Randy Orton and Big Show on break???

That N Word

Actively evolving
Randy Orton did not work this week’s WWE RAW or SmackDown tapings. Orton is still advertised for weekend WWE live events in New York and Monday’s RAW from Long Island. `But that can change, just like it did with Big Show.

Now, is it me or am I the only one thinking Randy is once again on "break." Because he wasn't at last weeks tapings (not even for a dark match.) In fact, he wasn't even backstage from what I heard.

I honestly think him and Show has been given a break. The fact is that neither have someone they can lock horns with for EC.

Except, maybe each other. But let's be real that probably won't happen, nor should it. Honestly, I don't want think any of us want to see it either.

I honestly feel that when Show returns he will either turn face (for the 1,000,001 time) or retire.

If he comes back as The Authority's background guy again it will hurt his legacy even farther.

With Orton, I remember hearing last year he was a part-timer now. Despite saying the reports was false. I am not buying it because it makes sense.

Unlike the rest of the "older caveman" on the roster Orton will be around for about 5-8 more years so he doesn't need to rest his body as a part-timer.

However, it could keep his legacy going by going part-time. Because, there is really nothing left for him. Mainly, as a full-timer besides about 2 more world title run, and a final IC title run.

I feel he should be a guy who only wrestles about 5 PPV's a year, I feel the same way about Cena too. But in Cena's case, he needs to wait until Roman or Dean steps in to that role before doing so.

But back to the topic at hand!!! Am I the only one who fells that either one of these two veterans in on a break???
Big Show put on a hell of a match with Roman Reigns at Extreme Rules, and he'd been working 6 straight months as a prominent heel for the Authority. My guess is that he's been given time off to rest his body and perhaps reassess his future. Reigns said he was going to retire Big Show, I hope that wasn't prophetic, but if that's really the last ride for Show, it was a great way to go.

I have no idea why Orton stopped appearing. There could be so many different reasons. Maybe he suffered a minor injury and was given a week off to rest. Perhaps creative didn't have anything for him, or maybe he requested a break. What I do know is that Randy is quite over as a face right now, and he should be used for something. He's got a lot of time left if he wants to.
Well I read a few months back in main page about Randy Orton's new contract, by which he only shows a limited television appearances and also limited his house shows. But I'm not sure how much of it can be true or if he had already signed that deal.

But this actually is the gateway for the young stars to come up and MainEvent and close Raw segments at least when he isn't around. This holds only if the above details were legitimate.

Well I read a few months back in main page about Randy Orton's new contract, by which he only shows a limited television appearances and also limited his house shows.

I remember reading this as well, if it prolongs Orton's career then it's a wise move, he's had his fair share of injuries over the years.

Given how he was triple power-bombed, it now gives Orton a reason to target all the former Shield members, a feud with Reigns first perhaps?
both have been prolific workers over the years. to me they've both earned the right to be able to slow things down and appear/work as needed.
They say time makes the heart grow fonder. I for one am willing to test that old philosophy. With Cena working lower on the card and these two on hiatus it pushes fresh blood into the spotlight. Let's see what how hot the product can get as we head into Summer Slam.
Reigns did not retire the Big Show. In fact, Wrestlezone keeps reporting that Big Show can show up at any time. Orton denied the rumors of his part time status. Both are probably just selling their injuries right now.

The real question is what to do with Orton while he's not needed for the WHC scene. I think he needs a victory and there aren't any real credible heels right now who can afford a loss. Big Show can at least either work as Rollins' muscle, or can just appear on a weekly basis to squash jobbers. Orton's future is still clouded in mystery.
I truly believe it's better for long time vets to get time off and/or be put on part-time contracts.

It helps the whole roster. The WWE will only get better if they invest in their young talent for the future.

In Big Show's case, he's been around too long already. He is not going to be winning the WWE World Title any more and he doesn't need to win any titles any more because beating him for a title has been done so many times it's not a big deal.

It would be a bigger deal for someone these days to beat Rusev for a title. Let's say it wasn't Cena. If it was Jack Swagger or Dean Ambrose or Roman Reigns, etc. it would be a MUCH bigger deal for them and in the eyes of the fans to beat a seemingly unstoppable force Rusev than a giant Big Show because giant Big Show is long past his prime and we've all seen him lose, sometimes very easily, too many times to take him seriously.

Big Show needs to be on a part-time contract at most. He can barely put anyone over any more. Probably he did help Reigns with that win at Extreme Rules because Reigns needed a big singles match PPV win and he got it. But Big Show can't do much more of that or then Reigns' win over Big Show would be even less significant if every other guy facing Big Show at a PPV ends up winning.

I totally appreciate the accomplishments he has made over the years in pro wrestling and he is worthy of the Hall of Fame but at this point in his career I honestly cannot think of much more Big Show can do to help WWE in terms of matches. So the less of him we see in the ring, the better.

As for Orton, he's still fairly young, 35. But since he started so young he's already had a long and successful career. His last run as WWE World Champ may be his last and I think that's okay. If he goes part-time and we don't see him every day I think that's for the best. We aren't really sick of him yet like Big Show and Kane so if he goes away for a while then comes back surprisingly it will be a welcomed return. Orton still has a lot of credibility and a win over him still means something but WWE should start now protecting him by not over exposing him. He needs a combination of big wins and big losses to young, up and comers and he'll be a true asset to the company.

Also, Orton just has been so consistent for so long he's obviously now gotta be feeling the affects of injuries piling up. I heard about a year or two ago that because of his neck or shoulder injuries he needs to get his shoulder 're-set' or some sort of procedure every single day he wrestles just so he CAN wrestle. It's about time he took more time off for the benefit of his own health and the impact he can have when he returns to WWE.

WWE's future is bright. They have the players to make it bright, at least. It's up to Creative to make the right choices. I know WM 32 needs to be big and no doubt they will rely on a lot of past stars but they need to keep pushing the future or WM 32 will mean nothing if no full-timer comes out of there with a lot of momentum.

So my short form response:

- Big Show has been over-exposed and the less we see of him the better.
- Orton is still valuable but in risk of being over-exposed if he doesn't move to a part-time schedule pretty soon.
- Orton and WWE could also benefit from him on a part-time contract because Orton's injuries are piling up and he deserves more time off.
Randy Orton did not work this week’s WWE RAW or SmackDown tapings. Orton is still advertised for weekend WWE live events in New York and Monday’s RAW from Long Island. `But that can change, just like it did with Big Show.

Now, is it me or am I the only one thinking Randy is once again on "break." Because he wasn't at last weeks tapings (not even for a dark match.) In fact, he wasn't even backstage from what I heard.

I honestly think him and Show has been given a break. The fact is that neither have someone they can lock horns with for EC.

Except, maybe each other. But let's be real that probably won't happen, nor should it. Honestly, I don't want think any of us want to see it either.

I honestly feel that when Show returns he will either turn face (for the 1,000,001 time) or retire.

If he comes back as The Authority's background guy again it will hurt his legacy even farther.

With Orton, I remember hearing last year he was a part-timer now. Despite saying the reports was false. I am not buying it because it makes sense.

Unlike the rest of the "older caveman" on the roster Orton will be around for about 5-8 more years so he doesn't need to rest his body as a part-timer.

However, it could keep his legacy going by going part-time. Because, there is really nothing left for him. Mainly, as a full-timer besides about 2 more world title run, and a final IC title run.

I feel he should be a guy who only wrestles about 5 PPV's a year, I feel the same way about Cena too. But in Cena's case, he needs to wait until Roman or Dean steps in to that role before doing so.

But back to the topic at hand!!! Am I the only one who fells that either one of these two veterans in on a break???

With a PPV coming up in a week after Payback, I commend WWE for not forcing Orton and Show on the card, when they clearly don't have anything legit planned for them.

After Elimination Chamber is over, I could see Orton and Show competing in the WWE WHC MITB match at MITB if they can't find a one-on-one match for either of the two.
With a PPV coming up in a week after Payback, I commend WWE for not forcing Orton and Show on the card, when they clearly don't have anything legit planned for them.

After Elimination Chamber is over, I could see Orton and Show competing in the WWE WHC MITB match at MITB if they can't find a one-on-one match for either of the two.

I have to agree. Show, Orton and Reigns don't appear to be on the EC card, which is fine with me. As for Show and Orton taking a break. The only one I miss is Orton. Show with his huge size isn't being missed at all I don't think.

Usually when Orton acts up they put him in a time out. I haven't heard anything about "Randy being Randy", and there is no reports of an injury. Maybe he's taking a much needed vacation, while they sort out something for him.

A lot of wrestler's seem to be at a loose end right now, and with MITB coming up, it would appear we might see something new happening with lots of them. Hope so anyway.
The summer is coming, and thats the time when many of the top guys in WWE take a break. Besides Cena of course. Big Show always goes on a break every year, the guy needs it. And I cant blame Orton, guy needs a break too. What you guys expect these guys to go 52x2 weeks a year?

And it would be a nice fresh break for once to not see the same cast of stars on a "PPV". Hopefully WWE is going to run 2 PPVs a month, one being a Network only show, but get some of the other talent in big matches, and bigger stars in the other. No reason we need Orton or Big Show on every show. Helps the younger talent get more tv time if they are off. Which is always good.

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