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R Truth: What Now?

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Da Solo

Getting Noticed By Management
Seriously, creative team? Did that really just happen? I mean I didn't expect Truth to win the Chamber (and whoever did must really believe in miracles), but you just eliminated him that fast? His pod opens, he kicks ass for about freakin 2 seconds, then a Brouge kick and Truth is out. If you were gonna job him out like that, might as well have just given Danielson the spot. Smh...

It's not only recently. Ever since the Miz took his US title, the creative team has all collectively shat on this guy. You had him lose to Del Rio in three our of four matches (even if it's because of Ricardo Rodriguez, it still looks bad to lose 3 times in a row to the same guy), and the fourth one, the only one in which he actually won, was a tag match. Then Mason Ryan, in his debut, squashes him. Okay, he probably deserved that for the whole Green Bay/Milwaukee thing, but damn! You're about to put him in the chamber and you have him job to the newest guy on the roster?

Just at this time of last year Truth was racking up wins against the current WWE champion the Miz, and now the only time he can win a solo match is if it's against a jobber (Kidd, Dibiase, etc.) And let's face it: he has good in -ring skills (ignoring the Mason Ryan match). His mic-skills are hit or miss, but let's face it, so are the mic skills of many good in-ring performers (Morrison for example). He puts on good matches even when he loses (for example: Truth vs. Sheamus during KOTR, Truth vs. Barrett, Truth vs. Del-Rio), and you can't say that "so-and-so" carried the match if it's a repeating thing.

TNA made this guy their World Champion twice. NWA did it too. I'm not saying give him a world title push cuz he's not ready yet, but damnit fix this mess.
R-Truth is terrible- thats whats up. I dont even know what his gimmick is anymore, it's like hes just a nice guy who fights bad guys who likes to say hello to every1. He needs to move on. Idk if anyone else reads the raw rating reports which states how each segment does. The last 4 r-truth matches to my memory led to significant loss.(I'd post the link but I dont feel like looking for it) R-Truth being futured endeavored thats whats up.
Seriously, creative team? Did that really just happen? I mean I didn't expect Truth to win the Chamber (and whoever did must really believe in miracles), but you just eliminated him that fast? His pod opens, he kicks ass for about freakin 2 seconds, then a Brouge kick and Truth is out. If you were gonna job him out like that, might as well have just given Danielson the spot. Smh...

It's not only recently. Ever since the Miz took his US title, the creative team has all collectively shat on this guy. You had him lose to Del Rio in three our of four matches (even if it's because of Ricardo Rodriguez, it still looks bad to lose 3 times in a row to the same guy), and the fourth one, the only one in which he actually won, was a tag match. Then Mason Ryan, in his debut, squashes him. Okay, he probably deserved that for the whole Green Bay/Milwaukee thing, but damn! You're about to put him in the chamber and you have him job to the newest guy on the roster?

Just at this time of last year Truth was racking up wins against the current WWE champion the Miz, and now the only time he can win a solo match is if it's against a jobber (Kidd, Dibiase, etc.) And let's face it: he has good in -ring skills (ignoring the Mason Ryan match). His mic-skills are hit or miss, but let's face it, so are the mic skills of many good in-ring performers (Morrison for example). He puts on good matches even when he loses (for example: Truth vs. Sheamus during KOTR, Truth vs. Barrett, Truth vs. Del-Rio), and you can't say that "so-and-so" carried the match if it's a repeating thing.

TNA made this guy their World Champion twice. NWA did it too. I'm not saying give him a world title push cuz he's not ready yet, but damnit fix this mess.

Lol, I think it's because he fucked up that Milwaukee thing and also he botched the fuck outta that match that Ryan had to carry him. I think he's going through that punishment and it's kinda good they didn't haeve Danielson in his place because you don't want him to be squashed. It's kinda a Domino effect really:

R-Truth's kickin' ass, ate the kick and Sheamus looks strong. Then Morrison did that epic spot and Morrison's a superstar. Then CM punk took him out and major heat on him. And then SuperCena makes the save. You don't want DBD to be squashed by Sheamus. I'd rather him have a fight. Sure, if creative wanted DBD to put on a show, yes but other than that Truth's a glorified jobber at this point. I'm not hating on him, but it's kinda true sorry lol.

PS: Did you realize he doesn't have the Mic anymore LMAO
I like R-Truth honestly. His gimmick is what fucking kills him. Really? Screaming "whats up" to the worst beat ever? Make the guy more serious, give him some spotlight and maybe a win. Possibly turn him heel to face Bryan for the US Title or something. But no I agree with you. There is raw potential here, anyone that disagrees with that doesn't see him in the ring enough. That's with like jeans on too. He's no John Morrison but he is certainly entertaining and willing to take a bump. His look isn't bad either. He just needs a gimmick make over. I also think, and I USUALLY NEVER FEEL THIS WAY ABOUT ANYTHING, I am not one to label everything racist or anything like that, but I think a little bit about why people don't like him as the others is because he's black. Now look, I'm not calling anyone that doesn't like R-Truth racist. But lets be real, a black champion would be very different. Don't even bring up The Rock. He is much lighter toned and Samoan (correct me if I'm wrong). R-Truth is straight black. I say change the gimmick and give him a shot, but my say has absolutely no bearing on what the WWE does whatsoever - unfortunately.
I like R-Truth honestly. His gimmick is what fucking kills him. Really? Screaming "whats up" to the worst beat ever? Make the guy more serious, give him some spotlight and maybe a win. Possibly turn him heel to face Bryan for the US Title or something. But no I agree with you. There is raw potential here, anyone that disagrees with that doesn't see him in the ring enough. That's with like jeans on too. He's no John Morrison but he is certainly entertaining and willing to take a bump. His look isn't bad either. He just needs a gimmick make over. I also think, and I USUALLY NEVER FEEL THIS WAY ABOUT ANYTHING, I am not one to label everything racist or anything like that, but I think a little bit about why people don't like him as the others is because he's black. Now look, I'm not calling anyone that doesn't like R-Truth racist. But lets be real, a black champion would be very different. Don't even bring up The Rock. He is much lighter toned and Samoan (correct me if I'm wrong). R-Truth is straight black. I say change the gimmick and give him a shot, but my say has absolutely no bearing on what the WWE does whatsoever - unfortunately.

are you saying that they should make him white?
John Morrison is a LOT more deserving of a title push than R-truth. I get what you mean about him jobbing but still. Mason Ryan has a bright future and even though he himself admits that he's not ready, once Nexus is over he'll be pushed as a monster heel and probably be champion by late 2011 or early 2012.

R-truth shouldn't of even been in the match of Daniel Bryan anyway as I think Daniel Bryan would of had better spots but oh well... I had no problem about R-truth getting eliminated quickly. I did have a problem with Orton eliminating Punk so quick but that was all sorted in due course with punk ending up eliminating Orton.

" I am not one to label everything racist or anything like that, but I think a little bit about why people don't like him as the others is because he's black. Now look, I'm not calling anyone that doesn't like R-Truth racist. But lets be real, a black champion would be very different."

Booker T called, he was wondering when he turned white.
I like R-Truth honestly. His gimmick is what fucking kills him. Really? Screaming "whats up" to the worst beat ever? Make the guy more serious, give him some spotlight and maybe a win. Possibly turn him heel to face Bryan for the US Title or something. But no I agree with you. There is raw potential here, anyone that disagrees with that doesn't see him in the ring enough. That's with like jeans on too. He's no John Morrison but he is certainly entertaining and willing to take a bump. His look isn't bad either. He just needs a gimmick make over. I also think, and I USUALLY NEVER FEEL THIS WAY ABOUT ANYTHING, I am not one to label everything racist or anything like that, but I think a little bit about why people don't like him as the others is because he's black. Now look, I'm not calling anyone that doesn't like R-Truth racist. But lets be real, a black champion would be very different. Don't even bring up The Rock. He is much lighter toned and Samoan (correct me if I'm wrong). R-Truth is straight black. I say change the gimmick and give him a shot, but my say has absolutely no bearing on what the WWE does whatsoever - unfortunately.

i can tell ur not trying to be racist but ur a bit wrong man

ron simmons
tony atlas
rock johnson
sd jones
butch reed

these guys had awesome careers and they were all black... i think its more of a punishment thng and tht theyre waiting for the right time to give him a push

or maybe truth himself doesnt want a push right now. lots of superstars sometimes prefer to stay back to be in less matches and not do too much damage to themselves
R-Truth is just a mid-card wrestler, he'll never be a world champion in the WWE. He will always be a mid-card wrestler who is entertaining the thought of a a main event break out. Slapping a belt on him like the IC or US could help him in the short run. Only problem is they would take it off another great face (kofi or bryan).
Sadly, there aren't any good fueds in the mid-card on RAW for R-truth. All the mid-card heels on RAW never get a strong crowd reaction and are kind of boring. RAW has far too many top-level guys or low-level wrestlers to make a good rivalry for Truth. I think a move to Smackdown maybe his best option or continue getting his butt kicked by main event heels.
R-Truth will never main event and I'm almost glad he got buried. However if the RAW EC had Daniel Bryan or someone instead of Truth atleast we would see a few nice moves, probably an innovative submission on Morrison etc. Bryan ended up being the show's dark match... which is hardly justice to how good he is.

Another thing, was everyone else purely entertained by CM Punk's movements and his facial expressions even when he was just in the "Pod"... he's just EPIC lol.
are you saying that they should make him white?


Just kidding. But seriously, the guy needs a gimmick change. Gimmick and ethnicity aren't the same thing.

Also to the other dude, point well taken. Certainly there have been many black superstars that have enjoyed great careers and you even forgot Booker T and Lashley I believe (ECW Champion). Even still, I'm not even saying make R-Truth champion. It's just that at this current moment, there are really no black superstars even close to the main event picture. There was Lashley, and I suppose Booker wasn't too long ago. Maybe I'm forgetting some but other than that the closest was the Rock and that was 7 years ago. This era and PG included hasn't really seen a lot of black superstars that are in the main event. That's all I'm saying. I'm not claiming anyone's racist or anyone should turn white, haha. It's just that whether we want to admit it or not, it'd be a change.

I'll feel dumb if I'm forgetting some obvious black that is in the main event scene but I really can't focus right now I guess :banghead:
really, man?

Yeah, that was pretty bad. But, to the topic at hand. I don't think the problem is necessarily Truth (though I am not a big fan). It is more the way WWE looks at the midcard belts. Back in "the day" the IC belt and US belts were something people strived for. The heavyweight belts were exactly that, usually going to the big power guys with the occasional "scrapper" holding it for a while. Nowadays it seems like everyone is either a jobber or is involved in some capacity in the ME picture.

WWE just needs to get back to a more segmented roster. Have you big guns in the ME and have the others (Kofi, Swagger, Christian, Truth, Dibiase, Bryan, Rhodes, etc) actually being driven to win the midcard belts. Go back to those best of "X" programs (like TNA did very well with the MCMG and Beer Money a few months back).

It has already been mentioned, but how good would a best of 5 culminating at a PPV between Bryan and Morrison be? You hit all the good matches (start with a straight match, 2nd is falls count anywhere to benefit Morrison, 3rd is Submission to favor Bryan, 4th is a ladder match, and the deciding match at SummerSlam is a 60 minute Iron-Man match).

I know I kind of went off topic there at the end, but my overall point is more that the issue isn't with anything Truth is or isn't doing, it is more with the entire mid-card scene in general.
I don't understand why people around here have this very difficult time realizing that the WWE just isn't building up mid-carders in their late 30's. Ron Killings is 39. Yes, some wrestlers go on into their 50's, and god help us, a couple are wheeling themselves out in their 60's, but historically speaking, R-Truth is at the end of his career.

Why would you build up a guy to the main event picture when you can't be sure if he'll even be wrestling in two years? See: Cage, Christian. Why build up an R-Truth when you could build up a Wade Barrett or Sheamus, people that will be around for several years more?

What now for R-Truth? He'll either work a tag program with a younger face to give him the rub, or he'll do the job to a young, upcoming heel. His stock hasn't fallen so far that he needs to be given a IC/US title run soon; his role in the WWE is to push other people, and he's still credible in that role. He's not getting "lost", people just have this entirely mistaken idea that he was ever on the World Champion path in WWE.
Truth is talented, but honeslty he's a glorified jobber. Nobody takes him seriously. Same as Santino. Not to sound like a broken record, but my solution: turn him heel. Give him like a thug gimmick, reminescent of old Cena. Give him the name Ron Killings. Make that spinning axe kick his move instead of that lie detector nonsense, maybe give him a stable. Make him feud with Daniel Bryan for the U.S. Title. I'm not talking some 1month crap. Let it build up for months. That would be good for both parties involved.
I like R-truth's ring ability, but his gimmick truly is terrible. If they really want to turn Truth around, they should turn him HEEL. He's got a look to him that could make for a great villain. I say have him target Daniel Bryan for his US title in some brutal fashion, and see what a heel run does for him. If it's going well, then maybe it's time for a push. If people don't buy it, then honestly I don't know what to do with the guy. He'll probably go the way of Charlie Haas and Kaval. Talented, but just not useful enough to keep around.
Major Heel Turn is ALL he needs..

He proved in TNA he could be as top name.. but ONLY as a HEEL..

WWE has no respect whatsoever for the hip hop culture, first they have a rapping white guy coming out looking like a fool, to Cryme Time looking like fools, to R-truth looking like a fool..

R-Truth needs to be teamed up with a "HEEL" Booker T. or even mentored kinda like Undertaker did for The Big Show when he was going no where in his career

& here's a long shot...............


Truth, Henry, Kofi, & Otunga.. managed by a heel GM Teddy Long..
(Bunch of Underappreciated Black Wresters)

But that would NEVER happen.. sigh
I say: tag him with Sheamus and call them "Ebony and Ivory" :lol:

That made me think of Devil May Cry, Dante's guns.

Anyways, R-Truth is a decent wrestler, but the fact that he was a champion in TNA led to some form of punishment at some point from Vince. A tease for a main event run and then boom, shot right back down. It's obvious that if the guy can't really draw all that much with the B-Company known as TNA, then he can't draw as with the A-List WWE, so him getting pushed close then dropped hard at EC was a no-brainer. Wait, that didn't make enough sense, and I wrote it, lol.
like the poster above said.R-Truth can play a good heel.Go on you tube and watch some of his heel promo's where he is talkin trash about CeNa. That would get him some love in the WWE.
But as far as a new N.O.D. i would like it except i would get rid of Kofi & Espicially Mr.Uncle Tom Teddy Long.Replace them with Tarver & Farouq as the old school JJ Dillion type manager
I like the idea of revamping the R-Truth gimmick. Currently, his character is stale, boring, and annoying. Furthermore, a heel run could give the character a much needed makeover. Lets face the facts, there's nothing lamer than R-Truth's theme song; theirs nothing sadder than a forty year old, family friendly rapper. R-Truth is presented as a mid card talent and nothing more. There's nothing wrong with that. He plays his role well. His biggest obstacle is his presentation.


Ring Work 7/10
Personality/charisma 9/10
Gimmick 4/10

Need I say more?

As it relates to racism in pro wrestling, if you've taken the time to see or listen to the shoot interviews of the African American wrestlers,(Ron Simmons,New Jack, Bad News Brown, Brickhouse Brown, Kamala, Tony Atlas, Ahmed Johnson, etc) the #1 question posed to the interviewee's was:

Is there racism in professional wrestling?

They all said there was to a certain degree.

Race is a factor in the wrestling business, as it is in society as a whole. The biggest way to overcome the color barrier is by: having the It Factor, the ability to perform at a high level, and the ability to draw big money. Such traits worked for The Rock, The Junk Yard Dog, and to a lesser degree Booker T.

Within the current wrestling scene the only African Americans who has shown the most potential of becoming a main event talent is The Pope. It's too bad he's stuck in TNA which doesn't know how to present or market talent to begin with.
As much as I hate to admit it...

Truth gets a bigger pop then almost ANYONE currently just by saying "WHAT'S UP?" The crowd reacts to that as loud as they boo Vickie Guerrero.

He just needs to stop dancing around (Even if that was ALWAYS his emo) obviously it hasn't got him far.. R-Truth will NEVER be Booker T who he seems to mold himself under.
I can see R Truth getting over as a heel with the same gimmick he has now. Seriously. The only thing you would have to do is make him a slim ball in the ring and add some more cockiness to his character. He would get over easy. People already hate him, you might as well make him play up to what they hate. His stupid dancing, dumb smile, it's all there.

To further it, I would pair him up with someone who the WWE constantly pushes that gets little to no heat. Every time I watch McIntyre come out, the crowd is silent. Pairing him up with a heel Truth would quickly remedy that. I think the two could play well off each other, like a less comical New Age Outlaws. The WWE could continue to push McIntyre for the title, but he would have a great heat magnet in Truth with him.
Honestly, my only issue with R-Truth is that sometimes he wins. I really enjoy seeing him lose. He is incredibly over with me, but only as a jobber. I wish he jobbed on Raw every week.

Seriously though, I hate his gimmick with a passion. Ever since he was trying to manipulate Cena during his Nexus feud, I've hated his character. He came off as such a manipulative, mischievous heel in those promos, but nothing ever came of it. I'm not sure how they could change his gimmick though. After all, he's been using this same gimmick for a decade. (Remember K-Kwik.) Unfortunately, I just don't think he has the charisma for anything other than a rapper.
As much as I hate to admit it...

Truth gets a bigger pop then almost ANYONE currently just by saying "WHAT'S UP?" The crowd reacts to that as loud as they boo Vickie Guerrero.

He just needs to stop dancing around (Even if that was ALWAYS his emo) obviously it hasn't got him far.. R-Truth will NEVER be Booker T who he seems to mold himself under.

Rtruth is a good heel , lol youre right about that. But that dancing bullshit and rapping to the ring has to go, because its hard to take someone serious when theyre doing that. And Yeah hes definitely a main eventer, but only if hes heel.
Seriously, creative team? Did that really just happen? I mean I didn't expect Truth to win the Chamber (and whoever did must really believe in miracles), but you just eliminated him that fast? His pod opens, he kicks ass for about freakin 2 seconds, then a Brouge kick and Truth is out. If you were gonna job him out like that, might as well have just given Danielson the spot. Smh...

It's not only recently. Ever since the Miz took his US title, the creative team has all collectively shat on this guy. You had him lose to Del Rio in three our of four matches (even if it's because of Ricardo Rodriguez, it still looks bad to lose 3 times in a row to the same guy), and the fourth one, the only one in which he actually won, was a tag match. Then Mason Ryan, in his debut, squashes him. Okay, he probably deserved that for the whole Green Bay/Milwaukee thing, but damn! You're about to put him in the chamber and you have him job to the newest guy on the roster?

Just at this time of last year Truth was racking up wins against the current WWE champion the Miz, and now the only time he can win a solo match is if it's against a jobber (Kidd, Dibiase, etc.) And let's face it: he has good in -ring skills (ignoring the Mason Ryan match). His mic-skills are hit or miss, but let's face it, so are the mic skills of many good in-ring performers (Morrison for example). He puts on good matches even when he loses (for example: Truth vs. Sheamus during KOTR, Truth vs. Barrett, Truth vs. Del-Rio), and you can't say that "so-and-so" carried the match if it's a repeating thing.

TNA made this guy their World Champion twice. NWA did it too. I'm not saying give him a world title push cuz he's not ready yet, but damnit fix this mess.
They been burying him like they do all the bruthaz, man i been telling people this shit. But they constantly yell out he sucks. Its not his fault. Its creative and the people that book these matches. They almost destroyed Sheltons career. I just think they really favor a certain kind of people over the bruthas. Because Rtruth as a heel is better than anyone on that Raw roster i seen dude in TNA as a heel, but its so frustrating the way they treat the bruthas. Im still pissed that they let Rey Mysterio , a fucking cruiser weight win the world title before Booker T.

If they let r truth go as a heel is would be great because hes a legit tough guy look and personality, very edgy unlike most of the clowns who try to act tough, like the muppets from core who try to be hard while having boy band haircuts. Truth looks like he just came off the street. The facial expressions he was making when he was beating down morrison were nasty and evil.

We need to see more of that. Fans love real characters.
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