Proud to be an American?


Championship Contender
With all that's going on in America today, the incredulous national debt, the war, the high taxes and high prices of everything, the healthcare disaster and everything else, are you proud to be an american still? America is one of the most hated countries so it seems, it is constantly pushing other countries and nations around without fear of retaliation, it seems like it trys to intimidate anyone who remotely gets in the way of what it wants. I love my country, I love the freedom I get, but I feel the rights that are in our constitution are dwindling away. Freedom of speech or press doesn't seem to be there too much anymore, because you can be prosecuted or sued for just about anything. The right to bear arms is slowly fading away because people are becoming more and more paranoid about anyone who carries a firearm. I was born in April 1990, and that was right around Desert Storm, I was raised in a time where it was fun, it was easy to be a kid, no real problems. I feel bad for children having to grow up in this particular age, with the war going on for just about 9 years now, the economy being in this god awful shape it is, and just everything going on around us makes it tough to be a child it seems. My final question for you, are you proud to be an American?
You god damn right I am proud to be an American. Just because we are in debt, are fighting in a war, and all that other junk does not take away what we all have in common. We are all Americans, and we are in the greatest country there is. The men and women fighting overseas for us is more than enough to make me proud to be an American. Also add in the fact that when a tragedy hits, we all are affected by it. We all stand as one, and we all fight for what we believe in, no matter how bad it gets, financially, economically, it doesnt matter. We are ALL AMERICANS, and I'll be damned if anybody is going to take that from me.

You god damn right I am proud to be an American. Just because we are in debt, are fighting in a war, and all that other junk does not take away what we all have in common. We are all Americans, and we are in the greatest country there is. The men and women fighting overseas for us is more than enough to make me proud to be an American. Also add in the fact that when a tragedy hits, we all are affected by it. We all stand as one, and we all fight for what we believe in, no matter how bad it gets, financially, economically, it doesnt matter. We are ALL AMERICANS, and I'll be damned if anybody is going to take that from me.


Very well said. I agree, main reason for asking this was because this country has a serious lack of patriotism going on, and I know of some people who said they can't stand America anymore and are disgraced or whatever. Wanted to see how everyone stands.
I'm proud enough to be an American to actually be in the military. I've been in for 7 years and plan on retiring. I can't stand to see people continuously spit on America, especially American citizens. It sickens me, but I will continue to fight for their freedom to do so. I want to get a patriotic tattoo, but I know if I do, if I'm in other countries it makes me a target for Anti-American's to come up to me just to spew their hate.

IMO, people are too quick to believe whatever they hear on TV. Just because CNN reports something, doesn't make it true. They have a way of twisting the truth to fit their agenda. But that's information suited for a better time. Right now, things aren't the best here, even I can admit that. But to all the people who aren't proud to be American... Get out if you don't like it, or do something to make it better. Complaining won't help the situation get any better.

So am I proud to be an American? You're damn right I am, and nobody could ever change my mind.
I'm hugely proud to be an American. I don't care about the trash talk. There are always going to be haters. Its natural. You ignore it. No matter what is going on in the world, I almost never regret anything the United States does as a whole. I can't think of a single time in our nation's history where I regret one of our major decisions. Even unpopular ones, like Vietnam (though I may have gone about it differently).

And frankly, I'm sick and tired of the new Administration's policy of apologizing to every foreigner we come across in a meeting. Seriously. Saying you are sorry to everything that moves doesn't make you look noble, it makes you look pathetic.
Every country has her problems. I'll be the first person to talk about our flaws, but America is still the greatest country in the world and my opinion will never change. People will always hate on America. They can hate our wars and despise our policies, but we're still going to be the first to stand up for justice and to fight for freedom of those who hate us.

Nothing could take away my love for this country. Nothing.

There is a lot that is wrong in this country, I will say that, but. I am proud to be an American. Why would I not be. This my home. Anyone that says that they aren't proud of this country should be ashamed of themselves. Not only are they a disgrace to this country. They're a disgrace to the men and women that have died for this country. If they aren't proud they have some serious issues. To which I say get out. You don't like it, leave. You going to complain about everything. Get out. Do we have problems yes, but if you don't want to help then get out. It really annoys me when people complain all the time about this country, then don't care to do anything about. Celebrities whoever, you don't like, and don't want to be mature about it and do something. Get out...

I might be harsh, but dammit I love this country and the men and women that have died to defend it. You have an issue with that. Tough luck!
I'm not gonna lie. Of course I'm proud of being an American! I don't care if it comes off as xenophobic, the USA is the greatest nation in the world. I mean, of course we have our issues. Show me one country that does not, and I'll show you a country that's hiding shit. Every nation has its problems, but, it takes a truly great nation to address said problems.

Further more, I feel saying you're not proud of this nation is a slap in the face. A slap in the face of our Constitution, our armed forces, and our pride. We fight for what's right in this world, freeing people of tyrants, and establishing free governments. We enjoy great freedoms, and even though a few have been temporarily displaced, they are more than most countries enjoy.

So, yeah, in short, I love this country, and everything she stands for.
I'm certainly not proud to be an American. I'm ashamed. The government is corrupt, our "freedoms" are constantly taken away, and we act as the world police. We bully other countries and cause more problems than we solve. Is the US the worst country in the world? Of course not. Is it tolerable? Sure. But that's not enough to make me proud of it.
I am proud to be an American. Sometimes I don't agree with the things we do but it is all for the greater good. America give those from other countries a chance to prosper and be successful and that is why America is called the land of opportunity. Other countries might hate us but we do try to do what's best for them and others.
Hell Yeah I'm Proud to be an American. Yeah like its been said we got our flaws but show me a country that doesn't. As its been said we always unite and come together when a tragedy hits. I always thank a solider when I see them for all they have done for this Country.

Am I proud to be an American? No. Why? Because all of our leaders in the US so far are two faced. The economy is horrible. More and more people are losing their jobs. Gas prices can't stay under $2, and the war is stupid. The US just keep it's nose out of other people's business. To be honest, Americans are big bullies. The ONLY time I was proud to be American, is when BILL CLINTON was in office. I liked him as our President. He kept us OUT of war. Who cares if he had sexual relations with some other woman. It's his life. That doesn't mean he was a bad President. It was just a bad example of a role model(On that account). Everything is too expensive these days. Just for a pack of diapers, it costs $20. To me, that's too expensive. But I have no choice but to buy them. Granted I could use cloth diapers which would save a lot of money. I'm very disappointed in the way our government has been since Bush took over. He just had to be like his stupid father. Once Bush took over, that's when things went South with America. And so far, hardly any change since Obama has taken over, and I'm a Democrat!
Am I proud to be an American? No. Why? Because all of our leaders in the US so far are two faced. The economy is horrible. More and more people are losing their jobs. Gas prices can't stay under $2, and the war is stupid. The US just keep it's nose out of other people's business. To be honest, Americans are big bullies. The ONLY time I was proud to be American, is when BILL CLINTON was in office. I liked him as our President. He kept us OUT of war. Who cares if he had sexual relations with some other woman. It's his life. That doesn't mean he was a bad President. It was just a bad example of a role model(On that account). Everything is too expensive these days. Just for a pack of diapers, it costs $20. To me, that's too expensive. But I have no choice but to buy them. Granted I could use cloth diapers which would save a lot of money. I'm very disappointed in the way our government has been since Bush took over. He just had to be like his stupid father. Once Bush took over, that's when things went South with America. And so far, hardly any change since Obama has taken over, and I'm a Democrat!

Bill Clinton was a hell of a good president. I liked him and I was just a little kid. Obama's only been in office for a while.. not enough to make extremely drastic changes. He does have a 4 year term after all, people are shutting him down and whatnot before his term is really started..
Bill Clinton was a hell of a good president. I liked him and I was just a little kid. Obama's only been in office for a while.. not enough to make extremely drastic changes. He does have a 4 year term after all, people are shutting him down and whatnot before his term is really started..

I realize this recession is going to take time, I just wish it would happen a lot sooner than what it is. Don't get me wrong, I'm a full on Democrat. I hope Obama can pull through for us. He seems like a really great guy and all, but I guess I'm too stuck on Clinton. I wish he could come back.
I realize this recession is going to take time, I just wish it would happen a lot sooner than what it is. Don't get me wrong, I'm a full on Democrat. I hope Obama can pull through for us. He seems like a really great guy and all, but I guess I'm too stuck on Clinton. I wish he could come back.

I wish it would too, as does the rest of the USA i'm sure. If you're not making money of it, then you're most likely wishing it was gone. I think Obama can do it, but there's so much criticism against him. People expecting instant change because he said it, expecting him to turn the entire country around in a matter of months, it's insane. Plus we have people comparing him to Hitler in the rights that he was a good speaker and had everyone clinging to his last word. Clinton was great, but i'm not sure even Ol' Bill could get us out of the hole we're in right now.
When I read the overall question of this thread, I think of a Bret Hart promo that he cut in 1997, that I just can't help but go back to, and refer to. While unfortunately I can't find that promo, I'll do my best to break it down and sum it up.

The simplicity of the question is "Are you proud, to be an American?" Well, the simplest answer I could give is.. it depends on what part, of being an American, you're referring to.

You see, in the Hart promo I'm referring to, he hit on some things that I actually believe to be true about America. He says (taken from as much as I can quote) "In Canada, we still treat our elderly with love and respect. We don't have lust toward guns and violence. And we still take care of our own." Something to that effect, anyways.

The reason I recall back to that particular promo, when being asked the question about being proud to be an American - its because there are aspects of this Country, I'm not proud of at all. And the disrespect everyone shows to everyone else, is one of the major issues I have. You can go out of your way to be as nice as possible, and Americans are some of the nastiest, worst types of people you could ever meet. While naturally not every American is awful, the good majority of them have what I consider to be a "better than thou" attitude. And its quite honestly pathetic. I don't care if you live in this Country, or any other. You aren't better than Me, and I'm not better than You. Simple As.

As for the Government, thats another topic that I sometimes lean on from time to time. I'm a fan of truth and honesty, and those are two words the American Government can't seem to find in their vocabulary. It doesn't seem like a day passes anymore, without some new secret popping up about our Government hiding something, or some type of scandal thats rocking the Nation. Its distracting, and anything but what we need right now. And I can't help but believe it could all be solved better, if our Government would just not treat the American citizens like we're a bunch of 3 and 4 year old children, who can't come to terms with understanding something to be the way it is.

As for the Health Care, I can't help but wish to be Canadian for the pure fact their's is free. I don't know the logistics and full understanding behind the difference, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather have free Health Care from a moderate field of Doctors.. than no Health Care, and constantly be turned away if I don't have the cash up front to get checked out properly.

I can't tell you how many times I had to go to the Emergency Room, purely because a regular Health Clinic refused service all because I couldn't pay even a little money up front, before being seen and/or checked out. And the worst part is, 98% of the time you go in for an illness, you almost always get a prescription for meds that cost an arm and a leg. How am I suppose to afford all of that, as well as have a regular life?

Finally, the War. You know, if you've heard one Politician, you've heard them all. "Its time we come home." Thats the group saying that gets a thousand ears to turn heads in your direction. But yet we still have millions of loved ones overseas, that can't come home - because simply put.. we've gone too far, we'd lose too much, and we're in too deep. I understand that, and I'm sure the average smart American can understand that as well. Yet, we still buy into the lies, and political bullshit that gets thrown our way - because somewhere deep down, we want to believe we can just quit the nonsense of a War we've long since forgotten why we even took part in.

Now.. those are all reasons that make me ashamed to be an American. But the reasons that top why I like being an American, and why I'll likely never leave this Country are even simpler.

Everyone from all different types of Countries are flocking here to start a life. Even in knowing how bad it is here, its still never half as worse as it is EVERYWHERE ELSE. And whether anyone from this Country, or any other, likes that fact.. it is just that.. a fact.
I don't see the point in being proud of anything that I had no control over. Am I grateful that I don't live in a third world country? Yes. Am I grateful that I live in a liberal democracy? Yes. But, I don't see why I should be proud of being American, when my nationality is nothing more than an outcome of recognized territorial boundaries.
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Everyone from all different types of Countries are flocking here to start a life. Even in knowing how bad it is here, its still never half as worse as it is EVERYWHERE ELSE. And whether anyone from this Country, or any other, likes that fact.. it is just that.. a fact.

Wow a totally arrogant comment. I actually respect the pride and love that Americans have for their country, but saying the USA is TWICE as good to live in as anywhere else on the planet is a pretty stupid thing to say, and if it's a fact give me some evidence to support it.
Isn't the fact that we turn away millions of people every year at the borders evidence that this is a nice place to live? Isn't the fact there is a five year waiting list for citizenship enough evidence that this is a nice place to live?

What I don't get is that people try to bash this country out of one side of their mouth while taking the English test for new citizens with the other side.

This is the best place in the world to live. You can point out what might be better in some other countries, but the sum of the parts is higher nowhere in the world.
This is the best place in the world to live. You can point out what might be better in some other countries, but the sum of the parts is higher nowhere in the world.

Don't care about patriotism, that's something I actually admire in Americans, to an extent. However, you are dead wrong, and let me let the UN show you how...

First and foremost, it's cute that you think that because you have an inordinate amount of central americans on your doorstep wanting to come in, you are somehow great. Here's a fact for you, being better than El Salvador, doesn't make you the best. There are 37 sovereign nations with a higher immigrant population than you, including Australia and Canada alongside luminaries such as Moldova and Kazakhstan. Yeksemash.

Now onto global facts. I will use the following: life expectancy, HIV rate, infant mortality, suicide, IQ, aldut literacy, GDP, employment, equality, welfare, healthcare, freedom of press... Gee, that's a long list, if only someone could help me. What's this, Ban Ki-Moon has given me a list of countries... It's called the Human Development Index.

Tastycles: I can only assume that the USA is in first.

Captain Fact: No, that's Iceland.

Tastycles: Second then?

Captain Fact: Nope, Norway.

Tastycles: At least it's the best on its continent?

Captain Fact: Nope, Canada.

Tastycles: Top 10?

Captain Fact: Nope. It's in 15th.

Tastycles: CONSPIRACY.

So, there you have it. The USA is the 15th greatest nation on Earth, from a human point of view. And, unlike some dubious lists, the countries above are realistic. Just face it, we'd all be better off in Sweden.
Am I proud to be an American? Depends on what you mean by that. Am I proud of our government? FUCK NO. One of the driving factors behind that is the fact that this country has turned into nothing more than a government run by and for corporations, without a second thought about it's citizens. The biggest example of this is the "Drug War" we've been waging (and losing miserably) for decades now. There is not a single valid reason for why marijuana should be illegal; not a single god damn one. The only reason it isn't legal, is because of how much it would DRASTICALLY affect the prescription drug industry (which by the way makes up 50% of the Fortune 500; oh and don't forget all of the ex-CEOs being given political positions in administrations, clearly they aren't biased!). FTS will probably come in to rip on me for being a typical commie pinko liberal or whatever, but I don't really care. Our government (Obama's administration included) is fucking pathetic. Yep, I said it. Fucking PATHETIC. What happened to the idea of a government serving it's people? That idea has been dead and gone for a long time; the only thing our government gives a shit about is lining the pockets of billionaires with even more blood money. I'm ashamed of so many things in our country; be it our prison system which basically serves as a slave-labor system, our ridiculous and harmful "drug war", our corrupt politicians...someone please tell me what the fuck I should be so proud of. That we can go buy a handgun, a bottle of whiskey and a flag to wave at the same store?

There's my rant. Do I hate this country? No, not at all. There are plenty of things to be proud to be an American for. There are also a shitload of things to be ashamed of. At the end of the day, if you ask me am I proud of our country at it's present situation? I'd tell you no, and I'm frankly disgusted by those who are.

And just to make up for all the flag-waving bullshit I've seen in this thread, here's a video of my own for you to enjoy:

There you go everyone. I expect nothing less than huge backlash from some of you, but I don't really give a shit.
Don't care about patriotism, that's something I actually admire in Americans, to an extent. However, you are dead wrong, and let me let the UN show you how...

Awesome, the UN. They've never published a load of bullshit before. :lmao:

First and foremost, it's cute that you think that because you have an inordinate amount of central americans on your doorstep wanting to come in, you are somehow great. Here's a fact for you, being better than El Salvador, doesn't make you the best. There are 37 sovereign nations with a higher immigrant population than you, including Australia and Canada alongside luminaries such as Moldova and Kazakhstan. Yeksemash.

Not talking about immigrant population. I am talking about the number that we have to turn away. I'm talking about the number that risk their lives to get here, rather than live in their country. There are hundreds of thousands of people a year who would rather die in the desert than stay in Latin America. Plus, you can add about 15 million people to our immigrant population that are not on paper.

Now onto global facts. I will use the following: life expectancy, HIV rate, infant mortality, suicide, IQ, aldut literacy, GDP, employment, equality, welfare, healthcare, freedom of press... Gee, that's a long list, if only someone could help me. What's this, Ban Ki-Moon has given me a list of countries... It's called the Human Development Index.

Tastycles: I can only assume that the USA is in first.

Captain Fact: No, that's Iceland.

Tastycles: Second then?

Captain Fact: Nope, Norway.

Tastycles: At least it's the best on its continent?

Captain Fact: Nope, Canada.

Tastycles: Top 10?

Captain Fact: Nope. It's in 15th.

Tastycles: CONSPIRACY.

If I'm not mistaken, most of that survey includes the growth rates of those statistics. Tough to move up if you're on top. If not, I'm wrong. But it's just one study.

So, there you have it. The USA is the 15th greatest nation on Earth, from a human point of view. And, unlike some dubious lists, the countries above are realistic. Just face it, we'd all be better off in Sweden.

Meh, any individual could weight any of those categories differently and come up with a different result.
Am I proud of our government? FUCK NO.

To proclaim anyones government is 100% perfect, and not crooked is stupid, on anyones part. Whats so wrong with our government? Now obviously you didn't say this anywhere in the thread. But, our government is easily targeted and very vulnerable right now, that anyone can see through the holes. Making us look weak, and very corrupt. When, in all reality, its in every single government. Money is the way to a mans heart, theres no way we can regulate to make sure no ones making an absure paycut, in order to swing their vote a certain way.

One of the driving factors behind that is the fact that this country has turned into nothing more than a government run by and for corporations

I would like to know what government in the world doesn't support high corporations. Its been like this since the beginning of our country. We have some, like Obama who are for "the people" (supposibly) Which is relatable to Thomas Jefferson. Then we have some like Bush who are for high socioty members, which is related to Alexander Hamilton (Except Hamilton had a GREAT use of money and shit)

As for corporations. Corporations bring in fucktons of money. Granted fundemental businesses would if there weren't so many corporations, as long as shit isn't just being monopolized, then this country will be perfectly fine. Once it becomes monopolized, we will be in trouble, greatly. Take Gas Stations for example. You have BP, Texico, Citco, Sonoco, then your fundemental stations here and there. Each one of these huge corporations have to keep their prices realitively the same. Causing compitition, causing prices to be lower.

without a second thought about it's citizens.

I think 95% of what the government does is for the people. Obama's currently trying to get healthcare through for our people (Which, hes using all the wrong sales pitches to get through or else it'd go through) This would obviously take a huge toll on taxes, etc. But the corporation, that is the insurance company continually upping their prices, would be dropped off entirely to 450$ a month, if you want good coverage. If you ask me, that sounds damn good for our people, and damn good for MY pockets.

The biggest example of this is the "Drug War" we've been waging (and losing miserably) for decades now. There is not a single valid reason for why marijuana should be illegal;

We allready have so many legal drunkards, and Chain smokers its not funny. Please don't add one more drug to our legal markets. If you ask me, it should all be abolished (Alcohal, Marijuana, and Cigs all)

not a single god damn one.

Theres no reason it should be legal, for own personal gain either. There is a such thing as medical weed, and many states are allready adopting it, in order to take care of their cancer patience. You want it to be legalized COMPLETELY, which in all is dumb. It will only make the illigalization of Cigarettes and Alcohal that much harder.

The only reason it isn't legal, is because of how much it would DRASTICALLY affect the prescription drug industry (which by the way makes up 50% of the Fortune 500;

Well, I've allready stated about Healthcare, this would also provide the prescription drug industry hoax to come under full government control, and cause much less abuse of this industry. Again, helping the people.

oh and don't forget all of the ex-CEOs being given political positions in administrations,

Incase you've forgotten. America is a Republic nation. All these people you're talking about are voted in by THE PEOPLE. Its the peoples own fault for voting for these men/women, no?

Our government (Obama's administration included) is fucking pathetic. Yep, I said it. Fucking PATHETIC.

Outside of Marijuana being illigal, you've failed to give any proof of this "pathetic" government we live in. I'm not even the most patriotic guy around, hell, I play with the words in the Pledge to America, but even I can see, my government treats me just fine.

What happened to the idea of a government serving it's people?

Its yet to be extinct. Go ahead, prove its extinct, please.

the only thing our government gives a shit about is lining the pockets of billionaires with even more blood money.

What the hell are you talking about? Look, I'm making an assumption here, and it could be incorrect. But I assume you're talking about our government bailing out the auto-industries, and banks. Now, obviously banks are a given. If a national bank is about to go under, there really isn't any need to explain why we need to give them money to re-set their foundation.

Once again, this is based on an assumption, which could be wrong. The auto-industry, which I've heard SO many people complain about. Is well worth what they were doing it for. They bring in a fuckload of money, and outside of health systems, I doubt anyone compares to how much money they bring in. SOOO many people are employeed by the Auto-industry its not funny. You have people working in factories, obviously it takes shitloads of people to run an entire factory. Next, people deliever the cars to their lots, and needed places. Then you have people who sell these cars on the lots. As well as people who sell parts, such as Autozone, and Advanced Auto. To top it all off, mechanics. Overall, I bet up to 10-15% of our population, work or does something to do with cars. Its not our governments fault, they have no power to invade businesses, reset the foundation, and run it themselves. Nor is it their fault they HAVE to give money to these places, unless you want to see unemployment rates skyrocket even more. To top it all off, it isn't their fault the CEO's of their companies are corrupt bastards.

be it our prison system which basically serves as a slave-labor system,

Never heard of this before. Go on, explain?

our ridiculous and harmful "drug war",

Obviously were going to try and outlaw things that end, and hurt so many peoples lives. I'll use a LEGAL drug, as my example. Alcohal, the number 1 killer on the roads, ruiner of families (ever been in a family with an alcohalic? You've just defined hell) and so much more. Obviously, we have to fight the drugs, meth, cocain, heroine, etc are the prime things we're fighting, and for damn good reason too.

our corrupt politicians.

I've still yet to see proof of how our poloticians are corrupt. Granted Bush fucked up a shit load, its basically been put back under control with Obama, and now we just have to rebuild our governments foundation as a whole. We need a Alexander Hamilton, to come along, and fix are damned economic problems, and I find you won't be complaining about anything when it comes to corrupt politicians. Because all nations go through corrupt politicians, as long as things are going smoothly, it seems to never be brought up.

..someone please tell me what the fuck I should be so proud of. That we can go buy a handgun, a bottle of whiskey and a flag to wave at the same store?

Look, I'm not saying were the greatest country in the world. But I most certainly feel the most secure, in America. I feel my government has the best checks and balances than any other country out there, and I feel that the "corrupt" politicians, are doing their best to try and solve our countries economic situation, to the point where were (the people) MUCH better off. As for drugs, they will always be here, the most we can do is try and stop them as much as possible.
To proclaim anyones government is 100% perfect, and not crooked is stupid, on anyones part. Whats so wrong with our government?

Except I'm not proclaiming that any government is 100% perfect.

What's so wrong with our government? Not very hip to current events are we Milky? Have you had your head in the sand the last decade? Iraq, Katrina, Valerie Plame, the Patriot Act, the suspension of habeas corpus. I can already tell you don't really know what your talking about Milky.

I would like to know what government in the world doesn't support high corporations.

Again, I never said some country didn't.

Its been like this since the beginning of our country.

Really now? So the United States was dominated by corporate lobbyists in 1776? History my friend Milky: You should look into it.

We have some, like Obama who are for "the people" (supposibly) Which is relatable to Thomas Jefferson. Then we have some like Bush who are for high socioty members, which is related to Alexander Hamilton (Except Hamilton had a GREAT use of money and shit)

As for corporations. Corporations bring in fucktons of money. Granted fundemental businesses would if there weren't so many corporations, as long as shit isn't just being monopolized, then this country will be perfectly fine. Once it becomes monopolized, we will be in trouble, greatly. Take Gas Stations for example. You have BP, Texico, Citco, Sonoco, then your fundemental stations here and there. Each one of these huge corporations have to keep their prices realitively the same. Causing compitition, causing prices to be lower.

Are you arguing about the capitalist system itself? Because that's not my argument. My argument is that corporate lobbyists (such as tobacco lobbyists) hold an unfair amount of influence over all three branches of government, which leads to the kind of bullshit like our current medical marijuana policy.

I think 95% of what the government does is for the people.

Not really. You think the government is seriously concerned about your health? Fat chance, if they gave a shit about your health they wouldn't have tobacco, alcohol, and Oxycontin legal.

Obama's currently trying to get healthcare through for our people (Which, hes using all the wrong sales pitches to get through or else it'd go through) This would obviously take a huge toll on taxes, etc. But the corporation, that is the insurance company continually upping their prices, would be dropped off entirely to 450$ a month, if you want good coverage. If you ask me, that sounds damn good for our people, and damn good for MY pockets.

What does healthcare have to do with my post? I never said anything about health care.

We allready have so many legal drunkards, and Chain smokers its not funny. Please don't add one more drug to our legal markets. If you ask me, it should all be abolished (Alcohal, Marijuana, and Cigs all)

Hilarious that you would say that. As though there aren't already millions of people who use marijuana in the United States. You think that regulating the drug is going to lead in a sharp increase of marijuana smokers or something? It doesn't, in fact it leads to exactly the opposite, as the drug abuse numbers in Amsterdam and Holland have proven. They have regulated and completely decriminalized marijuana, and the rates of drug use have in fact gone DOWN. As of 5 years ago, the US rates of drug use were nearly double that of the percentage of people in Amsterdam who used drugs.

So there goes that argument.

Theres no reason it should be legal either.

Let's see here...

  • Hundreds of thousands of less prisoners crowding the system and costing us millions in tax dollars
  • The medicinal use of marijuana for illnesses such as different types of cancer, AIDs, MS, glaucauma, and several others. THC has no negative physical side effects like a majority of cancer drugs do.
  • Drug rates in fact going DOWN
  • Taking a large and extremely lucrative business out of the hands of criminals, cartels, and gangs, which run these drug kingdoms.
  • Billions of dollars in tax revenue from the regulation and distribution of marijuana

I can continue if you'd like?

Well, I've allready stated about Healthcare, this would also provide the prescription drug industry hoax to come under full government control, and cause much less abuse of this industry. Again, helping the people.

What are you talking about Milky? Seriously, I have no idea what you're trying to argue with me here.

Incase you've forgotten. America is a Republic nation. All these people you're talking about are voted in by THE PEOPLE. Its the peoples own fault for voting for these men/women, no?

Thank you for once again proving to me that you don't know what you're talking about. No, Milky actually positions like the Secretary of Defense of Secretary of Homeland Security are NOT voted on by the people, cabinet members are chosen by the President.

Outside of Marijuana being illigal, you've failed to give any proof of this "pathetic" government we live in. I'm not even the most patriotic guy around, hell, I play with the words in the Pledge to America, but even I can see, my government treats me just fine.

Yes, they treat YOU just fine. Go talk to the rest of the world, where we've hand our hands in business we didn't belong in in order to increase the military-industrial complex. Do you know anything about the CIA? Coups? Chile? Iran? Afghanistan?

Tell you what, go look up things like the word "Black Ops", or "COINTELPRO", and than return and let's talk about how simply awesome fantastic super cool our government is again.

Its yet to be extinct. Go ahead, prove its extinct, please.

In a poll taken not 2 months ago from Zogby (do you know what Zogby is?), the results showed that 52% of Americans support the legalization of marijuana. Not just medical marijuana either, full blown regulated, taxed, and sold marijuana, the same as we do to alcohol or tobacco. A majority of the country wants that, and yet we're nowhere close to it.


The people DO want marijuana to be legalized Milky, that's why state after state has begun legalizing medical marijuana, and recently states have even begun to decriminalize marijuana entirely (Massachusetts most recently). The federal government however is still operating under the policy that marijuana is a "Schedule I" drug (do you know about drug scheduling), which means that marijuana should be considered as dangerous and as destructive as heroin and cocaine. Read that correctly? Yep, weed is as bad as heroin according to our current drug policy. That's a policy we can all put our faith into. Use some common sense.

What the hell are you talking about?

Clearly you don't understand, which is why you begin to talk about the recent bailouts now. Which I wasn't referring to, at all. I was referring to things like Haliburton. You're aware of what that is, right?

Never heard of this before. Go on, explain?

What's there to explain? Prisoners are used as labor forces by private companies, who the prison pimp them out to, where they pay them an absolute pittance for their work. Do you have any idea just how important the prison working force is? Clearly you don't, or you wouldn't need to explain.

Obviously were going to try and outlaw things that end, and hurt so many peoples lives.

Shocking considering how many incredibly dangerous drugs are sold by prescription than Milky. Since the government clearly cares about our health so much. That must be why every street corner has a pharmacy full of painkillers and cigarettes and a McDonalds and liquor store across the street. Because they care about our health. What a loving government.

I'll use a LEGAL drug, as my example. Alcohal, the number 1 killer on the roads, ruiner of families (ever been in a family with an alcohalic? You've just defined hell)


CLEARLY you don't know much about my upbringing Milky. I was surrounded by alcoholism and drug addiction since I was a child. Trust me when I say that I know what the fuck I'm talking about here.

Obviously, we have to fight the drugs, meth, cocain, heroine, etc are the prime things we're fighting, and for damn good reason too.

So you think marijuana is as dangerous as meth, cocaine, and heroin (2 out of 3 of which you couldn't spell correctly)?


I've still yet to see proof of how our poloticians are corrupt.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. How are politicians corrupt? You want evidence? Okay, here you go:

Are you seriously going to sit here and argue that we don't have corrupt politicians? Think about your answer for this one.

Granted Bush fucked up a shit load, its basically been put back under control with Obama

No it hasn't. Obama hasn't done shit, the only thing he's reversed of Bush's was the previous ban on stem cell research, which I gladly applaud him for doing. The Patriot Act? Still around.

and now we just have to rebuild our governments foundation as a whole. We need a Alexander Hamilton, to come along, and fix are damned economic problems, and I find you won't be complaining about anything when it comes to corrupt politicians. Because all nations go through corrupt politicians, as long as things are going smoothly, it seems to never be brought up.

So let me get this straight; not 2 paragraphs ago you asked me to cite proof that this country contains corrupt politicians, and now you've just come out and contradicted yourself by saying we do have corrupt politicians.


Look, I'm not saying were the greatest country in the world. But I most certainly feel the most secure, in America.

Sorry, the odds of a town in Sweden or Holland being the subject of a terrorist attack versus the odds of the US being the subject of a terrorist attack are drastically, drastically lower.

I feel my government has the best checks and balances than any other country out there, and I feel that the "corrupt" politicians, are doing their best to try and solve our countries economic situation, to the point where were MUCH better off.

Checks and balances, jesus Milky, really? I can tell your knowledge on the topic of government isn't very extensive. Which I couldn't have expected from someone as young as yourself.

Milky, I appreciate the attempt to debate me here, but you're simply out of your league here.
Awesome, the UN. They've never published a load of bullshit before. :lmao:

Just so we're clear, whose statistics do you accept? So far, any media who isn't Fox, The UN, Amnesty International, governmental agencies have all been "unreliable". Maybe their unreliable because you can't rely on them to tell you what you want to hear.

Not talking about immigrant population. I am talking about the number that we have to turn away. I'm talking about the number that risk their lives to get here, rather than live in their country. There are hundreds of thousands of people a year who would rather die in the desert than stay in Latin America. Plus, you can add about 15 million people to our immigrant population that are not on paper.

It was total immigrant population. Clearly, it might slightly be wrong based on estimates of illegals, but its pretty much accurate. Then, as for immigrants being turned away, it amazes me to think you are the only country to do this, yet again. And as for risking their lives, I'd rather try and cross a fence in the desert than try and cross hundreds of miles of ocean in this


We get immigrants in from fucking France, which isn't even a bad country, who try and walk through the Channel Tunnel. That's danger. Being beneath 300ft of sea and having to walk single file so you don't get hit by a train, which you can't see as it is dark is dangerous. So yes, there are other countries who have people risking their lives to get there. It's as if there is a huge disparity between poor and rich countries.

If I'm not mistaken, most of that survey includes the growth rates of those statistics. Tough to move up if you're on top. If not, I'm wrong. But it's just one study.

Except it isn't. It's the sum total of 10-15 studies easily arranged, in what just about all analysts think is the best system. The only often cited problem is that it doesn't have anything to do with ecological concerns, but I think we both know that including that won't exactly put the US on top of the world now don't we.

Meh, any individual could weight any of those categories differently and come up with a different result.

But you aren't top of any of the categories. I can't be bothered to do the all of the lowest level categories, but of the 5 larger sub categories here's where the US place

Life Expectancy

1st - Andorra
Countries humorously in front of the US - Jordan, Bosnia
US Position - 50th

Education Index

1st - Australia, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand (all equal)
Countries humorously in front of the US - Cuba, Slovenia,
US Position - =19th with Lithuania

GDP per capita

1st - Luxembourg
Countries humorously in front of the US - none really
US Position - 35th

For the record, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Ireland, Australia, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Finland & Denmark are ahead of you in everything, Canada and France occupy the two places immediately below you in GDP per capita, and are above you in everything else and Switzerland, Austria and Japan lack slightly in education. Even if you altered the analysis in your favour, for no actual reason other than to promote yourselves, there's no way youd end up above 10th. So to be honest, I can say with soe degree of certainty that you are wrong.

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