent Backlash feud would be between Morrison and whoever retired HBK, kind of like HBK vs Batista last year over Flair. Again, it would allow Morrison to perform at a higher level without being in the actual main event.
There is no way they will be turning him back heel this quick. He is more over as a face now than he ever was as a heel. He has the look and the move-set of a face. His "flash" moves gets pops, he would have to stop doing them to be a heel, meaning his moveset would basically have to start from scratch.

His momentum is well in motion at the moment after that fantastic match with Rey Mysterio, and there is nothing to suggest he can't have a match like that with HBK, like Tasty said, in a respect angle down the line.

He will never be as over as a heel as he is as a face in the business. A feud with CM Punk, whilst done in the past on ECW, would be a good thing for both wrestlers at some stage. The last thing he needs is a heel turn.

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