Randy Savage Hall Of Fame

ECW Sandman

Getting Noticed By Management
So I was counting down how many days until The Hall Of Fame and WrestleMania XXXI, well while I was thinking about it, It dawned on me When Randy Savage gets his rightful place in the WWE Hall Of Fame it will be Twenty Eight years and one day since the greatest Intercontinental Championship matches took place on March 29th 1987 at WrestleMania III So here is the question do you think it is a coincidence or just pure luck that Savage is going in to the HOF the night before the 28th anniversary of WrestleMaina III , Also who do you really think should induct him in me personally I feel it should be Ricky Steamboat.
Coincidence. Y'know, because no motherfucker celebrates a 28th anniversary. If you're celebrating you wait two more years.
Also who do you really think should induct him in me personally I feel it should be Ricky Steamboat.

That's not a bad choice. Personally, I'd like to see Leaping Lanny Poffo involved somehow, given the family connection. Yet, if you've got Hulk Hogan there and willing to do it, you give it to him. For better or worse, more people will be interested in tuning into Savage's ceremony if Hogan is involved. In spite of myself, I'm kind of interested in what Hulk will say about the man who was (arguably) his greatest rival.

So here is the question do you think it is a coincidence or just pure luck that Savage is going in to the HOF the night before the 28th anniversary of WrestleMaina III

Didn't Macho Man always say "Dig it!" In this case, we'd need to disinter him and ask if he appreciates the coincidence.
I personally think that it should have been a Poffo family induction, with Macho as the headliner. Instead, I'll settle for Lanny doing the acceptance and Hogan doing the induction.
I'd say it's more than likely Hogan inducting and Lanny accepting since Lanny was the guy who's let it all happen from his family's side.
Personally I've felt that Flair would have been the best choice to induct Savage. Flair and Savage had a rivalry that started in wwe and carried over to wcw. They exchanged both world titles and I'd imagine there was a mutual respect if kit a friendship.

I'm not convinced Hogan is telling the truth when he says he and Savage made up. Then again maybe he is cause every time he says he's made up with somebody they die!
I agree with OP,One of the first names that come to mind when you say Savage,besides Hogan is Steamboat.
The fact that they still talk about a match that happened almost 30 years ago shows proof to its lasting legacy.

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