R-Truth and Matt Hardy- Tag Team just waiting to happen

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Pope of Dope
I think this could work, when I saw them wrestle against Punk and Gallows it just felt fresh and right. They both seem to be going nowhere. Lets face it, neither Matt or R-Truth will be the world champ anytime soon. So why not put them in a tag team? Matt has great tag team experience, and R-Truth, well he's pretty cool lol.

So is this a good or bad idea?
I think its a good idea. Like you said neither of them really have a direction or seem to be going anywhere right now but they are both extremely over with the fans and need to be doing more than jobbing in pointless mid-card matches every week.

I think they can be a team to beat JeriShow (assuming they beat DX) and make the fans actually believe it and want to se it happen. They will keep alot of credibility with the titles and maybe if they have a good long reign Vince will see how much the fans really like them and give them good singles pushes.

Maybe its just wishful thinking but if booked right then it could be what they need to eventually take the step to the main event.
I don't think that would be a tag team who'd accomplish much.... but it would give both of them something to do and they are both over with the fans. I think that a feud between them against Punk and Gallows would be interesting. I wouldn't want that to go on for too long though because eventually Punk should go back to the world title scene, which is somewhere that I don't expect either Matt or Truth to be going anytime soon.... so it would be a good idea for them to team up a bit, but only for a little while.
Putting these two together just seems to random. Sure it would work for maybe 1 or 2 matches, but presenting them as an actually tag team for the long run or a little while, no. Their gimmicks are way to different to be able to mesh together. The only thing these two have in common is that they they're faces.
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