RAW Live Thread

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bcg60 said:
Why The Hell Didnt Dx Help After Cena Doing The Chops Last Week? Loss Of Concentraiton In Story Line? I Think So

DX only fought with him last week because Cade and Murdoch were beating him down.
sevastra said:
Well, everyone, let me be the first TNA mark to welcome you all as TNA fans. I hope you enjoy the show thursday night!

Hahah thank you.... will be watching TNA now for sure..... cant cope with any of this WWE crap anymore.... Vince get a clue??

TNA's announcement last night should of been a kick up the ass for WWE to improve.. but of course couldnt have that now could we?
I don't think many of us actually completely turned RAW off, I think we flipped away but always came back.
MAYBE, they know that we can't shut it off and we always come back to see how much worse it, like how you can't help but stare at a train wreck, its awful but you just gotta look and you cant take your eyes off it! THOSE DIRTY BASTARDS TRICKED US INTO WATCHING!!!
nortongene said:
if edge does not regain his title im pissed

Somehow, I don't think it's likely Edge will win the WWE Title next week.
WWE better thank their lucky stars they don't have a forum on WWE.com cause i would be flaming the hell out of that board right now trying to get their attention.

Will someone on the inside please tell them how much that SUCKED.
the announcement is Vince sold WWE to the coach, lol and he bought TNA last night right before the announcement and tricked all of us right? Im still watching it next week, they havent lost me but they need to step it up before their little reunion show cuz if next weeks show is as bad as this, nobody's watching the reunion show.
*Shane to Vince*
Now that Kurt is jumping to TNA, we should bring NWO in with Eric and they can feud with DX!

*Vince to Shane*
Hmmmmmmm........Nah! How about we put Cena in a Match with Lita with one arm tied behind his back and have King Booker, Finlay, and Regal beat him up afterwords? Good Idea right?

*Shane to Vince*
djmalachi said:
I alwys liked Mike Tenay anyway. What time does TNA come on again?

Thursday at 11pm. Starting November 16th it will be at 9pm.

And as far as watching Raw goes, I knew there was a reason I stopped watching WWE...

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