Pre-Employment Drug Test (Alcohol question.)


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So I have to do a pre-employment drug test and it was called just that - a drug test.

I've done one before, a urine one, and it seemed to go by fine. Now I haven't touched any kind of drugs, but I drink regularly (5 times a week) and I did so when I took that last test.

My question is if they find alcohol abuse or alcohol dependency, is it likely they'll terminate my offer?

I think this test will actually even be a hair test, which makes matters worse from what I've read since urine can't tell about alcohol dependency.

This is just a desk job and isn't a big deal, not federal or anything, so do you think it's likely they even test for (legal-which makes this such bs) alcohol? Have you ever heard about anyone losing a job because of pre-employment alcohol failure?

Any relative info will be much appreciated.
You are fine. Drug tests for employment doesnt look for alcohol. Damn near everyone drinks alcohol. They are just looking for traces of HTC or crack that kind of shit.

I'm in the military and have pounded a bottle of JD the night before I got called in to take a drug test.
As someone who became a bit of a drug test-passing expert in his teenage years, trust me, you'll be fine. They're not going to be able to test for levels of alcohol in your hair. They'll just see alcohol in it and say "Oh, okay, he had a drink sometime in the last few months" and move on.

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