Ranking Wrestlemania 20 through 29

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Now that Wrestlemania 29 is behind us and the next event being the 30th edition of the biggest PPV brand of them all.... I am interested in seeing your thoughts on the past decade's worth of Wrestlemania shows. Which one did you like the most? Which one did you like the least? How would you rank the last 10 Wrestlemania events from the best to the worst?

1. Wrestlemania 26
2. Wrestlemania 23
3. Wrestlemania 21
4. Wrestlemania 29
5. Wrestlemania 22
6. Wrestlemania 24
7. Wrestlemania 20
8. Wrestlemania 28
9. Wrestlemania 25
10. Wrestlemania 27

Starting with Wrestlemania 20 and ending with Wrestlemania 29, how would you rank them from the best of the decade to the worst of the decade? Please include your thoughts on why you ranked them as you did. Why did you like your favorite the best, and what made you place your least favorite at the bottom, etc.

Wrestlemania 26 was the best of the past decade for me. It was a fantastic card from top to bottom, other than the divas match. It's one of the best Wrestlemanias I have ever seen and it would still rank in my top 5 or so if 1 through 19 were included. 21 and 23 have both aged very well. I recommend them to anyone who still hasn't seen them. Even though some have had their issues with this year's show, I ranked 29 as the 4th best of the 10. I found it to be an extremely enjoyable show. The only real problem I had with it was P Diddy, other than that it was much better than some are giving it credit for. 25 was mostly forgettable and even though seeing it live was the experience of a lifetime, they could have done a much better job given that it was the 25th edition of Wrestlemania. Taker VS Michaels saved it. Dead last is 27, that show was horrible other than Taker VS Trips and it was the only time I have ever felt like my money was wasted on a Wrestlemania. I'd even put it in the bottom tier when including 1 through 19 in the list.

How about the rest of you?
Wrestlemania 20 - The full card of Wrestlemania 20 was stacked. Perhaps one of the greatest Wrestlemanias besides 17 and 19.

Wrestlemania 21 - Another Wrestlemania with great matches. Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels was a classic and HHH vs Batista was also a great main-event.

Wrestlemania 22 : Edge vs Mick Foley, Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio were the highlights of this Wrestlemania. The crowd of this Wrestlemania was one of the best crowds in Wrestlemania history.

Wrestlemania 24 : Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels, HHH vs Cena vs Orton and Undertaker vs Edge all were great main-events. Undertaker vs Edge is probably one of the most underrated main-events in Wrestlemania history.

Wrestlemania 25 : Money in the Bank Ladder match, Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy, Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels were great. HHH vs Orton was also a decent match.

Wrestlemania 23: Average Wrestlemania. All matches were mediocre except the Money in the Bank Ladder Match and Undertaker vs Batista.

Wrestlemania 26 : This Wrestlemania was great on the card but the matches weren't Wrestlemania caliber especially Edge vs Jericho. Decent Wrestlemania though.
I don't like Wrestlemania 27, Wrestlemania 28 and Wrestlemania 29. Though Wrestlemania 28 was better than Wrestlemania 27 and 29.

Wrestlemania 20 is the best in my opinion.
1. Wrestlemania 28
2. Wrestlemania 24
3. Wrestlemania 26
4. Wrestlemania 23
5. Wrestlemania 29
6. Wrestlemania 25
7. Wrestlemania 20
8. Wrestlemania 22
9. Wrestlemania 21
10. Wrestlemania 27

Wrestlemania 28 is fantastic. It's probably the 2nd best Wrestlemania of all time (the 1st of course being Wrestlemania 17). Three great main events that delivered on all fronts, some solid undercard matches, and Daniel Bryan being made.

Wrestlemania 24 is very underrated. Wrestlemania 26 had Undertaker/Shawn, Batista/Cena, and Jericho/Edge, and all three delivered, but not as great as 28.

Of course, Wrestlemania 27 is the worst, but 21 only had a good MITB match and a great Shawn/Angle match. The main events sucked for the most part. Wrestlemania 22 is very overrated. Only thing of note for that Wrestlemania was Edge/Mick Foley. The rest was blah. Wrestlemania 20 had 2 solid main events, but it also has the trainwreck of Lesnar/Goldberg, a lot of crappy tag matches, a good Jericho/Christian match, and that's pretty much it.
I was actually about to make a thread asking what people think about WM27 compared to the other 20's but this kind of does that for me. I definitely think that WM27 was the worst of the last decade and should be right up there with 9 and 11 for the worst WrestleMania's of all-time. With that being said, I think the 20's were a fairly good decade of WrestleMania in general with WM23 leading the pack. No WrestleMania featured a better combination of world title matches than the fantastic duo of Taker/Batista and HBK/Cena.

1. WrestleMania 23 - two five-star world title matches and a solid undercard
2. WrestleMania 21 - Very star-studded featured the first MitB and the rise of 2 mega stars (Batista and Cena)
3. WrestleMania 20 - Greatest triple threat match in history, probably the best undercard of all these WrestleManias
4. WrestleMania 28 - the iconic main event and hype on the returns of 4 of WWE's biggest stars (Rock, Y2J, Taker, HHH) was enough to overshadow its shallow undercard
5. WrestleMania 24 - Another fantastic undercard, and two very good world title matches
6. WrestleMania 26 - Shawn's last match, Bret's first match in 13 years and two very well-hyped world title matches
7. WrestleMania 29 - Very star-studded, and although completely predictable it was still very well-done
8. WrestleMania 25 - this was one of the most well-hyped WMs ever, it just sucks that almost nothing delivered. the very best MitB match of all-time occurred at this ppv but nothing else really reached the level it could've
9. WrestleMania 22 - I don't care much for Rey's win or this lacking undercard but DX (HHH & HBK) were able to shine in their respective matches
10. WrestleMania 27 - despite an epic encounter between Triple H and Undertaker, and an entertaining match with Orton and Punk, this event lacked the hype delivery of a quality title match
1. Wrestlemania 22 - Solid and nice under card, most of the matches were gimmick matches that fit. You had Edge vs Foley in an awesome hardcore match, Money in the Bank was alright, Mickie vs Trish was probably the best women's match in this list of 'Manias, Shawn vs Vince was fun to watch, and Cena vs Triple H was a great main event. Great crowd as well.

2. Wrestlemania 25 - First Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels match, the Triple Threat match with Cena, Edge, and Big Show was well done. The Hardy match and the Money in the Bank match were both nice matches. The main event could've been way better if it wasn't for the disqualification rule and the sloppy finish. The battle royal sucked as well along with the long Kid Rock performance.

3. Wrestlemania 21 - Debut of Money in the Bank with the best list of guys competing in the match, Taker vs Randy Orton was a good match for Taker's streak, the awesome Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels match, and the 2 World title matches to top the night off.

4. Wrestlemania 20 - Return of the Undertaker, the rest of the card was fun. The main event I understand will never be acknowledged and it should be, it was still a good match. (Just my opinion though, WWE always uses the Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle match as the main event and "Classic moment", I don't like this match and never really cared for it.)

5. Wrestlemania 23 - Money in the Bank match also had a great list of wrestlers involved and is tied with the Wrestlemania 22 ladder match for me. The World Heavyweight and WWE title matches were spectacular.

6. Wrestlemania 26 - Good undercard, the WWE Title match was the best you could've received from Batista and Cena. Streak vs Career was the correct choice for the main event.

7. Wrestlemania 28 - Good WWE Title match, Rock vs Cena was better in performance this year, and we had Taker vs Triple H.

8. Wrestlemania 29 - The final 3 (Mostly CM Punk vs Undertaker and Brock vs Triple H) were stellar matches.

9. Wrestlemania 24 - Flair's final match in the WWE was the highlight for this Mania for me. Liked the Money in the Bank match as well.
10. Wrestlemania 27 - This is inducted by Wrestlecrap, that's how bad other people consider this event. Much like everyone else's list so far. Undertaker vs Triple H was the highlight match. Too many bad matches weighed this down. Lawler vs Cole went way too damn long.
I'm actually surprised at how well people are rating WM 20. I remember watching that show and afterwards, the IWC said it was a weak card salvaged only by the main event (which has since been disavowed by WWE). Vindicated by history, perhaps?
For me it would be:

1 Wrestlemania 20
2 Wrestlemania 23
3 Wrestlemania 22
4 Wrestlemania 21
5 Wrestlemania 26
6 Wrestlemania 24
7 Wrestlemania 28
8 Wrestlemania 27
9 Wrestlemania 29
10 Wrestlemania 25

Other than the Michaels Taker Match, and the brief Jericho Steamboat encounter, I couldn't stand 25. Santina, JBL loses in 20 seconds, Kid Rock concert, and boring main events. It was horrible for me.
1. WM24 (solid card from open to close)
2. WM22 (awesome crowd and plenty of holy shit moments)
3. WM23 (4 solid matches)
4. WM21 (3 solid matches and the rise of the future)
5. WM26 (lotta good, little bad, little ugly)
6. WM29 (disappointing slightly but fun)
7. WM28 (HIAC! and Rock's return)
8. WM20 (part spectacle, part train-wreck)
9. WM25 (Thank you HBK-Taker)
10. WM27 (Duh):banghead:
WrestleMania 20

- Great card from top to bottom, including two 10/10 World Championship Main Events and a great moment with Benoit and Eddie embracing to end the show.

WrestleMania 21

- The rise of Batista, the rise of John Cena, one of the greatest matches of all time in HBK/Angle, Legend vs Legend Killer, one of the greatest WrestleMania openers in Guerrero/Mysterio, and the first Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

- I would've put this #1, but the sumo wrestling was a turn off, Piper's Pit was kinda meh, but Hogan returning was a feel good moment.

WrestleMania 28

- A simply astounding card and show. Hell in a Cell, Punk v Jericho and Rock vs Cena all delivered. 5 star show indeed.

WrestleMania 22

- Edge/Foley, Trish/Mickie, and HBK/Vince made this show extremely entertaining. Great crowd as well.

WrestleMania 24

- Flair's final WrestleMania match, the 2nd best Money in the Bank Ladder match, and three GREAT Main Events. People really underrate Edge's match with Undertaker.

WrestleMania 23

- Good crowd, great set, solid undercard, amazing Money in the Bank Ladder match, and two show stealing World Title matches.

WrestleMania 26

- Bret Hart's return, HBK vs Taker II, and two World Title matches with great buildups. The undercard wasn't that bad either.

WrestleMania 29

- The Shield, Fandango, and Punk vs Taker were the high spots of this show for me. 29 was just too anti-climactic. There weren't a lot of special moments to me.

WrestleMania 25

- HBK vs Taker saved this show. The whole show other than that match as a whole was such a flop. A long ass Kid Rock concert, Jericho should've had a better match, JBL lost in 20 seconds, and they left the unified tag team match off the card and put it in the pre-show. Horrible.

WrestleMania 27

- Lawler vs Cole went WAY too long, Corre gets squashed in ONE minute, the two World Title matches weren't even that good. Taker vs HHH was the highlight of the show along with Rock and Stone meeting face to face. Orton v Punk and Rhodes v Mysterio were solid undercard matches. The crowd wasn't that good anyway.
It's odd trying to rank these because of how these Manias have really good highlighted matches, but they all have something bad about them.
1. WrestleMania 21 - This WreslteMania marked the beginning of the modern era. Cena and Batista both win their first world titles, edge wins the first, and best, MITB ladder match. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle was a classic, Undertaker vs. Randy Orton was a classic (I recommend you go back and watch this match, very very very underrated), Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero was a great opener, Austin and Hogan both made appearances. From top to bottom an awesome WrestleMania, and the whole "WrestleMania Goes Hollywood" theme was really cool.

2. WrestleMania 28 - This WrestleMania is a special one for me. I remember watching Hogan vs. Rock at WrestleMania 18 with my dad: Hogan was the top guy in his generation and the Rock was the top guy in my generation. 10 years later it was the Rock vs. John Cena, the new top guy. Rock/Cena was very well built and lived up to the hype. The atmosphere was incredible, the match delivered, and I was legitimately surprised that the Rock went over. WrestleMania 28 also featured Triple H vs. Undertaker with Michaels as the Guest Ref, which was one of the most dramatic WrestleMania matches of all time. With those two matches alone you had an epic event.

3. WrestleMania 24 - I love this WrestleMania. The match between Michaels and Flair was dramatic and was a great sendoff for Flair (until he ****ed himself out in TNA). Undertaker vs. Edge was a great World Title match, the Cena/Orton/HHH triple threat was solid and featured my favorite Cena WM entrance. I loved the Floyd Maywhether vs. Big Show match and the whole build up to it as well. It also featured one of the best MITB ladder matches.

4. WrestleMania 23 - Undertaker vs. Batista and John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels were both classics and seeing Vince get his head shaved bald was fun (it also led to the creation of the amazing entity that was doorag-Vince). The MITB ladder match at this WrestleMania was one of the better ones as well.

5. WrestleMania 22 - Edge and Foley stole the show with their hardcore match, and the flaming table spot from that match was one of the craziest spots I've ever seen at a WrestleMania. Vince vs. HBK was was a great hardcore match as well and had a pretty crazy spot in its own right with HBK's huge elbow drop from the ladder (but it also had a little to much ass to face). Triple H vs. John Cena was a solid main event that the crowd was really into. The biggest flaw was of course the World Title match with Angle, Orton and Mysterio that lasted a total of 9 minutes. To be honest they should have never given Mysterio the belt at this point, and he was getting heat from the crowd because they knew he was just getting the Title because Eddie had died. Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle, Streak vs Title, probably would've been a better choice (instead of having them face at No Way Out). People weren't exactly clamoring to see Taker vs. Henry...

6. WrestleMania 20 - Featured probably the best triple threat match of all time with HHH/Benoit/Michaels. Eddie and Angle had a solid match as well, and we got a great moment with Benoit an Guerrero holding the world titles to close the show (a moment which has since been tarnished and is now uncomfortable to watch). Undertaker's return as the Deadman was cool, but that was basically an entrance with a filler match tacked onto it. The swerve with Trish, Jericho and Christian was predictable, but still effective, and we got to see Molly Holly get shaved bald. Unfortunately, Lesnar/Goldberg blew my asshole.

7. WrestleMania 29 - Cena/Rock II was fine, but no where near as epic as their first encounter. Punk/Taker was great, and I enjoyed HHH/Brock as well. On paper the match lineup was solid, but this show suffered from a weak build-up. The show was very streamlined and featured no backstage segments of any kind which was interesting.

8. WrestleMania 26 - The final chapter in the career of Shawn Michaels. Michaels/Taker was essentially the same as their WM25 match, which isn't a bad thing really. Cena/Batista had a good build and is a pretty underrated match. Vince/Bret was an abortion. Having the whole hart family involved and dragging it out was pointless.

9. WrestleMania 25 - Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker, and that's about it. The Orton/Triple H's match should've been No Disqualification. After the huge angle they did with Orton attacking Triple H's family, the fans wanted to see Triple H get his revenge and beat the shit out of Orton, not have to hold back because the Title could change hands on a DQ.

10. WrestleMania 27 - Easily the bottom of the list. Putting Miz against Cena was a mistake. The fans generally hated the Miz (as they are supposed to since he's a heel), but Cena tends to get a lot of heat at WrestleMania, so the majority of the crowd had nobody to cheer for. Most fans were just waiting for the Rock to come out and do something. The HHH/Taker No Holds Barred match was also pretty overrated. Punk/Orton was solid but nothing special. Should've been Punk/Cena and Orton/Miz.
Wrestlemania 25 or maybe 26 were the best shows for me. Best shows, not cards.. On paper, Wrestlemania 20 — that's XX for you visual people — was to be the best Wrestlemania Card ever. Kane vs Taker, Benoit, HBK and Triple H in a triple threat, Goldberg and Lesnar with Austin as ref.. Come on! That's a wicked card! Too bad the show didn't deliver.
1. Wrestlemania 28

This card was great. It had some great matches like HHH vs. Taker and Cena vs. Rock. Couple that in with a rock solid Punk vs. Jericho title match and you got yourself one hell of a card.

2. Wrestlemania 26

The card from top to bottom was mighty impressive. Cena vs. Batista, HBK vs. Taker in HBK's retirement match, Vince vs. Bret, how could you go wrong with that card? Not only that all matches actually delivered. Bret didn't have a great match but he had the right match, he got his revenge and beat the piss out of Vince, what more do you want?

3. Wrestlemania 23

I need to re-watch this one but I remember it being very good. Not a big fan of Umaga vs. Lashley but Taker vs. Batista was good, Cena vs. HBK was good, MITB was good and overall was a solid show.

4. Wrestlemania 24

Ric Flair retires in a great send away match, solid main event in Taker/ Edge, a nice surprise in Orton winning over Cena and HHH and a Mayweather/Show match that was a miracle considering who was in the match.

5. Wrestlemania 21

This one had some great matches but loses big points for the main events falling flatter than the earth in the 1600's. Kurt vs. HBK was a masterpiece, Orton vs. Taker was great, a good MITB match but the fact of the matter is the 2 guys getting ready to carry the company had bad matches that didn't establish them as the guy the way they should have. Hell, Cena vs. JBL may be the biggest reason for the "Cena Sucks" chants.

6. Wrestlemania 22

Nothing great but it had some good moments. I enjoyed Edge/ Foley and there's something incredibly awesome about Mickie James cupping Trish's pussy and then licking her hand, major points for that spot.

7. Wrestlemania 29

It wasn't bad but it wasn't that good either. Seemed very familiar and all big matches not only felt predictable but how the match went was utterly predictable as well. Outcomes being predictable is fine but when the big matches literally rip off older matches (Cena vs. Rock 2 = Cena vs. Rock 1 in reverse and HHH vs. Lesnar = Cena vs. Lesnar) within the last 12 months its hard to get into it.

8. Wrestlemania 20

Phenomenal Title matches but everything else was a let down. If it wasn't for the triple threat match this would have been at the bottom of the list.

9. Wrestlemania 25

Pretty lackluster that would have been an absolute failure if it wasn't for the best match in the last 10 years happening.

10. Wrestlemania 27

Very lackluster with a very good HHH/Taker match. Not a fan at all.
Can't believe we've already made it through the decade. Seems like WrestleMania 20 was only yesterday.

1. WrestleMania 20
2. WrestleMania 22 (Some questionable booking, but amazing show from top to bottom. HOT Chicago crowd!)
3. WrestleMania 26
4. WrestleMania 24
5. WrestleMania 21
6. WrestleMania 25 (Only so high because Taker/HBK is my all time favorite match and I was there live)
7. WrestleMania 29 (Played it too safe. Nothing memorable aside from Taker/Punk. Great undercard given no time to shine)
8. WrestleMania 28 (Rock vs Cena should have happened at 27. Match couldn't live up to 14 months of hype.)
9. WrestleMania 23 (Underwhelming for me. Forgettable undercard and predictable main events - though they were very good)
10. WrestleMania 27 (The Miz in the main event. C'mon son.)
Best to worst:


Quick Notes:

I re-matched 28 and if this thread was made a couple of weeks ago, i wouldn't have had it as the number 1 of the decade. I had mixed feelings with it before re-matching it and 28 hands down was the best overall top to bottom WM in this decade of Wrestlemanias. I had 20 ranked higher than most but considering the work and promoting the WWE did to market the 20th edition of Wrestlemania was awesome. Sure, some of the matches sucked, but nothings perfect. 27 was just a let down for me, it was mainly disappointing and turned out to be one of my least liked Wrestlemania's, not only through these years, but of all time. I nearly went to WM 23 but ended up not going but that WM was real good. In some of the WM's the booking was off which left much of the show to be desired. In WM 25 the reason I didn't put it last was because that Undertaker - HBK match was simply amazing. That match was one of the best matches from both Taker and Shawn. I do realize different people are more attached to certain matches or wrestlers which is why my rankings may seem a little off but its my opinion.
Best to worst
WM 23 to me has to be one of the best Manias ever. The card had everything that makes a WM great. A great mid card match, Good money in the bank match, a celebrity, cool entrances, and two great title matches that both could main event the show.
WM 20 is so low because i just feel its very overrated. I never really thought it was that good.
WM 29 is last because it was the only time i felt like I wasted my money watching a WM. Even with 27 sucking i just felt like wanting more, but 29 made me wonder what i could have done with that 60 bucks.

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