Proud to be an American?

It's easy to wave a flag, put a bumper sticker on your car and say you're patriotic. A few years after 9/11, people weren't as patriotic then. If you do love this country, stand up and fight for its causes. I'm sick of people who want peace and all they do is stand outside city hall with signs. Talk to your Senator or Congressman about issues instead of going on a hunger strike. I'm sure the majority of people wouldn't even set foot in Afghanistan. I don't blame them though.

I served 6 years in the Air Force just to find out that Al Qaeda contractors made more money then the the regular military and received medals from our own government. The U.S doesn't negotiate with terrorists, my ass. A few weeks ago, Robert Gates stated that the terrorist threats in Afghanistan were basically non existent. Why didn't we hear this in the news? Probably because Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck are too busy scaring the piss out of ignorant Americans. Free health care is going to kill Grandma, and Obama is going to take your guns away!

Can you believe there are 20% of Americans that believe the Earth revolves around the sun? 80% believe that a man named Noah built an Arc too. Fascinating. People need to think for themselves instead of believe everything bad some idiot tells them. I believe Obama and the rest of the Democrats in Congress need to grow a set. You have the majority, why not pass this health care bill? At least Republicans passed any bill without giving a shit who it pissed off. When America has the lowest test cores, the worst violence and obesity in the world. There isn't much to be proud of at the current state.

People that say America is perfect are insane. It won't be perfect but will be close if everyone is on the same page to help rebuild it. Which means stricter gun laws, free or affordable health care, and less strict drug laws for marijuana. Also, rights for gay couples. Why should any person dictate who marries who or who has the right to visit someone in the hospital because of their sex? It's sad when role models are Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. Instead of little Jimmy playing outside with friends, he is obese at home playing video games, while being drugged by unfit parents.

I love this country, but we need to do more for its benefit. I want to be able to say we got up, dusted ourselves off and became a true respected society. Instead of not bettering ourselves, and just saying we're better then you because we say so!
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Just so we're clear, whose statistics do you accept? So far, any media who isn't Fox, The UN, Amnesty International, governmental agencies have all been "unreliable". Maybe their unreliable because you can't rely on them to tell you what you want to hear.

Umm, I don't know why you mixed Fox in with the UN and Amnesty International. Fox gives facts. Don't start the argument again that they don't because your side is laughable. The UN and Amnesty are two examples of power and authority gone wrong.

It was total immigrant population. Clearly, it might slightly be wrong based on estimates of illegals, but its pretty much accurate. Then, as for immigrants being turned away, it amazes me to think you are the only country to do this, yet again. And as for risking their lives, I'd rather try and cross a fence in the desert than try and cross hundreds of miles of ocean in this

But they try to cross water too to get here. No one turns em away like we do. The fact is that while we tell people time and again that we are full, tired of paying for them, or have no jobs, they still try to come here. That is the most ringing endorsement possible.


We get immigrants in from fucking France, which isn't even a bad country,


who try and walk through the Channel Tunnel. That's danger. Being beneath 300ft of sea and having to walk single file so you don't get hit by a train, which you can't see as it is dark is dangerous. So yes, there are other countries who have people risking their lives to get there. It's as if there is a huge disparity between poor and rich countries.

Great story. Try again when you have 12 million illegal and another 10 million stopped at the border every year.

Except it isn't. It's the sum total of 10-15 studies easily arranged, in what just about all analysts think is the best system. The only often cited problem is that it doesn't have anything to do with ecological concerns, but I think we both know that including that won't exactly put the US on top of the world now don't we.

But you aren't top of any of the categories. I can't be bothered to do the all of the lowest level categories, but of the 5 larger sub categories here's where the US place

Life Expectancy

1st - Andorra
Countries humorously in front of the US - Jordan, Bosnia
US Position - 50th

Education Index

1st - Australia, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand (all equal)
Countries humorously in front of the US - Cuba, Slovenia,
US Position - =19th with Lithuania

GDP per capita

1st - Luxembourg
Countries humorously in front of the US - none really
US Position - 35th

For the record, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Ireland, Australia, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Finland & Denmark are ahead of you in everything, Canada and France occupy the two places immediately below you in GDP per capita, and are above you in everything else and Switzerland, Austria and Japan lack slightly in education. Even if you altered the analysis in your favour, for no actual reason other than to promote yourselves, there's no way youd end up above 10th. So to be honest, I can say with soe degree of certainty that you are wrong.

So what you're telling me is that a bunch of countries with less than 100 million people, most of which are the size of Texas with completely homogeneous populations, are better able to provide services and educate their children. Crazy how a nation with a melting pot of population with different needs has more trouble providing everything for everyone. The funny thing about freedom is that it gives people the freedom to fail if they choose to, and unfortunately, the people who choose to fail in this country drag us down statistically.

But it's cool, compare us to Luxembourg, who's residents are all millionaires. What is the birthrate their, like 6 a year? Is Monte Carlo ahead of us? Tourist populations who are wealthy from other nations and move to tax havens shouldn't count.

The poor in other nations don't eat. Our's have internet access. The poor in other nations are sold into slavery, our's get food stamps and aid. The poor in other nations can't read. Our's get extra help from the government to go to college. The poor in other nations have no hope. We just elected a poor kid President.

I'll take America and it's opportunity over any other nation in the world. Tasty, I know you have disdain for this country, and our conservative populace. You can say you don't, but I've read enough of your posts to show otherwise. You can trot out all the hate you have for us all you want. The fact is, Europe is dying, Asia is a mess, and despite any recession we have, America is still the standard by which other nations judge themselves, and will be for the foreseeable future.
As far as standard of living goes, yes, I am pround of that in America. I know there are still a large amount of people who live in poverty in America, but compared to some other countries, it's a much smaller percentage.

I'm a glad that I live in a place where I can live in a nice house, with a refrigorator full of food, running water, and electricity. I also have the ablity to get a free education, which is one of the most important things in the world. This may not be the case for everyone, but most people do have the oppurtunity to live very good lives.

However, when it comes to the politics and the government, our country is plain awful. As a 17 year old, I admit that I'm not that knowledgeable on all of the issues, but from what I see, our entire political system is just shit. The government is more concerned with their side winning than doing what is actually best for the country. I think the two party system is just awful for the country as a whole, as it more or less gives us two separate government with separeate interests.

Anytime I watch one of the news stations, all I hear about is how the other side is wrong, and I don't learn anything about any of the issues. I find myself agreeing with msnbc the most often, but both left and right wing broadcasts are incredibly biased. The one side talks about how wrong the right wing is in every other sentence, and the other side is calling the president as racist and calling any health care plan that comes from the other side "Death Care".

For example, there was some Senator on Fox News the other day, and he made a commment comparing letting the Democrats handle our money to having Vick watch your dog over the weekend. This is a guy who is supposed to be coming up with a solutions for our country, yet he made a commment like this completely slamming half of the other men he has to work worth.

I'm not on the side of either party, as I feel both Democrats and Republicans are pretty corrupt. I think that our government system as a whole really needs to be given a long, hard look.
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Umm, I don't know why you mixed Fox in with the UN and Amnesty International. Fox gives facts. Don't start the argument again that they don't because your side is laughable. The UN and Amnesty are two examples of power and authority gone wrong.

Fox give facts do they? Completely unbiased facts? You're beyond ridiculous on this. Honestly, you are comparing a global governmental organisation who lists members as diverse as Iraq and Israel is less objective than a media outlet, run by one group of similar people. You want to know why Fox is bulshit. They got literally, and I mean literally, the only 1 out of over 1,000 elected politicians in the UK who is against the NHS to speak about the NHS. That's bias. It doesn't matter if the anchor doesn't say "NHS is bad", the choice of commentator, the choice of guest and the editing of stories does enough.

I don't care if you think Amnesty is biased, it is, I will admit that. If you seriously believe that Fox is a more reliable source of info than the UN, your going to need to show me proof.

And for what it's worth, in a recent study of the main news hour shows on US TV, the Fox one was the fourth most unbiased news show, not first, as you seem to think. ABC's night programme and NBC were considered worse, ABC's morning, CNN evening and something else, who's name escapes me. So there, Fox is averagely biased, and I am a little unfair on it, but it is not the angel you portray it to be.
But they try to cross water too to get here. No one turns em away like we do. The fact is that while we tell people time and again that we are full, tired of paying for them, or have no jobs, they still try to come here. That is the most ringing endorsement possible.

What part of "they do that here too" don't you understand? The EU turns them away. You actually won't get a job here if you are an illegal immigrant because legal Polish ones do all the shit jobs, our housing system is full, and if you are an asylum seeker you don't get very much at all, contrary to populist belief. How is your situation different from that?

Great story. Try again when you have 12 million illegal and another 10 million stopped at the border every year.

Not my fault we have better border guards than you. The EU, which is of comparable size to the US, has quite a lot more immigrants than the US, and it turns more away.

So what you're telling me is that a bunch of countries with less than 100 million people, most of which are the size of Texas with completely homogeneous populations, are better able to provide services and educate their children. Crazy how a nation with a melting pot of population with different needs has more trouble providing everything for everyone. The funny thing about freedom is that it gives people the freedom to fail if they choose to, and unfortunately, the people who choose to fail in this country drag us down statistically.

Nobody chooses to fail, a system that fails implies a better system. You've got a bigger country, but more resources. Are you questioning the freedom of citizens in the EU? Because last time I checked, there isn't a thing you can do that I can't.
But it's cool, compare us to Luxembourg, who's residents are all millionaires. What is the birthrate their, like 6 a year? Is Monte Carlo ahead of us? Tourist populations who are wealthy from other nations and move to tax havens shouldn't count.

That discounts precisely one country then. Monte Carlo isn't the country, Monaco is and, funnily enough, it doesn't count because it is a tax haven for foreigners. Luxembourg may be small, but it has a local, permanent population of 400,000, which is useful. Even if we discredit Luxembourg, there are still, statistically speaking 14 countries that are better than the USA.
The poor in other nations don't eat. Our's have internet access. The poor in other nations are sold into slavery, our's get food stamps and aid. The poor in other nations can't read. Our's get extra help from the government to go to college. The poor in other nations have no hope. We just elected a poor kid President.

Did I say that America was the worst country? No, I said it wasn't the best. You're acting as if I said Eritrea was a better place to live than the US, show me the poor starving in Sweden. Show me the illiterate in Austria.

President of US: grew up abroad in a working class family, ended up going to a good university and discovering politics.
Prime Minister of Sweden: grew up abroad in a working class family, ended up going to a good university and discovering politics.

Percentage of people living below the poverty line in Sweden: 6%
Percentage of people living below the poverty line in the US: 12.5%


I'll take America and it's opportunity over any other nation in the world. Tasty, I know you have disdain for this country, and our conservative populace. You can say you don't, but I've read enough of your posts to show otherwise. You can trot out all the hate you have for us all you want. The fact is, Europe is dying, Asia is a mess, and despite any recession we have, America is still the standard by which other nations judge themselves, and will be for the foreseeable future.

I don't hate America. I said it wasn't the best country in the world, and it isn't. You have had no oppurtunity in your life that I haven't had in mine, and you certainly haven't had any that you wouldn't have had in Sweden. You have given not a single piece of evidence to show that living in the US offers anything at all that living in Sweden doesn't, which was my point.

By all means be proud of America. Be proud of its acheivements, I know I would be. The first working republic. However, don't call yourself the greatest, because you aren't.
I hate to sound like a completely anti-american person, but I'll start this post off with an America/Canada list.

- Watered down beer
- Taxes
- American dollar is flopping in between being worth more/less than the Canadian dollar
- Fat ugly women (Thank you McDonalds)
- Ignorant racist rednecks in the southern states
- Jerry Springer (the crap this man put on TV for several years was deplorable)

- Great tasting beer
- Taxes still a problem, but hey, we live with it
- Canadian dollar also flopping in price, but usually it's worth more than the US dollar
- Hot women
- No racists in any of our provinces (not unless you count all our Newfie jokes as being racist to Newfoundlanders)
- No Jerry Springer here in Canada, god bless.

Now, I'll state some reasons as to why I hate America, and to an off-topic extent, Britain.

America thinks too much of themselves. America is like that friend everyone has who comes over and tells you what happened to them at work/whatever, and overexaggerates the story, claiming they beat some guy up or something. You don't believe them, yet you continue to sit there and listen to their crap because let's face it, they're still your friend.

I can't count how many times I've been insulted over XBOX Live, YouTube and even at work by ignorant Americans simply for being loyal to my country.

It's like you Americans have to continue to cram the fact that you're *apparently* better than us down our throats 24/7. We get it. You think you're good. We don't give a damn.

Britain is kind of the same way. I've had alot of Brits try to defend their country, claiming it's better than America and Canada, so here's a Britain section for your reading pleasure.

-Drug problems running rampant, mainly ecstasy. Kids do it because they think it's cool. I witnessed a former friend of mine who lives in Britain take 3 ecstasy tabs and she nearly died. She promised me she wouldn't do it again, and guess what. She did it the next day. This was over MSN's webcam service so I just blocked her while she was unconcious.
- Knife crime also running rampant. What kind of foolish parents let their kids run around with knives thinking they're cool by stabbing people.
- Many brits seem to think that us Canadians are "lucky that we Brits gave Canada back to you". That is a mis-stated fact. Canada was not given to us, we separated from Britains ruling because Britain was...well..stupid.
- Those god damned accents and the ugly teeth.

I think I'll stop rambling and just end it with this. America, you need to learn to be more humble and learn to accept the fact that your country isn't as great as you think it is.

If America just out of the blue decided to attack Canada for whatever reason, every other country in the world that had an army would join forces and come to Canada's aid.

Go to Italy and wave an American flag around and see how much hatred you get.

Wave a Canadian flag, and the Italians love you. Face it, America is hated worldwide and you damned well know it.

EDIT: Almost forgot. "Canada: Better healthcare"
I hate to sound like a completely anti-american person, but I'll start this post off with an America/Canada list.

- Watered down beer

Seriously now? Is that actually relevant to the worth of a country? Their beer? I'll have you know there are many, many fine microbrews and other beers in America. We don't all drink pisswater Budweiser for Christ's sake.

- Fat ugly women (Thank you McDonalds)

You've got to be fucking kidding me. America doesn't have beautiful women now? LAWLZ, you've never actually been to the USA have you? Because America has some of the most beautiful women on this planet. Seriously, the fuck are you smoking to say something so ridiculous?

- Ignorant racist rednecks in the southern states

If you're going to criticize the US, mind bringing up some valid reasons? First of all, this isn't the 1950s. The South isn't a haven of the KKK anymore. You should probably know what the fuck you're talking about if you're going to slander someone's nation.

- Jerry Springer (the crap this man put on TV for several years was deplorable)

Coming from a wrestling fan, that comment is hilarious. Mae Young giving birth to a hand is A-Okay, but if a couple of fat rednecks get on Jerry Springer and beat each other up, that's morally reprehensible!

Seriously now?

- No racists in any of our provinces (not unless you count all our Newfie jokes as being racist to Newfoundlanders)

Well that's just fucking ridiculous. No racists? Really? NONE in the entire nation of Canada? Give me a fucking break.

America thinks too much of themselves. America is like that friend everyone has who comes over and tells you what happened to them at work/whatever, and overexaggerates the story, claiming they beat some guy up or something. You don't believe them, yet you continue to sit there and listen to their crap because let's face it, they're still your friend.

I can't count how many times I've been insulted over XBOX Live, YouTube and even at work by ignorant Americans simply for being loyal to my country.

Yes, because 13 year olds on XBox Live and skinheads on YouTube are the obviously a valid indicator of the population of this naton.

I think I'll stop rambling and just end it with this. America, you need to learn to be more humble and learn to accept the fact that your country isn't as great as you think it is.

And who the fuck are you to be making that judgment? You come on here, spout bullshit that you pass as "reasons" as to why America apparently "sucks", and then you pimp out your own country, Canada. You do realize that you're right now doing the EXACT SAME thing that you were JUST criticizing Americans for doing? Boasting about how your country is so awesome and the best ever? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now?

If America just out of the blue decided to attack Canada for whatever reason, every other country in the world that had an army would join forces and come to Canada's aid.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You're officially a moron. Congratulations. Yes, because CLEARLY people are going to pick fucking Canada in a war against the United States. Are you mad? Canada has one of the most pathetic militaries on the planet, you really think European countries would go "Hey, we'll help you out Canada! You can't really offer us anything of value whatsoever and the US military will likely still defeat us, but let's join up because we all hate those evil 'Mericans!"

I can't describe just how foolish your post is.

Go to Italy and wave an American flag around and see how much hatred you get.

Wave a Canadian flag, and the Italians love you. Face it, America is hated worldwide and you damned well know it.

You simply don't know what the hell you're talking about. One of our best posters on this forum served in Iraq, and knows from FIRST HAND experience that 99.9% of the people in that country love the United States. Same situation in countries like Iran. You really don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

What's funny is that I gave many valid reasons as to my disdain for the United States government in an earlier post in this thread, but your post was just so blatantly ignorant that even I, someone who just posted a video entitled "Fuck the USA" a few posts back, has to come in and laugh at this bullshit you're spewing.

The sheer ignorance of that post has simply left me shaking my head in disbelief.
Just like an american to instantly wave everything off.

Wave everything off? You mean how I addressed how fucking ridiculous your post was? If you took the time to literally look about 3-4 posts before your post, you'll see a post made by me, in which I make SEVERAL criticisms of the United States. In fact, it's an entire post of me just ripping on the US. The thing is though, I actually brought up valid reasons. You didn't. Bad beer and fat women aren't valid reasons to criticize a country, especially when they A) Are not true, and B) Have absolutely nothing to do with the worth of a nation.

You really don't know why you're in a war with Iraq? Your country built their military bases on Muslim holy land which pissed off the people.

Did I ever once claim to not know why we're in war with Iraq? Seriously, you don't know who you're talking to right now. I'm the biggest critic of the US on this entire damn forum.

But yes, I'll take the word of someone who's BEEN TO IRAQ over you, sitting behind your computer in Canada. Have you been to Iraq? No? Okay then, I'd shut the fuck up.

The only reason you defend yourself so valiantly (read: idiotically), is because you were raised to think that way.

Again, who the fuck are you to be making these judgment calls on my character? For your information I was raised by fucking hippies who had nothing but disdain for this government, and I carry those same beliefs. Don't pretend like you know a single fucking thing about me buddy.

Open your mind, that is, if FOX news hasn't turned it into a pile of steaming nutty brown grade A liberal right wing bullshit.

A) I don't ever watch Fox News

B) The fact that you use the phrase "liberal right wing" tells me all I need to know about your intelligence level. You do realize liberal and right wing are ways to describe two completely opposite sides of the political spectrum right?

What a sad post of yours, and what a sad world you live in that you think so irrationally. If you're going to criticize the US, atleast come up with a valid god damn reason to. You haven't come anywhere close to doing that.
My ignore list: xfearbefore (how can I ignore moderators, even though WZ disabled ignoring mods? I have a custom Greasemonkey script that auto-hides posts of people whose names I put in the script)

I'm glad I have friends that happen to be Canadian so I wouldn't think from this that all Canadians are *****es that can't stand to have their beliefs challenged by a complete stranger. You know you're a fucking moron that can't back up what he's saying when someone challenging you leads you to go to these kind of lengths just so you can plug up your ears and go "LALALALALALALALA" rather than listening to them.

That's just pathetic, and that kind of childishness, moreso even than xfearbefore's excellent rebuttals to your mind-boggling dumbassedness, will discredit anything you had to say in this or any other thread.

In summation, get the fuck out of my forums you sad little sack of shit.

*edit* Oh, and BTW, it's also probably not the best idea to brag in your sig about using third party software to circumvent the rules of the forums. I'd imagine that kind of thing will get you banned. Just a thought.
I hate to sound like a completely anti-american person, but I'll start this post off with an America/Canada list.

Jeez right off the bat you are lying. Already I can tell that you are infatuated with your own country, and are that of an anti-American. You hate America, so just say it you fucking liar.

- Watered down beer

Because beer is why we are horrible. But I'll play along. What is the beer you have had from America? I suggest you try Sam Adams and shut your mouth.

Why is this a point? Everyone has taxes.

- Fat ugly women (Thank you McDonalds)

:lmao: You obviously have not been across the border. I'm guessing you only see the pieces in the news about obesity. Because obviously all of the women in America are fat and ugly. You are a moron for even trying to fathom this. I suggest you actually come to America and find out for yourself. I don't see how this is a real point.

- Ignorant racist rednecks in the southern states

Yeah, it still occurs. Not as much now as it did in the past. But so what? We're not perfect, and neither are you. People everywhere are racist, and you are ignorant to think otherwise.

- Jerry Springer (the crap this man put on TV for several years was deplorable)

I do believe it is called entertainment. But again, why is this a point?

- Great tasting beer

Which beer please? It must be good to make you delusional. Again why is beer a point in why Canada is better?

- Taxes still a problem, but hey, we live with it

AHA. You are trying to say that America sucks because we have taxes, yet because Canada has them you live with it? This is really a shitty post.

- Hot women

I sound like a broken record, not a point as to why it is a better country. And I do believe that some of the hottest women from Canada have come to the US for work. Because they can have better places to work. Just a thought.

- No racists in any of our provinces (not unless you count all our Newfie jokes as being racist to Newfoundlanders)

I call bullshit on you. But I can see that racism is just a huge indicator of how a country is. We should really count a small percentage of people as the whole country.

- No Jerry Springer here in Canada, god bless.

So you don't want a popular show like it was? Not the greatest, but people watched it regularly, have to give him credit.

Now, I'll state some reasons as to why I hate America, and to an off-topic extent, Britain.

:disappointed: Can't even stay on topic. You really do suck.

I can't count how many times I've been insulted over XBOX Live, YouTube and even at work by ignorant Americans simply for being loyal to my country.

I'm sure it is because you are a complete idiot and talk shit about America, and embelish and overexaggerate how great Canada is.

It's like you Americans have to continue to cram the fact that you're *apparently* better than us down our throats 24/7. We get it. You think you're good. We don't give a damn.

Um, we are good. For years we were looked at as a Super Power. But I am sure you are going to say it should have been Canada after WWII that was going to keep the world at peace, and keep it safe from a Nuclear Holocaust.

I think I'll stop rambling and just end it with this. America, you need to learn to be more humble and learn to accept the fact that your country isn't as great as you think it is.

You need to stop trying to put America down and embellishing Canada. Besides, what has Canada really done to be considered so great? (No offense to the other Canadian posters on here that aren't this moronic.)

If America just out of the blue decided to attack Canada for whatever reason, every other country in the world that had an army would join forces and come to Canada's aid.

Again, I'll play along. We have a great military basis. Our current leader doesn't like that fact, but we do. I doubt a lot of people would attack us. It would lead to a Nuclear Holocaust and probably end the world. Just sayin'.

Go to Italy and wave an American flag around and see how much hatred you get.

Why? I can easily go to Little Italy in Chicago and talk with anyone. Italians would probably recognize an American accent.

Wave a Canadian flag, and the Italians love you. Face it, America is hated worldwide and you damned well know it.

Can't win them all. But like I said before, after WWII everyone looked to the US for help in protection. We can't help the fact we helped them and now they don't like it.

EDIT: Almost forgot. "Canada: Better healthcare"

:lmao: :lmao: That is laughable. You have free healthcare. We pay for ours, but we actually get treatment from doctors. We can add months or years to people's lives. From what I have seen in Canada you are lucky to see a doctor, and luckier to get treatment for diseases.

Just like an american to instantly wave everything off.

Just like a moron to completely wave what he said off.

You really don't know why you're in a war with Iraq? Your country built their military bases on Muslim holy land which pissed off the people.

Again, no one said we knew why. The people aren't pissed, Muslim extremists are. History lesson for you. Muslim extremists hate the Western Philosophy. If Canada were such a dominating world force like the US, I'm sure you would have been attacked too.

They retaliated with 9/11, or so we're led to believe.

Conspiracy theorist I see.

The only reason you defend yourself so valiantly (read: idiotically), is because you were raised to think that way.

I will defend the country I love. I will critique it when I think it sucks and I can articulate it. Currently my government sucks and I have no problem admitting that.

Open your mind, that is, if FOX news hasn't turned it into a pile of steaming nutty brown grade A liberal right wing bullshit.

If I get an infraction for flaming, so be it. You are such a fucking idiot I shouldn't even be responding to this part. Liberal is left-wing. Conservative is right-wing. Now either you don't know American politics because your head is so far up your own ass, or you don't know left from right.

Well, I'm done arguing with you, especially after the completely unwarranted warning concerning my post where I was wondering why the post I made above yours ended up above your post instead of below it.

I'm sure it was warranted. You did nothing but bash America, and embellish Canada. It didn't add to the thread at all.

Face it, America is one of the worst, if not the actual worst country in the world.

Yes, because we are cocky, have a very good military, and even though we are in a financial crisis, we are still one of the wealthier countries on the planet. God we are so horrible.

No thanks, I think I'll stay. I like it here.

But so far, no one likes you. Just sayin'

That's nice. So I've removed it from my sig? So what. Who's to say I'm not still using it? There's no real way you can tell.

Flaming a mod. I do believe that warrants a ban in and of itself.

I am so glad I know Canadians on here that aren't you. I would say that Canada sucks after reading what you have wrote, and how ignorant you are. You piss off one of the most respected posters on here, and can't even give him a proper argument. You have officially blown your chance at gaining any type of real respect on here.

Onto the topic, since I don't want to just post to this moron. I love my country. I am so very proud of what we have accomplished in such a short amount of time. We are a wealthy country, have some huge industries, and it really is an awesome place to live. My brother has been in the military for 10 years. Went to Iraq and Afghanistan for a year each and didn't hear anything bad from Iraqi or Afghani people. They always thanked him for his services. What he does is amazing, and even though we disagree on some family things, I still love him, just like my country. My government is a different story. I hate how we are being run, I am not in favor of socialism, but I'm not very well rounded on politics, so I don't talk or debate it. We are spending too much money, and pushing us further into debt. We have shut down a plantation in California, to save a small fucking 2 or 3 inch minnow from going extinct, cutting thousands of jobs.

I am proud to be an American, and I am proud of being from Chicago. We show class, unlike people in Canada who actually booed our National Anthem during the NHL Playoffs. But when the series went back to Boston, the Canadian National Anthem was cheered. Again, we show class.
Am I proud to be an American? No. Why? Because all of our leaders in the US so far are two faced.

Not really. I just think that you don't understand how it works. Deals have to made for anything to get done. They're not two faced, they just vote for things they have to in order to get other congressmen to vote for things that benefit their consituency.

The economy is horrible.

So bad that every other nation in the world pegs their currency to ours. It's better here than everywhere else.

More and more people are losing their jobs.

Actually, if you watched the news, you would realize that less and less people are losing their jobs. Unemployment's growth has slowed.

Gas prices can't stay under $2,

They used to be over four. It's all relative.

and the war is stupid.

Look at Iran. Their citizens are so bust protesting, trying to get true democracy that they have decided to stop killing Americans. We won, we don't fight anymore, and the troops are coming home soon. Iraq is stabilizing, and Saddam Hussein is dead.

The US just keep it's nose out of other people's business.

That's great rhetoric, but it's completely empty. If we didn't, this world would be completely clusterfucked. But maybe you're right. Let's stop sending foreign aid to Darfur and give it to the homeless and destitute in this nation. Maybe I agree here.

To be honest, Americans are big bullies.

We protect more people than we "bully." But, hey, thanks for quoting leftist rhetoric. I don't even need research to shoot it down.

The ONLY time I was proud to be American, is when BILL CLINTON was in office.

Because the President obstructing justice is a good thing?

I liked him as our President.

To tell you the truth, if you forget that he was devoid of morals and values, he was pretty good.

He kept us OUT of war.

He deployed troops MORE TIMES THAN ANY OTHER PRESIDENT EVER. He did a great job of keeping us out of that civil war in Bosnia. We got attacked on 9/11 because he decided to fire bomb Muslims in Europe.

Who cares if he had sexual relations with some other woman. It's his life.

I care that he ordered State Troopers in Arkansas to pick up the women he was harassing on the tax payer's dime. I care that he tried to talk women into lying about these actions, which is obstruction of justice. I care that he lied under oath. These are crimes. I care when my President commits crimes.

That doesn't mean he was a bad President. It was just a bad example of a role model(On that account)

And God forbid we ask a President to be a role model.

. Everything is too expensive these days. Just for a pack of diapers, it costs $20.

But cloth diapers and save the environment.

To me, that's too expensive.

Nothing should be too expensive for your children. That's selfish.

But I have no choice but to buy them. Granted I could use cloth diapers which would save a lot of money.

But I thought you had no choice? I'm confused.

I'm very disappointed in the way our government has been since Bush took over. He just had to be like his stupid father.

Maybe the problem is that insolent children have no respect for authority. WHy was his father stupid? Because you said so? Well, since that opinion is so valid and all......

Seriously, you didn't get his intelligence reports. But, since he's so stupid, what business did we have in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Somalia? These are places that Clinton deployed troops. At least there were actual goals in Iraq and Afghanistan. Clinton's missions were simply to "wag the dog" and distract us from the fact that he was breaking laws left and right. Do some research some time.

Once Bush took over, that's when things went South with America. And so far, hardly any change since Obama has taken over, and I'm a Democrat!

Actually, and this is no surprise, you're wrong here too. The Dow was at an all time high, home ownership was at an all time high, until 2007, which coincidentally is when the fucking Democrats took control of Congress. Once again, spout all the empty leftist rhetoric you want, but facts always outweight bullshit. If you want a real example of the ineptitude of your chosen political affiliation, understand that the eleven largest cities in the nation have been governed by Democrats 92% of the time since 1970. These cities have the highest poverty rates and graduate only 60% of their kids. These are cities that Democrats run. Eight of the eleven have never had a Republican administration. So, yeah, great choice of political parties. Maybe you could afford some diapers if you voted Republican.
-Drug problems running rampant, mainly ecstasy. Kids do it because they think it's cool. I witnessed a former friend of mine who lives in Britain take 3 ecstasy tabs and she nearly died. She promised me she wouldn't do it again, and guess what. She did it the next day. This was over MSN's webcam service so I just blocked her while she was unconcious.

Bollocks. Firstly, there is no drug problem in the UK whatsoever. Well, there is, but its no worse than any other developed country. Secondly, I have strong suspicion that either you, or the girl, are lying. Why? Because if someone took three ecstasy tablets, it would not make them unconcious for several hours, if it did at all. So either you watched the most depressive person in the world take ecstasy in her bedroom, or one of you is lying.
- Knife crime also running rampant. What kind of foolish parents let their kids run around with knives thinking they're cool by stabbing people.

I'd rather have knife crime than gun crime. Themurder rate in the UK and Canada is almost identical, and half that of the US, but still... good facts

- Many brits seem to think that us Canadians are "lucky that we Brits gave Canada back to you". That is a mis-stated fact. Canada was not given to us, we separated from Britains ruling because Britain was...well..stupid.

And you'd have done that if Britain wouldn't have let you, would you? No, you wouldn't. You were given your independence for a whole host of reasons. Remind me who your head of state is?
- Those god damned accents and the ugly teeth.

There are several accents from the UK, there's no way you could like them all, also, well done for racial stereotyping.

Oh, go on then, I'll defend America too..
- Watered down beer

Nobody from North America is allowed to talk about beer quality. But if they were, they could say Coors is better than Labbatt.

I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
- American dollar is flopping in between being worth more/less than the Canadian dollar

So America is worse than Canada because its currency is sometimes worse?
- Fat ugly women (Thank you McDonalds)

- Ignorant racist rednecks in the southern states

The only ignorant xenophobe I see is you.
- Jerry Springer (the crap this man put on TV for several years was deplorable)

You are goddamned right I am proud to be an American. You can talk about your taxes, our debt problems, racism, etc, but the fact is that this exists every damn where. We can thank that bitch ass Bush for some of this. See what I did there, I used a right that is guaranteed to me. I would be afraid to say something like this somewhere else.

I want to talk about Canada with this Daedryon character. I have nothing against our neighbors to the north, love your country and how open you all are to certain things. Sometimes I wish we could be as open as you all are with some things like homosexuality, but oh well. However, I want to tell you how insignificant your country really is. Example, you can name our President can't you? I don't know who or what is in charge there. Also, if you all got into hot water with any other country, who do you think would be the ones to assist you and bail your ass out? Um, we would. I could go on but it's pointless.

P.S. You all have that crappy T.V. show Degrassi. Springer is way better!
Your goddamned right I am going to talk about Jerry fucking Springer. Whether you like it your not, his show is part of the faberic that makes up our entertainment today. You want to talk about American Exceptionalism? Find me a show that has a bigger diversity of people on it than Jerry Springer.

I like to give this show credit for showing Americans a more diverse community. He was one of the first shows to have Blacks, rednecks, midgets, asians, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, drag queens, "BIG" people, and so on.
I'd probably be proud to be American if I was American. I'm proud to be English for the most part. But some of the bullshit in this thread is laughable. People are really using Beer and ugly women as a way to say America is a bad country? I have tears in my eyes from laughing at just how stupid that is. You know those divas you drool over every week? They're from America. So are most of the worlds best actresses, generally very attractive. Ugly people are everywhere, how you can use that to say a country is bad is beyond me.

America should really get a better healthcare system. That's the only thing I really dislike about it. I know all the arguments against it etc. But I just think if I'm going to be paying that much in tax, few things could be more important than my health. I also love how distorted the facts America have of our healthcare system are. They find one person who had to wait a few months and suddenly we're all dying in our homes waiting to see a doctor. General wait to see a GP is around a week. But if it's urgent we can book an appointment with the emergency doctor and be seen that night. If we go into hospital ill we're cared for straight away. And if you really don't want to wait at all, you can go to a Private clinic and pay for your treatment. So you have the choice.
I'm proud to be an American, i just think the people who run it are assholes. Just because i don't like the gov't or 99 % of the politicians on DC, Minus Ron Paul of course, but i really wouldn't want to be born anywhere else in the world. We have our problems, but at least we have a shot still. Our economy may be trashed, but so long as we don't let the fed artificially inflate our currency by printing more money, and we don't let medicine and health care become socialized and gov't run, we are still the best nation on the face of the earth. We are still the free-est nation for damn sure, for now at least.
With all that's going on in America today, the incredulous national debt, the war, the high taxes and high prices of everything, the healthcare disaster and everything else, are you proud to be an american still?

If you're not proud to be an American because there are a few political bombs going off, then you'll never be proud of America. Pick any point in America's history and there will be some big bombshell political turmoil that people are up in arms about.

It's what Americans do.

America is one of the most hated countries so it seems, it is constantly pushing other countries and nations around without fear of retaliation, it seems like it trys to intimidate anyone who remotely gets in the way of what it wants.

That was Bush adopting Teddy Roosevelt's "Tread lightly, but carry a big stick" approach, only forget the "Tread lightly" part. Also, it was the side effect of American's getting riled up. It happens from time to time. Pearl Harbor, the Boston Massacre, and 9/11. Americans are notoriously short-tempered.

I love my country, I love the freedom I get, but I feel the rights that are in our constitution are dwindling away.

Get in line. They've been dwindling since the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts under John Adams. They were rescinded later, but that set a precedent that other Congressional sessions and presidents have been all to happy to oblige.

Freedom of speech or press doesn't seem to be there too much anymore, because you can be prosecuted or sued for just about anything.

No. You can be sued for slander, libel, and inciting violence. As you should be. Freedom of speech doesn't cover lies and calls for harm against others.

The right to bear arms is slowly fading away because people are becoming more and more paranoid about anyone who carries a firearm.

Common sense laws. Keep your pistols and rifles, but do you really need a fucking automatic assault rifle? Really?

I was born in April 1990, and that was right around Desert Storm, I was raised in a time where it was fun, it was easy to be a kid, no real problems.

Me too! Only I was brought up poor, beaten, and downtrodden. Not everyone was having a field day growing up in the '90s.

I feel bad for children having to grow up in this particular age, with the war going on for just about 9 years now, the economy being in this god awful shape it is, and just everything going on around us makes it tough to be a child it seems.

You should have had my childhood. It makes today's "TERRORIST ATTACKS!?!?!?!" look like nothing.

My final question for you, are you proud to be an American?

Of course I am. I am rather perturbed with the extreme religious right, though. The type that refuses to see the illogicality of repelling Roe vs. Wade, the type that are highlighted in the documentary Jesus Camp. They are indoctrinating children to carry on their insane ideology, and it sickens me.

Though, honestly, the PATRIOT Act still bothers me. Other than that, though. American all the way.

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