Prince Devitt to WWE

Never even seen a picture of the guy but I've heard his name around here before. Thoughts?

Devitt is pretty awesome. I imagine he's in for a stint at NXT but he's already got most of the major tools. Unlike an indy guy, he's already figured out how to wrestle for major TV and PPV, just for a Japanese audience. He's definitely a guy with personality and ring skills. Excited to see what they can do with him.
Liked what I saw. Good look and all that jazz. Then fell in love when he started doing the body paint gimmick.

Hope he brings that over to WWE and starts a feud with Adrian Neville.

This signing may be able to free up Sami Zayn and he could hit the main roster.
Some of the body paint stuff was pretty badass.

I say he stays in NXT for a few months before they let him on the main roster. Problem I see though, is the black hole of creative. When they have no real direction, talent can be easily lost in the shuffle & Devitt is too good to be wasted.
Apparently KENTA may also be joining the WWE ranks (I'm very sceptical since the Japanese to English translations are horrendously poor). If so, those are two very good signings.

Some people say you can't become a "star" without WWE. Nah, you can, cause this dude did it. I've actually met him a good five or so times now, he's from just outside Dublin and I know what pub he drinks in, in Dublin, cause I sometimes drink there. He's a pretty cool guy, busts his ass, has spent the last seven years as one of the top guys in New Japan Pro Wrestling, is known for just being an all around great wrestler and personality. This is one of those signings WWE had to make sort of, he's someone they should have kept throwing more and more money at if he didn't initially agree.

My biggest fear is they'll do something stupid and stereotypical with him because he's Irish. I hope they don't do that, he's too good for that shit. It's real cool though that the three top Irish wrestlers over the last ten years or so are now signed to WWE.
Top top worker. Always used to hear reports of his greatness when I was outside of wrestling for a while, people saying he was the best Jr Heavy on the planet. I've since checked him out and he's got a nearly full package (can't honestly say what he's like as a promo as he didn't do too many in NJPW). What sold him to me as a major player was the way he changed his moveset for his heel turn, changed the way he moved around the ring, took to his repackaging and went with it.

Here's a match chosen at random, vs PAC (Adrian Neville) from NJPW's annual Super Junior tournament in 2012.

Hate being pedantic but the story on the front page contains a minor inaccuracy.

Rumors have been circulating for months now, dating back to November of 2013 when he lost the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship to Kota Ibushi at Wrestle Kingdom 8

WK8 was January 2014, but rumours have been circulating forever*

*not actually forever
Hate being pedantic but the story on the front page contains a minor inaccuracy.

Rumors have been circulating for months now, dating back to November of 2013 when he lost the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Championship to Kota Ibushi at Wrestle Kingdom 8

WK8 was January 2014, but rumours have been circulating forever*

*not actually forever

Outside of Killam the main page writers don't know shit about wrestling outside of WWE and TNA. Justin LaBar once inaccurately promoted the date an event he was appearing on for a month before realizing it. They're mentally ******ed. Except for Killam.
Devitt is awesome, i love the body paint gimmick too. He was over in the UK recently and was painted up as Spawn for his PCW match.

And fuck me, that is an incredible 6-pack!! He must train like a beast
Anyone who's celtic, used to come out to "You're the Best" by Joe Esposito and wears bad-ass (though nerdy in reference) body paint is okay in my book.

Also helps that I watched a few of his matches this morning and really rather enjoyed them, espeically a match he and Tanahashi (I can see why he's the company's biggest star) had that Meltzer apparently gave five stars and a terrific encounter between him and Ibushi (who I know and like very much) at Wrestle Kingdom 8.

Looking forward to his arrival.
In what sense? Genuine question.

First the guy is a fantastic worker with a great look, but he does have an accent and that may affect his promos. I wouldn't cast him as a talker kind of guy, but I would definetly keep the body painting.

Now to answer you question - I think he means a "star" in the wrestling world in a sense that every major promotion wants to grab him. He was a guy that started from the independents in the UK, didn't really have a break in the States and proved everyone wrong in Japan. New Japan is still a very strong company domestically (35.000 people at WK8) and people do know their stars and Devitt was probably "the hottest" non-japanese guy in the last few years.

I know that he also did some stuff for Calvin Klein in Japan or whatever, but that's because of the guy's look. I think that he has a shot of being a big asset for the WWE, but he can fail as much as the next guy. In the ring though he'll be able to amaze you, while others might not. Watch one of his matches, he isn't a "spot monkey" and for a guy that dominated the Jr. Division in Japan, that says a lot.

Also this gif is awesome

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