Rank the Genres! (Music version)

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I did a thread like this over in the video games section and thought we should try a similar one here in the music section. We all have different taste in music and there's several different genres to choose from. What one person likes is generally not going to be the same as what another likes. Musical genres include Blues, Country, Techno, Rock, Rap, Jazz, Pop, Oldies, Easy Listening, Classical, and more.

Here's what I'm looking for in this thread:

How would you rank the music genres from best to worst?

Do NOT simply just list them. Explain why you like certain genres more than others. You may use genres that aren't in my list, but they have to be real music genres. Cite an example of a band/song if it's not as widely known as other genres.

1. Rock
By a far margin my favorite. It's the only genre in music that I can listen to just about any song in it and like it. I like it all. Metal, alternative, punk, you name it. If it has guitars, drums, and angry vocals then odds are pretty good that I'll give it more than one listen.

2. Rap
I really enjoy most of the beats in rap. Some of the lyrics I don't really agree with due to controversial content, but I generally like most of the rap music that I hear, earning it second place.

3. Techno
Another genre with good beats. Sometimes the background effects sound like video game music. Rap's tend to be better in my opinion though. I really like instrumentals, especially in this genre.

4. Easy Listening
This genre is extremely underrated. It includes things such as elevator music. Music that is meant to be background. Some people dislike that. I personally do because I like how catchy these songs tends to be.

5. Oldies
Older classics that have been around since when most of our parents were our age. Some are a little cheesy by today's standards, others are still as amazing as ever. Most of the oldies that you still hear on the radio today will outlive the overwhelming majority of modern songs that are played. While certainly not my favorite genre, I enjoy it more than anything in the second half of my list.

6. Pop
A genre that I sometimes find annoying, but there have been a few good gems here and there. I tend to like the faster paced songs in this genre or the ones with good background sound. The softer more lyrically oriented ones I couldn't care less for, and are why this ranks lower than it otherwise would.

7. Classical
I like this more now that I am older. When I was a kid I HATED it. The same statement that can be said for Oldies can be said tenfold here for Classical, which has material hundreds of years old. While I can appreciate it now as an adult, I still dislike most of the material in this genre. It's better than my bottom tier though....

8. Blues
Far too depressing. Trying to make music out of sad situations never appealed to me. I usually listen to music to get me back in a better mood and hearing depressing things doesn't help one bit.

9. Jazz
Not my cup of tea. Especially Scat music, which I find to be an abomination and the single worst thing to ever happen in the world of music. I struggle to find anything I enjoy in the jazz genre, however I do like a little here and there, thus Jazz as a whole still ranks higher than....

10. Country
Dead last is COUNTRY. I absolutely hate this genre. It's boring, depressing, annoying, and far too lyrically oriented. Granted I'm from Texas but that makes me proof that stereotypes aren't always correct. I'm Texan but not a cowboy and I detest country music. There's not a single artist in the genre that I like. I'll give songs a chance if recommended, but odds are very low that I'll ever listen to that song again.

So there you have it. Disagree with my list or someone else's? Feel free to debate. Now, let's see how music genres rank for the rest of you. Discuss!
AT the moment I'd have to say my favorites are Rock and Country, I keep learning of awesome country singers that I hadn't heard of before. Started being into country about five years ago when I was turned on to real country music.

Hank Williams III
Honky Tonk Hustlas
Wayne Hancock
Bob Wayne

These are the names that come to mind right off when I think of country music out there today that is damn good to great, besides the outlaws which are just timeless (Waylon Jennings, David Allan Coe, Willie Nelson etc)

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Can't stand the non-country that is played on CMT, GMC, "country" radio...
Taylor Swift, Keith Urban etc etc.

Or could always just mix the Country/Rock and get this...


I'd have to say that Rap/techno is by far the worst. Just nothing about it is pleasing to listen to, if you've heard one rap song you've heard most of them... after a few minutes they all just run together and sound the same.
1. Rock - Definitely my favorite genre of music, especially with all of its unique sub-genres. From classics to brand new stuff, Indie to Punk, I love Rock.

2. Rap - I haven't been into it as much lately, but when an emcee piques my interest it tends to do so pretty well. Lyrical prowess is something I'll always appreciate.

3. Classical - I'm far from an expert on it, but I find it's good music to think to. When I need to get my creative juices flowing, Classical music tends to do the job well.

4. Jazz - Listening to some live Jazz lately has given the idea that I might actually really enjoy it if I tried listening to it some more.

5. Blues - I'm fairly neutral on this genre. It can be music that you can truly feel when done right, but massively depressing when done wrong.

6. Pop - Usually crap, but when it's good it tends to be very catchy and very likable.

7. Techno - I'm a little mixed here: I really enjoy the music itself, but the fact that it tends to repeat over and over with little to no variation over a long period of time really irks me. I much prefer Electronica, which is, in fact, different.

8. Oldies - They tend to just come off as cheesy to me, though I guess that's just a generational thing. Still, a little bit of it is alright, just not great.

9. Easy Listening - Pretty boring to me. Never enjoyed it in any way, as far as I can think. Though it's not intolerable, I doubt I could ever find anything in it to like.

10. Country - I could never understand the love for Country music. I'd rather not sit here and insult it with a paragraph of hate, so I'll just stop there.
No one will ever be able to honestly say which is the best genre or worst but that is why god created opinions! I will start with my least favorite and IMO the worst genre I have listened to.
-_____- It is just something about when a "pop" artist gets on the radio that makes my stomach cringe. I mean this genre host talent without a doubt but what is their TRUE subject matter? A weak watered down RnB? Please any day I can go with out a pop singer is a good day. :)

Now for my Honorable Mentions:


Love songs will always have a special place in my heart <3. Most RnB artist now focus on sex which is cool ,but the ones like Alica Keys , Bruno Mars, and Cee-Lo Green that truly make me remember the good and the bad times of my love life. I wanna take a moment to spotlight my boy Cee-Lo... Most people know him form 1 song:F*ck You but trust me he is much more and that is why I think he is the perfect one to show the "Soul" sound.

In this song he uses sounds and is inspired by singers like Patti Labelle, Diana Ross, Tina Turner, Ray Charles. Otis Redding and others... A beautiful sound brought in a new light...


To be honest even though I have lived in Dallas my whole life I have no idea how to speak Spanish I have to get my friends to translate one of my fav artists "Selena" songs. In fact this whole spot is really for her. I think she is 1 of the best voices to ever grace a microphpne a true lost and I will always miss her.


This is my fav song she did it shows the true beauty and light of her voice and the beauty in the Spanish language :) a true treasure in music. <3

Now onto my top 3 Genres in music:

3. Rock:This was a hard choice to put this in 3rd place. If it was not for this the 1st peace breaking genre music would never be the same there was a time when Rock use to be the top genre in the world Led Zeppelin and Journey and Kansas where the stars of there days. The sheer determination and love for music these guys have is admirable to say the least. It was the perfect way to be a teen. Fuck you parents lets rock out to KISS xD it was a crazy great thing. The best thing about it is that a genre know as Metal sprung out and took a hold. A beautiful thing happened now the guitar solo would destroy all who takes a listen. I am proud to say I am a headbanger XD

[YOUTUBE]Sb1NaqB_thg[/YOUTUBE] I know Shinedown is Alternative but they are my fav band right now and it is insane. This song gets me pumped to take on the world. The guitar solo kills all who hate on it lol. :headbanger:

2. Jazz
Now had you asked me if Jazz was my favorite genre last year I would be like Hell NO! Lucky my band teacher forced me in Jazz Band and not only did I learn to respect Jazz I fell in love with America's 1st true Art Form. The thing that is bittersweet about Jazz is for 1 it takes a true large attention span and mind to listen and truly enjoy Jazz and because of that it has become lost in our culture. Instead my generation don't even know who Louis Armstrong, Jimmy Cleavland, Dizzie, or any musical giants like them. Jazz has a special place in my heart because it was formed by the slaves in 1800's and personified in the south by put down African Americans who went to the north and let the genre grow. Knowing that my ancestors created the 1st true American art form is a truly a empowering thing and makes me even more proud to not only be black but to be a American.


The lucky thing is there are still people in this world that are passionate about Jazz and a group of kids/young adults choose to mix the true American art forms Hip-Hop and Jazz to make a soulful beautiful experience that people of all ages can grove with. In this case they make a tribute to legend B.I.G. and the melodies blend perfectly with the beats of 90's from the guitar to the nice keyboard to my fav trombone/brass chorus which gives a rich strong sound that makes this 1 of my favorite songs to jam to.

And the moment you have been waiting for THE BEST GENRE IS....

1. Rap/Hip-Hop

Probably on a wrestling forum the most hated genre -___- for reasons I try to understand but cant truly get... Let me start of by saying this. Ludacris said it best on his track "I do it for Hip-Hop" 'Now this is what they call poetry in motion My soul bleeds on the paper, heart screams with emotion This my daily devotion, that verses stay deeper than the ocean So hip-hop you owe me a promotion' some may think all rap is sex, money, killing people but is way more than that. With a microphone or pen and pad you paint your story. For some that story may be how the violence on the street affects there life and what they must do in the struggle of the ghetto, another may be how they dream to make out of the hood with the things the media throws at him Money, Cars, Hoes the perfect life. Thats 1 side of Rap but another is the beauty know as Metaphors/punchlines when you are good at rapping you can make lines that go over even genius's heads. The fun of the punchlines not 1 ever the same all just different and getting better by the next. It shows that the rapper has the ability to make his rhymes demolish all others. Rap is the 2nd true American art form it combines the beauty of poetry, with the gift of music and you are given a different result every time. This is why Rap/ Hip-Hop is the greatest genre in the world. Its all for the fun of music.


Now before you explode hear me out lmao. I picked this ridiculous song because it sucks from a lyrical stand point and the beat sounds like a avg southern beat -__- but its all for fun it is what rap represent we can say anything about everything at anytime...


Now this track explains all my points about people judging a book by its cover when it comes to Hip-hop thanks to Jay-Z but Em also presents a perfect example of why the Mic is the most powerful tool in a rapper's life. You can't be afraid to say anything.


My Fav Rapper Yeezy with his old Rocafella crew paints the beautiful picture of his future retirement from the game and shows how far wordplay and flow can go in any song.


The best rapper alive shows why you can get knocked out by all these punchlines. This speaks for its self...


And I would like to end with the Greatest rapper of all time giving a ode to the most important in his life. This is Hip-Hop at its finest.

Hip-Hop is Number #1
1. Country - I used to be mostly a pop and rap kind of girl, especially being from Northern California you don't get a lot of country listeners around here. But in the last few years, mostly since I started seeing my now fiance (who is really into country music), I've started listening to country more and more and now it's my favorite. I love meaningful lyrics and I think you really get that out of country. I get how people can say country is boring, but I just think they haven't found the right artist because while there is A LOT of boring country, there is a lot of really good country. My favorites are Miranda Lambert, Jake Owens, Josh Turner, Dierks Bentley, and Lee Brice. I think they make a lot of upbeat fun songs.


2. Rap - This was my favorite music genre for a long time and I think that's mainly because I was always told I was allowed to listen to it due to the content of the lyrics and the language. Which I guess I understand seeing as I was about 10 at the time. Being the (wannabe) rebellious kid I was, the best way I could think of "getting back" at my parents would to listen to rap, so I became a huge Eminem and Dr. Dre fan. Eminem is definitely my favorite rapper, there as a period of time in middle school where he was all I would listen to (him and Green Day were the staples of my seventh grade year). The things I like about Eminem is his emotion and how much of a window into his life his songs are (at least up until Relapse which was just terrible for the most part). I don't really have an expansive list of artists that I listen to in rap it's mostly just Eminem, Dr. Dre, a little Tupac and DMX, but that's about it.

These are both more recent, but I think they're good examples of his emotional songs.

3. Pop - I was a HUGE Britney Spears/Back Street Boys fan as a kid. That was pretty much all I listened to. For the most part I grew out of that, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that when I'm in the car with my best friend (who I've been friends with since 2nd grade) we belt out Britney and occasionally (I'm ashamed it admit) some Miley Cyrus :blush:. Pop is an easy one to come and go from as a fan because it's always there, it's what all the radio stations play and it always sounds the same. This was definitely more of a big genre for me as a kid, but now it's pretty much reserved for in the car with my friends only.

4. Rock - As with Pop, Rock was a bigger genre for me as a kid. I was a big Green Day fan as well as Sum 41, Nirvana, and Good Charlotte. Green Day was the reason I decided to learn how to play the guitar and their songs are still pretty much the only songs I can play :p. Recently I only listen to rock when my fiance does, but a band I've really come to like lately, that I'm sure most of you wrestling fans have heard of, is Fozzy (Chris Jericho's band).


That's pretty it for genres I listen to, although I'm huge film nerd and I love movie scores. I doubt many of you have scene Atonement, but the score for that film was amazing. Dario Marianelli uses a typewriter (which is a big part of the film) as a musical instrument and I think it has a really cool effect.


Last, and definitely least, the genres I cannot stand: Techno and Dubstep. Honestly, I can't even tell the difference between the two. They're basically loud beats, I just find that incredibly annoying.

1. Rock
It's just the most fun genre for me to listen to, and it's fine for most any mood I'm in. But I can't tolerate metal with a focus on the death growl.

2. Classical
Never really liked Classical music I grew up with being taught about in school. However video game music I loved ever since I played Final Fantasy 1 on the NES and it's grown from there. Now as Nobuo Uematsu is technically Classical, it's easily my second favorite genre, and it's also the best genre for me to listen to while I'm trying to write.

3. Jazz
Swing and Jazz are often lumped together kind like rock/pop are, and so because of that, I want to specify that it's actually Swing that I like moreso than Jazz. I LOVE the old big band swing from way back when, but I also liked that neo-swing movement of the late 90's. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Royal Crown Revue, Cherry Poppin Daddies, etc are just so much fun to listen to.

4. Oldies
I'm not really hot on it, but I can always tolerate it.

5. Easy Listening
I'm not even sure what the hell this is, but I'm sure I like it more than the rest on the list.

6. Country
I actually respect this type of music, but it also annoys me.

7. Blues

8. Techno

9. Rap
This isn't technically music. Music, by definition must have melody & harmony, something that rap does not have. Yet this is art, and a form of which I could not participate in very well and as such I still have a lot of respect for it as art.

10. Pop
If I turn off my brain and try not to think I can enjoy this, but most of the time I'm a living human being and every thought I give towards the music in this genre is insulted by it's very existence.
This is a great thread, to be honest! If you don't mind, though, I am going to add one more genre that I think is extremely important to the foundation of music.

1. Rock
Some of my favorite artists of all time lie within the Rock genre; specifically the Hard Rock sub-genre. Though the greatest artists of all time are always debatable, there is no denying that plenty of them established themselves by playing Rock music. Many artists (such as Eric Clapton) are considered true Rock gods, though they have branched into other forms of music, such as Blues.

2. Folk (my addition to the list)
Folk is arguably my favorite genre of music, depending on the day. Many of my favorite artists (such as Don McLean, Simon & Garfunkel, and even Neil Young) are primarily rooted in Folk music. Though many have crossed over into other genres (for example, Neil Young is widely known for his Folk Rock anthems), their Folk backgrounds are still pretty evident. Sure, a lot of people group the genre with Country, and others even group it into the Singer-Songwriter category. Just don't forget that Folk is a separate genre with a separate history.

3. Pop
I might be one of the few, but I often enjoy turning my brain off and spacing out to a simple song with a great melodic hook and an easy-to-follow arrangement. This is especially true if I'm in one of those stressed moods.

4. Country
There is no doubt that Country has had its fair share of 'corny' artists, arguably more so than most other genres of music. However, if you dig deep enough, you can find some really gems in the Country department. My favorite artists in this genre include Lorrie Morgan, Garth Brooks and Mark Chesnutt.

5. Oldies
I ranked this in the middle simply because the definition of Oldies can vary upon its source. Some define Oldies as music from the 70s, or even the 80s. Others define Oldies as dating back at least to the 60s, and a lot of 50s music. To be honest, 50s is really the only decade I'm not too fond of. The 60s, 70s and 80s all had bands that I truly love.

6. Rap
I am not the biggest Rap fan by any means, but I do like a few artists from the genre. These include the massively popular Eminem, and even Necro. Yes, I'm becoming a fan of Horrorcore.

7. Blues
I do enjoy some Blues, but mainly from the underground music scene. If you get a chance, check out a band called Buck69. There are just brilliant!

8. Techno
I can't say that I completely hate Techno. In fact, I used to be a huge fan of Alice Deejay quite a few years back. A lot of it is pretty fun of jam out to on occasion.

9. Easy Listening
Honestly, I try to avoid this genre the best that I can. A couple of my family members love Easy Listening, so I'm stuck listening to it a lot. It's definitely not near my first choice of music that I would want to listen to.

10. Classical
This genre of music isn't my cup of tea. I do like Bach, though.

11. Jazz
Oddly enough, this is my least favorite out of the genres listed. Jazz is undoubtedly one of the most complicated types of music to play. That in mind, I have a profound amount of respect for these artists. It's just...not my choice of music, I suppose.
1) HEAVY METAL-All I mostly listen to and I enoy all geners of metal!!!!

2) ROCK-As if I can't take the Metal or in a sad sappy mood I listen to bands as Seether, Three Days Grace, Cold just to name a few.

3) Techno- I just like the beats and Techno beats are way better then rap. Hence why rap is now going more techno style.

4) Video Game Music- I guess maybe this is Classical, Orcherstra style but man the music def keeps you interested in the game your playin.

5) Clasic Rock-Not the biggest of fans of it but it gets listening to for the are the pioneers of morden day Metal/Hardcore.

I have 6 and 7 and 8 as being in the same boat and in no special order, Rap, Country, Pop. When I hear it I want to change it asap. It really just puts me in a bad mood. I try to borden my music style but it just dont work. HeavyMetal till I die \m/ \m/
I don't understand this thread very well, the topic is too vague. There are way too many genres for me to list, so it makes it more difficult for me. I don't hate genres, but I usually hate anything mainstream (or avoid mainstream and go for underground.) So here's my best shot at generalizing:

Rock: I guess I could say I love rock, but I prefer it's hawt grandaughters more (e.g. post-rock, powerviolence, skramz, etc.) Way too many sub-genres and, um, micro-genres to list, so I'll just leave it under the umbrella term rock.

Ambient: VERY underrated. I like listening to ambient, from noisy ambient (I guess that would be flat-out noise instead) to droning ambient, I just love it all. But it really depends on my mood.

Techno: Not familiar with a lot of different electronic music genres, but I sure do like to pull the elitst card. Example: Lil' Jimmy- "OH I LIKE LISTENING TO TECHNO!!", followed by me saying "What kind of electronic music? EBM? Breakcore? Dubstep? OLOLOL" But yeah, I like, um, EBM, I guess.

Country/Folk: Eh, I don't much about country, especially mainstream country. But I do love folk music! But not folk metal very much. Can't go wrong with some zydeco.

Classical: I like classical very much, but it's not at the top of my to-do list. I always have a classical music station playing when I drive.

Pop: I think people throw the word pop around too much and don't realize what they're saying. Some pop music is catchy, so I like the particular song I heard and that's that.

Rap/Hip-Hop: The least interesting genre for me. I like a few artists here and there, but I'm just not a big of fan.

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