Presenting WZCW All-Stars

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Lord And Master
Staff member

Hello everyone!​

On behalf of WrestleZone Championship Wrestling, we are sending you an open invitation to anyone on the forums to come try out for the special event known as All-Stars! It's the one round in our calendar that opens its doors to everyone without (almost) any restrictions, accepting the most absurd and funniest characters to have fun for one major Pay-Per-View event.

For those who have considered joining our ranks or wanted to try something new, the All-Stars event is the perfect place for you! All you have to do is submit a character in the Application Thread and then submit a RolePlay piece when your character is placed in their very own match! Then, just wait until the magic unfolds when All-Stars goes live!

Need an example of All-Stars? Just click one of the two events listed below and it will link you to the appropriate All-Stars event:

So yeah, wacky characters in wacky matches.

Anyway, if you'd like to apply to All-Stars, please click here to take you to the Application Process. It's relatively simple to follow and we've already got some applicants so follow their lead. The deadline is Thursday, 5th of February, 11:59 CST to get in your application before we stop taking applications be quick to get yours in!

Hopefully, I'll get to see you join WZCW for All-Stars and, if we can, impress you enough to stay! We've had a number of All-Stars Applicants turn into actual mainstay characters such as S.H.I.T, a cardboard robot who is a former two-time champion and recently headlined our latest Pay-Per-View WZCW Revolution: New Year's Redemption in an "I Quit" Elimination Tag Team match for the WZCW World Tag Team Championships. If you're interested to read this one, click here!

Sorry, had to insert the shameless plug. :) Anyway, that's enough from me... but if you have any questions about All-Stars, feel free to ask me in the form of a PM and I'll get back to you ASAP. Otherwise, you can go to the WZCW Section of the Forums, right under the Non-Spam Wrestling Section.

Thanks to FalKon for writing this up.

(Deadline may be extended)
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