Push Tyler Reks

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The One And Only
Well this is the restart to my "Tyler Reks needs a push" campaign. I know last year they gave him a semi push, and it didnt end up well. Well, I think for him to get over, they are going to have to do a couple of things. First of all, make him a monster. Change his lighting when he enters, make him appear feral and uncontrollable. Give him that terrifying, kids pee their pants feel. Secondly, give him a creepy manager; ie The Taskmaster, Paul Bearer, James Vandenburg, somethingto really solidify his animalistic, beast like nature. There is no better time than now to go this route as Kane, undertaker, and Big Show are out of action. Bring him out, let him squash a couple of people, then put him in a decent mid card feud to get him completely over. The reason I feel like he hasn't gone over in the past is his packaging. I really feel, deep in my gut, this guy can be a star. He just needs the right gimmick and timing....and this is the time to strike.
I just posted on my Twitter this morning that Tyler Reks needs a PUSH they got Zack on there now put someone with great Heel potential like Reks, his in-ring work is great, he has a good look, maybe his mic skills need work, I'm not sure but he deserves to be pushed on RAW.
With Mason Ryan on the shelf, it would be nice to have a new, monster heel on RAW. I can understand some hesitation on pushing someone else because when Ryan comes back, where would he go? In the meantime, I think a small push for Reks would be good. Right now, a program with some 'new' talent or recently drafted talent would be really nice!

I'm still waiting for Drew McIntyre to be used properly on RAW. Reks may not be close to getting a proper push either. Sad.
I really see nothing special about him. These monster gimmicks dont often work out because as soon as the "monsters" are defeated they look weak. Sheamus, Umaga, Khali, etc. all lost their edge as soon as they were defeated. Tyler Reks needs something unique about himself. His look isnt intimidating, its silly. If they're going to do anything with him they should team him up with someone whos weak and needs the support, like Christian. I dont see him going past an IC title run though.
If you've ever seen him up close you can see that he doesn't really look mangled enough to be the "kids piss their pants" bad guy. He actually has a kind of cool look to him. However the look is a bit too dark to be any kind of smiling face... As awesome as I think personally this guy is, I feel like it is hard to place him anywhere. Even more so, if he is not very good on the mike yet... But he is one of those guys that just looks like money, so they need to find something to do with him.
Tyler Reks is awful. There is no reason to ever push him because he is terrible both on the mic and in the ring. He doesn't need to be future endeavoured or anything. They always need jobbers. I just don't see how any type of gimmick change for him at this point could ever be interesting enough to make up for the fact that he sucks, has never had a good match, and is bottom tier in promos.
I totally agree that Reks needs a push right now. NOt only is Kane, Taker, and Big SHow out right now, but even if they were active there all way past their prime and WWE needs to fill those roles now anyways even if any of the three do feel they have one more run in them. I don't like the idea of Mason Ryan filling that role, they say he's the new Batista, but when Batista was an active superstar the large majority of fans thought he was over rated and stale, so why try to replace someone who wasn't that good with a lesser version, it makes no sense. I feel the best way to get Reks over right now is to throw him into the Mark Henry storyline and have him be the guy puts a stop to the world's strongest man's path of destruction. Have him be the monster that destroys the monster that just destroyed all the other monsters. This way Reks goes over and the Mark Henry storyline (which is his best in years) doesn't just die off, which at the moment it seems like it will because he has no where to go from here no that show and kane are gone. The Henry story line deserves an ending and Reks deserves a push. If not that then I too wouldn't mind having him join Christian as an enforcer. It makes the heel Christian a little more credible and gets Reks screen time. However, I'd still much rather see a solo push with Henry and have a returning Brodus Clay take on the christian enforcer role.
Wasn't this guy billed a happy surfer dude in his ECW debut?..

Couldn't make it on ECW as a face, ain't making it on Superstars as a heel.

What on earth makes you think he can do any better on RAW or SD
Wasn't this guy billed a happy surfer dude in his ECW debut?..

Couldn't make it on ECW as a face, ain't making it on Superstars as a heel.

What on earth makes you think he can do any better on RAW or SD

Wasn't Kane billed as a insane dentist, wasn't he billed as a fake Diesel...All it takes is the right gimmick at the right time to get someone over. Kane is weak on the mic, so they used Paul Bearer. he didn't say a word for x amount of time and he was huge. Was it because he is a in ring technician?? Nah...Is it because he is a verbal virtuoso?? Try again. It was he was pushed as an unstoppable monster with a creepy manager to get him over....when he lost did he seem weak...um well all these years later I think that is self explanatory. I'm not saying Tyler Reks is Kane...I'm saying he has enough in-ring ability, a good looking finisher, and enough size to become a credible monster heel. It solely depends on timing and booking.
Not really anything special about him. The cameras hide it but I have seen him work live. His matches are the perfect opportunity to get up and go to the concession stand/merch tables, and people do. Mass amounts of them get up during his matches because he is lumbery and stiff moving and he doesn't even do good "big man" moves.

Kane is actually a pretty decent worker for his size. pound for pound he is better at moving around than Tyler. Also Kane has a wow factor of a cool back story and EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the arena snaps photos of his orange/red lighting effect and when he explodes the ringposts.

Kane played a dentist, this is true, but he was always destined to make it as the Kane character. Few people remember that before being a dentist he played the amazingly scary character of Una-bomb in Jim Cornetts Smokey Mountain Wrestling.
I don't give two shits about mic skills one way or another. I don't particularly care if my World Champion can speak well or not but Tyler Reks is just atrocious. His look is god awful. I can't see why anyone would want someone who looks as if they haven't taken a shower in two weeks as a top guy. Tyler Reks' in ring skills are made for a show like Superstars. His finisher is the only cool thing about him. But honestly, I don't see what is so appealing about him? Yeah you can say he needs a new gimmick and whatnot to get over but the can be said for about anyone. I wouldn't waste my time with the dude.
Yeah, push Tyler Reks... right out of the damn door and into the unemployment line. I don't see what the big deal is with him. He is irrelevant and is going to stay irrelevant because he sucks.
Yeah, i'm going to have to agree with those saying "Fuck Tyler Reks", or certain variations of that statement. I can't remember at whose expense he got into the Bragging Rights team last year, but I'm assuming it was someone better, and I remember shaking my head a lot when he made it onto the team. Anyway, to keep this short, Reks has next to no appeal and if he was going to get pushed, it would have happened last year when they somewhat seemed to care about him.
I totally agree! Pushing Tyler Reks as a monster will do wonders for his career. After all he has that look about him that makes most people/me squirm. *backs away from Reks*

Okay, no I'm not sitting next to him but you get the idea. *glances over shoulder*

He has the look of a guy that you don't want to turn your back on and as the kind of guy that will snap twigs like me in half. That was not an exaggeration.

And somehow, he hasn't gotten a good enough push to make him do wonders on Raw. Yes, let's give this guy a monster push. He'll do great in that field!

He still scares me tho. *looks over shoulder*
At WWE Wrestlemania 27 Fan Access the match that Tyler Reks had against Vladimir Koslov I really enjoyed. From the way that both big men, especially Reks, worked the match was particuarly entertaining, and the way that Reks worked the crowd as a monster heel was great and to his credit. But one thing I disagree with that another poster stated that once a monster is defeated they look weak, ???, no Reks has been defeated but in no way does he look weak, he still looks ruthless, and because of how well he has been working I believe he deservs a push. Zack Ryder put himself over on the internet which I believe deserved him the push that looks like he is finally getting, I believe that Reks has proved himself in ring and with the crowd so I believe he should also be pushed.

Funny how Sin Cara can be signed and pushed automatically, fails a drug test and then what seems like he will be put back on TV and pushed again, while guys like Reks and Ryder are working there asses off to get on TV but to no avail. Why not punish Cara and only feature him on Superstars? So yes I believe Reks deserves to be pushed.
At WWE Wrestlemania 27 Fan Access the match that Tyler Reks had against Vladimir Koslov I really enjoyed. From the way that both big men, especially Reks, worked the match was particuarly entertaining, and the way that Reks worked the crowd as a monster heel was great and to his credit. But one thing I disagree with that another poster stated that once a monster is defeated they look weak, ???, no Reks has been defeated but in no way does he look weak, he still looks ruthless, and because of how well he has been working I believe he deservs a push. Zack Ryder put himself over on the internet which I believe deserved him the push that looks like he is finally getting, I believe that Reks has proved himself in ring and with the crowd so I believe he should also be pushed.

Funny how Sin Cara can be signed and pushed automatically, fails a drug test and then what seems like he will be put back on TV and pushed again, while guys like Reks and Ryder are working there asses off to get on TV but to no avail. Why not punish Cara and only feature him on Superstars? So yes I believe Reks deserves to be pushed.
Reks has been defeated but in no way does he look weak, he still looks ruthless, and because of how well he has been working I believe he deservs a push.
Can you honestly say you have seen that many Tyler Reks matches to know exactly how good he is in the ring?
Zack Ryder put himself over on the internet which I believe deserved him the push that looks like he is finally getting, I believe that Reks has proved himself in ring
There's no way in fuck Tyler Reks has proved anything...ever. I may not like Zack Ryder but he got over because he shows charisma and ambition. Ryder has actually worked hard to get even a cameo on RAW. Please, show me where Tyler Reks has worked his ass off. Show me where Reks has made an attempt to get himself pushed.
and with the crowd so I believe he should also be pushed.
He's not even over.
Funny how Sin Cara can be signed and pushed automatically, fails a drug test and then what seems like he will be put back on TV and pushed again,
Not necessarily. Rumours are swirling about that the WWE might not even be bringing him back.
while guys like Reks and Ryder are working there asses off to get on TV but to no avail.
Stop comparing the two. Ryder has actually tried to get on tv, where the fuck is Reks?
Why not punish Cara and only feature him on Superstars? So yes I believe Reks deserves to be pushed.
You can obviously make money off of someone like Sin Cara. What's to profit from someone like Tyler Reks? Nothing. Sin Cara > Tyler Reks.
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