Amber Warren

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the Frog
Real Name: Amber Warren

Gimmick Name: Amber Warren

Nickname: The Livewire

Height: 5’8

Weight: 130 pounds

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Billed From: Las Vegas, Nevada


Harrys: Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 130 pounds, Amber Warren!

Harrys: And the challenger, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 130 pounds, Amber Warren!

Harrys: Making her way to the ring, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 130 pounds, Amber Warren!


----------------Hair Colour/Length: Long, dark brown hair.

----------------Eye Colour: Brown.

----------------Facial Hair: None.

----------------Ring attire: Refer to sample picture. Basically shorts and a half-top.

----------------Backstage Attire: Much like AJ’s backstage attire.

----------------Physical Features: Toned body with a surprisingly ripped abdomen.

----------------Tattoos: None.

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Face.

Main Gimmick: Female high-flier.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
Strong willed kid who doesn't know when to give up.
Quiet but will surprise you in the ring.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:
Brief History: Amber was overweight as a kid and into her early teenage years. However, she began to live a healthy life and even took up boxing to help with her conditioning. She grew up a wrestling fan with her brother, Nate which inspired her to start losing weight. Once she lost weight, she began excelling in sports such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, and softball. It was in high school where she started training at various wrestling gyms and got her first official training as a wrestler. It’s also where she developed her high-flying ability which surprised many of her trainers. She was called “The Livewire” by her trainers and it just stuck with her til now. Her brother was the only person in her family that knew about all of this. Amber was a smart kid and even graduated valedictorian in her high school. Her parents had high hopes for her since they worked as a lawyer and doctor. But Amber’s love for wrestling couldn’t be denied as she continued training in various wrestling gyms before her number was called up to join WZCW. While she lives her dream at finally becoming a wrestler, her relationship with family hangs in the balance.

Entrance Music:
Entrance Description: As soon as her theme is heard, she wastes no time in making her way down the ramp to slap hands with the fans. When she gets in the ring, she blows kisses as she rises on the turnbuckle. Even shaking the referee’s hand before the match.

Fighting Style: High-Flier with striking ability.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:

Great Stamina – She can credit her great stamina to her days as an athlete in high school. All those years that she was fat are now over and now it shows that playing in different sports have helped her gain the amazing amount of stamina.

Nagging Shoulder Problems – Because of her activity in sports, Amber has put a lot of stress on her right shoulder causing her to have some trouble, even hyper-extending it once. She has trouble getting it up really high.

Calmness – Though she is basically a rookie, she doesn’t get upset with herself when she doesn’t get a move right the first time. Even if she goes on a losing streak, her confidence will not be in question as she has faced other problems in the past and has overcome it.

Finishing Moves: Sin City Express - Double Jump Moonsault
The Livewire Stretch (Hurricanrana Armbar)

15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves):
Dragonwhip Kick (ala Shelton Benjamin)
Inverted DDT
Springboard Forearm Smash
Arm Trap Swinging Neckbreaker
Palm Thrust
Flying Crossbody
Springboard Splash (ala Rey Mysterio)
Pendulum Kick in the corner
Springboard Elbow Drop
Snapmare into a low dropkick to the back of the head
Spinning Heel Kick
Pele Kick
Springboard Dropkick into a Chinese Getup
Speed Punches to an opponent in the corner, showing her boxing background.

Sample RP.

The scene opens with the camera scavenging through a house where it stops for a moment at a picture. In the picture shows a family of four, looking happy together after a skiing trip.

???: NOOO!!!

The camera quickly goes to the living where it’s seen that popcorn is spilled all over the floor. The voice continues getting louder and louder as the cameras finally reach the living room.

Nate: That was a foul ref!

It is now seen that a typical guy, average joe-looking guy continues shouting at the flatscreen.

Nate:That was a foul! How did the ref miss that? He clearly almost clotheslined that other guy!

He then looks to his left where it is revealed that a woman is sitting on the couch just giggling at him. The woman is dressed in pajamas and shirt with the words, “I’m a Laker girl” pasted on it.

Amber Haha! I really don’t know why you’re getting upset over that call bro, the Lakers are up by 20. You do know that right?

Nate: Oh right.

Nate then sits down and continues on munching on the popcorn, or well what’s left of it.

Amber: Yeah, just chill bro. The refs make mistakes too.

Nate: Well I hope those refs in WZCW don’t make any mistakes while you’re in the ring. If not, I’ll freak. You sure about this little sis?

Amber then rolls her eyes, almost looking annoyed but composes herself.

Amber: Don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself in the ring, you’ve seen me. I can handle it. And I’m very sure about this, as sure as I’ll ever be about anything.

Amber says this with a confidence that her brother has never seen before. Nate then takes in what Amber just said and smiles at her, nodding his head.
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