Predictions For Triple H's Appearance On Raw Next Week


Occasional Pre-Show
and going with some new reports on WM 28 plans (which i love by the way)

My question is, what are everyone's thoughts on Triple H finally turning heel on Monday, and going after Punk for the title

i think HHH's character has gotten a bit stale lately, the type of guy that can instantly switch from heel to face and vice versa and make it work without a hitch

could have Nash come back and act like hes gonna side with Punk, but then attacks him again, and goes back with HHH.

Punk made an interesting comment during his promo last week, mentioned laurinaitus and even Cena has "Company guys"

heres my thought. I know theres no stables left in WWE, but create one with HHH, Nash, Johnny Ace, and...............then you have Cena's finally turning heel and joining them and call the heel group "THE COMPANY" or something like that, all guys that are "supposedly whats best for WWE" and just want control

yep, that actually sounds as corny as he reads, so my bad guys hahha. Oh well, just a thought
I just can't get wrapped up in a CM Punk v Triple H feud right now. That's all it's been for the past several months is CM Punk vs "The Company" already. It's a been there/done that game that should be done/over with for for the time being, UNLESS they really want to turn CM Punk into the next Stone Cold Steve Austin.

If that's the case however, Triple H doesn't need to be the "Company" guy that Punk fights.. It needs to be someone like Jericho, etc. that is more on his level, just as The Rock was a part of the Corporation back in the late 90's.

It just doesn't make sense though to re-hash the same feud of Punk vs Triple H we just gone done with and then bring back in people like Nash.

Honestly, I think Stephanie is coming back and Jericho is a part of something with her. Perhaps a "Company" type thing, but we shall see.
yeah, just not seeing what HHH has to offer next week, if he just shows up to "FIRE" Johnny Ace, sounds like a big waste of time from a programming standpoint
Yea I don't like the idea, its a been there done that kind of deal, and it'll make punk into way to much of a one dimensional character, they need to make punk interesting in other ways that aren't being a "rebel" a feud with jericho for punk would be better IMO, and i don't think ill ever see the day where hhh actually puts over punk.
I don't know how cena came up in all of this to? he's not turning heel and especially not right before wrestlemania
Here's my prediction for Triple H's return...

Motorhead comes out of the speakers, the crowd goes nuts, he walks down to the ring and spits a bunch of water all over the place...

Then he calls JL out of the back.

Then a bunch of lame shit will be said. None of which will be even close to important. Nothing will really change.

Then there will be more Motorhead.

Then they'll cut to commercial.

The only thing that will come out of it will be Triple H is back, so any interesting dudes or chicks will have to take a backseat to his weekly crapfest for a while.
My bet is that he comes back, doesn't fire Lauranitis because if he fires him then the storyline between Punk and Lauranitis goes down the drain or he does fire him and then re-hires him as a WWE Superstar, setting up Punk and Lauranitis' match at Elimination Chamber PPV. As for Triple-H I expect him if all the rumors are true - about him facing The Undertaker at WrestleMania - to come out and basically call The Undertaker out or announce something related to WrestleMania and The Undertaker's Undefeated Streak.
I said it as soon as the announcement was made, Triple H is turning heel next week. He's going to either thank Laurinaitis for screwing Punk or fire Laurinaitis despite him calling a fair match and Punk winning. If the WWE is really dead set on him vs Undertaker 2.0, he needs to be full blown heel in order for it to be believable. No feud with Punk, that's already been done. Punk moves on to his next contender, the winner of the Royal Rumble, Chris Jericho.
Here's my prediction for Triple H's return...

Motorhead comes out of the speakers, the crowd goes nuts, he walks down to the ring and spits a bunch of water all over the place...

Then he calls JL out of the back.

Then a bunch of lame shit will be said. None of which will be even close to important. Nothing will really change.

Then there will be more Motorhead.

Then they'll cut to commercial.

The only thing that will come out of it will be Triple H is back, so any interesting dudes or chicks will have to take a backseat to his weekly crapfest for a while.

As long as Triple H sticks around for a few weeks, I'm happy. I'm going to Raw on Feb 6th, so it'd be sweet to see Triple H there. so, being a huge Triple H fan, any time I get to see the guy, I'm all for it. :)
Come in, start a feud with an irrelevant guy, push Punk about 4 or 5 spots down the card, also steal any momentum he may have been building with Ziggler and JL for I don't know, THE LAST COUPLE OF MONTHS.

Actually it'll be Undertaker and Triple H 3.0 lol just a thought but no i think triple h is gonna turn heel and side with JL and face punk at WM the deadman will get the two have never had a WM match. Id like to see it because well probably get Punk and jericho at EC anyway.
Johnny Ace sucks up to the board, to the camera, takes back all the things he's done over the last 6 months, Triple H calls him out on all of it, then the board representative thanks Hunter for his case, and Johnny Ace walks out smuggly as the board takes his side (The board are of course, the only smarks dumber than Michael Cole).

Johnny Ace then let's HHH know he's an active competitor still, and makes his life hell over the next month or so, when we finally see Triple H gain a foothold in the power struggle before WM, and Johnny pulls out a ringer to have a power grab match at mania, Trips versus Johnny's ringer, winner gets the permanent GM position.

Possible Ringers; Undertaker, (although I don't think even with JL, he'll be able to play a heel with how behind him the crowd is) Kane, Ziggles, Chris Jericho (He's still confusing the hell out of me) and probably some swerve like a returning embracing hate Zack Ryder (please no). In reality, the only names you can rule out are Cena/Rock, since WWE has a quick way through Kane to turn anyone heel.

I really hope they don't turn HHH heel for this, it would make no sense with how much JL has screwed him.

Cena's heel turn has been set in motion, he will be AT least a heel tweener, BUT he still not be siding with JL anytime soon. He has Kane now, he has a backlash with kane by EC, with probably a screwed out of title story, followed by Rock, he is too busy to side with a huge thorn in his foot until the via satelite match is over.
Come in, start a feud with an irrelevant guy, push Punk about 4 or 5 spots down the card, also steal any momentum he may have been building with Ziggler and JL for I don't know, THE LAST COUPLE OF MONTHS.


Lol. Triple H's new shirt.

I see HHH coming out and getting ready to fire JL, only to be interrupted by Taker, who HHH then turns his attention to and we get no answer about JL. I see HHH turn heel as he tries to convince Taker for "one more chance", but Undertaker plays the same "I already beat you" card he did when Shawn was opting for a second chance. HHH snaps and beats the hell out of Taker, setting up their match.
Well i have a feeling the undertaker will be an unnanounced entry in the rumble so HHH's job next monday will be to start the ball rolling for their wrestlemania match
It really all depends on what happens with Jericho and what direction they want to go with him. If he's going to feud with Punk, then I see an angle with Triple H still being the good guy and when he calls out JL to fire him for presumably screwing Punk out of the belt, JL will bring out Stephanie who has been calling the shots all along. She will then bring out Jericho.

If Jericho is going to feud with The Undertaker, then I think Triple H will resume his feud with CM Punk (and CM Punk will still be champion).
I think Triple H's limo is going to pull into the parking lot and then explode...

Okay, not really. What's going to happen is as Triple H gets out of his limo and starts to walk across the parking lot a car is going to run him over!

Okay, I was kidding again, sorry I couldn't help myself. Seriously though I do see something happening to him to keep him from actually getting to do what he's "supposed" to do. JL will lead up an investigation behind the incident. HHH will be MIA again for a little while as the investigation goes on, under the interrogations of JL's legal advisor David Otunga the Warrior Lawyer. Otunga will interview all known enemies and rivals of HHH and when he gets to Jericho, Chris won't say a word. Triple H could return at EC just like Christian did last year to save Edge and save Punk from the real culprit who "attacked" him, maybe even Nash if they decide to do that again. Hell, maybe Foley does it to garner JL's favor, or better yet, Drew McIntyre does it to get a job on RAW and into the Elimination Chamber which will not be explained until later...

Okay, that was more than I intended to say, but the idea came to me and I ran with it.
No way I want HHH against Punk because that would mean HHH will hold the title AGAIN and keep it for as long as he wants.

There is no way HHH is going to put over Punk, even though that would be the right thing to do at this point.
I really hope they don't start a punk/hhh or hhh/taker feud. I hate the idea of either. Though my predictions are that HHH and Punk make Johnny Ace's night a living hell.
I expect HHH to turn heel. How this affects booking plans is interesting. CM Punk needs to be champion and kept strong heading into Wrestlemania. It makes no sense the rumour of Undertaker returning to face a returning Jericho, unless Jericho wins the Rumble then cuts a huge heel promo stating he is going to the main event of face UNDERTAKER. I just do not see that happening. HHH returning is fine, provided he is back to put over Punk. It would make zero sense to have him return, pick up the fued from September last year only to bury Punk again. Destroys months of booking. Labar again throwing chips to the pigeons. HHH was last seen on television, he basically called Undertaker out and set the platform for a return match with Taker. Makes no sense to kill off Nash then wipe that under the carpet also. WWE REALLY have an opportunity to use HHH as a dastardly heel, and use him to elevate Punk even further. The shoddy treatment as champion he has copped is sad, they have money right there, use it.
I really do not want to see Triple h vs Taker 3. I would really hate WM if this happens. I do see Triple h vs The Miz, Y2J vs Punk, and Taker vs Kane 3. If time serves me right. Did Triple h lose his spot as COO and of course im talking about his on screen character. JL will not be fired next Monday. I wish but it jus doesnt make sense. Triple H may somehow get involved in this and Punk/JL storyline. He may be assigned as the special referee to their match at EC. During that. The Miz could beat the crap out of triple h and punk thus causing punk to lose. Y2J could come out and help Miz. I know this is unlikely to happen but its possible.
I think the triple H vs Punk feud wasn't done right and there wasn't any real closure. Punk blamed HHH for the txt message and when he realised it wasn't him he teamed up with him and then HHH had the fight with Nash.

To me that wasn't handled right and it was stupid. HHH should never have went over punk. The guy just doesn't like having people go over him and if they do (Undertaker at WM) then he's the one that walks out while the other guy gets stretchered away.

IF they change their plans to Punk vs HHH at WM28, then I want Punk to win with some sort of huge spot and HHH has to get taken out on the stretcher. They should make it some sort of no DQ, no countout, no interference match because I doubt HHH's ability to deliver a great pure wrestling match at WM. WM19 vs Booker was boring, WM21 vs Batista was boring, WM22 vs Cena was ok but nothing special, WM25 vs Orton was boring, WM26 vs Shaemus was boring, then WM27 is a no DQ match and it is the best match of the night.
I said it as soon as the announcement was made, Triple H is turning heel next week. He's going to either thank Laurinaitis for screwing Punk or fire Laurinaitis despite him calling a fair match and Punk winning. If the WWE is really dead set on him vs Undertaker 2.0, he needs to be full blown heel in order for it to be believable. No feud with Punk, that's already been done. Punk moves on to his next contender, the winner of the Royal Rumble, Chris Jericho.

Shawn micheals wasnt a full blown heel in either of his wrestlemania matches with the undertaker. Why does HHH HAVE to be a full blown heel? also, it would be HHH Vs Undertaker 3.0.

Johnny Ace sucks up to the board, to the camera, takes back all the things he's done over the last 6 months, Triple H calls him out on all of it, then the board representative thanks Hunter for his case, and Johnny Ace walks out smuggly as the board takes his side (The board are of course, the only smarks dumber than Michael Cole).

Johnny Ace then let's HHH know he's an active competitor still, and makes his life hell over the next month or so, when we finally see Triple H gain a foothold in the power struggle before WM, and Johnny pulls out a ringer to have a power grab match at mania, Trips versus Johnny's ringer, winner gets the permanent GM position.

Possible Ringers; Undertaker, (although I don't think even with JL, he'll be able to play a heel with how behind him the crowd is) Kane, Ziggles, Chris Jericho (He's still confusing the hell out of me) and probably some swerve like a returning embracing hate Zack Ryder (please no). In reality, the only names you can rule out are Cena/Rock, since WWE has a quick way through Kane to turn anyone heel.

I really hope they don't turn HHH heel for this, it would make no sense with how much JL has screwed him.

Cena's heel turn has been set in motion, he will be AT least a heel tweener, BUT he still not be siding with JL anytime soon. He has Kane now, he has a backlash with kane by EC, with probably a screwed out of title story, followed by Rock, he is too busy to side with a huge thorn in his foot until the via satelite match is over.

I agree that it makes no sense whatsoever to turn HHH heel and have him side with laryngitus after he underhandedly made sure HHH lost his position as raw gm.
Why would HHH do this?
Stupid IWC fools making up stupid stories in the hope that it happens so you can say to the rest of the IWC "thats what i said would happen, im so clever and smart".

Think about it!
I think the triple H vs Punk feud wasn't done right and there wasn't any real closure. Punk blamed HHH for the txt message and when he realised it wasn't him he teamed up with him and then HHH had the fight with Nash.

To me that wasn't handled right and it was stupid. HHH should never have went over punk. The guy just doesn't like having people go over him and if they do (Undertaker at WM) then he's the one that walks out while the other guy gets stretchered away.

IF they change their plans to Punk vs HHH at WM28, then I want Punk to win with some sort of huge spot and HHH has to get taken out on the stretcher. They should make it some sort of no DQ, no countout, no interference match because I doubt HHH's ability to deliver a great pure wrestling match at WM. WM19 vs Booker was boring, WM21 vs Batista was boring, WM22 vs Cena was ok but nothing special, WM25 vs Orton was boring, WM26 vs Shaemus was boring, then WM27 is a no DQ match and it is the best match of the night.

Why do idiots like yourself forget about the countless times HHH has put other guys over?

Thats a serious question. I would like a serious answer.

Batista, Randy Orton, Edge, John Cena, Kurt Angle...
Do some research and you will find many more examples.

Someone needs to call your mama.
I really hope they do not scrap Jericho/Punk and give us Undertaker/Jericho and HHH/Punk. To be honest, neither of these matches appeal to me as much as Jericho/Punk does. Think about it, Jericho/Punk would be a great bell to bell match and the buildup would be incredible. And for those saying Jericho wouldn't put over Punk as much as HHH would, would anyone even care about this match seeing as Jericho/Undertaker and Cena/Rock would completely overshadow it? Triple H and Punk had a match already at NOC and it wasn't too good. Rehashing the conspiracy storyline is just played out seeing as it fizzled out months ago and there would really be not a lot of interest in having Punk just making the same old comments about Stephanie, the WWE, and Vince, when a Jericho feud would be new and exciting.

Jericho and Punk is what would make this Wrestlemania exciting to me. I want to see wrestling and not some guy with a bad quad going over a guy who is in his prime. Besides, Triple H has already laid out the groundwork for an Undertaker match and Jericho going after Undertaker would be stupid seeing as Jericho is trying to get heat right now to feud with Punk. Why would Jericho be doing this other than just getting people to tune in? Maybe they completely swerve everyone and give us Punk/Taker and Jericho/HHH :0? Lol, nah I just think Jericho/Punk needs to happen now and on the grandest stage of them all WM28. Not SummerSlam or any other PPV for that matter. Just the buildup alone would overshadow anything Triple H could do for Punk. So please Vince, make Jericho/Punk happen and remind us the high caliber of wrestling that Wrestlemania is supposed to give us.
I think the triple H vs Punk feud wasn't done right and there wasn't any real closure. Punk blamed HHH for the txt message and when he realised it wasn't him he teamed up with him and then HHH had the fight with Nash.

To me that wasn't handled right and it was stupid. HHH should never have went over punk. The guy just doesn't like having people go over him and if they do (Undertaker at WM) then he's the one that walks out while the other guy gets stretchered away.

IF they change their plans to Punk vs HHH at WM28, then I want Punk to win with some sort of huge spot and HHH has to get taken out on the stretcher. They should make it some sort of no DQ, no countout, no interference match because I doubt HHH's ability to deliver a great pure wrestling match at WM. WM19 vs Booker was boring, WM21 vs Batista was boring, WM22 vs Cena was ok but nothing special, WM25 vs Orton was boring, WM26 vs Shaemus was boring, then WM27 is a no DQ match and it is the best match of the night.

At this point, I'm sure HHH just wants to protect his legacy...he doesn't want to be the one guy who goes out on his back and starts putting people over. Rock doesn't have a problem with that because he's a movie star now (and back then).

I think there were some key foreshadowing "swerve" lines that Punk put in last night that makes me believe they will turn HHH heel. When Punk said "I hope HHH comes back and says You're Fired!" that alone just made me believe they're trying to lead the casuals down one road to hit them with the heel turn next week. Of course, the IWC will see that coming, but we see everything coming :)

What I hope is that we somehow get Stephanie next week, and I'm very interested in what Jericho's "end of the world as we know it" means, and how it might play into this.

Are HHH/Stephanie going to be opposing each other? Say HHH doesn't turn heel and tries to "side" with Punk, but then Stephanie comes out, says she is actually on the Board of Directors now or something and overrules HHH, says JL stays as GM or sets up a match that involves Foley or Jericho to put the GM spot on the line.

Ultimately, I do NOT want to see Foley as GM, nor do I want to see HHH back in that spot again, either. I don't know who I'd want in there...maybe they'll give it to Otunga, lol. Coffee mugs for everyone!
I cannot for the life of me ever remember HHH putting over Kurt Angle.....never happened. HHH put over Batista, he made him in to a bona fide main eventer. He even gave Benoit the rub he most certainly needed in 2004. He buired Booker T, he buried Kurt Angle, he whinged and complained about doing the right thing when Goldberg was came along. HHH refused to put over Scott Steiner which killed his WWE tenure. Evolution was the vehicle that made Orton into the superstar he is. Triple H. if he is going to return to inring action and compete at Wrestlemania against Punk,needs to put him over, clean and decisive. Burying the best breakout star they have had in years does zero for WWE.

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