PWI TOP 500 - Revealed

So Brain Damage is behind guys with names like CUJO the Hell Hound and American Kickboxer II? Who was American Kickboxer I?

Oh, and people who are saying Kane didn't deserve number 4, if we're basing this off of kayfabe merits, then he deserved it more than most below him, and if you disagree you're stupid.
Keep in mind the dates taken into account for this list. I could be wrong, but I think AJ was hurt for a good portion of that while Jeff Hardy was given the keys to the car that is TNA with RVD sitting in the back seat quietly as the police officer asks Jeff if he has been drinking tonight.

The list is clearly mostly bullshit. I say mostly, because there's at least some merit to the list... Miz certainly is deserving of the top spot, Orton is probably more deserving of two than Cena, and therefore Cena comes in at third... but then Kane at four? He had a sub-mediocre title reign before once again disappearing into obscurity. Just because he finally got that coveted title run that a small group has been clamoring for doesn't mean he's the fourth best wrestler of 2010. I'd argue that Rey Mysterio, Edge, RVD, Hardy, Wade Barrett... let's just say a lot of people had better years than he.

You saw my defense of the PWI putting Hardy and RVD above AJ... why the fuck aren't they ahead of Ken Anderson though? The dude had one title reign that lasted a little over a month, and he's still proven to be a shit wrestler. Perhaps my hatred of the guy is blinding me to whatever other accomplishments he may have, but putting him over Hardy and RVD, as well as a handful of other people, is a joke.

I'll finish by reiterating Nate's sentiments about how the list seems to be drawn at random at certain points, and I would agree. In what way did Vladamir Kozlov have a better year than Santino Marella? Why is Ted DiBiase Jr. at 68 when 2010 proved how useless he was as he went from one embarrassing storyline to the next, losing a feud to Goldust of all people... and if The Great Khali is going to make the list despite probably competing in less than 10 matches between the dates given by PWI, then who shouldn't be on the list? By the way, Khali is ranked way up at 105, ahead of Zack Ryder, Delirious, and a handful of Japanese stars that are almost undoubtedly more deserving of that rank than Khali.

You gotta remember that during that period, Anderson hadn't yet devolved into a whiny bitch and was actually unbelievably over as Immortal's top adversary. From September to February they pushed him to the sun. Then they let him burn there apparently.
After around 200 this list becomes absolutely worthless, with a few exceptions

Some of the names of the lower ranked wrestlers are appalling

402- Bazooka Joe

452- Leslie Leatherman

453- CUJO The Hell Hound

455- American Kickboxer II

471- Fred Flash

486- Jimmy The Hippy

Some of you have really lost that sense of wonder. I know that whenever I see CUJO working behind the Piggly Wiggly down the road, I get butterflies in my stomach.

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