Put me in charge of the E-FED WCWZ


Excellence of Execution
Or whatever the name is. I can't be bothered.

It seems that there is MORE drama happening in the E-Fed, and there is really only real solution. Put Slyfox696 in full control of the E-Fed. There is ZERO doubt in my mind that there would be no more problems from ZWCW.
yeah once again sly you're 3 days too late.

Any drama being stirred is by one individual.
that had nothing to do with the drama he's been stirring up. There's been WZCW drama going on for 3 days, shock throwing toys out of his pram. Then was infracted for advertisng, didn't like it, hounded me on msn so I told him to use the thread.

Someone complaining over an infraction is not drama now is it?
that had nothing to do with the drama he's been stirring up. There's been WZCW drama going on for 3 days, shock throwing toys out of his pram. Then was infracted for advertisng, didn't like it, hounded me on msn so I told him to use the thread.

Someone complaining over an infraction is not drama now is it?
So wait...it's been going on for three days? Including today, I suppose. So how am I to late? Obviously, drama is still going on, thus I'm not to late...

...now am I?
If I got mad everytime someone told me that ICP sucks I would never be in a good mood.

My opinion is still valid
If you're not mad about that, how could you say it's a bad idea? Anyone with objectivity would see it's a great idea.

I'd turn that place around in no time.
I love how this was done to stop any drama but you stir up more drama. Wonderful.
If you're not mad about that, how could you say it's a bad idea? Anyone with objectivity would see it's a great idea.

I'd turn that place around in no time.
It's a bad idea because enough drama gets stirred up in there. You seem to feed off drama so with you in charge I don't see it going away.
and that fact is many issues have been sorted in the past 3 days, things that won't just change over night, you need to give it time.
Let's all look at the facts, whilst making use of WZ's list function:

  • LCW has no drama
  • LCW is run by a respected G-Mod
  • LCW is innovative
  • LCW has no members nagging about new shows
  • LCW's members have no other connections with other e-feds

That is why LCW should takeover WZCW as WZ's main e-fed.
and if you think you can improve the fed, why not join us?
Let's all look at the facts, whilst making use of WZ's list function:

  • LCW has no drama
  • LCW is run by a respected G-Mod
  • LCW is innovative
  • LCW has no members nagging about new shows
  • LCW's members have no other connections with other e-feds

That is why LCW should takeover WZCW as WZ's main e-fed.
Keep in mind that this rebuttal was made in jest.
  1. Then how are the shows and matches supposed to work?
  2. ...
  3. Massive gimmick use doesn't always equate to innovation.
  4. Debatable.
  5. You got me there.

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