Pro-Wrestling Moves you used

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
So it's been a while since I had joined this fed, it's a shame that I don't have any Ask Me Vee or whatever thread. Still I don't want to commence any right now. But I've decided to start a thread.

We know "Don't try this at home or school" shits but still we would've used or tried the Pro-Wrestling moves at home on our siblings or cousins or even our foes at school.

First I'll list out the ones I used.

  • Moonsault
  • Bulldog
  • Roundhouse Kick
  • Disaster Kick
  • Gutwrench Suplex
  • Powerbomb
  • Dropkick
  • Lion Tamer
  • Figure Four Leg Lock
  • Sharpshooter
  • Anaconda Vise
  • Ankle Lock
  • Samoan Drop (which was a botch when I tried AA on a 100 Kg Guy, Mind you I was only 50 kg at that time)
Surprisingly, Vertical Suplex is the toughest move that I never could hit :shrug:
Yeah this is a stupid thread, but say what, I'm bored at work. So why not?
Me and my friend in school back in the day were huge wrestling fans. My cousins were all tough as nails and you could wail on them forever, perfect practice for our special double tag move. I would grab a (victim) in a reverse bear hug. My friend would run fast towards me from my six, I would spin the (victim) around and throw him at the same time ..right into a clothesline from my friend. Looking back on it, we were crazy as hell for doing that, it was super dangerous. We stopped after we had knocked my friends brother out cold for awhile.
Plus I have about 8 hours of VHS footage of us beating the crap out of each other on a thin pad over a concrete floor. The best move was a power bomb followed by a jumping hangtime elbow drop. Second best we ever recorded was my friend giving me a violent German suplex right on my head and folding me like an accordion. We watched that about a hundred times.
I'm always wrestling around with my wife and kids. The single greatest wannabe wrestler moment, was me and a cousin hitting the 3D on my brother putting him through a table that was rented for a block party.
Me and my son wrestle all the time. I taught him the DDT, and he then modified it, and now when he does it, he holds on and rolls into a submission attempt.....he's 3.5 lol
Everybody in Arkansas has done this.

I remember in my teenage years I'd trampoline wrestle with a few guys and we hit Rock Bottoms and Tombstones all the time. Powerbombing and Ankle Locks are bullshit though. Actually the Sharpshooter was my favorite move back then now that I think about it.
I had to use a waist lock a little more than a year ago to catch an escaping burglar.

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