President Trump is increasingly looking screwed


Excellence of Execution
After news of the meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr. himself put out e-mails today (after being told by the New York Times they were about to release them) which clearly show an intent of those three to meet with a "Russian government attorney" to get information damaging to the Clinton campaign. His e-mails also state the following from Rob Goldstone, the intermediary between the attorney and Trump Jr.:

"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father. This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."

To recap, members of the Trump campaign, including President Trump's own son, met with a Russian government attorney in an attempt to garner information obtained by the Russian government in the Russians' attempt to help President Trump.

President Trump is increasingly looking screwed.
I'm not holding my breath on this amounting to much, I've already started to see conservatives explain why this means nothing.
And Trump will shrug, call it a liberal witch hunt, blame Obama, call his son loyal and post statements with very poor syntax about it on Twitter. His followers will parrot what he says, continue to think NPR is complaining about nothing when they're really tweeting the Declaration of Independence and claim to be forgotten because it's time to take America back from the liberal cabal. Oh and the rest of the GOP will shake their heads and cry in private because they're managing to botch this.
Yeah I'm with JGlass on this. I've made the mistake of reading the comments on Facebook articles posted by multiple news sites about this and far to many of them are pro Trump.

Like okay, I understand this guy does have a base and all that, but when does it stop being that are you supporting your guy through a potential controversy and start becoming burying your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes, and yelling "I can't hear!" in an attempt to just ignore what looks like clear evidence of wrong doing?
Did I get him?

I watched a little Fox News and they clearly explained:

1. Nothingburger
2. But Comey and why
3. And then Hillary/DNC/Podesta
4. Agenda

So that about sums it up. Nothingburger to see here.
I look at some headlines I see in the news and it makes me feel like this is some sort of parody from a show in the 90s.
Yeah I'm with JGlass on this. I've made the mistake of reading the comments on Facebook articles posted by multiple news sites about this and far to many of them are pro Trump.

Like okay, I understand this guy does have a base and all that, but when does it stop being that are you supporting your guy through a potential controversy and start becoming burying your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes, and yelling "I can't hear!" in an attempt to just ignore what looks like clear evidence of wrong doing?

I'm thinking about the day he announced his candidacy.
I'm not holding my breath on this amounting to much, I've already started to see conservatives explain why this means nothing.
I actually just read someone pushing the theory that the Democrats set up the meeting between the Russian attorney and Trump Jr.

I'm surprised my head didn't explode at the stupidity. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what the morons who make up his base think, what matters if what the Republicans with real power think. The moment Trump becomes an albatross to their re-election chances, he's going to lose his protection.
I actually just read someone pushing the theory that the Democrats set up the meeting between the Russian attorney and Trump Jr.

I'm surprised my head didn't explode at the stupidity. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what the morons who make up his base think, what matters if what the Republicans with real power think. The moment Trump becomes an albatross to their re-election chances, he's going to lose his protection.

Absolutely, but I also think that there's a sentiment among the GOP that if they cannibalize Trump, then their whole brand is going to be more tainted than it would be if they just denied denied denied. I think the GOP has gone all-in on Trump, and it's too late for them to back out now. Admitting defeat here would be a massive embarrassment to the party, and it may not be worth losing the support of the voters that Trump brought in to win back the support of the voters Trump has driven off.

Furthermore, I think many conservatives have begun to view the Trump-Russia story the same way the left views Benghazi: a witch hunt drummed up by sore losers. They probably don't even care that Trump Jr. himself posted these documents, they'll still say it's a liberal conspiracy.

I think the only way that the Republicans turn on Trump is if he's caught red handed, pants down, dick in his mouth, and unfortunately I don't think that this is it. There's too many ways for them to deny that this is as big a deal as it actually is. I hope I'm wrong, but again, I feel like they've backed the Trump Train so hard for so long that it's too late for them to hop off.
Furthermore, I think many conservatives have begun to view the Trump-Russia story the same way the left views Benghazi: a witch hunt drummed up by sore losers. They probably don't even care that Trump Jr. himself posted these documents, they'll still say it's a liberal conspiracy.
As I stated in my last post, that is literally the argument being made by some.

I think the only way that the Republicans turn on Trump is if he's caught red handed, pants down, dick in his mouth, and unfortunately I don't think that this is it. There's too many ways for them to deny that this is as big a deal as it actually is. I hope I'm wrong, but again, I feel like they've backed the Trump Train so hard for so long that it's too late for them to hop off.
I don't know. Neither Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell have been very open about supporting the President and Senators Graham and McCain has been pretty harsh. There's a lot of power in the Republican party right now which haven't been too supportive.
As I stated in my last post, that is literally the argument being made by some.

It takes a special blend of stubbornness and stupidity to view this story as anything other than what it is, but I guess that's just America in 2017. Then again, Republicans do have a track record of this as compared to Dems...

I don't know. Neither Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell have been very open about supporting the President and Senators Graham and McCain has been pretty harsh. There's a lot of power in the Republican party right now which haven't been too supportive.

I was actually going to make reference to these exact 4 senators but decided against it. I agree with you that Graham and McCain have been vocal detractors, and they're not alone. The Republican senator from Maine has also been a notable Trump detractor. But I think Ryan, McConnell, and Rand have all been pretty complicit in Trump's agenda, and those are just the big names. They haven't vocally thrown support behind Trump, but they haven't taken enough measures to distance themselves from his brand of governance for my liking.
It takes a special blend of stubbornness and stupidity to view this story as anything other than what it is, but I guess that's just America in 2017. Then again, Republicans do have a track record of this as compared to Dems...
Yeah, I've said for a long time I'm not a Democrat, I'm just anti-Republican. Things like that are exactly why.

I was actually going to make reference to these exact 4 senators but decided against it. I agree with you that Graham and McCain have been vocal detractors, and they're not alone. The Republican senator from Maine has also been a notable Trump detractor. But I think Ryan, McConnell, and Rand have all been pretty complicit in Trump's agenda, and those are just the big names. They haven't vocally thrown support behind Trump, but they haven't taken enough measures to distance themselves from his brand of governance for my liking.
The agenda yes, the President, however, no. They're using him as a tool, nothing more. And if the tool breaks and puts the job in jeopardy, I think they'll cast him aside. I just don't know what it will take before enough Trump supporters finally jump ship.
I would ask them why Wikilinks didn't publish the emails setting up the meeting if the democrats were behind it?
That's actually a good response, though not verbose enough for me. :)

Here's what I went with:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not sure I even have the words to properly mock this desperation. But I'm gonna try.

So you're pushing the theory the Democrats colluded with Russia with the idea Russia would collude with Trump in such a manner it would cost the Democrats the presidential election. Meanwhile, according to Republicans, President Obama did "nothing" about the Russian interference because he thought the Democrat was going to win the presidential election the Democrats colluded with Russia to actively work against their own candidate, all so after the Democrats lost the presidential election they could accuse Trump of colluding with Russia in order to gain the power they willingly threw away by colluding with Russia to work against them in the first place.

Seriously, who is stupid enough to believe this stuff?

Also, how does that change the fact the Trump campaign clearly intended to collude with the Russian government?
Sly makes a fairly good point, especially about McConnell. The guy is more concerned about keeping his seat of power than almost anything else. Sure you have a couple of long serving Republicans like McCain who have spoken out against Trump, but a fair number of major players in the party either A) Just want to keep their job like McConnell and he doesn't need Trump to keep his spot becquase for some reason I've yet to comprehend Kentuckians love the guy or B) are guys like Paul Ryan who don't want to rock the boat and risk their own political future. I don't think he will make a major anti Trump push unless he believes it will help him further his career.
That's actually a good response, though not verbose enough for me. :)

Here's what I went with:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not sure I even have the words to properly mock this desperation. But I'm gonna try.

So you're pushing the theory the Democrats colluded with Russia with the idea Russia would collude with Trump in such a manner it would cost the Democrats the presidential election. Meanwhile, according to Republicans, President Obama did "nothing" about the Russian interference because he thought the Democrat was going to win the presidential election the Democrats colluded with Russia to actively work against their own candidate, all so after the Democrats lost the presidential election they could accuse Trump of colluding with Russia in order to gain the power they willingly threw away by colluding with Russia to work against them in the first place.

Seriously, who is stupid enough to believe this stuff?

Also, how does that change the fact the Trump campaign clearly intended to collude with the Russian government?

So......the whole Vince is terrorizing his own family, all to take the title off of Austin, which he had pretty much already done in the first place?

Ladies and Gentlemen, a Vince Russo booked Presidential election.
So......the whole Vince is terrorizing his own family, all to take the title off of Austin, which he had pretty much already done in the first place?

Ladies and Gentlemen, a Vince Russo booked Presidential election.

I guess so. The sheer stupidity of late is becoming almost overwhelming.
Its called a plan B mate. The democrats who thought it was impossible to lose to trump so much so that they made sure Bernie didnt win the nomination actually had a plan just in case the very thing they thought wouldnt happen did in fact actually end up happening
Its called a plan B mate. The democrats who thought it was impossible to lose to trump so much so that they made sure Bernie didnt win the nomination actually had a plan just in case the very thing they thought wouldnt happen did in fact actually end up happening

So the big news right now is that Trump is threatening to cut the healthcare plans of the Congress.

I honestly think he's trying to get impeached at this point, preferably (for him) for something unrelated to Russia so he can avoid having his name tarnished permanently. I think he's trying to burn any good will he has with Congress so the few allies he does have there will be unwilling or unable to resist the pressure from the public and their colleagues to impeach Trump. Then again, most Trump allies seem to be in so deep already that if Trump goes down, they'll likely be going down with him.

Shit is crazy, man.
I can't believe he hasn't quit yet. He doesn't want to be there, clearly. Pence could pardon him for any crimes, if any actually exist. I can only speculate he wants to be impeached to keep his base fired up for when he starts his own TV/streaming service.
I can't believe he hasn't quit yet. He doesn't want to be there, clearly. Pence could pardon him for any crimes, if any actually exist. I can only speculate he wants to be impeached to keep his base fired up for when he starts his own TV/streaming service.

That's definitely part of it. He doesn't want to quit because his whole persona is built on being tougher than the snowflakes that oppose him, and if he quits that means the snowflakes win.

He also doesn't want to deal with being impeached for anything that could land him in jail, or at least have him labelled as a fraud/traitor/something that stands in opposition of his Mr. America persona. Pence pardoning him could solve his legal issues, but Ford pardoning Nixon did nothing for either of their careers. If anything, Pence pardoning him would just make Trump look even more corrupt.

I think that's why he's playing these games with congress. He wants them to move on impeachment before the Russia investigation goes any further and they can impeach him for collusion or treason. Maybe he hopes they'll impeach him for incompetence, that way he can hold more rallies full of ignorant hillbillies and indignantly ask them if they think he's incompetent and then casually encourage them to pursue violent ends against progressives.

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