Raw Suck's Here's How To Fix It. IMO.


Mattitude Version 1
Raw has lately been sucking major penis. To fix it do the following.

- Vince should die of a heart attack or he could just be removed from the air permanatley.

- Release Khali.

- Have cena drop the title to HBK and have him job to Val Venis.

- Have Jeff the stoner Hardy drop the title and send him to WWECW.


- Acctually just cancel the whole program altogethor, Its gone too far into the abyss to be saved.

Discuss my opinions and share your own now.
I agree with the whole thing and i find it within good reason.

Give bishoff the GM job he made Raw watchable. He is always great to watch and cuts excellent promos life needs bishoff
How about just giving smackdown all the air time, and bring the brands together. But definately drop khali. The big hunk of junk.
RAW is not as great as it use to be but i don't agree that it is forever lost. This weeks RAW was pretty solid compared to previous weeks IMO. HBK has made his way into the title picture with Cena and i think their feud is gonna be great i just hope HBK isn't going to be made to look like another jobber for Cena to beat every week like Umaga or any other superstar that got in Cena's way(HHH,Edge,Jericho,Angle,and the list goes on). I am not a huge Jeff Hardy fan but removing him from RAW would be a huge mistake b/c he actually puts on some of the best matches RAW has to offer(with the exception of the horrible Khali squash last monday). I think everybody agrees with removing Khali altogether since he don't do sh*t. The Trump/Vince storyline is leading up to Stone Cold's return from the way I am looking at it which could add more value to RAW like Trump said about the money last monday.

Vince should have a real GM running the show instead of himself or Coach(pretty much anybody is better than those two).

The tag team titles should be controlled more seriously(REAL teams like WGTT, Cryme Tyme, Cade and Murdoch and the Highlanders should be competing for the tag titles instead of main eventers like Cena, HBK, Edge or Orton).

And Put Khali on a spaceship and blast him to the Moon like the boys did to a whale on a show of South Park :lol:
I think that you are right on all counts (maybe a bit exagerated though lol)

HBK should definatley be the champion, but at least he is in the main event scene for now.

Cena has too much momentum behind him to be brushed aside but im sure he will drop the belt soon enough. (probably at WM)

Take vince off air is right as he doesnt contribute anything worth having in his current guise.

Push guys like carlito and bring CM Punk over.

I think these ideas would make a big difference
I like Punk where he is, right now. Carlito could use a push maybe with his Brother although him and Super Crazy had a good Tag match. yes Vince is all over WWe programming cause he believes that he draws ratings, Cena can be derailed as they had shown when Edge challanged him after the Elimination Chamber. Kahli should be teamed up in a stable with Umaga and go after the WWe Title making it more entertaining to watching him with ARMANDOOOOOOOOOOO.... ALEJANDROOOOOOO.....ESTRRRRRRRRRRRRADA.... Behind him. as for Jeff they seem to be teaming him up more and more with his brother let them team up to take the titles away from Cena and HBK and then lose to WGTT then it's a free for all maybe the Bulldogs (Harry smith & TJ Wilson) come in to challange to the WGTT Title as well as the Raw Tag Titles. it's time for change.....yes Vince needs to step back and yes they need a new GM anyone besides Bishoff? he was great and getting the job done ..
Can you say Mexicools reunion? Rehire psichosis and juvi, and maybe add Carlito and Eddie Colon? or Maybe the Colons vs Mexicools in a feud? and maybe bring the rock back as Flex Cavana? or maybe steal away AJ Styles and give him the wwe title and make it not a joke anymore? lol. Sorry, im getting carried away. What would happen to Hogan Knows best if Hulk Hogan passed away..? Serious question, someone make a thread about it.

Kahli needs to go back into development for a few years and learn some english, because no matter what WWE needs that one giant guy to put over the up-and-comers, like Big Show put over Lashley.

Cena should drop the title, IMO to Randy Orton.. Or Jericho :(
I miss Jericho...

Bring Shane O'Mac back as a face GM who still wrestles, id love that.

Get the tag titles on a legitimate threat of some scary dudes like Cade and Murdoch, no matter your oppinion on them, they can preform..
Since they like pushing Cryme Tyme, give them the titles to feud with WGTT instead.

My oppinions dont really matter, but im expressing myself, leave me alone.
Thanks for reading my meaningless rambling.
There are some issues with Raw. the first is the lack of good rivalries. There are to many Heel like characters on RAW, guys like Carlito and Flair should be heels, it fit s there personalities better. Instead of bringing in heals like Khali, Umaga and this Kozlov guy, they should bring in more babyface chracters. I like the HArdy vs. Nito thing, they got a good rivalry going. But there going to reunite both MnM and The HArdys anyway.
make cena lose the title after hbk super kicks his head to uranus (haha uranus have actual tag teams have the title not these damn alliances let vince and khali both go to the years 1992 thru to 1999 and take a detour stop to see brock lesnar and y vince should of let him bak and get coach to go see his cousin vanilla ice and finaly send nitro and jeff to smackdown to give their tag division credibility so they can have a wicked tlc match with those bird men on smack down at wm ( for the roody poos that dont no bird men = kendrick and london ) theres a rock quote u like that dont u
-send the Highlanders back to OVW and repackage them, this aint the 80's
-CM Punk on Raw
-Kevin Thorn w/Ariel on Raw
-A Cena(without the wwe title) vs Thorn program- hip hop vs goth. plus this gives Thorn the rub
-Shawn Micheals as WWE Champion, without that stupid spinner belt!
-K Fed as someone's manager
-The return of The Texas Rattlesnake!
To fix Raw, you'd have to start at the root of the problem. Brian Gewirtz should be completely deep-sixed from the writing staff along with the other supporting cast. I've heard better booking ideas from teenagers frequenting this and other message boards than from some of the WWE's collegiate grad dumbshits who know plenty about writing, just not when it comes to professional wrestling. They need to bring in someone who can book with intelligence and that actually knows the business. Who? A number of people. Paul E. couldn't do any worse, and would definitely get the wrestling aspect of the program out of the gutter where it's sat for quite some time now. If they gave him entire autonomy over the product, he'd scoop heat like there was no tomorrow with angles and could build legendary feuds. Next, the creative squads on the other shows would have to be changed over and talent would have to be shuffled from all three shows.

The pacing of the matches would have to change to a more intelligent level that requires a little bit of setup instead of people just running through their signature spots. The shows would have to be booked in crescendo fashion again instead of Vince McMahon's quarter-hour ratings scheme which makes the crowd response disjointed and lackluster a lot of times. Those who can't support their title like they should (Cena) in terms of the workrate would either re-educate themselves or be shuffled into the tag division. Those with more consistent workrate (Edge, Michaels, HHH, Carlito, Orton) would be fighting for the title so it would actually be worth a damn.

As far as the moves for Raw?

All heavyweight tag teams moved to this brand and fight for a unified title as the existing talent would be decent but tag teams like the Hardy Boys, WGTT, would be re-united. Other wrestlers who don't necessarily have a solid direction would be set with others in tag teams featuring a unified gimmick and team name that they showed chemistry with. I.E. Dykstra and Masters. The division would also have special matches designed strictly for the tag teams that would give the belts more esteem. The main problem with the CW and tag divisions is that too much of the talent is spread about the shows, and not enough focus is brought toward enhancing each one, but instead is about just filling holes.

All cruiserweight wrestlers moved to Smackdown to fight for their version of the X-division to rescue the CW title from the garbage can it's sat in since WCW folded. Kendrick, London, Super Crazy, Guido, Re-hire Mamaluke, Helms, and possibly any more indy stars they could get a hold of that are "free agents" so to speak. These matches would be extended and placed at the beginning of the card. Moves would also be unbanned and a high-risk offense would be the key to revitalizing it. For example, Helms would dust off his old finisher and actually start working for his money again. Cruiserweights would also be allowed to have their own gimmick matches instead of being overshadowed by heavyweights in gimmick matches that they don't actually have the talent to uphold.

Indy talent would have to be brought in that can actually work worth a damn instead of the half-baked table scraps from OVW and DSW.

Women's division would either be completely re-tooled or scrapped altogether and the remaining divas would be managers or interviewers.

Raw would become a heavyweight centric-program. The useless T & A that is shown every now and again wouldn't be on there anymore. The storylines would be enhanced so as to draw more awe from the crowd and worked shoot-type promos would be the method of madness. The matches would also have clean finishes or at least a dirty pinfall or submission. No DQ's, countouts, or no contest stuff. There would also be no more five-minute squashes that undermine the lower talent to a degree where they'd never be able to get a plausible push. Every victory would have to be a hard-fought encounter. Title matches would unpredictable in terms of the outcome and the finish of the matches would definitely be as far away from Cena's pre-digested prototypical wins. I would want the people to keep guessing as far as what was going to happen next. If they already know how it's going to end and can call spots in advance...what the hell is the point of watching in the first place?

Roster cuts/changes from Raw Roster:
Eugene's character (Dinsmore would be re-tooled with a decent gimmick)
Flair would strictly be a manager
Khali fired
Viscera either drop major weight or fired
Umaga would be given a different gimmick entirely, but would still be a top wrestler in terms of his spot
Raw would become a heavyweight centric-program. The useless T & A that is shown every now and again wouldn't be on there anymore. The storylines would be enhanced so as to draw more awe from the crowd and worked shoot-type promos would be the method of madness. The matches would also have clean finishes or at least a dirty pinfall or submission. No DQ's, countouts, or no contest stuff. There would also be no more five-minute squashes that undermine the lower talent to a degree where they'd never be able to get a plausible push. Every victory would have to be a hard-fought encounter. Title matches would unpredictable in terms of the outcome and the finish of the matches would definitely be as far away from Cena's pre-digested prototypical wins. I would want the people to keep guessing as far as what was going to happen next. If they already know how it's going to end and can call spots in advance...what the hell is the point of watching in the first place?

Roster cuts/changes from Raw Roster:
Eugene's character (Dinsmore would be re-tooled with a decent gimmick)
Flair would strictly be a manager
Khali fired
Viscera either drop major weight or fired
Umaga would be given a different gimmick entirely, but would still be a top wrestler in terms of his spot

I agree with most of your stuff Kasey but I have a disagreement with the above two paragraphs. First the occassional DQ/Count-Out match should happen this should be done rarely and not what seems like every week. No five minute matches. I disagree the occasional squash match by debuting superstars that there gimmick is to be able to demolish the other wrestlers should occur.( I mean who didn't love the Chris Benoit Orlando Jordan fastest to tap out series of matches a couple of years ago.) As for the above Roster Cut/Changes, I would make Hacksaw a Manager, I agree with Dinsmore, Flair and Eddie Fatu III. I would send Khali to be retrained and retool his gimmick, I wouldn't fire Viscera but get him to drop weight and force him to do it by making him by incentives (In the form of pushes if he drops enough weight).
Here's my plan
:First make Raw as edgey as it was back in 2002 in the begining of the roster split.
:Shawn Micheals should be WWE Champion again sometime in 07.
:Have Cena feud away from the WWE Championship
:Fire Khali
:Make Triple H into a tweener charachter and have him contend for the WWE title a few times, but doesn't win it.
:End ecw and bring over CM Punk to feud with Edge.
I agree with most of your stuff Kasey but I have a disagreement with the above two paragraphs. First the occassional DQ/Count-Out match should happen this should be done rarely and not what seems like every week. No five minute matches. I disagree the occasional squash match by debuting superstars that there gimmick is to be able to demolish the other wrestlers should occur.( I mean who didn't love the Chris Benoit Orlando Jordan fastest to tap out series of matches a couple of years ago.) As for the above Roster Cut/Changes, I would make Hacksaw a Manager, I agree with Dinsmore, Flair and Eddie Fatu III. I would send Khali to be retrained and retool his gimmick, I wouldn't fire Viscera but get him to drop weight and force him to do it by making him by incentives (In the form of pushes if he drops enough weight).
DQ's and countouts suck. You like 'em, fine. I don't. I always want my money's worth and someone gets to win or lose (whether cleanly or by a dirty fashion doesn't matter to me as long as the match doesn't suck). This is why I loved the original ECW: you always got your money's worth. The bad guys could actually win without protest, too. Predictability in a booking scheme is lame.

Squash matches invalidate the talent. Want undeniable proof? Goldberg. Feeding an unknown jobber to a debuting star is fine by me. Feeding a credible worker you could elevate is absolutely stupid and degrades any value they have. With all the times that Sean Morley has jobbed, he'll NEVER be a main-eventer, even if he has the basic tools and a fantastic lead-in push to do so because he's been crapped on for nearly a decade. I mean, look at what they just did to Gregory Helms on Smackdown a week or so ago. He jobbed to Batista (who has no talent to begin with aside from lifting weights). The CW champion! Jobbing?!? What does that do to elevate his title? Oh, that's right...not a goddamn thing. In all actuality, it de-elevates his title.

Who didn't love the tapout? Me. It was a waste of time and further entrenched a bad angle with bad storytelling and even worse in-ring contests. Watching Benoit only wrestle for thirty seconds at a click is exactly one of the prime reasons for me really beginning to hate WWE programming. I want my money's worth! Not that kind of horse$hit.

Khali has already been trained and did a stint in NJPW. You're not going to be able to fix anything. He killed a kid during his training in APW. If that's not enough of an example as to why he shouldn't be a wrestler (aside from his lack of ability) then I really don't know what is. He's a circus sideshow with no talent that stinks up Raw and is the last thing the show needs if it wants to be better.
Valid Topic, RAW is beginning to fall, and to be honest this is a great time for TNA to do a 2hr special on a monday in febuary, which i think is what they are doing and if things carry on i will be watching TNA that night and recording RAW or watch the repeats later on that week.

To Improve Raw, i would first remove Khali as his wrestling skills and promo skills are just.....SH*T, Just get him deported the useless pr*ck!!!
I would then get a reasonable GM to run the show either Shane O'Mac, Stef Mcmahon or Bring back the bloke who is the master of it Eric Bishoff, no-one is as good as this bloke to be honest, however Teddy Long is doing very well atm imo.
I would also have Cena drop the title to Hbk at WM23 and then try and get The Rock to make a short return for Cena Vs Rock at Summerslam, as that is the match i would love to see atm.
This whole donald trump vs vince crap, should be speeded on abit as no-one actually cares and as someone said earlier i think this is the story line where stone cold comes back, and to be honest thats all im interested in so lets speed it up lol.
As for carlito, i would get him out of this lovey crap his in with torrie and give him the push he needs and i would also give Shelton benjamin a push as he is one of the most underrated stars ever tbh and his inring ability is amazing.

Also wouldn't mind seeing Randy Orton killing another big legend and hall of famer that he hasn't done yet, as he is the Legend Killer or just oging for the world title and he deserves it!

Anywayz thats my view on this, ttfn!
make the wwe more like the attitude era. nothing was better than that decade of wrestling. they have the talent to do it, they are just being misused
Someone mentioned earlier about getting rid of the spinner belt. Amen to that, to me it is the worst belt in wrestling history. It looks like a belt you can buy at Wal-Mart. That would be like putting bling on the Stanley Cup it kind of cheapens it. Other suggestions I have to improve Raw... Hot chicks can't wrestle so nix the woman's division. It is so boring and pointless. For the love of god cut down the promo times usually the first match starts at 9:20 or so. Finally to improve Raw and in the long run the WWE itself I think you have to merge all 3 brands so you can have one good brand instead of three mediocre at best brands.
Someone mentioned earlier about getting rid of the spinner belt. Amen to that, to me it is the worst belt in wrestling history. It looks like a belt you can buy at Wal-Mart. That would be like putting bling on the Stanley Cup it kind of cheapens it. Other suggestions I have to improve Raw... Hot chicks can't wrestle so nix the woman's division. It is so boring and pointless. For the love of god cut down the promo times usually the first match starts at 9:20 or so. Finally to improve Raw and in the long run the WWE itself I think you have to merge all 3 brands so you can have one good brand instead of three mediocre at best brands.

I agree with what you said about the WWE title but I disagree with disbanding all three brands. Disband WWECW and give the superstars to SD! and RAW. WWECW is the brand that is most unsuccesful in WWE. SD! is doing pretty fine. It just scored a 3.1 rating. They also have short and sweet promos with legnthy matches. For example, that promo with Kristal and Vickie this past week was short and good. Also it made people wonder what Vickie was talking about. The Benoit/Finlay match was approximately 10 minutes or so with go mat wrestling.

Putting all the talent on RAW will not help it but hurt it. They won't be able to show case all 60 plus talent on a 2 hour show. So some weeks talent will be on air while the other week they won't. This will also hurt the proccess of progressing feuds. They will need to have a ton of feuds and with all the talent on one brand. They will need about 10 plus feuds and with feuds come ppv matches and I doubt they can fix 10 plus good matches on a three hour ppv. Talent would get pissed they are getting mis-used or not used at all one week and etc.
khali is fine. andre the giant couldn't wrestle and look what he did. khali will be used to make a new comer or midcarder a main eventer. the title needs to be taken off cena because the spinner belt is a disgrace to the wwe title. stone cold will probably become gm when he comes back on tv or they could have shane turn on vince and become gm. give the tag titles back to the real tag teams.
khali is fine. andre the giant couldn't wrestle and look what he did. khali will be used to make a new comer or midcarder a main eventer. the title needs to be taken off cena because the spinner belt is a disgrace to the wwe title. stone cold will probably become gm when he comes back on tv or they could have shane turn on vince and become gm. give the tag titles back to the real tag teams.

Khali is not fine. You can't compare Khali to Andre the Giant. This is a different era than back then. Back then it was ok to be someone like Andre the Giant. We want good wrestling now a days. Khali back then would of been fine because everyone back then, well most everyone were marks and ate what was given to them. Khali can put over a mid carder though but who? Realisticly, who can beat Khali that's a mid carder? When Hulk Hogan slammed and beat Andre, Hogan had power and was built up to beat Andre. My question to you is tell me who on the current RAW roster can slam and beat Khali that's a mid-card?

Stone Cold will never take the gm role. I highly doubt it. He already did that. It would be boring to see him do it this time around with Vince or Coachmen. He will probally have a feud with someone and put that person over. Preferably Randy Orton to bring back his Legend Killer gimmick.

Who are the real tag teams? I think Cryme Time should have the straps. They could and are currently the most over Tag Team on RAW. Highlanders are stale. Trevor and Cade are boring in the ring. Charlie Haas is dead waste in WGTT. He barely get's heat. Cryme Time get the crowd's going. They just need to be built up now to defeat Cena and HBK without stealing credibility.

Shane turning on Vince will be just as stale as Stone Cold comming back as GM. Shane already had a long term feud with Vince in the past. Seeing it again would just be stale and boring. Having the feud again would just hurt there past feud if this one doesn't surpass the other win which it most likely won't.
I agree with the Cena dropping the title idea, I just don't think it'll be to HBK.

Khali is a waste of space and I agree that they should let him go.

WWE has to do something to improve its product. I mean, they lost guys like Kurt Angle to TNA and it seems that a lot more big names from WWE will head over there before we all know it.

Basically, I don't think that its just Raw that needs improvement.. It's just everything in general. If they don't make some sort of change soon, they'll lose more big names to either TNA or another wrestling promotion, as I said before.
I agree with the Cena dropping the title idea, I just don't think it'll be to HBK.

Khali is a waste of space and I agree that they should let him go.

WWE has to do something to improve its product. I mean, they lost guys like Kurt Angle to TNA and it seems that a lot more big names from WWE will head over there before we all know it.

Basically, I don't think that its just Raw that needs improvement.. It's just everything in general. If they don't make some sort of change soon, they'll lose more big names to either TNA or another wrestling promotion, as I said before.

Finally, someone that I can agree with. RAW and WWECW needs help. I think SD! is doing just fine but just needs about 2 or 3 more superstars that are over already. WWECW just needs alot of star power and a 2 hour show with good wrestling and etc. Also with the fact that RVD, Sabu, Rey Mysterio and other talent are going to TNA the WWE will get hurt badly. Especially with WWECW because they lost alot of talent as it is with that big cutting block that happened. I also see another cutting block in the future. RAW is being displayed as the top brand and WWE are making the fans seeing it that way and that's what imo was hurting the SD! brand. Fans are feeling that RAW is the only important brand and with friday being the start of the weekend break from work and school people go out instead of watching the brand because they feel it's not important to watch. I love the SD! brand. Alot of people know that because I always stress about the amount of entertainment and good quality matches they put up. RAW just needs longer matches and they need to ease down on the entertainment they feed us. They try so hard to make it look good that it turns out boring.

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