Randy Orton's IED.. Good Idea Or Bad Idea?


The Cerebral Assassin
As we all found out a couple of weeks ago on Raw, Randy Orton has IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder), causing him to have caused harm to the Chairman, and to Shane and Steph last week. Now my question is, do you think it was the right move for the WWE to have given Orton's character IED? Do you think it will help or harm his character overall? I sort of liked the fact that he always did evil things because... he was such an evil heel. period. It made him seem maniacal and calculating. It made him look down-right evil, it made him one of the best, if not the best, heels. But now that he has IED, the blame for his attacks are shunned onto the disorder, not to Orton. So, do you think that this weakens his heel character overall, or do you think that, since its now "not Orton's fault", people will despise him even more? Also, do you think they will keep this IED concept as a permanent part of his character? If so, do you think it would be a good idea or a bad idea?
Even though i´m a huge Randy Orton fan, I think this whole IED angle is only going to hurt his credibility as a purely evil heel. And as you mentionend, that´s what made him( in my eyes too) special and superior to all the other heels on the roster. If this whole IED problem is revealed to be a lie or something like that, it would be ok but somehow it just doesn´t fit the Orton character to be hiding behind some lawyers.
I get IED when I drink a litre of Jack Daniels...although that could just be the drink :laugh:.

More to the point though, while at the time I was sat shaking my head like 'WTF have they done' I think it adds something more to his gimmick, it adds some...unpredicatbility to his charecter in that he could snap at any minute and kick someones face off. Its a good move by WWE but it should be used sparingly, not every 12 seconds to put him over.

His match with Shane for example, he should suddenly go insane and Punt Shane, pin him, then act like it "wasn't his fault".
I think the whole IED thing is bullshit. Orton just made it up as an excuse for attacking VKM. Im pretty sure Orton's character is just as evil as he always was. So no, I think his credibility is still intact
I don't see how it's really a problem. It's being played off as Orton hiding behind a doctor's note as an excuse for being evil which makes him look even more dastardly. How is that not good for his character? He's been built up as this man that will do anything to get his way and no one can stop him. This is just an extension of that aspect of his character. It's an ok idea but it does seem a little weak to me.
Orton kicking Vinces head in could not have credibly been allowed to happen without this IED thing. It was the only way he could remain in the company and go on to headline Wrestlemania without being fired. Every 5 years or so the McMahons' like to switch between Heel and Face and they just felt that this was the right time to do so and saw Orton as the ideal person to help them do so.

This won't hurt Orton as a heel. Whether it transpires that he faked the IED thing or not, he still comes accross as a fantastic heel and i love it. Orton rules.
At the end of the day though, how many of the kids out there are going to remember this. Theres only us as an IWC unit sat complaining about it, and tearing the whole idea apart piece by piece and going over it. Where as the kids will basically remember "OMG RANDY ORTON KICKED VINCE MCMAHON!!!!!!!!one one one!!!!!one!!" so to WWE even if it fails on an epic proportion it won't matter because nobody will remember in a week or so. Its only us who complain about these things.

Just look at it as an extension of the angle, it doesn't take away from Orton cause we know he's an evil sonofabitch. It doesn't change anything IMO.
Orton's character didn't need this storyline. This is professional wrestling folks, and he is molding himself in to the heel of the future. Orton's first title reign for many was a lost cause. However I remember when he defeated Benoit, and it was a clean RKO. He isn't the greatest on the mic, but with time that comes. Obviously the WWE is testing his range, and that is more than likely why the WWE chose to give him this role.

I think he was better off as the character he was while he was the youngest champion of all time. You all remember the "Legend Killer"? I thought that was as far as the WWE should go in terms of character range. Orton played the role well, and I think this whole "crazy" thing will only go so far before people just forget about it. He doesn't need to be crazy as what he offered was enough. He is the cockiest, the most obnoxious, and definitely the most deceptive in all of the WWE. Let Orton be what made him one of the fastest rising young stars in all of the WWE.
Yeah I think the whole Orton IED thing is WAY over the heads of the younger WWE audience, so I think this was just th wrong way for the WWE to go...I just think the WWE has done only an OK job with Orton since he left Evolution...He should have had a better push by now, I think he shouldn't play the scared heel with the WWE....he was a Monster Heel and then they waste it all away with the IED....it's like, Did he have IED when he punted CENA's dad on the way to his 1st WWE title? I just wish they would have done better this week, like have him punt Dean Malenko for stopping him from kick Steph...
it keeps his Legend Killer status relevant....but I guess to keep with the question, I think it keeps him where he is....I think if they wouldn't have done the whole IED thing, he could've kept his character going and improved it by winning at 'Mania, and have Vince come back and have Orton play the Monster heel, and use CENA as the WWE's hero by constantly facing Orton throughout the year...
I personally like this angle. I think it adds a certain depth to his character, giving him the whole "unbalanced" gimmick. In the end, it can't hurt his credibility. Serial killers have head issues all the time, doesn't make them less dangerous or evil. If anything, from a realistic perspective, giving him this gimmick makes him more dangerous, since he seems to not know what he's doing until after.
If his past incidences or his theme song doesn't already make him maniacal, Randy Orton's IED won't do any harm either. It actually justifies the two previous points.

The only reason why it may be a bad idea is when they wanna turn him face. Heroes and IED don't mix.
I dont think any of us are actually suppose to believe that it is a general disorder he has. I think that we are suppose to realize its just his way of trying to get away with it, in which it serves the purpose. I dont think it is intended for us to believe it, just for us to realize he will go to the extent of faking disorders (and getting "doctors" to confirm it) to get the ultimate conclusion in his favor
I think this was a rather unexpected way to go with Orton, but something that could definitely work. It's kind of believable with his character as he doesn't just always go and punt his boss' head, just when he gets pissed. It also gives him another way to weasel out of trouble by saying it was just this, not him..which is clearly a heelish characteristic.
But, I don't really expect this to last any longer. I think it was just put in as a way for him to get out of being fired for what he did. Unless I'm mistaken they didn't really mention it this past week on Raw and I don't see them doing it again unless maybe one time when Vince himself comes back to confront Orton. He might then say, "hey it was this mental illness and you can't do anything about it" or something along those lines.
Or they could later retract this as a ruse which was suggested by whichever of the McMahons joins Legacy, as I think that is inevitable.
In my opinion (one which I personally highly esteem), the wwe is kinda wasting a bit of an opportunity with Orton at the moment. For the whole week following his punt of Mr McMahon and then winning the Rumble he seemed like the hottest property. The entire storyline seemed so unpredictable (at least to me anyway) and I was so looking forward to raw next day. And it has all seemed to fizzle out since. I wouldn't say the IED is the cause, but rather one of the symptoms. Would it not have seemed stronger for Orton to have come out next raw openly defying management (as he later did) rather than weaken the strength of this by also going on about the IED and using his lawyers and doctors. It felt like there was too much going on- promo's I think work best to iterate simple powerful messages rather than let these go on too long- you can literally hear the crowds interest dying the longer these go on.

I can (awful prevaricator I am) see the points made by those above though- the scenario I am mapping out above would move him to more of a tweener role- literally following in Stone Colds footsteps and away from the heel role he was in. I just don't know if all this hiding behind suits makes him annoying or hated. But surely he was so much more impressive two weeks ago than he is now.....
The IED idea is gonna help his heel persona. Think about it a heel is suppose to win using dirty tricks and cheap shots. Well now he is doing that and now has a excuse of him doing and not taking reponsbiltay for his actions which equals major heat for Orton which means fans will want to see him lose and will keep watching more and more which give Vince a few more dollars in his pocket.
When Randy Orton first debuted with the WWE, it was said he was an ex-Marine who had been discharged after disobeying an order and going AWOL. That's why he isn't on any tribute to the troops show. The troops know this and don't want anything to do with this. Now he has this IED gimmick. Now to most people, ever since the war started IED stands for Improvised Explosive Device. This is something that maims and kills American Soldiers. Not some made up mental disorder. Now, I think Orton is a great heel and has plenty of heat without it. Go ahead and kick VKM in the head. Beat the crap out of Shane. Slap Steph if you have to. But this gimmick may just bite Orton and the WWE in the buttocks. It's an insult to our troops and as a former Marine, (there is a difference) I think it's a poor idea by some goon in Creative.
:wtf:, Dude IED is a real mental disorder, it's not just something WWE made up, I agree that i may bite WWE in the ass but that is largly due to the fact that IED can also be casued by excessive steroid use, you'd think WWE creative would have done a little research before goign ahead with this, but nah, it's not like the media will look for an find whatever little thing they can to crucify the WWE over
I think that this is going to end up being one of the best business moves that WWE could of came up with for Orton. What they are trying to do here is create a new gimmick, so that the WWE universe doesn't have to see the same storylines over and over. It's something new, and if it fails it wasn't meant to workout. But i do like the way that things are going with this gimmick.
Im pretty sure that he just got the doctors not as an excuse to stay in the company, It plays on the whole pleading insanity thing. He doesnt really have a disorder,
IED? LOL. what a stupid idea to put a man like randy orton (a heel!) to show that he has IED. just the though of it on paper is filled with ridicule. its even stupider when he punted vince mcmahon and then seemed like he regretted it. hes a heel. show no remorse dammit! i can see this storyline going down the gutter and being wrestlecrap.
It's stupid, but luckily it seems like they dropped it. Orton is supposed to just be some bitch guy who punts people in the head whenever he feels like it. Giving him the "disability" makes it almost seem like he should be sympathized. Which is stupid. We should hate him. He should have no reason, other than wanting to punt the hell out of someone. If they choose to put more emphasis on this, I think they should say something along the lines of Orton making it up just to scare Stephanie so she wouldn't fire him, because otherwise I don't like it.
Have you ever thought about the fact that Orton is a heel? So he can very well LIE about his IED. This is just something to pass by it's not a factor that will be returning Orton and the WWE just used it as a little thing. Even if it stayed it would have no effect on the Orton character at all. Hasnt Orton been this asshole-like character since 2007? Dont think too much about his IED it'll probably be forgotten any time soon.
i have no problems with the IED thing... i think the wwe brought that idea out so that orton won't be fired by vince or be "sued" by the wwe for his actions. nice excuse that works perfectly for a main event heel. it kinda reminds me of the austin/mcmahon feud, where austin has the 'don't give a f-ck' attitude. now orton can have that same attitude, then blame it on IED. this should lead to some interesting plots going into wrestlemania.
He regretted kicking vince in the head cause he knew he was gonna get in huge trouble, The IED was the excuse to get him out of the huge trouble, I dont think the WWE even meant for it to be more than that, But then again I wouldnt put anything past them

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