Reality or Not: The Hardy Boyz will wrestle for the WWE again.


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Judging by the title for those of you that watch Chair Shot Reality you should be familiar with the phrase. I think this would be an interesting thread idea for all of wrestlezone to share their opinions on instead of just hearing them from those two. Anyways let's see how this plays out first. :shrug:

I remember this being asked a while back and Josh and Justin both said they don't see it happening. But I disagree.

So my answer to this is that this IS a reality.

It may not be anywhere in the near future, but they just have to return at some point. Not on a full time schedule, maybe a one time deal perhaps. And trust me I am definately not saying I want them back in any way shape or form because I just can't bear to watch them anymore.

Also I feel somewhere down the line they'll realize TNA was a huge mistake for both of them from minute one. But that's what a drug addiction will do for ya..

So wrestlezone!
The Hardy Boyz will wrestle for the WWE again.
Reality or NOT!

WWE should of traded The Hardy's for Max and Buck.

A lot more talented, A LOT younger, and I'm sure they'd kill to have the shot that Jeff/Matt just bitched about.

I really don't see Matt/Jeff back in WWE unless it's a 1 time deal in a Rumble or something.
They will never have consideration as being near the top of the heap anymore. I believe that ship has sailed. I could, however, see them in the company again one day. I could even see them holding the Tag Titles again. But that would be about as far as it goes.

Anything is possible though. I guess most things can be mended. But, the way it looks at this point, as far as The Hardys in WWE goes, I can see a slew of one night returns!
But that's what a drug addiction will do for ya..

That's what will stop them from coming back I think. As good as they were in the WWE, Jeff I tihnk cut his ties and should have accepted the help of the WWE rather than abuse it for trying to help him.

Anyone who knows much about addiction through their own experience will know that people will blame others for their own problems, as Jeff certainly has.

I used to like the Hardy Boys when i was young but now i hope they stay in WCW... sorry I mean TNA because that's where they belong.

Leave CM Punk alone Jeff at least he has his shit together.
If I told everyone a couple years ago that Diesel and Booker T would be returning to the WWE, I would be called crazy.

IfKevin Nash can return after many years as well as Booker T, who says the Hardys cant come back, who says the Hardys cant?

They could help put over new tag teams, or even train them
I suppose it's possible, but it's EXTREMELY remote at this point. When it comes to Jeff Hardy, you simply cannot ignore his past history with drugs. It's been a point of contention with him in the WWE throughout his entire history. I'm not sure but I think it had something to do with his first release from the company and he wound up failing a drug test right in the middle of a huge push and while he was carrying the IC title. A little more than a year after, Hardy gets the biggest push of his life and is involved in the best feud of his career with CM Punk over the WHC and he just...walks away. Literally, in the middle of the biggest push of his career, Hardy just walks away. A few days after he's officially released from the WWE, his home gets raided and he gets charged with the drug felonies that are currently hanging over his head. If he does come back to WWE, he's NEVER going to be a main eventer again. Wouldn't surprise me if he's turned into a glorified jobber because there has to be trust issues on the WWE's part and you honestly can't blame them.

As for Matt Hardy, he's an overrated scrub that's gotten by clinging to the coat tails of other, more talented wrestlers. When you look at all the shit that Hardy has spouted via the internet and just how huge of a mark for himself that he actually is, he's NEVER going to be anything significant IF he ever returns to WWE. The spot he has in TNA right now, thus far, seems to be quite similar to the role he had in the WWE.

The thing about wrestling is that you never say never if it's simply good business. The Hardys are both shells of what they once was, Matt was never that much to begin with, and it shows.
Let me go one step further. Not only will both Hardys return to WWE. I think they, along with Edge, Christian, and The Dudleys will go into the Hall of Fame together.

P.S. Jeff's drug addiction is really nobody's business but his own. IMO his heel run in TNA is some of the best work of his career.

And Matt has lost a lot of weight since leaving WWE, and he looks a lot better....he still needs a gimmick.

If you couldn't tell, I am and always will be a Hardys mark.
I don't see it anytime soon, but one day even if it's 20 years from now the Hardys will find their way back to WWE, even if it's just for the HOF.

To start as jobbers, be there during arguably the WWE's biggest period ever, to reinventing the ladder match, and to Jeff being a multi-time world champ there is simply no way we never hear from them again in shape or form. Think of any WWE employees that have achieved as much as they did that don't one day find their way back to WWE, it always happens.

Hell, it even looks like Luger (who has questionable circumstances surrounding Elizabeth's death) and Macho Man (who has questionable circumstances surrounding Stephanie McMahon) may both be headed back to WWE in the near future. Even Bret Hart who was probably the least likely person to ever return did. If the door is open for those guys there is simply no doubt in my mind we see the Hardys day.
They will not return to wrestle, Jeff sadly may be dead from his drug addictions before he even is consider, and I strongly believe that Matt burned the bridge for both of them anyway. And on Nash and Booker, they have the real "They" on their side HHH and HBK. Only way I see the Hardy's back in wwe is if Michael Hayes pulls strings for them, he is the only 1 in wwe that really has a relationship with them.
Jeff Hardy left the WWE in the midst of his giant push because he couldn't handle the schedule. It was understood that he would be back soon. Strike 1.

He was immediately arrested for ANOTHER drug related incident. Strike 2.

He went to TNA. Strike 3.

Matt Hardy was never really a large draw for the WWE, and wanted more than he deserved constantly. Strike 1.

After over a decade of being used in relatively the same way, he randomly decided that he couldn't handle it anymore and started constantly complaining about the way he was being used. Strike 2.

In order to get out of his contract (instead of being a man and honoring the contract he signed for his CAREER), he used the internet fans, dirt sheets, and Twitter to talk bad about Vince, Triple H, and the company as a whole. Strike 3.

They both stopped working out. They get really out of shape. They continue to use drugs. They put out a childish YouTube video bashing one of WWE's top heels in CM Punk. They continue to "shoot" on the WWE on TNA television. They've burned almost every bridge they've built in the wrestling industry (that doesn't already hang out in the Hardy's circle of mediocrity). How many strikes are we on so far? I've lost count...

Now, I know I've come down pretty hard on them here, listing off all their sins like I have any right to play judge and jury. But even through ALL of that, the biggest reason Matt Hardy will never return is his lack of drawing power. For that ignorant buffoon to even claim that he's the reason for TNA's ratings increase astounds me... He has a cult following, but as WWE has proven time and time again, they don't play towards cult followings. It's not profitable.

Jeff a different story. There is a sliver of a chance that he'll return to WWE, but the stars have to be aligned to make it so. Jeff would have to realize that he's been a fool, kiss a lot of corporate ass, completely get rid of his drug use, WANT to return to WWE's crazy hectic schedule, and go on record, removing himself from his brother and all his crazy antics. If Hardy becomes a role model again, the WWE will think about bringing him back IF they move out of the PG era in half a dozen years or so. I'm gonna say the Hardy Boyz returning to the WWE is NOT a reality, but Jeff may be able to make a come back if everything goes perfectly.

The Hardys returning to WWE is not a reality. Jeff does not want WWE's work schedule, and has done a good job of leaving on a bad note. He's been busted for drugs and he makes videos trashing the WWE and one of it's top stars. That aside, Vince knows that for some inexplicable reason Jeff is popular. But with them being tough on substance abuse and wanting to distance themselves from the perceptions that wrestlers are steroid popping drug addicts, I doubt they would bring someone in to tarnish the reputation they are working to rebuild. Plus even if it was in the cards sometime in the future, the way he's going Jeff might not live to see it.

Matt Hardy on the other hand is more obvious. Matt never was and never will be the draw Jeff was. But he truly believes he should be. He is starting to slim down a bit, but given the way he left the company and his fits on twitter I don't think they'd want him back.
dont see this happening in the near future. the dont fit in anymore and are boring to watch. matt hardy never got over like jeff has and both are just getting old !!! theres always that slight possibility they come back for a hof or some type of gimmick spot but i do not see them wrestling anytime soon in a wwe ring. not to forget all the wwe bashing the hardys have been doing via youtube videos and all that shit. they looked like they were on a good one and could talking out there ass bout still, wwe bashing doesn't get u anywhere near vinces good-side.

would othere people like to see the hardys back in the wwe, sure they have tons of fans. would i like to see them in the wwe, no i dont they are gone in my opinion, they just are out of there league now and i know fans wont like hearing that. im not gonna go into jeffs drug addiction because that has nothing to do with wrestling. tna is a fine place for both the hardys and it mos def fits more jeffs style. besides if there ahing fun in tna let lem stay.
I don't think so. Both men left on a bitter note. Plus, Jeff made a fool of himself by critcizing "WWE's" CM Punk. And, he has a problem of drug issues and I remember, someone somewhere told me that Jeff was completely drugged during a match in TNA. Now, WWE can't allow that thing to happen. It's already stuck in issues for which they stared a "Stand Up for WWE" campaign. Allowing Jeff back would be a suicide in my opinion. And as far Matt goes, he has criticised WWE too much during his "grape-eating" interview. And as a poster on the first page said, why would Vince want a drug addict and a fat-so back in his company?? Makes sense doesn't it??
This is NOT a reality. Matt has burned his bridges after leaving the company, and Jeff's drug problems are too much of a risk for the WWE to even consider bringing him back. I think their focus on the Wellness Program and their continued support of sending former employees (Scott Hall) to rehab will prevent any chance of Jeff coming back.
P.S. Jeff's drug addiction is really nobody's business but his own. IMO his heel run in TNA is some of the best work of his career.

Wrong. Jeff Hardy's drug addiction is the business of anyone that he works for. That's how life works in the real world. Drug addiction leads to poor work performance, poor work performance leads to a decrease in productivity and a decrease in productivity is bad for business.

Jeff Hardy has made enough excuses for himself and had enough people turn a blind eye to his drug problems in the past. It hasn't done him any favors seeing as how he has multiple drug felonies hanging over his head in a state with extremely strict drug laws. He's almost certainly looking at some jail time. What Hardy does behind closed doors, I suppose, is his own business. It's when he ventures out beyond those closed doors and out into the world in which that philosophy doesn't hold ground.
Look at what Matt did to get out of his contract, At just how much he let himself go and how sloppy he become. Now look at Jeff, Two strikes on the wellness policy, and screwed the WWE over when he was given a chance. There is no way that they will ever work for the WWE again. By the time that TNA wakes up and releases the Hardys, the kids will have long but forgotten just how much they liked him and most likely, Jeff will have chalked up another drug related mishap, and Matt will end up Stalking Lita enough to warrent a Restraining Order meaning The WWE will never want anything to do with them.
I would bet money that Jeff will be back in WWE some day. He always goes through this cycle where he gets clean for a little while then he can't handle the schedule so he goes to TNA for awhile until he's ready to go back to WWE. He is also a HUGE draw in WWE. He would instantly be a main eventer if he came back.

Matt will never be back in WWE again though. He's not a draw unless he's teaming with Jeff and he's just not worth the trouble. All he does is whine and complain on twitter and youtube and he's out of shape and not entertaining at all.

Vinnie Mac is all about making money. Jeff Hardy = money. Matt Hardy = worthless.

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