Punk, Shield, RVD, Warrior, Cena, Wyatts,

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Pre-Show Stalwart
A few subjects I quickly wanted to comment from what I've read in different threads :

Punk :

Just kidding i'm not started another f*in thread about him

Shield :

Don't break them up, for a while, let the talk of them splitting up go away before you actually do it. The music, the outfits, the limited but powerful mic time, the teamwork, power moves, it's all perfect, I want more!

Warrior :

How can people say he seemed fine on monday? He was clearly out of breath, he was so red in his face, there was something wrong. If you think Warrior seemed fine I would advise you to pay close attention to your loved ones as he wasn't fine and it was very obvious. Sad to hear he passed away but so glad he received all the love he deserved just before. One can only wish to receive all that love before closing his final chapter.


I think part timers like him and Jericho piss me off more than one timers that are here for just one match once in a while. Don't get me wrong I think Jericho and RVD are awesome, but the long term possibilities you have with them are non-existant, you know when a feud will end cause you know when they'll leave, that's a huge problem in terms of predictability and story telling.

Cena :

People who say Bray should've won vs Cena at WM are freakin crazy, everything is perfect in this storyline, Cena HAD to win the WM match. BTW i'm not a big Cena fan but the Raw before Mania where he was standing in the ring with a mask behind the Wyatts was awesome, I loved the intensity and the mind games played there. Beauty

Wyatts :

Face and Heel is an outdated concept, the fans are all in agreement, let the crowd cheer the Wyatts like they did monday (It was awesome) but let them continue being the way they are. They'll be over as shit, the day you'll lose that popularity is when they'll start doing some cheesy stunts. Pure genius booking I find for The Wyatts.

Thanks for reading, can't wait to read your comments.
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