Racism in Sports

Rhonda Rousey's Sports Bra

Kinda Sorta Old School
Is it still around? How much has it changed since the days of Jackie Robinson? Does it affect the outcome in the games? What sports are affected most by it? What race gets the worst of it?

All questions I'd like to address here and some that I didn't list.

I'll start off by saying that I don't see much racism in sports today, but I'm also not really looking for it. I will say that you can tell in the fighting world that racism is still there. This past weekend watching the Silva-Sonnen fight the lines where drawn in the bar. Blacks cheering for Silva and whites cheering for Sonnen, after the fight was a very tense time and all hell broke out in the parking lot.

Another example was the big Reds-Cardinals brawl yesterday. I heard racial slurs being thrown at Brandon Phillips throughout the game. Duke basketball is another case where I've heard racial remarks but this time towards the white Duke players.

All these are more examples of fans being racist as opposed to players and officials but they are all things that stick out in my mind. So what say you on this touchy subject?

Please remember that racist remarks aren't allowed here on the open forum so keep it clean.

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