"ReACTION" debut On Spike On Aug. 12

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In a press release released this morning, TNA President Dixie Carter and Managing Partenr Hulk Hogan announced this morning that the series premiere of "TNA ReACTION" will air starting August 12th at 11:00pm (ET/PT) on Spike TV, immediately following "iMPACT!" which airs from 9-11PM (ET/PT) every Thursday.

This will create a three-hour bloc of TNA programming every Thursday night for the foreseeable future.

You can read the press release here: http://www.tnawrestling.com/news/item/2087-tna-reaction-august-12-on-spike

“TNA ReACTION” is a one hour docu-style series that will bring the characters, story, and drama of TNA Wrestling’s long running action format “iMPACT!” to life in an entirely new and unique way.

“My partner Jason Hervey and I have been working with some cutting-edge cameras including the new Canon 7D D-SLR that shoots amazing video in a couple of our reality projects”, said Eric Bischoff of BHE TV”.

“We experimented with integrating some of these elements into both ‘iMPACT’ and ‘ReACTION.’ TNA’s director of video production Kevin Sullivan worked closely with us to make this work, and the results are very cool,” said Bischoff.


Thoughts on the return of ReACTION? Expectations for the show?
ReACTION should be a good edition to the TNA Thursday Lineup even though i'm probably not going to watch it because i'm starting school soon :-) I still think they need Xplosion on a different day though because 4 hours of TNA on one night is a complete overload. Considering the name of the show "ReACTION" it seems better fitting after iMPACT!
Eh.....not really seeing the benefit here. Isn't this just kind of a big post game show? Rather than a show about what we just saw, why not another hour of TV so that you can take some pressure off the WAY overloaded Impact? This sounds like a highlight show of Impact, which if not for the reviews is something I'd definitely like to watch more than the show itself. I don't see how this benefits TNA that much, but it's not a horrible idea or anything.
I was not a fan of ReACTION when they first aired it. Maybe they have tweaked the formula some, otherwise I just cannot see me watching it for an hour directly after impact. I probably would not watch it anyway most of the time, but since it kind of recapped the storylines, directly after just seems like an odd choice. However, I do really like the reaction style promos we have been seeing on TNAs other programs lately, especially the ones on Xplosion. If they keep it kayfabe then I do not see the show doing well without actual wrestling. If they break kayfabe some then it could be pretty interesting. I will say if spike will pay for it they should be doing it. The cost has to be quite low to produce it so even if qualitywise it is not a fan favorite it could still be a nice money maker.
The best thing I see out of this news, other than an extra hour of TNA, is that Kevin Sullivan is on the TNA staff! I wasn't aware Sullivan joined the company. I hope they let him in on some booking because the guy knows what hes doing. He is also one of my all time favorite wrestlers. That little fireplug of a man could really kick ass.

As far a format goes if all it is is two people sitting in chairs doing a post-game type deal with guests then ill just go to bed after impact is done.

It just seems like its a waste of production money that could go into the main show to me and for what gain really other than to possibly try to gain a few more ad spots.

Really reviewing something they just showed seems somewhat silly to me, why not just replay Xplosion during that time instead?
I would be more interested in Xplosion instead of Reaction since reaction is just a recap show with a few interviews from last week. It's not a bad show, but it doesn't give viewers anything new or special.
If it's the same thing as it was before, it's completely pointless. The one I watched was just a 1 hour highlight show which included RVD and Hardy talking backstage in hushed voices, among other things. Is that supposed to be interesting? Don't think so.

If they do have the time slot, why not use it for an actual show, like XPlosion? Why not?
Sounds like a good idea to me. I think that the success of TNA Wrestling depends upon building upon youth and upon their homegrown talent, rather than hand-me-downs from elsewhere who are past their primes. I never saw the first version of this show, but it would seem to me that bringing some attention to guys like this, making homegrown guys who are virtually unknown to casual wrestling fans a little more recognizable, should be good. I don't think it would be as good as simply adding another hour of actual wrestling time to their weeks to give guys more time to develop their skills and showcase them, but it's still a good idea.

I hope this is not the big announcement, though, that Dixie continues to tease, it would hardly be worthy of that type of hype.
Laugh-Out-Fucking-Loud. Am I the only one who noticed the bit in here about Jason Hervey? That was the fucking older brother from the Wonder Years! This motherfucker!


I remembered him being a big wrestling fan and showing up (to roaring boos) at several NWA and WCW events in the late 80s and early 90s as a special celebrity judge and other pointless things. I had no idea the kid was in the wrestling business now, but apparently he's helping develop and produce this show for TNA and Spike? Man that just cracks me up, what a small world.

As for the show itself, no interest in it. I have no interest in an interview/recap show for TNA, give me wrestling or fuck off basically.
Hervey is Bischoff's partner in their BHE TV production company that does reality tv type stuff. They are producing ReAction. Wikipedia revealed some other wrestling ties I was unaware of for him, apparently he was able to become a backstage executive producer in wcw, in fact he may be credited with coming up with the LWO. On top of that Terry Funk is his godfather.
I cant even find what channel the other show is on. Lol. Im sure this can benefit the overloaded impact. But whats that other show? lol cant even remember.
I couldn't get into this show when it aired before. I thought it was very boring I think they should find another time slot for it if they have to show it at all. Explosion would make more sense. I have a hard enough time watching two hours of Impact. Reaction would be a good way to fall asleep for me.
Laugh-Out-Fucking-Loud. Am I the only one who noticed the bit in here about Jason Hervey? That was the fucking older brother from the Wonder Years! This motherfucker!


I remembered him being a big wrestling fan and showing up (to roaring boos) at several NWA and WCW events in the late 80s and early 90s as a special celebrity judge and other pointless things. I had no idea the kid was in the wrestling business now, but apparently he's helping develop and produce this show for TNA and Spike? Man that just cracks me up, what a small world.

As for the show itself, no interest in it. I have no interest in an interview/recap show for TNA, give me wrestling or fuck off basically.
yea he was on the wonderyears big deal? it was a nic show how is itthat funny? And everything bischoff usually does is in concert with him. Their company even has both of their names...

I dont know what reAction is but its probably stupid. We already had Epics which was to WWE Confidential what Big Lots is to Sears, we already have had 2 hours of tna before this.

Then there is Xplosion. I dontnderstand how you posters are watching it but i know the last time i saw that show it was like 5 years ago on a four hour wrestling block featuring IWA and other shows. This was on the station that has been upn and the mynetwork in the past. The show was taken off air in east tennessee and i aint seen it since. So to those still watching what does that show feature now? is itlike WWE Afterburn, Thunder, or what? I think it predates Impact and inever understood why it wasn'tthe flag ship program when it was the only one. It could had been downgraded later like WCW Saturday Night.

Now if TNA wants a new 1 hour show which i assume will be on par with velocity why doesn't it research how well Saturday Night, Velocity, Heat, and Wrestling Society X did in their time slots and try to see about basing their sloton Spike on that? AM Raw is doing great for its slot.

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