Raw on Halloween


Dark Match Winner
Saw the post; post. First thing that came to mind was Halloween Havoc.

#1. Would you like to see a Halloween Havoc themed Raw? If not why?

and if so.....
#2. Would you like to see an ALL EXCLUSIVE to WCW Raw? This would allow any superstar currently on Roster that has EVER worked for WCW to perform.

I would love to see it happen, but I dont think there are enough WCW alum to satisify a 2 hr timeslot.

Please let me know what you think and if you could have your way the card you would put in place.

Yeh no not going to happen at all. WCW is dead if you want WCW go to TNA.

But i have to admit i didnt think of a halloween hovoc sorta show at first but it most likey be like the smackdown shows that happen on Halloween, of a Normal Raw just with a Halloween gimmick to it thats all. No WCW stars or tribute just a normal raw with a Halloween Gimmick, and Cena as champ carrying on and doing the same old shit he been doing for the past 5 years
It will never happen. But I think I might just want it to just for the nostalgia of it. But I doubt WWE would do anything really special with it, possibly a couple of Halloween-ish promos, superstars dressing up in goofy costumes or something like that, but not really much.
Wouldn't mind seeing a Haloween Havoc Raw. Never understood why they didnt bring that back along with The GAB. WCW is dead and should stay that way. The corpse of ECW has already been dug up and raped too many times, lets not do it to WCW> Besides the majority of guys anyone would want to see are either, too old, dead, already in WWE, or in TNA.

BTW... What are the odds that Cena puts on his Vanilla Ice costume from '02?
I wouldn't mind a Halloween Havoc gimmick, but don't do the WCW exclusives, WCW is dead and buried, everyone who competes in the WWE is a WWE superstar, and has the privilege to compete.
I think the only thing that was made in WCW that could be done today is a War Games ppv(aside from The Great American Bash). There aren't many former WCW wrestlers on the active roster right now anyways, just Chavo, Mysterio, Big Show, William Regal, Dustin Rhodes(Goldust). I don't consider Bill DeMont or Booker T to be active wrestlers but they've been in the ring once or twice in 2011. And I don't think Halloween Havoc was great to begin with, just another name for a ppv in October. So I don't think that it could be done right. As for an all WCW edition of RAW with the ones I listed above it would not happen
#1. Would you like to see a Halloween Havoc themed Raw? If not why?

Sure you can have a Halloween Havoc themed RAW. It's just a name honestly. We would get a different set for the night, which would be nice and different from the average RAW; might as well make it a 3 hour super card as well that night. The fact that is is going to be in Atlanta also gives a reason to "theme" it around a former WCW Pay-Per-View. None of the WCW Halloween Havoc Pay-Per-Views were ever really that memorable. Jake Roberts/Sting in Spin The Wheel, Make a Deal Match (which ended up being a Coal Miner's Glove match), Hogan/Warrior II, and Hogan laying down for Sting (literally) are pretty much all the most memorable moments from Halloween Havoc.

I guess you could throw in a few other matches that should of been huge like Sting/Bret Hart or Vader/Cactus Jack, but man WCW dropped the ball a lot when promoting some of these matches that would be even the 'average" wrestling fan's wet dream.

#2. Would you like to see an ALL EXCLUSIVE to WCW Raw? This would allow any superstar currently on Roster that has EVER worked for WCW to perform.

NO! Let WCW Rest In Peace PLEASE!!! I don't want to see it revived in anyway what so ever and I enjoyed WCW more then WWF/E for many years; especially when I lived in the South.

1. There isn't enough of the former WCW roster active in wrestling to make it worth while. Sting, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett (yes, I'll include him), Mick Foley (I'll list him here, since they do technically still employ him) Scott Steiner (TNA lists him, but does he even wrestle anymore?), and Shannon Moore are all in TNA; 4 of those that I named were a HUGE part of WCW (Please don't include AJ Styles, I know he appeared briefly in WCW, but it was VERY BRIEF and it was a call-up from NWA: Wildside. Hell, most s'marks don't even know he ever appeared on WCW television)

Booker T, Kevin Nash, Bill DeMott (Hugh Morris; I love that name), Chavo Guerrero Jr., Big Show (The Giant; although he didn't even become good in the ring until Taker took him under his wing as a protege of sorts, so I'm truly if on whether to include him here or not, but we will), Goldust (Dustin Rhodes has amounted to NOTHING outside of the Goldust gimmick), and Rey Mysterio Jr are all the former WCW stars that can actively work a match still, that Vince has under contract.

You can throw some other notables in there that are under WWE contract like Arn Anderson, Dusty Rhodes, Dean Malenko, Norman Smiley, Ricky Steamboat, Billy Kidman, Jamie Knoble (he was a Jung Dragon >.> ), Mike Rotunda ( I.R.S., Michael Wallstreet, etc), Charles Robinson (ref, speaking of refs, does Nick Patrick have a job still?), Gene Okerlund (heck might as well throw him in there).

DDP is retired (Seems to be on good terms with the WWE though, so you never know), Goldberg is retired (but it being in Atlanta, he might be able to be talked into a one time deal), Chris Jericho (again someone I am very iffy on to list as a WCW star. Yes he was there, yes he had success, but Bischoff NEVER believed in him and he truly became a star under Vince's corporate machine, but he did get over on his own)

As you can see from all the names I have listed though, how good of a WCW "throwback" show could you really have? The only reason ECW worked was because a lot of the former ECW workers were A) Either under WWE contract already OR B) Were still actively working the Indy Scenes at least. That's not the case with most of the ex-WCW guys. HUGE chunks of them have retired and/or left the industry for good.

2. AND THE MAIN REASON WHY I WOULD NEVER EVER EVER WANT IT TO HAPPEN!!!! Vince will bury the shit out of WCW. Again look at what he did to ECW and he had been a source of money for ECW for years. He buried something that he had an investment in, think about that for a moment. You are talking about the company that almost bankrupt him and put his company out of business. No way on whatever GOD you worship green earth would Vince promote WCW in a "positive" light outside of DVDs.
I can see a halloween themed raw or something like that, but WCW wrestlers only? No, it wouldn't be worth watching. Most of WCW's talent is too old and not relevant now to make an interesting show. If they do want to recycle WCW themed events, they could bring back Fall Brawl. We all want to see the Wargames again.
I think they already do have Halloween themed Raw's. I remember them having Halloween Costume Contests for the divas and even some Halloween costume party segments.
i loved Halloween Havoc, it was a staple of my wrestling year in the 90's. i still have them all on vhs tape :p

i would love to see it brought back even if it was just a RAW. but using former WCW wrestlers? hell no. why do it without sting and flair? you could bring in guys like luger, ddp, goldberg, etc but who is going to actually wrestle?? i cant think of any other possible main event worthy match than jericho vs booker t. seriously what other top wcw stars can still go and be considered a main event match? too many dead, out of shape, firmly retired, not interested people from WCW to ever put on a show starring them.
If they took HH and made it a PPV I would be all for it but not for a RAW. WCW is dead and besides DVDs it needs to stay dead.
2. AND THE MAIN REASON WHY I WOULD NEVER EVER EVER WANT IT TO HAPPEN!!!! Vince will bury the shit out of WCW. Again look at what he did to ECW and he had been a source of money for ECW for years. He buried something that he had an investment in, think about that for a moment. You are talking about the company that almost bankrupt him and put his company out of business. No way on whatever GOD you worship green earth would Vince promote WCW in a "positive" light outside of DVDs.

Vince didn't bury ECW. ECW was dead when he bought it. Nobody really wanted the old ECW on their network. TNN took it and neutered it. The IWC doesn't understand the business side of wrestling too well.
The only thing that's going to happen is that Santino will pretend to be a vampire, the divas will turn up in a bunch of sexy costumes, there will be a smackdown vs raw match and King will make a bunch of lame halloween themed jokes. The only reason that this was reported, is because Raw happens to fall on Halloween this year.

There's no need to speculate if there's going to be a Halloween Havoc style Raw or there is going to be a WCW thememd Raw. It just screams crap!

I think this is exactly what Bischoff was talking about. Some of the 10%ers are just ******ed and will make up any bullshit just to seem popular for 10 minutes.
Vince didn't bury ECW. ECW was dead when he bought it. Nobody really wanted the old ECW on their network. TNN took it and neutered it. The IWC doesn't understand the business side of wrestling too well.

Incorrect. TNN breached its contract with ECW, because WWF was shopping on the market for a new home and offered WWF a hell of a deal. Heyman even attempted to sue TNN, but because of clauses in their contract he wasn't able to.

ECW also was FAR from dead when Vince bought it. It was still selling out every show they were throwing. The problem was financially Heyman was HORRIBLE. ECW was up to debt way over it's ears.

So how can you sell out shows and yet be in debt? Easy. There were some guys he owed tens of thousands of dollars to and selling out 1,200 to 5,000 seat arenas/gyms wasn't going to make them the money they needed to get out of that debt. Not when you include production, arena, equipment, etc costs.

I'm sure you are an expert on the wrestling business though and knew this. You are buddy buddy with guys who work in the ring and in the back, right?

Fortunately, I have had several people in my life that have worked in WWF/E, WCW, ECW and various Indy Promotion and I do actually know and understand the wrestling business from multiple perspectives.
I agree with muzz-rocks. There will be a halloween themed segments at the least on this raw. Halloween havoc set up? Eh prolly not. We will prolly get a lil jack-o-lantern emblem with the wwe logo in it on the bottom of the screen instead of the regular logo. They will prolly make josh mathews and or whoever else is doing backstage interviews to dress up and they will get jokes made about them at their expense. Santino will do sumtin like dress up as justin beiber or harry potter or something else main stream. Divas will have a costume battle royal or costume contest. Zack ryder will be backstage doing sumtin. King will make jokes about vickie gurerro. Etc it will just be another raw. If anything at the very most, they would have a buried alive match, and once again, I will not hold my breath for that one to happen.
I think it's completely foolish to bring back WCW at this point. There is a new generation of wrestling fans out there (the kiddies) and I can only imagine having them wonder what these guys are doing on their TV screen.
Obviously I wouldn't want WCW to be risen from the dead just to have Vine Bury it again. My question was would you like to see a themed show, not WCW reprised like ECW. I would like to see the stage and thats about it. So to clearify all you 10%ers... LOL Funny how people are making fun of me for being a 10%er but yet your the one complaining on this 10%ers post. Poor lost souls.
Saw the post; post. First thing that came to mind was Halloween Havoc.

#1. Would you like to see a Halloween Havoc themed Raw? If not why?

Of course I would like to see it. But I'm also 21 and know about WCW and what an impact it had in wrestling. Your average fan (which I'm going to say is a bit younger due to the demographic now in WWE) would probably have little to no clue what "Halloween Havoc" is about, so I doubt that it would happen.

But then again, Halloween Havoc was a gimmicky pay per view, and from what I can tell WWE's ppvs are full of gimmicks now, so I wouldn't just bury the idea completely.

#2. Would you like to see an ALL EXCLUSIVE to WCW Raw? This would allow any superstar currently on Roster that has EVER worked for WCW to perform.

First of all, how many WCW veterans are on Raw? I can count maybe 2 or 3, not including special guests like Ron Simmons. That's not enough for a house show, let alone a televised one. And second, it's bad for business. Like I said before, you and I will remember WCW for what it was, but let's face it the casual WWE viewer will not. They may have heard of guys like Sting or maybe even Goldberg from older friends or family members, but that's not enough to build nostalgia and get a WWE exec interested in promoting a long dead promotion on the show.

WCW is gone. We will always have the memories and watch occasionally a few bouts here and there on Youtube. But it's over like so many great promotions before it. WWE doesn't have the people to put on a WCW-exclusive show, and they shouldn't. Money is the important thing when conducting a business, and that just would not sell in 2011.

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