Re: Christopher Daniels

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I can't find a thread regarding Christopher Daniels. Perhaps there is a thread, but it's disguised as something like "The Best Wrestler in TNA," "He's Hot, He's Spicy, He Tastes Great," or "The Guy with Wrestling's Largest Penis." If I'm mistaken - and there isn't a thread - well, there is now.

After getting back into TNA in 2012, and growing to love it again, I've become increasingly alienated over the last few months. Christopher Daniels is a big reason why I continue to watch. Is it cliché for a man with a keyboard and an internet connection to fawn over a heel? Sure - I still think I'm justified though.

There was recently a thread in the spam zone named "Best thing in wrestling right now." You can find the thread here: In case you can't be bothered to click the link (and who can blame you?), I'll just describe it you: several people thought it was Christopher Daniels, Christopher Daniels' groin or something else related to Christopher Daniels. I'm hard pressed to disagree.

Jeff Hardy gets to carry around two world championship belts - Christopher Daniels doesn't get to carry around any.


No need to sell me, Sam. I've been on the Christopher Daniels ticket for years. Way back to the Fallen Angel days. Hell, I think I was the only wrestling fan on the planet who thought his "need to be saved" program with Sting was fantastic television. Yup. I said it. Fantastic television. That feud had serious legs. Why they got cut out from under both men is beyond me, because they could have run far with that, and that should have been the segway into getting Daniels at the top of the card. Instead we had to wait four and a half years and sit through a handful of Daniels' future endeavored months before we were finally gifted with CD uncensored.

Anyone who thinks the Chris Daniels you are seeing now is brand new, I invite you to go back and watch his older programs, especially the one with Sting, because what he's got going on now is just an unleashed version of things he tried years ago, or his feud with Styles at the tail end of 2009, just prior to Hogan coming in.


As to this feud, I can't see Daniels de-throning Hardy just yet, but I can see their match spring-boarding this into a great long-term feud that hopefully carries over to Lockdown, because it's about fuckin' time Daniels got back into title contention.
No need to sell me, Sam. I've been on the Christopher Daniels ticket for years. Way back to the Fallen Angel days. Hell, I think I was the only wrestling fan on the planet who thought his "need to be saved" program with Sting was fantastic television. Yup. I said it. Fantastic television. That feud had serious legs. Why they got cut out from under both men is beyond me, because they could have run far with that, and that should have been the segway into getting Daniels at the top of the card. Instead we had to wait four and a half years and sit through a handful of Daniels' future endeavored months before we were finally gifted with CD uncensored.

Anyone who thinks the Chris Daniels you are seeing now is brand new, I invite you to go back and watch his older programs, especially the one with Sting, because what he's got going on now is just an unleashed version of things he tried years ago, or his feud with Styles at the tail end of 2009, just prior to Hogan coming in.


As to this feud, I can't see Daniels de-throning Hardy just yet, but I can see their match spring-boarding this into a great long-term feud that hopefully carries over to Lockdown, because it's about fuckin' time Daniels got back into title contention.

I honestly prefer the Daniels from back than to now. Daniels is agreat heel now, but he's bland. In a roster that already has guys like Roode & Aries, what different feature does Daniels bring other than he's bald. With Fallen Angel, he had some uniqueness.
I too prefer the Fallen Angel gimmick (especially with the face paint), but he's anything but bland. He's got more personality in his toe-nail clippings than a lot of guys in pro-wrestling these days can attest to. That much hasn't changed, despite the shift away from the Fallen Angel gimmick specifically. He's still the same snarky, quick-witted "ring General".
Daniels literally makes me laugh out loud when I'm watching the show. My buddy doesn't even watch wrestling but when he heard Daniels and Kazarian calling Hogan "Thunderlips" he couldn't help but laugh. Daniels and Kaz right now just strike me as two guys that are totally free to be themselves and use things that they laugh about in the locker room and put it on air, and whenever you can tell someone's having fun on camera it really resonates to the fans. Keep it going I say and they deserve all the good fortune they get.
I will fully admit that I was not a Daniels junky in the past like most everyone else around these parts.

I didn't find him to be nearly as charismatic as many did and thought that his mic work was not that great. I never was in love with the Fallen Angel gimmick ... though I did like it at times.

He has ALWAYS been a very good if not great in-ring performer and I definitely started paying more attention to him in the past couple of years ... and all of a sudden ... two weeks ago I realized I had come to a conclusion I did not see coming.

I LOVE Christopher Daniels. The guy is as good a worker in the ring as there is in the business ... but what he has become that I didn't see coming is MUST SEE TV. When he is on the screen ... you find yourself glued to it. He is absolutely hilarious, but still keeps legit heel heat (a combo that is not always easy to pull off). He has helped lift Kaz and vice versa to where I could see either of them in play for major titles.

Like many others have done (i.e. Bully Ray) ... right when it seemed that Daniels career was just what it was and running the course ... he goes and becomes incredibly relevant again ... and probably has the best character of his career going.

I would not be shocked to see him get into an already crowded TNA World Heavyweight Championship picture ... and he would fit right in.
I like Christopher Daniels. he is funny and entertaining. I liked the other night when he called Hardy Jefferson and called himself the Thursday night delight. Daniels and Kazarian have both been funny.

I'm going to have to go ahead and say I completely do not buy Christopher Daniels in the main event scene. what has he done recently to deserve being thrown into the main event scene? a couple matches with James Storm? other than that he's had tag matches with Kazarian against Kurt Angle and AJ Styles, plus a lengthy feud with AJ Styles, who himself has not been main event for awhile now.
I personally don't watch professional wrestling for the in ring wrestling and think that is just a small part of what happens, but to me Daniels just does not have the look right now to be considered "heavyweight" champion. he looks more like Gillberg the WWE comedic ripoff of Goldberg. now I'm not saying size is crucial. Jeff Hardy isn't that big or muscular, but he has a defined look with his face paint/tattoos plus he has some good spot moves off the top rope to make himself exciting for the viewers.
I might buy more into Daniels if he was built up better, feuding with different heavyweight wrestlers other than Storm, or if he had a better look/more muscular. as I said, he reminds me too much of Gillberg, too skinny.

some might say that body size doesn't matter and throw out a name like Eddie Guerrero. but even Gurrero himself wasn't main event level until he went to the WWE and added body size. when he was in WCW he looked skinny and more like a cruiser weight wrestler that he was at the time.

I don't want this to sound as if I don't like Daniels. as I started off saying, I do like him. I find him funny and entertaining to watch. I think he could be a great champion, a great TV champion in the mid card. I think it's unfortunate that the TV title is being wasted on Devon. I didn't like it when Devon had it before, and then felt like maybe it was going to become bigger once Samoa Joe had it. but nope, TNA dropped the ball again by giving the title back to a guy people don;t really care about. but right now just imagine the fued that could have been between Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels. IMO that is where Daniels could shine and be a big factor. either the mid card with the TV title, or even the tag team division with Kazarian again as the world tag team champions of the world.
I too prefer the Fallen Angel gimmick (especially with the face paint), but he's anything but bland. He's got more personality in his toe-nail clippings than a lot of guys in pro-wrestling these days can attest to. That much hasn't changed, despite the shift away from the Fallen Angel gimmick specifically. He's still the same snarky, quick-witted "ring General".

Bland isn't the same as charismatic. You can still have charisma but be bland. Right now if he goes to the ME, he could get lost in the shuffle with A-Double & Roode.
Bland isn't the same as charismatic. You can still have charisma but be bland. Right now if he goes to the ME, he could get lost in the shuffle with A-Double & Roode.

Not if Roode and Aries move into the tag division (as is likely to happen) to feud with LAX v. 3.0.

Both Roode and Aries have had their multiple shots at the title with Jeff the last number of months. As far as I'm concerned, much as I love both of them, it's time to get a new body in there with Hardy going forward, so I don't see him getting lost in the shuffle at all.

I also consider your statement a bit oxymoronic. How can you have charisma but be bland? These two adjectives are antithetical to one another. It's like being entertaining, but boring.
I've always loved Daniels. He has become one of my favourites to watch in all of wrestling over the past year, his pairing with Kazarian has been nothing but fantastic.

I remember watching with my girlfriend when he and Kazarian did the dance from Gangnam Style after planting A.J. and now she loves him as much as I do, haha.
Christopher Daniels is Talented and has charisma but is not really championship material. He is a main event guy for another to defend there title against but not to win the world title. I hate to say it but Daniels winning the world title would be a little confusing considering how they bounce this guy around in TNA.
I like Christopher Daniels. he is funny and entertaining. I liked the other night when he called Hardy Jefferson and called himself the Thursday night delight. Daniels and Kazarian have both been funny.

I'm going to have to go ahead and say I completely do not buy Christopher Daniels in the main event scene. what has he done recently to deserve being thrown into the main event scene? a couple matches with James Storm? other than that he's had tag matches with Kazarian against Kurt Angle and AJ Styles, plus a lengthy feud with AJ Styles, who himself has not been main event for awhile now.
I personally don't watch professional wrestling for the in ring wrestling and think that is just a small part of what happens, but to me Daniels just does not have the look right now to be considered "heavyweight" champion. he looks more like Gillberg the WWE comedic ripoff of Goldberg. now I'm not saying size is crucial. Jeff Hardy isn't that big or muscular, but he has a defined look with his face paint/tattoos plus he has some good spot moves off the top rope to make himself exciting for the viewers.
I might buy more into Daniels if he was built up better, feuding with different heavyweight wrestlers other than Storm, or if he had a better look/more muscular. as I said, he reminds me too much of Gillberg, too skinny.

some might say that body size doesn't matter and throw out a name like Eddie Guerrero. but even Gurrero himself wasn't main event level until he went to the WWE and added body size. when he was in WCW he looked skinny and more like a cruiser weight wrestler that he was at the time.

I don't want this to sound as if I don't like Daniels. as I started off saying, I do like him. I find him funny and entertaining to watch. I think he could be a great champion, a great TV champion in the mid card. I think it's unfortunate that the TV title is being wasted on Devon. I didn't like it when Devon had it before, and then felt like maybe it was going to become bigger once Samoa Joe had it. but nope, TNA dropped the ball again by giving the title back to a guy people don;t really care about. but right now just imagine the fued that could have been between Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels. IMO that is where Daniels could shine and be a big factor. either the mid card with the TV title, or even the tag team division with Kazarian again as the world tag team champions of the world.
So you want him to do Steroids? That is how Eddie bulked up. He was bulking up in WCW towards the end his run. He was pretty big in 98-9.

I think Daniels could carry the title. All it takes is one or two big feuds and a big win or two and I think he could carry the title (Not comparing to a Ziggler win in WWE against Cena or at least a well booked feud, I know how really, really angry people get and no I will not mention that Cena clearly does Steroids either because he doesn't, it is all natural). Aries and AJ are "smaller" guys and are legit champs, the same with Jeff Hardy.

Daniels was getting a big push in 09 before the Hogan Regime ended that and that was a damn shame as I saw some of those matches and they were damn good. Daniels has charisma and talent and he can wrestle. The beauty of TNA is that it does not really matter who the title is on as it rarely budges the ratings and probably revenue so they can experiment a bit more. But undoubtedly he would be a great TV champ, defending it every week or wrest the X Division title from RVD in a great feud before elevating him if TNA so chose.

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