Punk's Right- Boston has become the Yankees


Pre-Show Stalwart
So last night on RAW CM Punk told Boston that they have become what they hate, the New York Yankees. You know what, I think I agree with him.

Boston has always had this attitude that they are the underdog, the scrubs, the teams for "working class". For a while they were all these things, always having a good team, but never good enough to win it all. That has all changed.

Not only did the Red Sox's brake the curse, but the Patriots have become the NFL team of the decade, the C's have become one of, if not the, top teams in the East, and the Bruins are the Stanley Cup Champs. Boston is the only city in America that has a top team in the four major sports.

Now how did Boston become this sport powerhouse? It wasn't the little guy just trying hard to overcome adversity; they did what the Yankees do and spent top dollar on the top talent.

Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with how Boston got it's championships, except for the Patriots and that cheater Belichick; but for a city who hates the Yankees so much for "buying there Championship" to turn around and do the same thing, is hilarious to me.

So what to you think? Was Punk right, has Boston become the Yankees, or was he way off?
Punk is absolutely right. Red Sox fans are no longer the lovable losers, cursed and playing on an uneven playing field. They are a powerhouse with a giant checkbook (and pink hats).

Thw comparison to Cena wasn't working for me until I thought about all the times WWE hyped him as having to overcome the odds. However, he is now the Empire. Not evil like the Yankees or Palpatine, but still the Empire.
When Punk mentioned this last night I was jumping out of my chair. As a proud Yankee fan, I'm sick and tired of Boston's bitching and moaning about their hatred for the Yanks. Sure, it's completely justified (if you're a jealous, psychopathic, red-headed sister or brother) but it's really easy for them to talk a ton of shit about a team that they'll never be able to compare to in legacy. However, I feel as if they're catching up pretty fast.

Their label as an "underdog" has allowed their individual cream to rise to the top, recently. They're won numerous pennants and World Series Championships, are always in contention, and are a world-reknown baseball team. Isn't that the same as the Yankees, without the 20+ championships under their belts? Give Boston time... I'm sure they'll rack up more titles.

Until then, I really think Boston fans should shut up and get over things. They've finally become what they despise.
Im a big time Red Sox and Patriots fan since i was about 10 (now 21) and i agree with Punk...it really is like rags to riches and i've enjoyed it over the years.
It's not like Punk made some mind blowing revelation. This is common knowledge. In fact the whole Boston underdog thing has ALWAYS been overblown. Just look at the facts.

The Celtics along with the Lakers are the two most successful NBA franchises. They are not underdogs. The Bruins are 4th all time in NHL history in terms of both finals appearances and total Stanley Cups won. They are not underdogs. The Red Sox may have had the long title drought but it's not like they were constantly putting horrible teams on the field. They made it to four World Series between 1946 and 1986 and had a ton of winning seasons between 1918 and 2004 when their championship drought ended. They are not underdogs. The ONLY team you could have given underdog status to was the Patriots but they have become the most dominant NFL franchise of the last decade. They certainly are no longer underdogs.

No matter what way you look at it Boston for the most part has always been one of the more dominant sports cities.
It's not like Punk made some mind blowing revelation. This is common knowledge. In fact the whole Boston underdog thing has ALWAYS been overblown. Just look at the facts.

The Celtics along with the Lakers are the two most successful NBA franchises. They are not underdogs. The Bruins are 4th all time in NHL history in terms of both finals appearances and total Stanley Cups won. They are not underdogs. The Red Sox may have had the long title drought but it's not like they were constantly putting horrible teams on the field. They made it to four World Series between 1946 and 1986 and had a ton of winning seasons between 1918 and 2004 when their championship drought ended. They are not underdogs. The ONLY team you could have given underdog status to was the Patriots but they have become the most dominant NFL franchise of the last decade. They certainly are no longer underdogs.

No matter what way you look at it Boston for the most part has always been one of the more dominant sports cities.

You are absolutely right. Boston is no longer considered the underdog team, but rather the top dog. The reason why Punk got punched in the face because Cena is a Red Sox fan who couldn't handle the truth. I knew before that Cena is a Red Sox fan but I never expected him to stoop this low.
So last night on RAW CM Punk told Boston that they have become what they hate, the New York Yankees. You know what, I think I agree with him.

Boston has always had this attitude that they are the underdog, the scrubs, the teams for "working class". For a while they were all these things, always having a good team, but never good enough to win it all. That has all changed.

Not only did the Red Sox's brake the curse, but the Patriots have become the NFL team of the decade, the C's have become one of, if not the, top teams in the East, and the Bruins are the Stanley Cup Champs. Boston is the only city in America that has a top team in the four major sports.

Now how did Boston become this sport powerhouse? It wasn't the little guy just trying hard to overcome adversity; they did what the Yankees do and spent top dollar on the top talent.

Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with how Boston got it's championships, except for the Patriots and that cheater Belichick; but for a city who hates the Yankees so much for "buying there Championship" to turn around and do the same thing, is hilarious to me.

So what to you think? Was Punk right, has Boston become the Yankees, or was he way off?

Ok first off ill go as far to say this, the way the patirots supposedly cheated to win their championships, is not something new, ill bet you other teams do the same thing, only thing is is that mangeni rated us out. While we are at it lets get mad at any team with anyone using steroids and say all those championships are not legit....just cause you use or do something to give you an edge doesnt mean you dont have skill, you still have to out there and win.

Now to get to the sox and yankees debate, many teams nowadays have a high payroll, with the exception of a few, i mean i can count at least 8 teams who have 100mil or more in payroll this year. The sox are in the same boat as many teams, we have 164mil or so, the yankees over 200, now thats still a big difference in payroll. Yeah we aren't the lovable underdog, thats because we have a ownership that actually knows how to win, and have money to compete. I must give the Tampa Bay Rays credit they only have spent like 44 mil and are 6 games out of 1st in the great AL East. Kevin Gregg of the Baltimore Orioles said the same thing that boston has so much money now, they are spending 90 mil this year and are in dead last, i believe they have the second or third worst record in the major leagues while the rays are spending close to 50 mil less and are in third and have one of the better records in the AL and majors. Its not how much money you have, its how you spend it, just ask the mets and cubs.

Now to answer the question are the sox becoming the yankees, no, we are becoming the rest of the major league, and competing with the other high salaries and are becoming one of the top teams for years to come.
When Punk mentioned this last night I was jumping out of my chair. As a proud Yankee fan, I'm sick and tired of Boston's bitching and moaning about their hatred for the Yanks. Sure, it's completely justified (if you're a jealous, psychopathic, red-headed sister or brother) but it's really easy for them to talk a ton of shit about a team that they'll never be able to compare to in legacy. However, I feel as if they're catching up pretty fast.

Their label as an "underdog" has allowed their individual cream to rise to the top, recently. They're won numerous pennants and World Series Championships, are always in contention, and are a world-reknown baseball team. Isn't that the same as the Yankees, without the 20+ championships under their belts? Give Boston time... I'm sure they'll rack up more titles.

Until then, I really think Boston fans should shut up and get over things. They've finally become what they despise.

Seriously dude? do you even know what you are talking about? What sox fan calls themselves the underdog? Its 2011 man, not 04'. Sox fans have always hated the yankees this isnt something new, and its not just cause you have money...this rivalry has dated back far beyond your time and mine...I know i hate the yankees because they have a 200 million dollar payroll and have won less championships then us in the last 10 years, and when they lose, and we do better they always have the same comeback like you are, well they have a big payroll too, or well we have 27 championships, so its cool....Now THAT'S pathetic. Now yes, the yankees spent well and won a championship recently and are in second place and are keeping pace with the sox, so i will give them that.

Now with your second to last sentence, where you say "I really think Boston Fans should shut up and get over things" isnt that part of what a rivalry is? i mean as fans we cant actually go and play the game, well most of us cant, so thats all we can really do is talk trash, and talk about who has the better team. I mean the rivalry isnt going to just stop, given i wish the yankees and sox players hated each other more like they used to, but i digress.

Overall both teams are good at the moment, but overall the sox have the better team and will win the world series : )

Go Sox and screw the yankees
The reason why Punk got punched in the face because Cena is a Red Sox fan who couldn't handle the truth. I knew before that Cena is a Red Sox fan but I never expected him to stoop this low.

You do realize that wrestling is fake, the promos written ahead of time, and that Cena punching Punk was scripted, correct? I hope this isn't like when you found out Santa Claus wasn't real. ;)

Anyway, to avoid spamming, Ive never seen Boston as an "underdog" city. I wrote something earlier this year about Boston being the best sports city in the country, and I stand behind that for many reasons. All four of their major sports franchises have won titles within the past decade. How does that make them underdogs, exactly? They have fierce, fairly even rivalries with the Celtics/Lakers, Red Sox/Yankees, Bruins/Canadiens, and even Pats/Jets.

What I wrote above is the reason why it bothers me so much that Red Sox fans try to paint themselves as underdogs. How does being among the top ten states in the country in terms of Gross Household Income make one an underdog? The Red Sox didn't go 86 years without a World Series for lack of trying, they're yearly among the top five-ten teams in baseball in terms of spending. Its been bad personal decisions and signing the wrong people to rediculously long, absurdly expensive contracts. When the Red Sox came to Pittsburgh three weeks ago, half of the people in the stadium were Red Sox fans. Its a rich city, can boast championship legacies in all four major sports, and their fans travel well. There are sports bars all over the country that are dedicated specifically to the Red Sox, more then any other team. The Red Sox, and Boston, haven't become what New York and the Yankees are, they've been that way for a long time. The only difference has been the results.
You do realize that wrestling is fake, the promos written ahead of time, and that Cena punching Punk was scripted, correct? I hope this isn't like when you found out Santa Claus wasn't real. ;)

Anyway, to avoid spamming, Ive never seen Boston as an "underdog" city. I wrote something earlier this year about Boston being the best sports city in the country, and I stand behind that for many reasons. All four of their major sports franchises have won titles within the past decade. How does that make them underdogs, exactly? They have fierce, fairly even rivalries with the Celtics/Lakers, Red Sox/Yankees, Bruins/Canadiens, and even Pats/Jets.

What I wrote above is the reason why it bothers me so much that Red Sox fans try to paint themselves as underdogs. How does being among the top ten states in the country in terms of Gross Household Income make one an underdog? The Red Sox didn't go 86 years without a World Series for lack of trying, they're yearly among the top five-ten teams in baseball in terms of spending. Its been bad personal decisions and signing the wrong people to rediculously long, absurdly expensive contracts. When the Red Sox came to Pittsburgh three weeks ago, half of the people in the stadium were Red Sox fans. Its a rich city, can boast championship legacies in all four major sports, and their fans travel well. There are sports bars all over the country that are dedicated specifically to the Red Sox, more then any other team. The Red Sox, and Boston, haven't become what New York and the Yankees are, they've been that way for a long time. The only difference has been the results.

Ok what sox fans consider themselves underdogs? After i first replied to this thread, i went around to some sox fans and asked them if they consider an boston team an underdog, and they all said no, i know thats a small portion of sox fans but when i asked them they all gave me, "not even close" type expression, so to say sox as a whole say we are the underdogs and if that is true that some consider that, then they are just plain out dumb, and aren't really fans. Were we the underdog in 04'? Yes, being down 3-0 in the ALCS, and our chances of winning would have us labeled as the underdog, but since it is not 04 anymore, we arent considered underdogs. The thread is really stupid and many of your perceptions of sox fans are way off base.
Ok first off ill go as far to say this, the way the patirots supposedly cheated to win their championships, is not something new, ill bet you other teams do the same thing, only thing is is that mangeni rated us out. While we are at it lets get mad at any team with anyone using steroids and say all those championships are not legit....just cause you use or do something to give you an edge doesnt mean you dont have skill, you still have to out there and win.

Possibly, but the Pats were the only team that got caught. It's about what you can prove, not what you think you know. Bellicheck and co. got caught red-handed cheating. As for steroids, again, it goes back to what you can prove. And the penalties for those caught are 50 games in MLB for a first offense.

Now to get to the sox and yankees debate, many teams nowadays have a high payroll, with the exception of a few, i mean i can count at least 8 teams who have 100mil or more in payroll this year.

Im no math whiz, but 8 of 32 MLB teams would seem to be the minority, at 25%. The Red Sox are one of those 8 teams, third overall. And the teams over 100 million salaries are 12, which is still only a little more then a third. How exactly does outspending most teams make the Red Sox loveable underdogs? Please don't say it's the 86 years between World Championships....;:rolleyes: If you want a real example, look at the Cleveland Indians and my Pittsburgh Pirates, who are currently 28th and 30th in baseball respective in payroll, but leading their divisions.

The sox are in the same boat as many teams, we have 164mil or so, the yankees over 200, now thats still a big difference in payroll. Yeah we aren't the lovable underdog, thats because we have a ownership that actually knows how to win, and have money to compete.

Your Red Sox have the third highest payroll in all of baseball. The only teams above them are the Phillies and the Yankees. They're only second behind the Yankees in average salary, and their median salary is the tops in MLB. How is that not like the Yankees?

Its not how much money you have, its how you spend it, just ask the mets and cubs

And the Red Sox with those pesky 86 years between championships....

Now to answer the question are the sox becoming the yankees, no, we are becoming the rest of the major league, and competing with the other high salaries and are becoming one of the top teams for years to come.

How exactly have the Sox not become the Yankees? Do they throw exorbitant contracts at players, essentially outbidding most with lower payrolls then them? That would be yes. The team that's fourth in baseball in salary behind the Red Sox, the L.A. Angels, are over $25 million behind the Sox in spending. So feel free to hate the Yankees, like a loyal Red Sox fan does. But to suggest both teams aren't incredibly similar, well, the facts Ive provided say otherwise.
Possibly, but the Pats were the only team that got caught. It's about what you can prove, not what you think you know. Bellicheck and co. got caught red-handed cheating. As for steroids, again, it goes back to what you can prove. And the penalties for those caught are 50 games in MLB for a first offense.

Im no math whiz, but 8 of 32 MLB teams would seem to be the minority, at 25%. The Red Sox are one of those 8 teams, third overall. And the teams over 100 million salaries are 12, which is still only a little more then a third. How exactly does outspending most teams make the Red Sox loveable underdogs? Please don't say it's the 86 years between World Championships....;:rolleyes: If you want a real example, look at the Cleveland Indians and my Pittsburgh Pirates, who are currently 28th and 30th in baseball respective in payroll, but leading their divisions.

Your Red Sox have the third highest payroll in all of baseball. The only teams above them are the Phillies and the Yankees. They're only second behind the Yankees in average salary, and their median salary is the tops in MLB. How is that not like the Yankees?


And the Red Sox with those pesky 86 years between championships....

How exactly have the Sox not become the Yankees? Do they throw exorbitant contracts at players, essentially outbidding most with lower payrolls then them? That would be yes. The team that's fourth in baseball in salary behind the Red Sox, the L.A. Angels, are over $25 million behind the Sox in spending. So feel free to hate the Yankees, like a loyal Red Sox fan does. But to suggest both teams aren't incredibly similar, well, the facts Ive provided say otherwise.

Alright for one, noone "caught" the pats, we were told on, like a damn kids. We didnt get caught cause they were looking into it already, if it was for mangini nothing would have happend, cause no one knew. As for the steroids part, there was a list where a ton of names came out where they tested positive for illegal substances in 2003. Back then nothing was done so that doesnt mean it didnt happen.

Now for your second point. Yes you did some research and found all that info out, but what you didnt put was the ones that were close to 100 mil...only a few teams have a REALLY low payroll, most do pretty well for themselves. Yes the sox and yankees and some others can easily buy the players they want but so can a good amount of teams. Its not our fault that our ownership is willing to spend the money, or the fact that overall your drafting isnt that great all those years. Also WHO THE HELL IS SAYING WE ARE UNDERDOGS!!!!!! cause as a sox fan i the hell dont..and i dont know how anyone with a freakin brain could think that as well. WE WERE UNDERDOGS WHEN DOWN 3-0 AGINST THE YANKEES IN 04' THATS IT!!!! Yes, the stories of the indians and pirates this year is great, the indians i can see being good for a while, but the pirates have to prove in the next couple years that they can actually keep pace and continue to do well. Im not buying into pitt just yet, it could just be another padres from last year type story and they will be irrelevent again next year.

Now when you said "And the Red Sox with those pesky 86 years between championships" its another obvious statement. As a Sox fan you dont think i know the sox sucked for all those years with the exception of a few? its obvious and any person could tell you that. I was just stating the fact that "its not how much money you spend its how you spend it" just like the rays have been in the top 3 of the AL for the past 3 seasons, with a low payroll and they draft really well now. I mean their season is even more shocking then the Pirates leading their division with the same record as the rays. The rays lost 3/4 of thier bullpen, and 3 key players in the lineup and still are staying in the race in the AL East. More impressive then the pirates sorry to say...

Looking at your earlier statement when you said "the L.A. Angels, are over $25 million behind the Sox in spending" all i have to say is if you're saying that 25 mil is a lot compared to the sox, then what does that mean when the sox are 40 or so mil away from the yankees. Yes we throw money at players, many teams throw money at players so its dumb to argue about it, many players are really overpaid and they are not just on the yankees and red sox ill tell you that. I can see why you're bitter, being a pirates fan in this age will do that to you, get mad at the ownership for not spending the money dont get mad at the yankees, sox and other teams that do. Yes we might be similar to the yankees doesnt mean we are the same.
I can't wait for the lockout after the season. We need a salary cap asap. I've watched my team trade sabathia,cliff lee, and victor martinez in recent years and lose players like thome and mramirez before that. I hope the tribe knocks off those pompus ass red sox in the playoffs. Punks right not only are they the yanks but act worse. At least the yanks ackowledge who they are, the sox act like they're with the royals and pirates payroll wise. That why I always root for rays in the al east.
There are 30 MLB teams and 12 have a payroll over 100 mill. However, the Red Sox, Phillies, and Yankees are pretty far ahead in the payroll department. The Yankees are close to 203 mill, Phillies close to 173 mill, and the Red Sox are close to 162 mill. No other team even reaches 140 mill.

The Red Sox are not as bad as the Yankees but they are certainly close and they have been for a few years.
There are 30 MLB teams and 12 have a payroll over 100 mill. However, the Red Sox, Phillies, and Yankees are pretty far ahead in the payroll department. The Yankees are close to 203 mill, Phillies close to 173 mill, and the Red Sox are close to 162 mill. No other team even reaches 140 mill.

The Red Sox are not as bad as the Yankees but they are certainly close and they have been for a few years.

thank you....i agree that they are close...but they are not the yankees...

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