Raw's 1000th Episode


CM Perfection
Has we all know Raw is the longest running TV show . But as Raw gradually aim's closer to the big histroic 1000th Episode... what do you think Raw should do for the 1000th episode or what would u like to see on the 1000th episode.

In my opinion I would like to see a 3 hour Raw and bring back all the superstars & divas from the past and bring back all the Mc Mahon's ( Vince, Shane, Stephanie, Linda) for one night only and change the Raw titantron.. and change the commentators and have two different commentators tables on one table I would have Bobby the Brain & Mean Gene Okerlund and the second table I would have Jim Ross & Jerry Lawlor... I wouldn't mind seeing for the main event a 8 man tag team match The Rock , Stone Cold, Undertaker, HHH vs John Cena, Randy Orton, The Miz, Cm Punk. That would be preety sweet to see.

So what would you like to see on Raw's 1000th Episode of Raw ???
The main even u have is pretty good a past vs present kinda thing that would be awesome i like that whole idea of past vs present and the announcers u have kinda represent that..id have the brain and the body if thats possible n jr n lawler n u def have to have a wwe title match too maybe the 8 man title match can be elimination n the last man standing (cena obvy) will come out the champ
I'd like to see them celebrate all of the time RAW has covered, not just the attitude era and present day. I'd have the announce booth have Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler, and possibly Bobby Heenan in there for old time's sake.

They gotta pay tribute to those who made RAW successful in the early days (1993-95). Honor the fallen (such as Yokozuna, Owen Hart, Mr. Perfect, Davey Boy, etc), and have some of the guys who are still alive make appearences. It'd be cool to see the more forgotten guys like Marty Jannety or Lex Luger make an appearence.

They have to acknowledge the tough times RAW faced in 1996-97, and talk about how guys like HBK, Bret Hart and Steve Austin helped the company through its darkest hour. Then of course you celebrate the attitude era like they seem to do pretty much every week anyway.

I'd like to see some stars from the Ruthless Agression era makee appearences, too. Batista, Goldberg, or Brock Lesnar would all be really cool. Maybe see if you could get one of those guys involved in a match.

But more importantly than all that, they need to have a good show. Maybe have the U.S. title on the line to open the show, and a WWE title match as the main event.
ZACK RYDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: Just Kidding (Or Am I?)

All jokes aside for the 1000th episode in my opinion bring back all the people they can from attitude era and ruthless aggression era like amazing_____blue said and have past and present matches throughout the night and a part of the show to remember the gret but passed away superstars that helped the company.

And another thing for the past and present matches it would have the top stars of each generation fight against each other all night like Rock vs Cena, Austin vs Orton, Taker vs Del Rio (The last one is a dream match for me XD) and etc.
1000th epsiode? They would have to go all out for this. This would definitely have to be a 3 hour edition of RAW starting at 7 or even 6:30. Bring back stars from all eras excluding the Television Era meaning, Golden Age, Next Generation, Attitude, Ruthless Aggression, and PG. They should do anything they can for this RAW.
i dont see the new vs old school main event happening at all cause that would be like giving away wm 28 main event for free. i do like some of the ideas, but maybe have on commetary, jessie ventura and vinny mac. it would be cool to see shane-o-mac, but i heard theres still bad bloo between him and dad. marty and luger would be cool. maybe with the old vs new theme, have jannetty vs bourne or something. i wouldnt mind seeing steve blackman comne back or maybe hardcore holly.
maybe hardcore holly.

Didnt he die?

Well either way i wont list stuff that everone else did but just any legand u can find that was in raw get him in there. Make it 4 or possibly more hours. And i think it would be really cool to have guys in wcw who went through the monday night wars.
I know what they SHOULDN'T do... anything closely resembling the 900th episode...

Truth be told, I don't see any other way to do it except another WWE Old School show. Obviously it would be a three-hour Raw (commercial-free would be ideal).

The first thing the WWE should do is have as many big names as possible that have appeared on Raw since 1993 to show up. Second, it would be interesting to hear what the current roster's favorite Raw moment (not including themselves) was. Third, an Im Memoriam segment, similar the one they have at the Oscars, would be nice.

As for matches, I don't know. A mega-match between the Attitude Era and the PG Era seems too much considering SummerSlam would be right around the corner and this type of match is better suited there, but I wouldn't be opposed to the WWE having some interaction between Attitue Era and PG Era stars in order to build up to SummerSlam.
Has we all know Raw is the longest running TV show . But as Raw gradually aim's closer to the big histroic 1000th Episode... what do you think Raw should do for the 1000th episode or what would u like to see on the 1000th episode.

In my opinion I would like to see a 3 hour Raw and bring back all the superstars & divas from the past and bring back all the Mc Mahon's ( Vince, Shane, Stephanie, Linda) for one night only and change the Raw titantron.. and change the commentators and have two different commentators tables on one table I would have Bobby the Brain & Mean Gene Okerlund and the second table I would have Jim Ross & Jerry Lawlor... I wouldn't mind seeing for the main event a 8 man tag team match The Rock , Stone Cold, Undertaker, HHH vs John Cena, Randy Orton, The Miz, Cm Punk. That would be preety sweet to see.

So what would you like to see on Raw's 1000th Episode of Raw ???

Wait a second, isn't The Simpsons longest running T.V. Show? Also, I agree with you on everything else. They should have a Legends Vs. New Stars 8 man tag match.
it is the longest show per episodes...

and i like a lot of these ideas. deff has to bring back a lot of the former greats in the past that have been on Raw...i dont see Jesse Ventura coming back (or anybody on the VKM deathlist for that matter). deff should do a video tribute and fav Raw moments from current and past superstars...a ladder match between John Morrison and Rey Mysterio (or any kind of match to show off the amazing JoMo)

the ending shouldnt be a match (if they can't make it great),instead bring out all the top dogs from over the years (dx,edge,taker,rock,ect ect ect) and then stone cold steve austin and then the mcmahons and everybody do a toast in the middle of the ring and end on a happy note. they never end this way with everyone celebrating and they should b/c they all have spilled blood for VKM.
How many more episodes to they need before they reach #1000? I think what they do will all depend on what PPV is coming up and the current storylines. They may be able to take a break from the lines and have some fun if a non-major PPV was coming up or not the following Sunday.
There has been 942 episodes of Raw so far so we are still 58 weeks away from the 1000th episode. That is a lot of time to pass in terms of wrestling story lines. I'm sure they will spare no expense on making it one memorable show.
I'm pretty sure of what they're going to do. They're most likely going to bring back all the Superstars that have been a part of RAW before then they're going to have a large main event tag match with the top heels facing off the top faces in the company like Christian, R Truth, and Miz, going against Cena, Orton, and whoever else they decide to throw in. We could get an appearance from guys like The Rock, Triple H, or The Undertaker but I doubt they'll have major roles in the show. They'll obviously hype up peoples return to RAW like Orton, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, but thats basically how the show is going to go.
I think it will be a 4 hour raw. I no your thinking a 4 hour Raw, thats never been done before. The only 4 hour wwe show is Mania! But that's exactly it, ITS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE! That's why I think there do it. I mean its there 1000th episode.
Well there is a big difference between what are dream 1000th episode would be and what would actually happen. I think we need to make a few things clear. Here are a bunch of things I have to say about the comments already made.

1) I highly doubt, nor would I want to see the set get changed back to a previous set, even for one night. If anything on the 1,000th show they will debut a new set.

2) You will not see Austin, Rock, Goldberg, etc. fight in a WWE match at the 1000th episode. Maybe they will appear (most likely both Austin and Rock would), but they would certainly not fight. Highly doubt even Undertaker would fight. Maybe you will get HHH in the ring if he is feeling up to it.

3) Bobby Heenan had throat cancer so I wouldn't think they would actually have him call a match. Maybe he would make a appearance, but that's about it. Also why would he announce with Gene Okerlund? They never announced together. He use to announce with the late Gorilla Monsoon. I mean you could do Heenan and Vince McMahon announcing together since they did announce together for a time.

4) I am sure they would do clips and honor the past eras and names from that era.

5) Kind of going back to my second comment but I am sure we would see a few past stars fight in the ring but honestly, they shouldn't. The idea of having past superstars fight current superstars are great, but the matches would be horrible. Personally I don't want to see a 50 year old Marty Jannetty fight Evan Boune. These wrestlers would be way past there prime. Maybe we will see someone get in the ring that still has a little left in the tank (like Kevin Nash would be a prime example) but that's it.

6) I am sure it would be at least 3 hours. Also rumor has it that Raw might be getting a pre-show starting this fall (like College Football and NFL has etc.). I wouldn't be surprised if we have a 3 hour Raw with a special hour long pre-show. Also might be cool to see if they can strike a deal with USA to air some classic Raw episodes throughout the weekend leading up to Raw.

7) No way would it be commercial free. We can dream though.

8) Reed - I like the idea of having every toast in the ring for a final moment. They still need to have a kick ass main event match though. I would love to see the Main Event be for the WWE Championship, and actually hype the match ahead of time so there is a chance that the title may change hands.
The longest running T.V show is NBC's interview program ''Meet the Press'', and the show with more episodes is SportsCenter. Now that we resolved that problem.

I think is going to be a 3-hour show, with Raw bringing back nostalgia moments and characters, inviting a lot of people and hopefully there will more people in the title picture, other than Cena and Orton.
Has we all know Raw is the longest running TV show . But as Raw gradually aim's closer to the big histroic 1000th Episode... what do you think Raw should do for the 1000th episode or what would u like to see on the 1000th episode.

In my opinion I would like to see a 3 hour Raw and bring back all the superstars & divas from the past and bring back all the Mc Mahon's ( Vince, Shane, Stephanie, Linda) for one night only and change the Raw titantron.. and change the commentators and have two different commentators tables on one table I would have Bobby the Brain & Mean Gene Okerlund and the second table I would have Jim Ross & Jerry Lawlor... I wouldn't mind seeing for the main event a 8 man tag team match The Rock , Stone Cold, Undertaker, HHH vs John Cena, Randy Orton, The Miz, Cm Punk. That would be preety sweet to see.

So what would you like to see on Raw's 1000th Episode of Raw ???

So many things wrong with this...

Yes, this would be a great show, but it would never in a million years happen.

For one thing, Bobby Heenan is ancient and a throat cancer survivor, there's no way he has the gas to call an entire night of matches, let alone one match. Also, Mean Gene was never on commentary.

Also, having Rock and Stone Cold on a Monday Night Raw is a horrible waste. The Rock should never wrestle again after WrestleMania 28, but if he does, it should be at another WrestleMania. The same goes for Austin, never again... unless it's at WrestleMania. Seeing those guys back in the ring is nothing short of a monumental event, and people should have to pay $55 to see it.
It would be an amazing show I have no doubt. Ideally you get as many past stars as you can, and really showcase the history of the show and the WWE.

I also think it would be amazing if on the night Vince McMahon announced his retirement and officially hands over to Stephanie and Triple H.
I agree with nwo365, they should have a special 4 hour edition, It is the 1000th episode, it needs to be huge!

If anything if it was to be 4 hours then why not have an hour dedicated to a particular era of RAW? Within that hour you get video homage's to the superstars of that era aswell as some special appearances by some of the superstars who made that era, hell even have a match if they feel up to it!

Imagine it now:
Hour 1 - 1993-1996 Honor the greats of that era i.e Yokozuna, Bulldogg, Janetty, Mr Perfect etc. Have some of the faces of that time appearing for some recognition and maybe some promo with one of the current stars.....Janetty and JoMo in the ring would be cool

Hour 2 - 1997-2000 Honor what people class as the greatest era of WWE, The attitude era/Monday night wars. Imagine if the minestry came back for one night only? or the corperation reformed for one night? Video homage to how WWE won the monday night wars and how the superstars of that time came through it.

Hour 3 - 2001-2005 what people call the "Ruthless Aggression" era, The likes of Brock Lesnar, Batista, Goldberg just coming into the WWE, John Cena's Thuganomics, The American Badass, even the short lived period of the nWo. all this could make for a good homage to show the progression from attitude to ruthless aggression, with some appearances by maybe nWo?? Lesnar?

Hour 4 - 2006-current (PG era) This is where all the current starts pey their respect to their main hero/idol growing up with Raw. Homage to the superstars of today and how they will carry the wwe forward into the next chapter and lead the march for the next 1000 episodes.

All this with some matches in aswell involving some of the stars of the last 18 years would make for one great tribute to the last 1000 episodes

Also it needs to be huge in terms of venue, why not hold it in MSG as it is what VKM calls the "home of WM" it can also be the perfect place to honor Raw's 1000th episode
I would like to see a lot of legends come back for nostalgic cameo appearances to interact with the current wrestlers. Hopefully we get more than Stone Cold coming back for the night and stunning Vince for the billionth time. I'd want to see other legends too like The Rock, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and many more. There would still need to be some good matches too, to further the ongoing storylines. The 900th episode was a massive disappointment, and the fans deserve better than for the 1000th episode to be anywhere near that quality. Showing clips of top historic moments could be nice, if the moments they decide to show are truly "the best moments of Raw" rather than a random set of clips they decide to show. Basically I want to see a good mix of nostalgia and continued development of the ongoing storylines because they would have a reason to celebrate in the 1000th episode but they also need to focus on the current angles so that the fans remain interested in the PRESENT product too instead of focusing on the past too much.
There of course should be tributes to each and everyone who made RAW what it is today. Superstars from the Golden, Attitude, PG and other eras. Have guys like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Dwayne Johnson and others return for a night. Let HHH and Taker be in matches instead of just promos. Plus, bring all the McMahons for the night. Also, have all the titles in the WWE be defended. The main-event, should be WWE championship. And of course, have some good matches. Out of which some should be past vs present matches. The announcers team could consist of King and JR. Well, if that's not all, have all the top guys from different eras come out and celebrate with VKM in the end.

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