Rebirth of Del Rio??


Dark Match Jobber
I personally think Alberto Del Rio always puts on a high quality match. I thoroughly enjoyed his match with Christian at SummerSlam and hearing the crowd break into the "this is awesome" chant was proof it was stellar. I really liked his promo at the end too. Del Rio has a lot of passion for the business and this shone through at the PPV.
My question is, now that Ricardo is out of the picture, could this be the rebirth of Del Rio as a top heel within the company? I think he has a ood chance.
I personally think Alberto Del Rio always puts on a high quality match. I thoroughly enjoyed his match with Christian at SummerSlam and hearing the crowd break into the "this is awesome" chant was proof it was stellar. I really liked his promo at the end too. Del Rio has a lot of passion for the business and this shone through at the PPV.
My question is, now that Ricardo is out of the picture, could this be the rebirth of Del Rio as a top heel within the company? I think he has a good chance.

You're almost the only one.

ADR has never been widely criticized for his in ring ability. He's very good in the ring. It's his ability to get over with the crowd that's the issue. I actually prefer him without RR because they wanted to cheer him, while they were supposed to boo ADR. It just didn't work.

The fact is when ADR comes down the ramp it's quiet enough to almost hear his footsteps. No one cares about him. His promos are very repetitive and boring. For me his promos were all practically identical from right after he won the Royal Rumble in 2011 up until his face turn. It was that bad.

I think he's been better since he lost RR, but if the crowd still doesn't care, it doesn't matter. The only reason I can think they haven't given up on this guy is because they need a Mexican to help bring in that demographic.
ADR always puts on great matches, but the crowd just isn;t invested in him. That promo he cut last night, I dunno what's gonna happen. LAX 2.0 maybe. Or if he calls to arms the Latinos to support him and create a Bret Hart Canada/America only that could work. Maybe.

Trouble is the nearest to Mexico that WWE programming would go for live or premier shows is El Paso and other areas of Texas.
Getting rid of Ricardo is only going to help Del Rio, and I think his star is going to be shining a lot brighter from now on. Ricardo has been holding him back since day one by putting all the attention on his ridiculous, over-the-top ring announcing. Hopefully from now on Del Rio will go on a streak of dominant, CLEAN title defenses and build up real credibility as a great heel champion.
Please no. I'm with the majority of the people who don't find ADR interesting at all. Yes, he is good in the ring to a degree, but that doesn't make him exciting to watch. He has no real character and I've never cared for him whether he was face or heel at any time since his debut.

I don't buy into his gimmick because he doesn't do anything to flaunt it. Yeah, he used to show up in cars, but that became stale and now all he does is wear suits and do the same generic promos. Somehow, this guy is already 4 time world champion, combining for 239 days and counting since 2011. The only person who has held a world title for more time in that time span is CM Punk. Normally, that'd be a good thing if the wrestler was actually over, but ADR isn't. Yes, he's getting more heat every now and then, but I don't think it's because he's a good heel, since he isn't. People legitimately don't like the guy because of how hard he's pushed. I can't even remember his last non-title feud.

Needless to say, if ADR gets pushed to become a top heel, I will be pretty pissed off. There are other heels who deserve the spot that he has and I hope WWE realizes this as soon as the title is off of him or hopefully sooner than that.
The problem with current heels is they are often the better in ring talent and currently don't do enough to hate them.

Del Rio should play on his gimmick. Hire people to help him - he has plenty of money to spend. Could 'hire' PTP's or Primo/Epico to create a new stable. Give him a valet like Rosa Mendes. She can be annoying as hell.

The Real Americans should randomly attack non-american wrestlers during matches. Imagine if someone like Kofi, a massive fan favourite, was on verge of beating say (for the sake of it as there are worthwhile main event heels except now Orton) Ryback. And the Real Americans attack Kofi. Could also attack Sin Cara, Sheamus, Christian. Would get them heat.

Whilst Sandow is smart, they make him look a fool in the ring. Make him appear more intelligent in the ring by reversing moves, and then speaking down on his opponents after the match.

Heels look to weak currently. They are pushed to quickly, and down build up enough momentum to fall back on.
I'm going to disagree with the thread starter as well. I find Del Rio rather spotty. He certainly can put on great matches, but doesn't always deliver his best. I believe, and I don't think I'm alone here, that Del Rio sometimes mails it in, coming across unmotivated and giving far less than he could. He seems to be going through the motions a lot. That's on his end. The terrible way he was booked the last two years certainly didn't help him any.
Alberto Del Rio is clearly loved by the WWE. He is very good in the ring but when he is competitively awful on the mic. He doesn't garner a great connection with the crowd which is a problem. He is a top heel in the company (only behind Orton and Lesnar) but this feels almost by default. Ziggler, Sheamus, The Miz, Punk have all turned and guys like Barrett and Rhodes have been poorly booked. When looking at the entire superstar, it is difficult to argue that he is better than everyone of the aforementioned superstars but he is in the driving seat.

Even a "fresh" Del Rio will still be bland and to be honest, there are better options as a world champ. I think Del Rio should be playing the Christian role of just having solid matches on TV and PPV but nothing meaningful. There are better heels within the company.
Del Rio is crap, all around. Has never been entertaining. Regardless of being in the ring, out of the ring, backstage, in an interview, getting his ass kicked, just isn't entertaining at all. The only reason the match was decent last night was because of Christian.
Del Rio's matches are top quality, always have been. I don't think anybody can argue against that with any shred of credibility. Del Rio's problem has always lied in the fact that, as a whole, he simply hasn't been able to connect with WWE fans on the level that WWE would prefer. As it often does, the blame tends to fall on WWE creative a lot whenever something doesn't work or someone doesn't get over to a certain degree. The problem, however, is that there's only so much WWE can do. If a wrestler is given a big push then he or she is ultimately the one who has to carry most of the weight and make the most of the opportunity that's given.

I like Del Rio and thought he was great for about the first 6 months or so. However, the truth of the matter is that Del Rio just isn't all that strong on the mic. His promos are often very repetitive, his thick accent does sometimes make it difficult to understand what he's saying and he just doesn't seem to have that special factor that makes fans want to rally around him. That last bit, what some people like to call that intangible "It Factor" is something that someone either has the ability to tap into or they don't. It can be nurtured along by the creative process, but they can't just manufacture it for the talent. Del Rio has a good look, he's often very entertaining inside the ring, has a great deal of legit technical ability and is part of a prestigious wrestling family. He seems to get over extremely well with Hispanic audiences. When he beat Big Show for the WHC last year on SD!, they were in Texas and the place was going ape shit when he won. Among non-Hispanic audiences, he doesn't get nearly the same sort of response.

I think one reason why Del Rio has continued to be pushed in WWE is because he's able to deliver so well inside the ring. He was given a couple of brief runs as WWE Champion and it's fair to say that they simply didn't pan out. I'm thinking that, MAYBE, it was after this that the WWE brass realized that Del Rio just doesn't have what it takes to be the top guy for any good length of time. At the same time, the WHC isn't as highly regarded by WWE as the WWE Championship is, so he's stayed within the WHC picture, generally speaking, since late last year.

I have a feeling that Del Rio's current run as World Heavyweight Champion will be his last for quite a while. If WWE genuinely does go through with the rumored plans on devoting attention to putting SmackDown! on a similar level with Raw, then one has to assume that they'll be elevating the prestige of the WHC. If that's so, then Del Ro's current run might be his last World Championship run in WWE period.

I've had no problems with WWE pushing Del Rio all in all. They've definitely given him multiple opportunities and big pushes to the top of the ladder but, at the end of the day, I just don't think Del Rio has "It". He's a very good wrestler to have on the roster, but he's been to the top of the mountain enough by now to show that he probably shouldn't be there anymore.
I believe it is a rebirth for him, he's just a natural heel and he really embellishes the "old-school" professional wrestler type of guy. He's clearly a master when it comes to in-ring psychology, very real life based in his movesets and when that bell rings, there is nothing we can complain about our world heavyweight champion.

I think that he's being re-build, but he should have been rebuilt from the midcard until the top position, and not being rebuilt in a uppercard to main event spot. He debuted more than three years ago, so it's more than acceptable that people is getting tired of his antics. He always seems to lack direction, and he's always put in the same type of storyline - "I'm from Mexico and America sucks". I would like to have Del Rio as a real fighter type of character, an heel that can beat you clean. His kicks and his submission driven moveset is stellar, so incorporate it to his character. Since probably WrestleMania that I've been enjoying a lot more of Del Rio and getting rid of Ricardo was the best decision. His promo skills are annoying, but that's the point of being a heel - and lately as I've stated, people are really starting to boo him. He's a great name for the latin demographic and he's a great representative of the company.

I say to each and everyone of you to give him a second chance and try to really absorb his matches, because it's in the ring that he really tells his stories better than most in the WWE.
Del Rio's problem definitely doesn't stem from his ring work because he is one of the top workers in the company his problem is that he was pushed so heavily before and just after his debut that I lost interest very quickly.

I have never felt so let down when he won the Royal Rumble, I would literally put him down as the worst winner of the Rumble. Even someone like CM Punk has struggled to get the crowd to invest Del Rio as a heel so what chance does he have on his own.

A stable might be a good option, but if that was the case it shouldn't be exclusive for Latino/Mexican wrestlers let us not forget the Mexicools.
Del Rio's problem definitely doesn't stem from his ring work because he is one of the top workers in the company his problem is that he was pushed so heavily before and just after his debut that I lost interest very quickly.

I have never felt so let down when he won the Royal Rumble, I would literally put him down as the worst winner of the Rumble. Even someone like CM Punk has struggled to get the crowd to invest Del Rio as a heel so what chance does he have on his own.

A stable might be a good option, but if that was the case it shouldn't be exclusive for Latino/Mexican wrestlers let us not forget the Mexicools.

I think half the problem with ADR was Ricardo, how can you invest in a heel whilst at the same time having a fan favourite with him. I would agree he was pushed too quickly but this current run has a more natural flow to it. ADR is now out to set an example, to prove a point. I think the slight issue now is having Sandow with the MITB, as its guaranteed ADR will have to lose to someone who will likely lose it quickly to Sandow and therefore, serves no purpose in building up ADR has an unbeatable heel champion.
I think Del Rio has a done a great job since Payback of really establishing himself as a heel again. The guy is an excellent in-ring worker and has a near infallable move-set. His feud with Ziggler was just getting good when they moved Dolph into a different storyline. His history with Christian was enough for me to invest in the WHC at SummerSlam, but I must admit I believed Captain Charisma had his number. Now it appears as if RVD will jump into a feud spearheaded by Ricardo now managing RVD. This feud could get really personal and the fact that RVD is very over upon his return only helps provide an intriguing story going into the Fall. No Christian on Raw tonight. So I'm not entirely sure if Christian is finished w/Del Rio, but he can provide an interesting wild card into what should be a solid program between RVD & ADR. There's also Cody Rhodes and Damian Sandow lurking into the WHC title picture later on. I don't know if many have watched Smackdown recently, but the B Show has picked up steam since MITB.
Del Rio carries whatever character they give him and he's solid in the ring. He's kind of a poor mans HHH in that he's not the complete package, but if you plug him in with a great worker it's pretty good stuff.

I like del rio and he's been getting pretty good reactions. I think Rodriguez makes a great babyface and people love RVD. I can see this feud being beneficial for everyone.

Also, I wouldn't do a Mexican stable. That's been done to death is lazy. The matadors aren't heels. ADR needs to be the anti Mexican hero all the while calling himself a Latin hero. Maybe give him some white guys as henchmen. Rub it in the face of every American city he's in.

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