Raw scene

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I know this wouldnt actually happen with masked kane cena the rock and HHH but I made this scene based on a 3d chat game that Im not gonna name cos it might be advertised and I dont want another infraction...

That must've took ages, well done you. Have some rep courtesy of the Lutherman. I was actually a member on habbo hotel a long time ago...
that is awesome as all hell, but I have no idea what you guys are talking about, lol. I just have one question... two actually... whose the dude beside Kane, and whys the ref wearing sandals? But, thats very cool looking.
Lol in habbo hotel you can create your own character, and the wrestlers, I have taken a character and edited them to look like the wrestlers, and the ref is mine wearing a refs shirt thats why Im wearing sandals and there are people with antlers cos it was christmas time when I made it and people dress in antlers during christmas time lol. The green w/e guy, kane, and dx posters I didnt make either. The guys holding them did
wow... lol. thats amazing, to say the least. i actually have a habbo on us and canada (Kasez is my user) and i used to edit screenshots. but, this must have taken FOREVER, omg. three questions/comments: who is the guy standing next to kane? how the hell did you make the wood grain on the table? i love the ring mat. its a good tribute to habbo floors.
The guy next to kane is the rock lol. it was only a quick one all I did was put on the wrestling trunks and boots and put his eyebrow up... I might change him and shave his head and put the tattoo on his shoulder. this was made a while back and the rock doesnt look like that now lol.
Awesome work...just one minor thing I found kind of funny though...

Every single wrestler is standing perfectly straight and looking forward with no emotion. lol, I understand how hard that might be, just thought it was funny that every one of the wrestlers were just standing there emotionless with their arms on their sides and standing straight, lol.

Good work though mate.
Ive only just started to edit stances so I might remake this one day with the new raw logo and the wrestlers doing moves on each other.

Edit: I am redoing this now with the new logo and Ive emptied the ring. Ive asked a friend to lend me some of his 80's wrestlers and Ill try and make a match with them. If anyone has some decent pictures of the raw stage and general arena from a show then please pm me and Ill use them for reference. thanks a lot.
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