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R Truth vs Drew McIntyre

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
This is a very late addition to the ppv. These two have been attacking each other for the last few weeks, and now they finally will meet one on one. I don't really like what I see with McIntyre and I love R Truth so I hope he gets the victory. However, it looks like McIntyre is getting a push so he will most likely win. It's nice to see R truth on a ppv though.
I went on to WWE.com, but they didn't have this match listed yet. I really don't care if it happens today or not. I really like R-Truth and I don't like the way he's being treated on Smackdown. Drew McIntyre seems to be on a roll, depsite not having a match yet, so I think he will pick up the win. Hopefully, the fued doesn't end there and R-Truth defeats him in future matches. This is turning out to be a pretty good fued, if you ask me. But R-Truth deserves to be competing for a title.
who in the blue hell is Drew McIntyre really what has he done in wrestling nothing I just heard about him last night when i watched Smackdown and he is getting a match on a ppv that should be for people that have good fueds going. This match might not even make the ppv in most likey going to be the bonus match on the Hell in the Cell DVD R Truth went from being a TNA World Champ, TNA Tag-Team champ to being a fuckin jobber to a nobody
who in the blue hell is Drew McIntyre really what has he done in wrestling nothing I just heard about him last night when i watched Smackdown and he is getting a match on a ppv that should be for people that have good fueds going. This match might not even make the ppv in most likey going to be the bonus match on the Hell in the Cell DVD R Truth went from being a TNA World Champ, TNA Tag-Team champ to being a fuckin jobber to a nobody

Maybe if you actually watched the damn show, you'd know who he is. He's young, has talent, charisma, and has held numerous titles for independent promotions, including being a former FCW Heavyweight Champion. He's actually appeared on SD before a couple years ago, but you probably wouldn't remember that, either. He's being built-up properly, steadily pushed, and I for one am looking forward to see what he brings to the ring on Sunday.

As for other feuds, by whom do you mean? Off the top of my head, the only other match I can think of that isn't on the card is for the Women's Title...and I actually had to go back and double-check as to see who the Women's Champion is and who she's feuding with...
Is this actually going to be on the card? This sounds like a match better suited for a preshow or an episode of Superstars, what the hell is this doing on a PPV card? I think these two could actually have a pretty good match, but it seems like it would fit better on an episode of Smackdown than an actual PPV.
I can't stand R-Truth. I think he's whack. I remember seeing a house show when he came out as K-Krush, or K-Kwik whichever it was, i know he changed it when he made it 2 tv. IF he ever....EEEVVVVVVVERRRR, puts that mic in my face, expecting me 2 say
"Wassup", i'ma say "U suck!"

BUT!! I must admit that i'm actually pretty interested in this feud he has with McIntyre. I was just thinkin that it SHOULD be on the ppv last friday night. It's the most interest R-Truth has received out of me that's 4 sure
Where has this been confirmed? It's not on WWE.com. The only source I've seen is WZ.

If it is on the card, they're really pushing McIntyre, making his first match a PPV match. It'll be great to see R-Truth on PPV, and I hope he does his crowd entrance. Truth is massively over and is one of the few midcarders I could see stepping up to main event status.
They've been really building McIntyre up, and I have a nasty feeling he'll win. I can hope that that doesn't happen, though. We'll see come Sunday.
okay first off lord_altan i dont' see FCW and independent titles who saw them win those titles other then the live crowd there, and sorry that i can't keep up wtih smackdown i mean i don't have mynetwork tv hell half the time i watch it on youtube or read the spoliers from wrestlezone and i haven't looked or watched it for about a couple months , this is just another punk from FCW that won't make it from on WWE programming if you don't think so just tune in to ECW and watch braden walker on ECW challenging for the ECW title oh yeah i forget hes gone and sooner or later Drew Mclntyre will be gone and i really think r truth shouldn't be in that match he should be in a match where at least a title is on the line i don't care what title, i mean come on the guy is a former world champion and as for the other fueds you got DX and Legacy, the neverending saga of John Cena and Randy Orton, the new fued of the Undertaker and CM punk

secondly i think it will be a good match but its a b grade feud there hasnt been any matches its just been each guy jumoing each othet

P.S if u look closely when r-truth jumps mcintyre at the smackdown 10th aniversary celbration they both fall into the cake!
Is this actually going to be on the card? This sounds like a match better suited for a preshow or an episode of Superstars, what the hell is this doing on a PPV card? I think these two could actually have a pretty good match, but it seems like it would fit better on an episode of Smackdown than an actual PPV.

My thoughts exactly. It seems like a very strange match to put on a PPV when there's plenty of other talent.
Drew Mc wouldn't happen to be from the UK by any chance? Anyone fancy a McGuinness?
I think this is great. Drew McIntyre has potential, and if the WWE didn't agree with that, then he would have just ended up on ECW.
McIntyre will win this, but don't be dissappointed that R-Truth is jobbing to him. Atleast it's being done in a feud and on a pay-per-view.
This has been confirmed on WWE.COM, and I think it's great. Not for Drew McIntyre obviously, but seeing R-Truth actually getting some goddamn PPV time warms my cockles. This smells of an actual feud. Thank god. I thought he was so close to getting fed to Hornswoggle. Below is whats posted on WWE.COM:

WWE.COM said:
At Hell in a Cell, the growing fire storm between R-Truth & Drew McIntyre will finally spread into a squared circle inferno. And now that the hatred of both Superstars has built to a fever pitch, the outcome could very well determine their SmackDown destiny.
The intense rivalry between Truth & McIntyre didn’t come out of a bitter in-ring confrontation, but rather out of a match that never took place. Though McIntyre was scheduled to go one-on-one with the rapping Superstar several weeks ago on SmackDown, he instead elected to attack him before the bell. He continued his relentless onslaught in the weeks to come, interrupting Truth’s interview with forceful resolve as well as gleefully announcing an “accident” to the WWE Universe which would prevent Truth from competing in his scheduled match.
Moments after WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon personally signed The Scottish Superstar to the SmackDown roster, R-Truth struck back with fury, laying a vengeful assault on Friday Night’s newest Superstar. The intense animosity carried into the following week, when another battle erupted between the two grapplers during the “Decade of SmackDown” special, sending the joyful festivities of SmackDown’s 10-year Anniversary into chaos.
While R-Truth looks to stop McIntrye’s WWE career before it even gets started at this Sunday’s pay-per-view, his confident adversary aims only to prove that “the party is over” for the charismatic Superstar. Who will reign supreme at Hell in a Cell? Find out this Sunday, Oct. 4 at 8/7 CT only on pay per-view.
who in the blue hell is Drew McIntyre really what has he done in wrestling nothing I just heard about him last night when i watched Smackdown and he is getting a match on a ppv that should be for people that have good fueds going. This match might not even make the ppv in most likey going to be the bonus match on the Hell in the Cell DVD R Truth went from being a TNA World Champ, TNA Tag-Team champ to being a fuckin jobber to a nobody

Umm he was never TNA anything... he was NWA champ and tag champ...

But finally we get McIntyre in a decent fued after being called back up (yes less we forget he was teamed with "Squire" Dave Taylor on Smackdown before in a Blue Blood-ish rehash) and he might be able to draw a good match out of Killings. The guy is a future star, and the lazys who just think he's some new kid who doesn't deserve anything need to do their homework.

This match has potential to either be really good or really awful... depends on what kind of match Drew can pull out of Ron...
I don't have nothing against this match because I like R-Truth and I like to see him on a PPV card. But not 1 ECW on a PPV card ?? Does Vince even remember he has 3 brands ? I mean you can count the ECW title as the 3rd most important in the WWE! And you have the divas match which will be pointless. I don't remember a ECW title match I have not enjoyed this year on a PPV, because ECW only get title matches on PPV's and they didn't even get that this time. I thought Vince cared a little about ECW, guess I was wrong.
I don't have nothing against this match because I like R-Truth and I like to see him on a PPV card. But not 1 ECW on a PPV card ?? Does Vince even remember he has 3 brands ? I mean you can count the ECW title as the 3rd most important in the WWE! And you have the divas match which will be pointless. I don't remember a ECW title match I have not enjoyed this year on a PPV, because ECW only get title matches on PPV's and they didn't even get that this time. I thought Vince cared a little about ECW, guess I was wrong.

Well the Divas match is the bathroom break. This Truth/McIntyre match basically should serve as filler as well. But it does raise the question of why they don't have an ECW title match if they felt they could squeeze this one in there. I guess they just don't want this match to go more than 5 minutes and felt that the ECW title being in yet another quick match would hurt it worse than if it just wasn't on the card at all.

Not sure why they're pushing McIntyre so strongly. I haven't seen his in-ring work since the last time he was with Dave Taylor on Smackdown (in which I wasn't impressed) but I'm also not impressed at all with his generic character, or his mic skills, or even his look. Obviously he's either got something great about him that I'm not seeing yet or he's tight with someone with power and receiving special treatment - or they're just going to be making another massive hiccup in "why did we bother so much with that guy" - because he's gotten a rub from McMahon and his first match will be on ppv. That's pretty good for someone making a redebut where we were supposed to forget about his first run.

Prediction: Lots of quick sloppy fighting with McIntyre getting the win and everyone going "meh".
I am happy to see that for the first time in a long time a mid card non title feud has made a pay per view. Unfortunately I don't believe this match will be any good. I look forward to seeing Drew McIntyre's debut match but other then that I don't expect much. R Truth will put up a fight but obviously lose as this guy is supposedly " a future heavyweight champion " according to Vinnie Mac himself.
Well im happy that R truth is getting ppv time and I am a fan of Drew McIntyre. So I have no problem with this match at all. But I do agree with someone said above this match can either be really good great or really bad or decent.
McIntyre is absolutely awful!!!! At least we know when to go get beers and snacks during this pay per view....He must be crying about getting some PPV money, or R-Truth deserves to get some PPV money and for lack of a better opponent they are giving the nod to McIntyre. Mc has been lame every time they have brought him up to the show, and he doesnt appear any different than the last 3 times he has been called up....ridiculous, doesn't matter what he has done on the indy circuit, he doesnt measure up to WWE talent and I don't think he ever will. This is his last shot for sure....WWE should let him go, then he can go sign with TNA and be part of the lame World Elite....
Drew McIntyre has been called up and sent down so many times now, this has to be his last shot with WWE. R Truth deserves some PPV time, but none the less this match will be bad. They haven't faced off in a match yet and have no chemistry what so ever. I don't know what to expect from this match, but if anything, McIntyre wil probably just sneak up on R Truth yet again and it'll never officially take place.
Fair play mate, well put, Drew McIntyre is a young British prospect who has been waiting patiently for his time, yes i do agree its a strange match to have on a PPV with no experience but i remember MVP having his first match on a PPV against a jobber, whereas this match has a rising star, who Vince sees something in, and a very experienced and fan favorite in R-Truth, i am looking forward to this for the whole reason that this match is Drew McIntyres first, hes aiming to impress and he doesnt want to make any wrong moves, with the way the fued has gone on the last few weeks, with Truth being beaten down, i could see Truth pulling it off, something for the fans, although it will not reflect on Drews ability or backstage rep, need to give him time, nice to see new stars being given an oportunity
Haha, I never thought this would end up on a PPV, but it's a good sign.

McIntyre has had a decent push and Truth has always been uber over. Attacking a fan favourite is always a good way to get some serious heel heat, but I just feel the ppv crowd will be different to the Smackdown one, and no one will care about either of them.

Hopefully they get more than five minutes and have a decent showing. If it goes well, who nows what the future will hold for these two? Well, nothing more than an IC reign for sure, but that's better than what Truth's had so far. I like Truth, his first PPV one-on-one showing is something worth watching for in my eyes.
I don't understand you guys. First there is bitching and moaning about creating new stars pushing new talent. WWE does it and you guys aren't happy???

Someone said there is no chemistry between them? how the hell do you know if they haven't had a match yet.

Watch the match, then state your opinions on how awful they are...cabron...
real talk wen da fuck is r truth goin to get a push he deserves to b competin for at least the intercontinental title cuzz da fans love him and i think dat he and john morrison wud hav a good match and dis match shouldnt b on da pay per view
This match if it is going to take place will happen after both of the hell in a cell championship matches, I dont get the logic in this at all, this matchs hype is mind boggling, it is a joke, neither of these guys are even midcarders on smackdown if they are its the lower mid card, why is it in the spot of the ppv it is in and why in blue hell is matt hardy, kane, mike knoxx, finnely, and the hart dynasty not on the ppv since all of these guys are a hundred times more over then a guy you wouldnt even know who he is if you havent watched smackdown. I saw him once being that I missed like 3 straight weeks of smackdown, but from what i saw of him on the 10th aniversy smackdown I dont think I could even reconize him when he enters into the ring. Why is he even on a ppv and why after both major championships its mind boggling
Umm he was never TNA anything... he was NWA champ and tag champ...

But finally we get McIntyre in a decent fued after being called back up (yes less we forget he was teamed with "Squire" Dave Taylor on Smackdown before in a Blue Blood-ish rehash) and he might be able to draw a good match out of Killings. The guy is a future star, and the lazys who just think he's some new kid who doesn't deserve anything need to do their homework.

This match has potential to either be really good or really awful... depends on what kind of match Drew can pull out of Ron...

Ron is a former NWA-TNA world champion he won that title from ken shamrock, and he is a former NWA tag team champ with the 3LK and he teamed with Adam Pacman Jones for his second tag title, his world title might have been an NWA title but it was under the TNA banner, i knew that when this match was said R Truth was going to be a fuckin jobber and i was right about it and this is the reason why i like TNA they treat there legends with respect and don't have them losing to a nobody i don't what he did in FCW or the indys he isn't even on the same level as R truth nor the level below him

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