Question about my computer.


Always Rated R.
I'm guessing this is the right place to post computer questions? Well, I have a Emachines. Runs on WindowsXP and it's about 6 years old. It randomly will freeze, no mouse movement, the numlock or capslock won't even turn on and off when it does so, and the only way to get it unfrozen is to pull the power cord in the back which can't be good for it at all. It also randomly restarts itself at will and then says "Microsoft Windows has recovered from a serious error." I have ran virus scans, numerous times but can find nothing wrong with it. I have no pictures, music, or anything on it. I delete the cookies and file history daily, almost hourly. I'm running on Google Chrome right now because Internet Explorer sucks really hard. I have AIM installed, and that's basically it. Can anyone tell me what they think could be wrong with my poor Emachines? I just can't afford a new computer.
My last computer randomly restarted itself, and came up with the same error. I usually got it if it had been switched on for more than a few hours, or if I was trying to install new software. I generally just left it, but it wouldn't let me install the internet so I had to get someone to look at it. Luckily, it was insured by the place I bought it. But it was a problem with that specific batch, and I had to get a new computer. It was free as the machine was still under warranty, but I think you need to take it to a computer shop at the least. They may reccomend a new one.

Has it been like this since you bought it, or has it happened recently?
My last computer randomly restarted itself, and came up with the same error. I usually got it if it had been switched on for more than a few hours, or if I was trying to install new software. I generally just left it, but it wouldn't let me install the internet so I had to get someone to look at it. Luckily, it was insured by the place I bought it. But it was a problem with that specific batch, and I had to get a new computer. It was free as the machine was still under warranty, but I think you need to take it to a computer shop at the least. They may reccomend a new one.

Has it been like this since you bought it, or has it happened recently?

I never bought it. My sister bought it new in 02' and then she died in 04'. and we've had it since, i've only recently had problems with it, recently being.. 4-6 months ago. Serious problems at least. I honestly can't afford to even take it to a shop, it's been taken apart by my neighbor who is a computer genius pretty much and fixed about 3 times. I just think it's ready to die soon.
It could be your hard drive crapping out on you. It could also be the mother board or the video card. It could be a multitude of problems. If there are no viruses than it is definitely a hardware problem. You should take it to a computer repair shop. See what they say. Then take it from there. you might have to get a new computer. Nowadays you can get the bare essentials for really cheap. So just take it in to a repair shop. You will probably have to get a new computer. Or you could replace all the parts that need fixing for more money than a new computer would cost.
It could be your hard drive crapping out on you. It could also be the mother board or the video card. It could be a multitude of problems. If there are no viruses than it is definitely a hardware problem. You should take it to a computer repair shop. See what they say. Then take it from there. you might have to get a new computer. Nowadays you can get the bare essentials for really cheap. So just take it in to a repair shop. You will probably have to get a new computer. Or you could replace all the parts that need fixing for more money than a new computer would cost.

That sucks pretty hard.. Thanks for the advice, both of ya. :D
I'm guessing this is the right place to post computer questions? Well, I have a Emachines.
Buy a new computer. Question solved.

Why do people buy E-Machines? I could take parts from a lawnmower and make a better computer.

Runs on WindowsXP and it's about 6 years old.
Get rid of it. Use it as an ash tray.

It randomly will freeze, no mouse movement, the numlock or capslock won't even turn on and off when it does so, and the only way to get it unfrozen is to pull the power cord in the back which can't be good for it at all. It also randomly restarts itself at will and then says "Microsoft Windows has recovered from a serious error." I have ran virus scans, numerous times but can find nothing wrong with it. I have no pictures, music, or anything on it. I delete the cookies and file history daily, almost hourly. I'm running on Google Chrome right now because Internet Explorer sucks really hard. I have AIM installed, and that's basically it. Can anyone tell me what they think could be wrong with my poor Emachines? I just can't afford a new computer.
It's an E-Machine. What do you think we are, miracle workers?

Before we can get into that, allow me to ask you a couple questions.

1) When did you notice it happening?

2) Have you ever installed hardware?

3) Did it start happening after you installed a driver of some kind?

4) Have you run Ad-Aware, Spybot and/or a malware removal program?

5) Have you ever dropped it, spilled something on it, or otherwise jeopardized it?
Buy a new computer. Question solved.
I suppose you think I have the money to do so?

Why do people buy E-Machines? I could take parts from a lawnmower and make a better computer.

I didn't buy it, it was inherited more or less.

Get rid of it. Use it as an ash tray.

Then i'll be without a computer. That's not good.

It's an E-Machine. What do you think we are, miracle workers?

Before we can get into that, allow me to ask you a couple questions.

1) When did you notice it happening?

2) Have you ever installed hardware?

3) Did it start happening after you installed a driver of some kind?

4) Have you run Ad-Aware, Spybot and/or a malware removal program?

5) Have you ever dropped it, spilled something on it, or otherwise jeopardized it?

I never asked you to work a miracle, I asked what people thought could be wrong.

1) About 5-6 months ago.
2) no.
3) no.
4) yes, it shows nothing.
5) A nephew spilled stuff in the monitor, but that has nothing to do with it freezing.
I suppose you think I have the money to do so?
Save your money. You can buy one for a couple hundred dollars anymore.

Then i'll be without a computer. That's not good.
With an E-Machine, you're basically without a computer anyways.

I never asked you to work a miracle, I asked what people thought could be wrong.
Maybe you're not understanding subtelty.

E-Machines suck. If an E-Machine works for 6 months, consider yourself lucky. If it goes on the fritz, it's not even worth the time to try and fix it.

1) About 5-6 months ago.
2) no.
3) no.
4) yes, it shows nothing.
5) A nephew spilled stuff in the monitor, but that has nothing to do with it freezing.
And just a few more questions.

1) Have you ever ran ScanDisk?

2) Have you ever run the Disk Defragmentor?

3) Has it always had Windows XP on the machine?

4) Have you ever edited the Registry?

5) Do you have a copy of the Recover disc that used to come with computers?

6) Have you opened up the computer, and made sure that every piece of hardware is firmly and snugly secure?

7) How much free RAM do you have?

8) How big is your hard drive, and how much space is still free?
And just a few more questions.

1) Have you ever ran ScanDisk?

2) Have you ever run the Disk Defragmentor?

3) Has it always had Windows XP on the machine?

4) Have you ever edited the Registry?

5) Do you have a copy of the Recover disc that used to come with computers?

6) Have you opened up the computer, and made sure that every piece of hardware is firmly and snugly secure?

7) How much free RAM do you have?

8) How big is your hard drive, and how much space is still free?

1) Nope.
2) Yeah, it worked a bit.
3) Yes.
4) Don't believe so.
5) Yeah, somewhere.
6) No, I have not. My neighbor fixed my computer, and I believe he did it.
7) It says 448 MB of RAM, that's never good.
8) I have no clue..
1) Nope.
2) Yeah, it worked a bit.
3) Yes.
4) Don't believe so.
5) Yeah, somewhere.
6) No, I have not. My neighbor fixed my computer, and I believe he did it.
7) It says 448 MB of RAM, that's never good.
8) I have no clue..

I'd first run ScanDisk, then when finished with ScanDisk, run Defragmenter. 448 probably means 512...which is fine for XP. You can check your Hard Drive space by going to "My Computer", right-click, and click on Properties. If your Hard Drive is full, delete some things. If you have more than 25% free space, you should be all right.

If those don't fix the problems, save all your work from before in a safe place, and run the Recover disk. It should completely erase your hard drive, and then restore the Hard Drive to the condition it was in when it first purchased.

If THAT doesn't fix the problem, then you have a hardware problem. Which means you need to buy a new computer.

This, of course, is a rather gross diagnosis. For best results, you should take your computer to a shop to find out a problem. Or at least someone who knows what they are doing. If you are going to do it all yourself, and/or don't have money to get it fixed professionally, the above should be the way you go.

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