Raw Rating...2.5???


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Wowza, what the hell happened here. We went from 4 weeks ago of Raw's in the 4.0, and now we are down to a 2.5. What the hell is going on. Granted, I don't watch Raw and haven't watched it regularly in 2+ years, but there wasn't anything else on noteworthy. Hell, even last week I think it did a 3.3 or something like that.

Is this simply just bad luck, or is the Benoit situation really s tarting to have an adverse affect on the company.

Say what you will about TNA's, 1.2's, it's respectable, but for Raw to do a 2.5, that is pathetic.
2.5??? Hell SD! brought in a 2.6 last week I believe. USA is going to be on Vince's ass some more after this. Too bad this week was one of the better RAW'S that we have had since WM 23 IMO. Not good news for WWE. I wouldn't rule out the Benoit situation but surely it wouldn't ratings down from 3 consecutive weeks of 3.4's to now 2.5...Wow its pretty bad when RAW just robbed SD! of all the talent and now SD! is getting higher ratings..
Raw is doing horrible in the ratings because there is no story anywhere in the show. There is nothing.

Just boring Cena keeping his title, and beating opponents that should have destroyed him. it's sick, this guy is the new Edge of Raw. You know? The guy who you actually turn the TV off when he comes on the show.

And the fact that some have decided to turn off WWE because it's evil or something because of the Benoit issue.

To me, I watched the first few minutes and once I saw Cena, I'm Done. went and did something else instead of watch this boring show.
John Cena is the new Edge of raw? ur reel smrt.

Anyway.. I believe the combination of Benoit, injuries, and lack of storyline is finally catching up to RAW. Hopefully this won't last long. Maybe the creative team can come up with a good story line.. or wait until November
well changing the format to a bunch of random matches 1 week outa the norm isnt gonna bring people to watch. How would people know they were gonna go in that direction. They'd have to be more consistent with it.
I think this requires the answer of one question, and one question only.

Who says that Jeff Hardy isn't a draw???

(Sorry Shockmaster....cheap shot.)

While it is inexplicable, it's not unprecedented. For example, December 17th 2001 did a 4.0 rating, December 24th did a 3.2 rating, December 31 did a 2.4 rating, and then the next Monday January 7th did a 4.9 rating. Sometimes these extreme ratings do happen.
That's true, but you also had a reason for the late december crashes. The holidays explain that. It's a bad sign that in late July, with no competition yet from Monday Night Football, that the ratings take a dip, and a big dip, especially leading into the 2nd biggest pay per view of the year. I'm not saying it's panic time yet, and I don't feel it has much to do with the wrestlers.

Jeff hardy, damn him, it's all his fault. Seriously though, people finally realized Khali wasn't on Raw anymore, and they've made the switch to Smackdown!!! Khali equals ratings. Raws ratings have gone down ever since Khali left.
I don't understand these rating! What do they mean?

But am guessing down from 4.0 to a 2.5 is a big fall and the backroom staff need to ask some serious questions as to why they are slipping so drematically
Ouch bet Vince loves that, just after he was apparently furious at the writers for thse poor ratings, and they continue to crash. Even heavier now it seems. Whatever is going on behind the scenes at WWE needs to change. And fast...
I don't understand these rating! What do they mean?

But am guessing down from 4.0 to a 2.5 is a big fall and the backroom staff need to ask some serious questions as to why they are slipping so drematically
Well, it was a 3.4 the last three or 4 weeks. And the ratings signify an estimation of how many homes watch a particular program, data which is collected by the Nielson ratings company.
Raw has been averaging roughly a 3.5-3.7, they spiked with the Draft, week after draft, and Chris Benoit Tribute show with over 4.0's. The Three Hour raw was the highest, and even though I hated it, the Death of McMahon angle carried that 4.0 to the next week.

After the Benoit incident, the ratings started to go back to normal, with last week being below normal, and now this week, who knows. It could simply be a data error, or someone hit the wrong key while posting an update, but still.

If indeed it is a 2.5, and Vince was irate last week with the 3.4 and got on creative, heads are going to roll. Part of me says that the Benoit situation is becoming much larger to the fringe crowd then many of us smarks want to acknoledge.
It's all cyclical. Injuries are taking a MAJOR toll on the Raw roster, and not enough is being done to turn it around. Coachman needs to be taken off TV, give the GM job to Regal, feature Cryme Tyme more prominently, and take the belt off Cena. That should work for starters.
While it is inexplicable, it's not unprecedented. For example, December 17th 2001 did a 4.0 rating, December 24th did a 3.2 rating, December 31 did a 2.4 rating, and then the next Monday January 7th did a 4.9 rating. Sometimes these extreme ratings do happen.

correct me if im wrong but the reason it was a 4.9 was becasue triple h was returning, but this drop in ratings is deffinately a culmination of all the big injuries, benoit and (imo) the staleness of cena's title run, but hopefully tna can capitalise on this, because either people are just not watching wrestling in general or are looking for something new and alternative from raw and wwe now.
I've been a wrestling fan for about 20 years, and up until maybe 6 months ago, spent nearly every Monday since 1995 watching wrestling. However, I've gone about 3 months without watching RAW (I never watch Smackdown, but I follow it). My reasons are as follows:

1) Predictability: I started watching wrestling in an era where champions held on to the their titles for a significant amount of time, so I don't have a beef with a consistent champion or presence. However, the actual wrestling is predictable. I'm not talking about the move set (though there's a lot more kicking, punching, and repeated moves than there ought to be), I'm talking about pacing and structure. Begins with a flurry of activity, then rest hold or escape to the outside. All the match comprises of are headlocks and submissions (rest holds) that you know the wrestler will escape from, and brief flurries of activity. This continues till the end, when a finishing maneuver is applied and there're either a pin, reversal, or kick out. But even in that case, these days, it's predictable for someone to kick out of a finishing move, where back in the day it was extremely rare. Also, years ago, occasionally matches ended without a finisher, giving you the possibility that any move could end a match.

2) Lack of Superstars: While people may say guys like HHH, Cena, Shawn Michaels, and Rey Mysterio are superstars, outside of the core wrestling fan base, they're barely known. When wrestling has excelled in the past, their top characters were also mainstream icons (Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock). I don't see anybody on the WWE roster with that kind of talent or charisma to attain such a role. Till they do, the WWE's audience will have difficulty spreading among those who don't normally watch wrestling.

3) The Product: In the past few years, RAW has become a soap opera within the setting of a wrestling company. Wrestling has taken a back seat to cheap storylines and it's made the product a joke. The WWE hires TV writers to script the show and it shows. Most of these guys come from reality television and failed sitcoms, so it's easy to see how the quality would suffer. There aren't storylines that have been grabbging the audience and holding their attention or creating anticipation. in the late 1990's, one of the reasons people watched wrestling was because you never knew what was coming week to week. Between angles and new superstars, it kept the audience on its toes. These days, suprise appearances are rare, and they stories no longer shock us, surprise us, or hold our attention.

4) Randy Orton: I know there a lot of Randy Orton marks out there, but I think the guy is a mid carder at best right now. I will ignore his attitude issues because they aren't necessarily present on television. He comes across as a high school kid in a drama club with his acting skills. When he tries to convey emotion in his interviews, I can't help but wonder why the WWE doesn't set him up with an acting coach. He also needs to learn to project his voice more if he wants his promos to grab anyone's attention. He has a monotone speaking expression that he has to overcome if he ever wants me to care about his promos. Also, while I will say he has one of the best drop kicks in the business, I can't stand to watch his matches. He is completely guilty of match predictability. While some praise his RKO, it's a move that has been used for years and in a better capacity (see Austin or DDP matches to see where I'm coming from). He's got to learn some new submission hold because headlocks are almost a joke now in today's wrestling. If he gets in better shape (he is a smoker), he can provide a much more exciting pace. With some coaching from some veteran talent, he can interject new moves into his matches. And if he does to continue to develop his RKO, he could certainly be watchable. However, I don't see him developing to that point till a good two years from now, yet the WWE push him like he's their next big superstar. If this is all they have to offer, I'm not wasting my time watching.

Just one lost viewer's perspective. Feel to disagree with me, but I'm also one of the reasons (albeit a small one) that the WWE's rating have taken a dive.
I think another reason for the decline in rating is place's like Wrestlezone. People are no longer surprised when something happens, angles etc because it is reported several day's in advance on Internet websites.
Agree with pretty much everything Tomm2x said.. theres just too many things missing from todays product that there when WWE was still big in the late 90's.. I.e. stars, edgy storylines etc.

Last time their was any sort of good, out of the blue suprise appearence was the last time The Rock came out live.. a few years now if i recall correctly. Next week, don't be suprised if we see HHH.. Though at the same time I could see them saving that for summerslam, seeing as PPV's bring in the money and atm, theres f*ck all else happening at the event to make it interesting..

This weeks Raw was crap in my mind.. there wasn't anything that made it interesting, no continuance of a top storyline, as others have said, the same old wrestlers in different matches. Now that Bobby L's out, they really are starting to get in the sh!t interms of ammount of talent.

Maybe nothing crazy's going to happen after this weeks bad rating and maybe not after next weeks bad rating (if it does come in bad), but after the next, that'll be it, they'll be crazy ammounts of pressure to get the product half good again.

Perhaps that'll make for some long needed good TV, them doing things we all wish would happen :D, but never do, simply cus the company won't do anything unless it starts loosing money (which i remember someone saying on here once).

Just my thoughts

Tom from the UK.
I think another reason for the decline in rating is place's like Wrestlezone. People are no longer surprised when something happens, angles etc because it is reported several day's in advance on Internet websites.

Completely disagree. Regardless of whether or not people "spoil" themselves, we must remember, Raw's were pretaped every other week up until mid 1999, after the Foley title incident. The show was still managing to do mid-high 4's with their programming already being known to the wrestling world.

Smackdown up until a few years ago, was doing great ratings, and realistically a 2.5 on a friday night on a D List Network is still damn impressive.

The problem is, and has been noted by severals, storylines, direction of the programming in general, and unenjoyable characters on the show. If the storylines are good, people will watch, regardless if the outcome is already known.

I enjoy good programming, but it's hard to argue that the WWE has been anything but repetitive and predictable the last few years. I haven't watched Raw in two years, thanks to John Cena. I watch the Pay per views on DVD, and have seen he has improved, but not enough to where I want to watch it again.

In two years, it's been drastically changed. Watching the draft this year, the WWE is certainly more fixated on the younger and female demographics. Long gone are the testosterone driven males that I remember for the hammerstein ball room last year. The cut away shots were almost all focused on either women or children, and no men during the Draft. I don't like the mickey mouse direction the show has gone in, so I don't watch.
I disagree with whoever says it's due to being a worse show than it once was. Raw has been struggling majorly since after WrestleMania, even though I thought RAW this week wasn't all that bad. I mean if it were due to being a worse product, then ratings like this would have started after WrestleMania of this year.

It's mostly due to the Chris Benoit thing... parents probably thinks Chris Benoit murdered his family on WWE TV so they don't want their kids watching others killing their families. Ironic. If it's not that assumption, I don't see what exactly that's on WWE TV these days they are preventing their families from viewing.

This is awful news no doubt. The WWE really must do something HUGE to bring back the ratings. Hopefully Y2J soon and Triple H?
Shocking news. I, like a lot of you thought this was one of the better written raws in months. I really hope Vince doesn't get discouraged and blame it on the writers because it seems like they were just finding their "pace" to make the fans happy.

I also hope Vince doesn't interpret it as a sign he's necessary on TV for ratings. Those weeks he opened RAW with his "half hour spiels" were the weeks I ran to make beer runs
We don't have the actual rating for Monday night's Raw at this moment, but the show did 3.4 million viewers. That was down 26% from last week, which was at terrible levels. The show's levels in the key demos were the lowest since the darkest days of early 1997.

I'm not sure what the actual Nielsen points indicate, but I think the points represent about 1.5 million households, or something, who knows for sure, please post it up.

Now, a 26% drop in one week is mind boggling. It's just staggering to try and fgure out what made 1 out of every 4 people decide not to turn Raw back on. Again, this could just be a one week aboration, but someone in the WWE is sure to over react to this news. A 2.5 does put this as one of the lowest rated shows for Raw ever, ouch.
Honestly the way I see it, I think it's a good thing. Sometimes something bad must happen to give a good wake-up call just for the better, so hopefully this is the time period that will give someone a good wake up call and start listening more to the fans to attract them back. I really hope I'm correct....
Were there something else major on that the WWE was competing against?

Perhaps WWE is like a Phoenix, It needs to burn to be reborn. think about it, slump before the attitude era, maybe were seeing the makings of a new attitude era?
Were there something else major on that the WWE was competing against?

Perhaps WWE is like a Phoenix, It needs to burn to be reborn. think about it, slump before the attitude era, maybe were seeing the makings of a new attitude era?

Everything you said I was thinking as well, especially the fact perhaps there was something major on Monday that drew away from the WWE? Baseball? Like I previously said, times like these are wake up calls to repackage everything to become better than ever, like what happened in the WWE's past....
At this point it would certainly seem that WWE does need to do something big. When HHH gets back that first RAW could very well be the start. Until HHH gets back I really can't see WWE doing to much to start something new with only a few weeks till Summerslam. However that first Raw after I can difantly see the start of some sort of attitude era in the WWE
Just boring Cena keeping his title, and beating opponents that should have destroyed him. it's sick, this guy is the new Edge of Raw. You know? The guy who you actually turn the TV off when he comes on the show.

Edge is the person i turn my TV ON to see! Edge is one of, if not thee best, wrestlers on the WWE roster right now!

How can anyone say they turn there TV off when he comes on!
I can uderstand the Cena thing, he's getting way too many wins. There is no way that someone could beat Umaga, HBK, Khali and Lashly all in the same year without losing the title.

I think Cena is the most probable reason as to why RAW is doing so bad.

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