"Reaper" Bryan Denney

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Dufflebag Mod!!
App for King_Pwnage

Real Name: Bryan Denney
Wrestlers Nick Name: Reaper
Height: 6’2
Weight: 235
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Billed From: The Projects
-----------Hair color/length: Bald
-----------Eye color: Red & Black (contacts)
-----------Ring Attire: Black Sleeveless T-Shirt/Cut-off Blue-jean shorts/Black boots
-----------Backstage Attire: T-shirt, blue jeans, and his black leather jacket
-----------Physical Features: Ear and Lip Piercing
-----------Tattoos: Grim Reaper on his left Arm
Gimmick: Definitely not a happy person. He just wants to make people bleed. He doesn’t think he had a good match if someone isn’t bleeding when it’s over.
Strengths: No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere, Ladder Matches, Table Matches, TLC Matches…basically any match where weapons are legal. He does posses good technical ability when he wants to use it.
Weaknesses: High Flyers
Alignment: heel
Trained by: Raven and Tommy Dreamer
Sample pic of wrestler:

Brief History: Out of the slums of Chicago’s projects. Bryan had to learn to survive at a very early age. Always cautious of everything around him he always had to watch his own back. Unlike most wrestlers with Amateur Wrestling experience, Bryan learned to fight not for awards or championships but to earn respect among the drug dealers and gang bangers in his neighborhood. When Bryan was 15 he was arrested and spent 3 years in prison for Aggravated Assault. During that time he reached out to Raven. A wrestler that he had met only a year before being arrested. Raven and his friend Tommy Dreamer wanted to help Bryan turn his life around to they started to train him shortly after he was released. Now, with the knowledge of two hardcore legends Bryan sets out to assault all who are in his way….only this time it’s legal.
Title History: None
Entrance Music: "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica".
Entrance: "For Whom the Bell Tolls" blasts through the speakers and Reaper and Cammy Carnage come out. He holds his sledgehammer in the air while Cammy goes behind Reaper and uses her hands to give a (Justin Credible like) crotch chop and then they walk to the ring. When he gets to the ring steps he bangs on the top step with the sledgehammer before he walks on it. Cammy enters the ring seductively using the second rope and pauses to hold it down so Reaper can enter as well. Reaper procedes to to climb to the middle rope, between the turnbuckles, on each side of the ring and raise the sledgehammer to the sky and each time he does that Cammy uses her hands to give a (Justin Credible like) crotch chop from Reaper
1. Hell’s Calling (That’s Incredible)
2. Sudden Death (Diamond Cutter from standing postion or with the opponent on the second or third turnbuckle)
15 Most Used Moves:
Signature Moves:
1. The Light (Spinning Faceplant DDT - The old Edgecution)
2. The Darkness (Matt Hardy's Side Effect)
Lou Thez Press w/ punches
Piledriver (multiple variations)
Fallaway Slam
Inverted DDT
Second Rope Diving Elbow (see: Bret Hart or Steve Austin)
Texas Cloverleaf
Shuffle Sidekick
Cobra Clutch
Cross Arm Breaker
Brainbuster suplex

Sample RP:
The camera is traveling slowly through the bowels of the arena and finally comes to a hault at the site of Reaper sitting in a dark corner.

I am sick and tired of watching these pathetic pieces of trash known to the fans of the WZCW as wrestlers. I could pin any one of them by barely breaking a sweat. As a matter of fact I think I could probably have a better match wrestling myself then any of these idiots. They fight hard enough and they may have aches and pain here or there. However, I feel the need to show these people what real pain is. You see to get anywhere in life you need to feel real pain. If you think you know real pain you don’t. You don’t know real pain until you‘ve have stepped into the ring with the most demented maniac this world has ever seen. I will push you to limits that your body didn’t know it had. You will beg me to let you die and I will deny your request because torture is so much more rewarding. To any of the title holders: hold them close. I want all of you to think about what it will cost you to keep those precious titles around your waist once I come to claim them. It will cost you more than just blood, sweat, and tears. It will cost you years off of your life. Let it be known to all that would choose to get in my way. After a match with me you will not go home to your friends and family. A match with me is almost a guaranteed ticket to the local Emergency Room. After a match with me you will be lucky to still be alive.

Real Name: Camille

Wrestlers Name: Cammy Carnage

Wrestlers Nickname: none

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 135 lbs.

Hometown: Aurora, Illinois

Billed From: Chicago, Illinois


-----------Hair color/length: Jet Black/between the shoulder blades

-----------Eye color: blue

-----------Facial Hair: none

-----------Ring Attire: A white tube top, white tight pants w/ balck tribal down the legs, black boots

-----------Backstage Attire: An opened up white button-down shirt with Black tribal on the sleeves, black tube top underneath, black bellbottom pants w/ white tribal down the legs, white shoes.

-----------Physical Features: 2 lip rings (one on each side), a nose piercing, and 3 earrings in each ear

-----------Tattoos: a full back tattoo of a grim reaper

Gimmick: Goth chick, nice to those who are nice to her, polite, has a very bad temper.

Strength/Weakness: fast, flexible, cunning, technically sound, efficient with weapons/anger can cloud her judgment, not extremely strong as far as females are concerned, but she can hold her own.

Alignment: Tweener

Trained By: Bryan “Reaper” Denney and Amy “Lita” Dumas

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: The younger of 2 children raised by a single father and older brother. She was the neighborhood tomboy. She was always with her older brother and his best friend Bryan just trying to be “one of the guys”. One day when she around 17 her brother was gunned down by a stray bullet during a drive-by. Bryan and herself stayed at his bedside until he died later that night. That night she asked Bryan if she could be her new big brother. They have only twice been separated since then and that was because Bryan was put in jail and when he went to find work wrestling. When she learned of his release she found him and started training with him. When he left to find work she wrote to every wrestler she had ever come in contact with. She received a letter from Amy Dumas and started training with her the next week. Now she feels she is ready to join her “brother” and help him be the best.

Title History: none

Entrance Music: “Living Dead Girl” by Rob Zombie

Entrance description:
(Wrestling): Same as Reaper only when she's on the ramp she drops to her knees when she extends her arms.

(Magangerial): As Reaper extends his arms she worms her way infront of him and gets on her knees and mimics Reaper from her knees. She follows him to the ring, but instead of getting in she goes to the corner where he sits down and starts rubbing his shoulders and giving him a sort of pep talk before the match starts.

Finishers: Angel Wings (Invertebreaker), A Gift From Heaven (Swanton Bomb)

15 Most used moves:
Swinging Neckbreaker (Think inverted twist of fate)
Inverted DDT (Think Christian)
Brainbuster suplex
Drop Toe Hold onto an open folding chair
Lita’s Moonsault
Sleeper Hold
Standing Drop Kick
Top Rope Cross-body Block
D-Lo Brown’s Texas Cloverleaf
Gutbuster (inverted back breaker)
Styles Clash w/out the pin
Running Enziguri

Sample RP: will right one later tonight.
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