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R-Truth-Drew McIntyre

The Pope CTC MEM

Pre-Show Stalwart
what do you guys think of this feud? (if you call it a feud, since they haven't had a match) its only really been Drew McIntyre jumping R-Truth untill this friday when truth attacked Drew. anyway, do you think this is a PPV type feud? or do you think they should have a few matches on smackdown and leave it at that? :)
I think it will just be a feud of a few matches on SMACKDOWN for a while, i like R-Truth so hopefully he comes out on top at some stage, but i would finally like to see how well Drew does in the ring.
I don't get it. For weeks, Drew McIntyre has been doing nothing but attacking R-Truth without a care in the world. Now, when R-Truth is trying to retaliate, they get broken up by security. Stupid! Well, anyway, I'm anxious to see when and how their match will finally take place. I think they will have pretty good chemistry in the ring, so I want to see their match sooner, rather than later. Pay-per-view-wise? It's not very likely to happen. The last non-title mid card fued I distinctively remember seeing on ppv was John Morrison vs. Shelton Benjamin. But that was just to get Morrison over as a face.
Yeah I doubt this makes PPV as that is saved for the payoffs to money feuds and or the furthering of major angles. I could see this thing developing into a fairly interesting storyline and something to keep an eye out for on Smackdown. The blue brand seems to be a bit more storyline driven now while keeping the wrestling aspect that makes the show so enjoyable intact. I for one am thrilled about this and hopes Smackdown can continue to make waves as I think it continuously puts on a better show than Raw. Another thread another time though.
Im not sure if it will be on a ppv, i guess it could be if the build up is good enough. But i do like the way they are building it so far, i mean when was the last time any of us were excited for a single midcard match??? And did anyone notice Vince calling Drew a future world champ?!?! how crazy is that?! I expect Drew to get pushed to the stars if he is good in the ring and not a druggy like some ppl we know Cough Cough....... Everybody on the roster except CM Punk! haha totally kidding
it could lead to a ppv feud but right now they'll stay on smackdown. i like how it's going so far. McIntyre is a new superstar and wants to be displayed on the show. he attacks r-truth and there you go. fairly simple concept thats been done many times before but as long as these two can work well in the ring together this will be a good feud
This really isn't a feud yet since they haven't really had match yet. R Truth is fun to watch in the ring, so right now it depends on how nice McIntytre's skills and move set blends with his. I'm kinda tired of Drew just talking trash and I hope these 2 face off this week. Props to Drew for having Vince back him up though.
There is no way that this is a PPV feud. R-Truth has been on two PPV's since joining the WWE, and one "preview" match before the last Cyber Sunday. They were at Survivor Series of last year and this years Royal Rumble. If someone that over can't get on a PPV for a singles feud in over a year, he won't get one whilst feuding with a new superstar. They will eventually get their match together and it will be on Smackdown but for now let's just enjoy the build up to a lower mid-card feud, which isn't usual.
This feud sorta reminds of the feud in tna of Burke/Suicide. I mean Every time suicide came out he got jumped by Burke. This could be a ppv quality feud if its booked right and they have there first match of the feud on ppv.
I'd think this feud is too much in its infancy to make a PPV, but that's not to say that it can't in the future. It's not a bad idea to have these two going at each other, but we need to see these two in an actual proper match...which I guess they couldn't do until they'd actually officially signed Drew on. Now that's done, I'm hoping we can see some actual matches from these two. So far, we seem to have just gotten a showcase of what Drew can do...at least in an ambush situation.

As for the conundrum that "Cool Guy" Jensen mentioned about Drew having a free reign whereas R-Truth was held back by security immediately after his attack, I think the storyline reason of that is that the boss, Vince McMahon favors Drew and does not favor R-Truth. He'd just signed Drew, just made an investment as it were, and likely wants now to protect that investment whereas he may think that R-Truth is an investment less worth protecting. Just a thought.
I can see Mcintrye isbeing pushed really heavy at the moment. R-Truth reallyhasnt done much the last few months ..so to see R truth lose a fewmatches is on the wall.

I enjoy R-Truth's movesets and althetic crazyness (I think thats the best way to describe it). I dont know what Mcintryes like in the ring..but he does have some charisma on the mic..lets hope thesematches are as good as Morrison/ziggler willbe.
Waste of time really. McIntyre hasn't impressed me yet. He's bland on the mic, has a bland look to him, and if he's just using a DDT, then he has a bland finisher as well. The whole feud is as generic as you can get. Bad guy attacks good guy ---> match. R-Truth is a lost cause. He'll never be main event material for the WWE and he's too old to groom, so they're better off using him as midcard enhancement talent like they'll be doing with this feud. Guaranteed, the best Killings will get out of this feud is ONE singles win and that his team will beat McIntyre's team when they have a tag match. Every other situation, he'll lose. And there's no way this will get on a ppv. Nobody cares.
I don't see anything coming out of this feud except a lot of boring matches. R-Truth hasn't improved at all since debuting and I don't see anything out of McIntyre that makes me think he will be world championship material. I think it will be like the Noble/Palumbo feud a couple of years ago except less interesting.

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