Re-booking the finish for Hell in a Cell; longterm aftermath

That N Word

Actively evolving
It's been a lonnng time since I've been on here, I came on this page as an immature 15 year old with terrible grammar and a terrible e-fed known as WCWF. I've made a lot of mistakes and I've disrespected a lot of people on here before I left this site and for that, I apologize. I'm an adult now and despite the username, I'm much more mature now. With that being said, let's get down to business. Hell in a Cell's main event wasn't a bad match, from a storytelling standpoint, it was actually quite riveting. However, it was the finish that bad taste in the mass majority of our mouths.

Fixing WWE Hell in a Cell finish; How I would handle Bray until Royal Rumble that gets him to Mania:

Rollins finds a sledgehammer under the ring. The referee tries to talk some sense into Rollins and tells him not to go that place, he isn't that guy anymore. Rollins shows slight remorse and stops before he hits The Fiend anyway. Seth looks shocked at his own actions before yelling at The Fiend, "YOU MADE ME DO THIS!" Paramedics rush to the ring to check on The Fiend as the cell lifts. Rollins is in shock at his own actions and yell "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS?!?!" Rollins looks at the booing fans and snaps. Rollins takes the sledgehammer and ANOTHER SHOT, AND ANOTHER! The ref and medics try to stop him as they try to get Bray on the stretcher. Rollins goes back after him AND THE MANDIBLE CLAW ON SETH!! ROLLINS IS CHOKING!! ROLLINS IS CHOKING!! ROLLINS IS VOMITING BLOOD!! GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY!! THE REF CALLS FOR THE BELL AND YOUR WINNER AND NEWWWWW WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION VIA STOPPAGE...THE FIENNNNNND...BRAYYYYYYY WYATTTTT!!" Post match, The Fiend drags Seth out of the ring and exposes the concrete where he hits Sister Abigail on the exposed concrete. The spotlight starts beaming as Wyatt stands over Rollins with his foot on his fallen body, who has a bloody face and blood dripping out of his mouth holding the Universal Championship as Hell in a Cell fades off the air.

Last Monday on RAW, I would have hyped up that Rollins is in the hospital suffering from a concussion, and he's getting his tongue stitched back into his mouth. With that being said, a new captain for Team Hogan will be decided in a match between Chad Gable and Buddy Murphy. Gable vs. Murphy gets a 20 minute PPV length match with Gable going over and getting the spot. Murphy accepts a handshake from Gable before turning on him and beating the hell out of him. Throughout the night, there would be loads of hype, video packages about what we witnessed last night. The Fiend is put over as un-human and it's being said that he has vanished completely since Hell in a Cell and no one knows where he is. Later in the night, a Firefly Funhouse episode airs and Abby The Witch sends us a message saying Bray hasn't returned home, the puppets say they think he finally lost it. Ramblin' Rabbit says he smells smoke and the whole Funhouse starts burning to the ground as the episode fades. We're told that Rollins should be able to talk better by next week and will respond to snapping, why he stepped down as Team Hogan captain and how will he respond to this brutal annihilation by The Fiend.

Next week, Seth Rollins returns and goes off on the WWE Universe because he's given them his all and they continue to show their true colors and it's time he shows his. He say's if that want the old Seth Rollins they can have it. In a shock TV moment, Seth tells the fans that they could kiss his ass and suck his dick(obviously bleeped out.) He says if y'all want attitude then y'all are going to get it. He say's his only regret about Hell in a Cell is that he didn't kill that sick son of a bitch when he had the chance. He say's that if The Fiend is done playing with dolls and has any slight bit of a spine then to face him at Survivor Series in a "Life or Death Match," only way to win is to beat your opponent so bad that they don't have a pulse. He says "Yowie Wowies deez nuts bitch" to the chanting fans." He says if they love The Fiend then he would kill him dead. Eventually Bray returns as this huge babyface. With the Firefly Funhouse no longer a thing, either Bray gets a manager or gets a gimmick similar to Kane that allows The Fiend talk.

While Bray returns over as a babyface, it's a only for this rivalry. Both Bray and Seth would be heels, but Bray would be more positioned as the face in this scenario. Bray retains over Seth and targets Randy Orton next, turning the latter Babyface once again. Following that, Bray attacks The Undertaker at the Royal Rumble, costing him the match. The lights goes out and we see The Undertaker (obviously a dummy put in place when the lights are out in the arena) get hung and his body starts rising to the ceiling, hanging. Setting up Taker vs. The Fiend at WrestleMania.

IF CM Punk returns, I'd easily have him be Seth Rollins opponent for WrestleMania.

Side Note: The Rollins "suck my dick" comment may be a bit too far but shock TV is what WWE needs at this point.
I think Rollins retaining was ok especially since it appears WWE was going to give Fox Wyatt the whole time anyway. But I think the finish should've been Seth putting Wyatt through a table via superplex and rolling on top of him for the 1, 2, 3 with both men passed out. Then as Rollins gets to his feet and crawls out the ring you have Wyatt sit up and go attack Rollins outside delivering the Sister Abigail to the champ on the exposed floor. Both men look strong and Wyatt can start new feuds on Smackdown. Then I would have Rollins begin an epic feud with Styles on Raw over the Universal Title.
I think Rollins retaining was ok especially since it appears WWE was going to give Fox Wyatt the whole time anyway. But I think the finish should've been Seth putting Wyatt through a table via superplex and rolling on top of him for the 1, 2, 3 with both men passed out. Then as Rollins gets to his feet and crawls out the ring you have Wyatt sit up and go attack Rollins outside delivering the Sister Abigail to the champ on the exposed floor. Both men look strong and Wyatt can start new feuds on Smackdown. Then I would have Rollins begin an epic feud with Styles on Raw over the Universal Title.

Having The Fiend lose decisively so soon would only prove detriment to Bray and the hard work he put into this character. If you're going to book the match, then go all the way with it. I personally wouldn't have had him join the title hunt at all. I would have had him target and defeat Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, John Cena (attack only), The Rock (attack only), and Daniel Bryan before targeting The Undertaker and retiring him in a Buried Alive Match at WrestleMania to "right all of [his] wrongs." I would have had him remain undefeated, eventually targeting and defeating Braun Strowman for "abandoning" The Wyatt Family. Then have him defeat Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title before dropping it to Aleister Black at WrestleMania 37 with Bray losing for the first time and what would be 3 years.

As far as AJ vs. Seth, their first match was incredible but the story got rushed and never got to progress before being completely scrapped. WWE has been trying to awkwardly pick back on it recently and it's fallen flat because they've completely killed the interest by turning The OC into jokes.
Can't agree more with the posts. Wyatt was to new to be chasing the Title if you weren't going to put it on him. Have him build a nice resume of wins only on PPV's. That would make him unique going forward. Could've even had him defeat Styles for the US Title and have a nice midcard reign. Which is the tried and true way to build a guy to main event status. Remember the days when Bret Hart, Austin, Rock, & HHH were all I-C champs before they elevated to the top of the card. The dumb pushes with Mahal, Stroman, Wyatt, etc.. have left these guys and other seeming lesser than and it's only creative's fault for the quick push and the dramatic drop after the push was over.

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