Raw:road To The Gold! Wrestlemania 23.....

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Dark Match Jobber

RAW opens with pyro and the camera panning around the crowd showing signs like....."Kliq are GODS!"....."Shane is a pain!"......."Cena-Nuff"......as RAW GM Shane McMahon heads to the ring

SHANE: Last night at the Rumble, as many of you know, I was to make a major announcement concerning RAW and SD, but thanks to HHH, that announcement will have to wait! Now that he is "getting the band back together" I have an announcement to make alright. You see HHH "won" the WWE title last night, but..........it will be the shortest reign of his career because thanks to the interference of the "Kliq", I am stripping him of the Title! RAW will be holding a tournament that will end at Wrestlemania. And it will start next week here on RAW, but it will be no ordinary tournament. The rules are simple...if anyone interferes with any match, that person is eliminated! Therefor Hunter, if you or anyone else wants to win the title......it will have to be by yourself!

Hits the speakers and HHH comes out with Hall and Nash........

HHH: WHAT THE HELL! What the hel are you doing Shane! I am the damn Heavyweight Champ and you or nobody else is taking that......

SHANE: SHUT UP! Shut the hell up crybaby! (the crowd is going nuts for Shane) I have listened to you bitch and moan for the last 10 years and I'm sick of it! Almost everytime you have won that title, you have used someone or something, namely that dam sledghammer to your advantage, to win it. Now, your going to have to prove that you are the GAME, and win it all on your own. And as for you two are concerned, I am going to get to the bottom of how the hell you got signed! And who the hell is responsible! And if anyone else thinks they are going to join your little group, I will make their life........

Hits the speakers as HBK steps on to the stage as he looks HHH, Nash, and Hall up and down...........

HBK: Well, well, well. So, the "traitors" are back in WWE. (HBK says this as he walks past the "Kliq" and heads to the ring) And Shane your pissed. As well as you should be. (HBK climbs into the ring) Probably almost as pissed as The Rock is since because of me, has to go back to making movies. But, I have to agree with you. Whoever signed these two needs to pay! I mean when I was GM and you jumped on the scene and signed John Cena, boy it pissed me off! So, I am all up for you doing what you have to do to find out who signed these two traitors!

SHANE: Listen, I'm not the biggest fan of Cenas, and by no means meant to undermine you in signing him, but to undo some of my fathers wrongs, I resigned him. And thank you for agreeing with me in finding out who, which I have a good idea, signed those two. But tonight, in the mean time, just to prove you and I are on the same side, I'm making a six man tag match for the main event! It will be the "Kliq" (HHH, Nash, Hall) Vs HBK, and the two men that got screwed last night, Cena and the monster Kane!

HHH: Thats fine by us! And Shawn, don't forget who your real friends
are! Lets go fellas.

Shane and HBK are shown in the ring as HHH, Nash, and Hall exit to the back as we take our first commercial break........

As we come back from commercial our first match is underway........

WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: (C)EDGE & TEST Vs MIDNIGHT EXPRESS("GORGEOUS" GRENIER & "DIAMOND" DUPREE w/JIM CORNETTE) The match starts off with Edge and Test arguing about the night before when Edge eliminated Test in the Rumble, and Dupree and Grenier take advantage and jump the champs from behind. They toss Edge outside of the ring and and double team Test. They send Test into the ropes and drop him with a double clothesline. Dupree then puts Test in a reverse chin-lock and holds it for a few minutes before dragging Test to the corner and tagging in Grenier. Greneir comes in and nails Test with rights and lefts and sends him into the ropes and drops him with a shoulder-block. Grenier gets on top of him and nails rights and lefts, he then lifts Test up and sends him into the corner and follows him in with a hard clothesline. As Test is slowed by the clothesline Grenier lifts him up on to the top rope and drops him back to the ring with a super-plex! He covers Test and gets a two count. As Test tries to get to his feet Grenier goes to work on Tests back, stomping away. Grenier then tags in Dupree, and "Diamond" sends Test into the ropes and as Test comes off the ropes Dupree looks to go for a clothesline, but at the same time Test counters with a clothesline of his own and both men go down. Grenier and Test both head to their respective corners, Dupree gets the hot tag and enters the ring and stops Test from making the tag. Dupree gets Test to his feet and sends him into his corner, but in the process takes out Grenier who lands to the outside on top of Cornette. As Dupree stands in the corner checking on his partner, Test gets to his feet and as Dupree turns, nails "Diamond" with a big boot taking Dupree down. As Test, too fatigued to make the cover is trying to get to his feet as well as Dupree, Edge enters the ring poised in the corner looking to nail his spear on Dupree. But, as Test and Dupree get to their feet at the same time and turn facing Edge, "The Rated-R Superstar" goes for his spear.......but nails Test! Edge, as Test is laid out, has an evil smirk on his face and exits the ring and heads up the ramp to the back! Dupree not sure what to make of this, makes the cover........1.....2.......3! We have new Tag Team Champs!

After the match as Midnght Express and Cornette are celebrating we cut to the back as Maria catches up with Edge.........

MARIA: Hey Edge, why did you just turn your back on...........

EDGE: Let me stop you right there, I know what your going to ask. Why? Why Edge did you turn your back on that wasted talent Test? Well, with this little tournament, and me being undefeated at Mania, it is a perfect oppuritunity for me to be right back on top as WWE Champ, and nobody, I mean nobody is going to keep me from that!

Edge and Lita walk off leaving Maria dumbfounded as we take our second commercial break.......

OH MY GAWD!!! GREAT MATCH.like the ending continue dude.With edge on top lol jk.Your show do your thing.im in to it.
As we come back from commercial break Test is in Shanes office.........

TEST:Damn it! That son-of-bitch! That backstabber! I want him, I want Edge RIGHT NOW!!!

SHANE:WO. Settle down big boy. I saw what happened and understand why your pissed. So, tell you what, next week not only will I give you your match with Edge, but Test Vs Edge will be the first tournament match in Road to the Gold! Now, get out of my office......and Test...


SHANE:Good luck!


As Test leaves Shanes office, we head back to the ring.........

On the Titan-Tron we see the feud buildup for the next match between the I.C. Champ Chris Masters and the Hardcore Champ "Hardcore"Holly, where Holly made a challenge to any other champ on RAW who felt their title was more important than his and him beating Masters down on the last RAW.

(I.C.C)MASTERS Vs (H.C.)HOLLY--HARDCORE RULES APPLYAs the match starts Masters and Holly are face to face talking smack when Holly spits in Masters face and Masters retaliates with a big right hand but Holly blocks it and throws back a vicious right that connects, and Holly mounts the first offense and sends Masters into the ropes and drops him with a big running clothesline. Holly then stomps at Masters head before lifting his head up and nailing him with rights and lefts to the fore head. Holly then talks smack with the crowd. As he turns his attention back to Masters, "The Masterpiece" hits a low blow on Holly taking Holly to his knees. Masters then motions to the crowd he is going to the outside. As he gets to the outside he grabs a chair but as he turns Holly, has gotten to his feet and dives over the top rope on to Masters making the chair ricochet off Masters head. Holly is the first to his feet and reaches down and grabs the chair and slams it into Masters forehead! Holly throws the chair in the ring and then lifts Masters up and rolls him inside the ring as well. Holly gets in the ring and grabs the chair, and as Masters gets to his feet, Holly slams it into his head, busting him wide open. As Masters is laid out Holly covers him 1.....2.....NO! Masters somehow kicks out. Holly turns and is griping to the referee and as he is doing this somehow Masters gets to his feet and grabs the chair, as Holly turns Master slams it into Holly's head! Masters then positions himself behind Holly signaling for the "Masterlock". But, as Masters is doing so, someone has snuck in the ring behind Masters, its.......Justin Credible! Credible is weilding a set of brass knuckles and taps Masters on the shoulder, as Masters turns Credible nails him square in the jaw with the knuckles! Masters is out cold as Holly gets to his feet and covers Masters.....1......2......3! We have a new I.C. Title holder! WINNER:HOLLY

After the match Holly is handed the I.C. title belt and his Hardcore title and is celebrating. Holly then shakes Credible hand which the former ECW world heavyweight champion shakes Holly's hand, but then to the misbelief of Holly, Credible nails him with the brass knuckles laying Holly out! Credible then grabs the hardcore title and points at while mocking Holly and telling him that title is his!

As we take our final commercial break Credible is posing on the turnbuckle with the Hardcore Title as Masters and Holly are laid out in the ring.......

As we come back from our final commercial break, we see Justin Credible in the lockerroom of The Kliq.........

CREDIBLE:Man, did you guys see that! I was like Rocky Balboa out there! Man, that was great. Especially when I knocked out Holly and grabbed his Hardcore Title. I was the last ECW champion , and you can bet your ass that title will be mine!

NASH:Dude, Masters eyes rolled back in his head so fast I thought they were going to pop out of their socket!

HHH:Guys, this is fun and all, but our match with those two bums and someone we thought was our friend is up, so its time to get serious, lets go.

HALL:After you part pooper.......

As the Kliq heads to the ring we cut to the office of Shane McMahon where we see the cruiserweight champon "Sugar" Shane Helms talking with the GM......

HELMS:Hey, bossman. Listen, I don't mean to be a whiner but I haven't been in a match in three weeks. I mean, at this point I don't care if my title has to be on the line, I just want a match.

SHANE:Ok, you got it. Next week, right here on RAW you will have a match. It will be against one of the best cruisers ever......Tajiri! Not only will you be defending your title, but it will be in a ladder match! Now hows that sound, Champ?

HELMS: Uh......well.....um.....you see.....

SHANE:Whats wrong "Sugar"? Worried?

HELMS: Umm....I....uh....I'm scared of heights.


HELMS:Uh....yeah. Yep, good ol "Sugar" can't go up no ladder.

SHANE:Well, you better grow a pair because if you don't, I'll do what I did to HHH and strip you of the title and hand it to Tajiri personally.

HELMS: Uh....ok I get it. I'll be there. (as Helms turns away from McMahon and walks out looking to almost be in tears)........

As The Kliq is standing in the ring Hall has a mic in hand.......

HALL: Hey yo! Time for a little survey. If your here to see the RAW guys lets hear ya (crowd goes nuts for HBK, Cena, and Kane). And if your here to see the Kliq (crowd gives a mixed reaction to the Kliq). ...Well mark this one up for the good guys.......

As Hall finishes Kane and Cena hits the ring without HBK and go right at The Kliq..........
Hall and Cena start things off and trade right and lefts. Hall gets the better of Cena and sends him into the ropes but as Cena comes off the ropes lands a shoulder block on Hall and takes him off his feet. Cena then tags in Kane who comes in and takes out Hall with rights and lefts, and as Nash enters Kane drops him with a big boot! HHH comes in as Kane has turned his attention on Hall and nails the big red machine in the knee taking him down. Cena then enters the scuffle but Justin Credible makes his way into the ring and sneaks in and nails Cena with the brass knuckles! This knocks Cena out cold as the ref calls for the bell. As the ref does so he turns right into a brass knuckles shot of his own! All four men team up on Kane. Credible hits him with the knuckles, but to his suprise, Kane sits up! So then HHH nails a pedigree! But Kane yet again sits up! And as Kane has nothing left Nash grabs him ans=d positions Kane between his legs and nails a thunderous Jacknife Powerbomb, this time Kane isn't moving as HHH grabs a mic.....

HHH:We never came out here to win this match, but just make a point! And we did that! And HBK, we knew you were a damn coward! Trust me, you are a marked man HBK!

HHH, Nash, Credible, and Hall are in the ring posing around the carnage as we cut to the back.........

HBK is shown laid out in his locker-room and there is a pool of blood around his head as RAW goes off the air..............
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